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This paper discusses the random coefficient model applied to panel data in a time-series context. Some of the basic issues involved in pooling problems are studied. An analysis of a first-order autoregressive model, where the autoregressive coefficients across units are regarded as a random sample from a beta distribution, is presented and illustrated by an example using real data. Generalizations to higher-order models are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents and evaluates alternative methods for multi-step forecasting using univariate and multivariate functional coefficient autoregressive (FCAR) models. The methods include a simple “plug-in” approach, a bootstrap-based approach, and a multi-stage smoothing approach, where the functional coefficients are updated at each step to incorporate information from the time series captured in the previous predictions. The three methods are applied to a series of U.S. GNP and unemployment data to compare performance in practice. We find that the bootstrap-based approach out-performs the other two methods for nonlinear prediction, and that little forecast accuracy is sacrificed using any of the methods if the underlying process is actually linear.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of models specifically tailored for spatiotemporal data analysis. To this end, we generalize the spatial autoregressive model with autoregressive and heteroskedastic disturbances, that is, SARAR(1, 1), by exploiting the recent advancements in score‐driven (SD) models typically used in time series econometrics. In particular, we allow for time‐varying spatial autoregressive coefficients as well as time‐varying regressor coefficients and cross‐sectional standard deviations. We report an extensive Monte Carlo simulation study in order to investigate the finite‐sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator for the new class of models as well as its flexibility in explaining a misspecified dynamic spatial dependence process. The new proposed class of models is found to be economically preferred by rational investors through an application to portfolio optimization.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian approach for analyzing aggregate level sales data in a market with differentiated products. We consider the aggregate share model proposed by Berry et al. [Berry, Steven, Levinsohn, James, Pakes, Ariel, 1995. Automobile prices in market equilibrium. Econometrica. 63 (4), 841–890], which introduces a common demand shock into an aggregated random coefficient logit model. A full likelihood approach is possible with a specification of the distribution of the common demand shock. We introduce a reparameterization of the covariance matrix to improve the performance of the random walk Metropolis for covariance parameters. We illustrate the usefulness of our approach with both actual and simulated data. Sampling experiments show that our approach performs well relative to the GMM estimator even in the presence of a mis-specified shock distribution. We view our approach as useful for those who are willing to trade off one additional distributional assumption for increased efficiency in estimation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to shed some light on the asymptotic behavior of a wide class of estimators for a dynamic error components model when only the number of individuals tends to infinity, the number of time periods being kept fixed. In particular, it is shown that this asymptotic behavior is highly dependent on the assumption about the initial observations and that it offers very good approximations to the small sample behavior of the various estimators under consideration.  相似文献   

Wangli Xu  Xu Guo 《Metrika》2013,76(4):459-482
In this paper, we propose a test on the parametric form of the coefficient functions in the varying coefficient model with missing response. Two groups of completed data sets are constructed by using imputation and inverse probability weighting methods respectively. By noting that the coefficient part can be a regression function for a specific model, we construct two empirical process-based tests. The asymptotical distributions of the proposed tests under null and local alternative hypothesis are investigated respectively. Simulation study is carried out to show the power performance of the test. We illustrate the proposed approaches with an environmental data set.  相似文献   

This study develops a methodology of inference for a widely used Cliff–Ord type spatial model containing spatial lags in the dependent variable, exogenous variables, and the disturbance terms, while allowing for unknown heteroskedasticity in the innovations. We first generalize the GMM estimator suggested in  and  for the spatial autoregressive parameter in the disturbance process. We also define IV estimators for the regression parameters of the model and give results concerning the joint asymptotic distribution of those estimators and the GMM estimator. Much of the theory is kept general to cover a wide range of settings.  相似文献   

We provide a set of conditions sufficient for consistency of a general class of fixed effects instrumental variables (FE-IV) estimators in the context of a correlated random coefficient panel data model, where one ignores the presence of individual-specific slopes. We discuss cases where the assumptions are met and violated. Monte Carlo simulations verify that the FE-IV estimator of the population averaged effect performs notably better than other standard estimators, provided a full set of period dummies is included. We also propose a simple test of selection bias in unbalanced panels when we suspect the slopes may vary by individual.  相似文献   

Wangli Xu  Lixing Zhu 《Metrika》2013,76(1):53-69
In this paper, we investigate checking the adequacy of varying coefficient models with response missing at random. In doing so, we first construct two completed data sets based on imputation and marginal inverse probability weighted methods, respectively. The empirical process-based tests by using these two completed data sets are suggested and the asymptotic properties of the test statistics under the null and local alternative hypotheses are studied. Because the limiting null distribution is intractable, a Monte Carlo approach is applied to approximate the distribution to determine critical values. Simulation studies are carried out to examine the performance of our method, and a real data set from an environmental study is analyzed for illustration.  相似文献   

Correlated random coefficient (CRC) models provide a useful framework for estimating average treatment effects (ATE) with panel data by accommodating heterogeneous treatment effects and flexible patterns of selection. In their simplest form, they lead to the well-known difference-in-differences estimator. CRC models yield estimates of ATE for “movers” (i.e., cross-sectional units whose treatment status changed over time) while ATE for “stayers” (i.e., cross-sectional units who retained the same treatment status over time) are not identified. We study additional restrictions on selection into treatment that lead to the identification of ATE for stayers by an extrapolation from quantities identified by the CRC model. We discuss estimation and testing of the extrapolation's validity, then use our results to estimate the returns to agricultural technology adoption among maize farmers in Kenya.  相似文献   

For random elements X and Y (e.g. vectors) a complete characterization of their association is given in terms of an odds ratio function. The main result establishes for any odds ratio function and any pre-specified marginals the unique existence of a corresponding joint distribution (the joint density is obtained as a limit of an iterative procedure of marginal fittings). Restricting only the odds ratio function but not the marginals leads to semi-parmetric association models for which statistical inference is available for samples drawn conditionally on either X or Y. Log-bilinear association models for random vectors X and Y are introduced which generalize standard (regression) models by removing restrictions on the marginals. In particular, the logistic regression model is recognized as a log-bilinear association model. And the joint distribution of X and Y is shown to be multivariate normal if and only if both marginals are normal and the association is log-bilinear.Acknowledgements The author thanks both referees for their helpful comments which improved the first draft of the paper.  相似文献   

One of the most powerful and widely used methodologies for forecasting economic time series is the class of models known as seasonal autoregressive processes. In this article we present a new approach not only for identifying seasonal autoregressive models, but also the degree of differencing required to induce stationarity in the data. The identification method is iterative and consists in systematically fitting increasing order models to the data, and then verifying that the resulting residuals behave like white noise using a two stage autoregressive order determination criterion. Once the order of the process is determined the identified structure is tested to see if it can be simplified. The identification performance of this procedure is contrasted with other order selection procedures for models with ‘gaps.' We also illustrate the forecast performance of the identification method using monthly and quarterly economic data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine empirically the effect that certificate-of-need regulation by state health planning organizations has had on the speed of diffusion of a relatively new medical technology—haemodialysis. Specifically, we test the hypothesis that a requirement that investments be subject to certificate-of-need review has significantly slowed the rate of adoption of this particular treatment modality. In subjecting this hypothesis to empirical verification, we estimate a random coefficient model. This approach allows us to make more efficient use of the available data than the traditional two-stage approach to modelling diffusion processes wherein separate logistic functions are first estimated over the time series observations followed by hypothesis tests conducted over the cross-sectional observations. We find evidence that certificate-of-need regulation slows the spread of haemodialysis technology.  相似文献   

This paper proposes LASSO estimation specific for panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) models. The penalty term allows for shrinkage for different lags, for shrinkage towards homogeneous coefficients across panel units, for penalization of lags of variables belonging to another cross-sectional unit, and for varying penalization across equations. The penalty parameters therefore build on time series and cross-sectional properties that are commonly found in PVAR models. Simulation results point towards advantages of using the proposed LASSO for PVAR models over ordinary least squares in terms of forecast accuracy. An empirical forecasting application including 20 countries supports these findings.  相似文献   

We propose an alternative measure of the degree to which income status is transmitted from one generation to another. Our indicator of intergenerational income mobility is based on a random coefficient model, which allows for variation in intergenerational mobility across families due to multiplicative unobserved family‐specific characteristics. This alternative measure suggests that intergenerational income persistence is typically stronger than when intergenerational income mobility is measured using the standard elasticity of sons' income with respect to fathers' income. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a contemporaneous smooth transition threshold autoregressive model (C-STAR) as a modification of the smooth transition threshold autoregressive model surveyed in Teräsvirta [1998. Modelling economic relationships with smooth transition regressions. In: Ullah, A., Giles, D.E.A. (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 507–552.], in which the regime weights depend on the ex ante probability that a latent regime-specific variable will exceed a threshold value. We argue that the contemporaneous model is well suited to rational expectations applications (and pricing exercises), in that it does not require the initial regimes to be predetermined. We investigate the properties of the model and evaluate its finite-sample maximum likelihood performance. We also propose a method to determine the number of regimes based on a modified Hansen [1992. The likelihood ratio test under nonstandard conditions: testing the Markov switching model of GNP. Journal of Applied Econometrics 7, S61–S82.] procedure. Furthermore, we construct multiple-step ahead forecasts and evaluate the forecasting performance of the model. Finally, an empirical application of the short term interest rate yield is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

We estimate a dynamic programming model of schooling decisions in which the log wage regression function is set within a correlated random coefficient model. We show that estimates of the dynamic programming model can be used to obtain a number of treatment effects, including the local average treatment effect (LATE). However, unlike LATE parameters obtained in a standard IV framework, our LATE estimates are obtained without imposing separability between individual specific heterogeneity and schooling choices and are therefore not subject to a “monotonicity” restriction. We find that returns to schooling are characterized by a high degree of dispersion across individuals.  相似文献   

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