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在理性经济人的假设下,本文基于企业的视角探讨当前我国中小企业职业安全投入不足的机理。分析认为,由于职业安全保障产品供给与需求的特性——"块状性"使得市场均衡难以形成,以及产品的负外部性这两种因素影响导致市场失灵;职业安全保障投资收益特性与中小企业拥有资源的限制决定了投入能力不足;在对职业安全保障投入与监督过程中存在委托代理问题使得中小企业投入动力不足。据此提出了提高职业安全风险大的行业企业的准入门槛,职业伤害成本内部化,对现有职业安全监督管理体制改进的建议。  相似文献   

职业安全卫生受训权是指劳动者所享有的带薪接受职业安全卫生教育培训的权利,其义务主体为企业和政府。在我国,职业安全卫生受训权保护制度已基本建立,但仍然存在立法不够完善、法律实施效果不好、权利的现实侵害较为严重等诸多问题。文章认为应制定《职业安全卫生法》,在完善立法的同时,加强执法力量建设、尝试对企业开展行政指导、扶持工会和工人力量,通过执法、守法、维权三方有机合作,保障法律的有效实施。  相似文献   

董雪峰 《经济师》2013,(12):77-78
文章阐述了我国劳动者职业安全卫生立法历史的演变脉络,在此基础上分析我国保护劳动者职业安全卫生存在的立法问题,提出完善我国劳动者职业安全卫生保护的建议。  相似文献   

刘薏 《大陆桥视野》2012,(22):12-12,14
职业危害,是指在生产劳动过程及其环境中产生或存在的,对职业人群的健康、安全和作业能力可能造成不良影响的一切要素或条件的总称。在以人为本的社会中,职业危害越来越受到政府部门及劳动者的重视。在我国,国家安监总局要求规模以上企业及职业危害管理的重点企业进行网上职业危害申报率~ioo%。然而,在职业危害申报管理的过程中,仍然存在一些不尽如人意的地方。  相似文献   

据国际劳工组织的报告,全世界就业总人数为27亿多人,每年因职业事故造成的死亡人数约21万人(不包括交通事故和职业病死亡人数),由职业事故和职业危害引发的各种损失约占全球生产总值的4%。近些年来我国政府高度重视职业安全健康工作,相继出台政策,加强法制建设,在职业安全健康体制、企业主体责任、装备设施完善、安全技术服务等方面采取一系列的重大措施,本文提出在当前形势下,需要政府、企业、员工以及全社会的共同努力,推进职业健康安全管理体系的建设。  相似文献   

最低工资制度是政府调整劳动者福利状况的重要政策工具,对于保障劳动者的基本权益具有非常重要的作用。在劳动力供给不足的情况下,政府应该在企业能够承受的范围内尽可能提高最低工资标准,这不仅有利于增加劳动力市场的供给,而且可以降低企业的劳动者流失率,更可以利用最低工资制度的倒逼机制,促进我国产业结构的转型升级。最低工资制度是劳动者获得最低生活水平的重要保障,在我国劳动力供给即将减缓并逐步降低的情况下,适当提高劳动者最低工资水平不仅是调节收入差距的重要途径,而且是提高劳动者福利水平、进而扩大内需的必要措施,也是实现社会资源合理分配的重要手段。  相似文献   

采用了微观的城镇居民调查数据,对我国当前职业流动的特征进行了考查,研究了性别、年龄、教育程度、婚姻状况及收入水平等劳动者的个体特征与职业流动性之间的关系。不同性别之间的职业流动并无显著差异,教育程度越高的流动性越强,未婚者的流动性低于已婚者,劳动者的流动性与收入水平成反比,而职业流动性随着年龄的增大而减小。  相似文献   

职业安全规制问题研究:基于法经济学的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢地  何琴 《经济学家》2008,3(2):47-54
控制和减少职业伤害,救济遭受职业伤害的劳动者,维护职业安全,是任何一个民主、法制、健康和谐的社会必须高度重视的社会经济问题,也是政府实施社会性规制的重要领域。我国国民经济高速增长的背后隐藏着巨大的社会成本,包括越来越严重的职业安全问题。各类生产安全事故的频繁发生,职业病发病人数的不断增加,折射出我国劳工状况不容乐观、劳动者权利未能得到有效保护的现实。在建设社会主义和谐社会的大背景下,应该从完善政府社会性规制入手寻求破解之道。  相似文献   

我国当前面临的最大问题之一是改造传统农业、建设现代农业.发展农民职业技术教育以提高农村劳动者素质、提升农民的人力资本、调整农业产业结构,是促进我国由传统农业向现代农业转变的必要手段.有力的经费筹措机制对于农民职业技术教育的开展至关重要,因此,我国亟需建立一个行之有效的农民职业技术教育经费筹措机制.本文基于对中外在农民职业技术教育经费筹措方面的比较分析,提出我国现今必须通过立法来构建农民职业技术教育经费筹措机制,明确经费参与主体的权利和义务.建立长效的考评监督机制,保障职业技术教育的顺利开展.  相似文献   

据专家透露,目前,有涉及30个行业的99种职业病威胁着中国7亿劳动者的健康。为切实保障劳动者的身心健康,国家已颁布和正式实施了《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》。该法明确规定,职业病是指企业、事业单位和个体经济组织的劳动者在职业活动中,因接触粉尘、放射性物质和其他有毒、有害物质等职业危害因素而引起的疾病。[编者按]  相似文献   

Jeff Chan 《Applied economics》2018,50(45):4879-4900
This article investigates the extent to which county-level market access affects workers’ occupational upgrading and industrial sorting by exploiting the substantial spatial variation and rapid expansion of the United States’ transportation network coverage from 1870 to 1880. First, I find that individuals who enjoyed greater market access in 1880 were more likely to work in higher-paying occupations. Importantly, this result holds across all sectors of employment, for younger and older workers, and for migrants and non-migrants, suggesting that any market size effects on occupational upgrading were not specific to any one group. I also provide results showing that workers were more likely to switch industries within agriculture, but are less likely to do so from manufacturing or services. Finally, I find some evidence of changes to sectoral reallocation, principally away from agriculture, being associated with higher market access. My findings suggest that the expansion of the transportation network in played an important role in determining the type of work Americans performed in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展以及人们对自身的生命权和健康权要求的不断提高,职业安全问题日益受到广泛的重视。作为"世界工厂"的我国,在职业安全与健康方面也面临着严峻的挑战。现实中,由于生产中雇主和雇工之间关于安全问题的信息不对称性、不确定性带来职业安全的内部性;由于职业安全产权缺乏明确的界定,又会产生职业安全的外部性。而无论是内部性还是外部性,都会导致职业安全问题的市场失灵,这为政府进行相应的社会性规制提供了前提与条件。基于此,本文从内部性和外部性两个方面对职业安全进行了研究,深刻探析了职业安全的负内部性和负外部性的产生及其在现实中的表现,最后提出构建工伤保险、强行信息披露和明确雇工的安全工作权利三个政策建议,以期对我国职业安全规制的进一步改革提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants and implications of self-selection when firms imperfectly observe worker effort. The effects of the resulting moral hazard problem on the self-selection mechanism are analyzed in a model in which workers simultaneously choose an employment sector and an effort level. The implications of the model reveal that in the presence of moral hazard, workers’ effort decisions become an additional mechanism determining the pattern of selection into sectors. Workers’ sector-specific endowments impact sectoral allocation through their effect on workers’ comparative advantage as well as their effect on workers’ shirking propensity. The model is then used in an empirical application that analyzes workers’ self-selection into white collar and blue collar occupations. The estimation results, based on data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, suggest that workers’ occupational self-selection leads to higher wages and lower dismissal rates in both occupations, compared to an economy in which workers are randomly assigned to each occupation. The difference in dismissal rates between the two occupations is driven by the higher expected productivity in the white collar sector. The positive effects of occupational sorting diminish as the labor market becomes increasingly characterized by moral hazard. Results also suggest that human capital investments in skills that are most relevant to blue collar jobs may generate higher wages and lower dismissal rates in both white collar and blue collar occupations.  相似文献   

This study uses comparable data on 470 detailed occupations from the 1970, 1980, and 1990 Censuses to analyze trends in occupational segregation in the United States in the 1980s and compare them in detail to the 1970s experience of declining segregation. We find that the trend towards reduced segregation did indeed continue into the 1980s at only a slightly slower pace. In both decades, changes in sex composition within occupations accounted for the major share of the decline in segregation (compared to changes in the mix of occupations in the economy). We also find that the pattern of changes in the sex composition of occupations and in the employment distribution of workers that produced the observed reductions in segregation were remarkably similar in each of these two periods. This similarity potentially poses some problems for the future. As women continue to enter the same areas, resegregation, which we found to have relatively moderate effects in the 1970s and 1980s, becomes an increasing possibility. Continued progress towards reducing occupational segregation requires that women succeed in entering a broader range of traditionally male occupations and/or a greater flow of men into traditionally female occupations.  相似文献   

Redistribution and entrepreneurship with Schumpeterian growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the effects of redistributive taxation on growth and inequality in a Schumpeterian model with risk-averse agents. There are skilled and unskilled workers, and the growth rate is determined by the occupational choice of skilled agents between entrepreneurship and employment. We show that redistribution provides insurance to entrepreneurs and increases the growth rate. The effects on inequality are such that low tax rates increase inequality relative to laissez-faire due to changes in wages, but higher tax rates can simultaneously raise growth and reduce inequality. We contrast the optimal linear income tax with alternative policies for promoting R&D and find that it is preferable on both equity and efficiency grounds.   相似文献   

After establishing criteria for evaluating occupational safety policy and reviewing the neoclassical argument, this paper sets forth an alternative approach based on (1) an allocation of full safety rights to labour enforced by a right to refuse hazardous work, (2) a provision for compensation bargaining between workers and firms, and (3) a supporting apparatus for research and training. Institutional elements of this approach which exist in the United States and other countries are identified, and the model is considered in light of cognitive dissonance, capital flight and other issues.  相似文献   

We propose a new methodology to measure worker mobility across occupations and jobs in the US, building on the limited longitudinal dimension of monthly CPS data. For the period 1979–2006, we find that about 3.5% of male workers employed in two consecutive months report different three‐digit occupations. This rate is procyclical, mildly rising in the 1980s and falling after 1995. We also revise upward current estimates of aggregate job‐to‐job mobility since 1994, from 2.7% to 3.2% of employment per month. Despite extreme similarity of average levels and time‐series behavior, occupational and job mobility are only weakly correlated.  相似文献   

利用2011年安徽三市对返乡农民工进行的调查资料,考察了农民工在流动过程中和返乡以后的梯次流动。农民工不仅在流动的过程中实现了职业的梯次流动,在返乡以后也会实现职业的梯次流动。农民工的个人特征和流动经历对农民工返乡前的职业梯次流动有显著影响,农民工的个人特征、流动经历、家庭条件和政策支持力度都会对农民工返乡后实现职业梯次流动有显著影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, I study how occupational segregation affects the allocation of talent in a competitive labour market. I propose a model of occupational choice in which heterogeneous workers must rely on their social contacts to acquire job‐vacancy information. While occupational segregation implies benefits in terms of job‐finding probability, it also leads to allocative inefficiencies. Efficient and equilibrium outcomes differ due to a network externality that leads workers to segregate too little, and a pecuniary externality that leads workers to segregate too much. Which effect dominates depends on the elasticity of wages to changes in the degree of occupational segregation.  相似文献   

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