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企业的规模受制于技术、市场以及相应的产业特征和企业特征。我国的经济规模和组织由于受所有制的行政区域等因素的制约,大中小企业的分工和协作存在许多问题。促进大中小型企业的协调发展,需要大企业建立多元化的投融资体制和完善法人治理结构,也需要中小企业解决国有经济的退出和民营中小企业的进入及市场分割问题。  相似文献   

一、中小企业界定 中小企业的概念关键取决于“中小”的含义。目前,国内对“中小”的含义主要是从规模角度去理解的,所谓中小企业就是指独立经营、形式多样、规模较小并在市场上不具有支配地位的经济单位;企业资源的占有和配置在本行业内部不占优势的企业为小企业:相对于大企业来说经营规模比较小,在本行业中不居于市场主导地位的经济单位,等等。  相似文献   

重构我国中小企业分工协作体系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、重构我国中小企业分工协作体系的缺陷及面临的挑战   重构我国中小企业的分工协作体系,既是结构调整战略不可或缺的组成部分,更是中小企业面对“入世”新形势必须及时作出并实施的重大抉择,同时也是提高我国整体经济竞争力的重要途径。中小企业分工协作体系是中小企业与国内大企业、国际经济体及其相互之间的分工协作关系的有机整体。当前我国中小企业分工协作体系存在的主要问题有: (1)从部门 (产业 )间分工层面考察,中小企业的产业分布没有遵循中小企业产业定位规律,由此造成中小企业与大企业的产业同构。 (2)从部门 (产业 )…  相似文献   

聚集经济是因某一特定产业的企业在空间上大量聚集而给单个企业带来的额外收益,它是一定区域内的外部规模经济。中小企业由于其内部规模不经济和自身的群体特征,更适合聚集发展,能够充分利用因同类企业大量聚集而带来的外部规模经济。据此本文考察了利用聚集经济发展中小企业的有效性并给出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

王星  王雷 《经济论坛》2008,(4):8-10
产业集群是指众多的企业根据专业化分工和协作而聚集在某一特定的区域内,形成一个规模较大的企业群体.集群的出现,把竞争从单个企业之间提升到更大的群体之间,它通过聚集经济和规模经济效应的发挥,实现了集群内众多企业特别是广大中小企业的资源要素整合,重塑了竞争形态.  相似文献   

梁春茂 《技术经济》2005,24(10):13-15
伴随国际分工的发展,原有的发达国家和发展中国家垂直型产业间水平分工开始向混合型分工转变,呈现出垂直型产业间分工、水平型的产业内分工和产品内分工并存的局面。在分工日渐细化过程中,跨国公司以直接投资内部化方式的扩张在受到产品周期、规模经济壁垒、研发费用高昂的约束之下,开始收缩自己的业务领域,改变发展的策略以保持竞争优势,从而更多的以“企业联盟”的方式进行扩张。  相似文献   

正如资源配置是经济学的主题一样,分工与协调、规模经济与市场竞争则是产业组织理论的主题;围绕着这个主题且贯穿始终的主旋律是“看得见的手”与“看不见的手”之间的博奕,也即企业与市场之间的博奕;与这个过程相伴的则是它们各自的不断发展和延伸,以及产业组织的演进、产业结构的演变。人类劳动分工的历史由来已久。分工的好处主要有二个:一是规模经济,分工导致同类生产的集中,从而带来更高程度的熟练性,并为大型、专门设备的使用提供了可能。二是比较利益,包括劳动力、资金、技术等生产要素秉赋的差异带来的相对成本差异。  相似文献   

在县域经济发展过程中,由于县域地理及经济发展的特质性,在县域内按专业化分工和协作原则进行生产的集中的中小企业,在其集群内运行存在规模经济。按照新制定的中小企业标准。2001年我国17.13万户规模以上工业企业中中小企业占99.14%。据测算,我国国内生产总值的50.5%,工业新增产值的76.6%,社会销售额的57.1%,税收的43.2%,出口总额的60%是由中小企业贡献的。特别是以劳动密集型产业为主体的中小企业仍具有比较优势,已成为我国经济发展新的增长点。  相似文献   

刘绍敏 《经济论坛》2002,(23):41-42
一、多元化战略的意义一般来说,在中小企业逐渐成长为大中型企业的过程中,既包含了专业化日益深化导致的“规模经济”,也包含多元化经营实现的“范围经济”。企业实行多元化经营的原因是多方面的。从外部环境分析,主要是市场容量的限制。市场需求饱和与市场容量的有限性会促使企业进入新的产业领域。同时,市场需求的多样性和不确定性,也会诱使企业进行多元化经营以分散风险,寻求新的发展空间。从内部来说,实行多元化经营的原动力,是为了更充分地利用企业的剩余资源,最大限度地实现“范围经济”。所谓范围经济,实质上是指企业多个…  相似文献   

理解中小企业如何克服资本壁垒是理解中国经济快速发展的关键。传统的研究强调非正规金融所起的作用。在不否定非正规金融重要性的基础上,本文认为产业集群在中小企业克服资本壁垒上起了关键性的作用。本文构建了一个数理模型,并且通过对濮院羊毛衫产业集群的分工状况以及资金流动状况的研究,得出以下结论:产业集群通过分工降低了资本进入门槛;产业集群内部的企业家在日常经营中,通过充分利用社会资本克服了运营资本的困难。  相似文献   

中小企业战略性融资困境与最优融资策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小企业战略性融资困境是在特定阶段由于融资目标与企业家控制权和治理结构等目标相冲突所引发的,它往往伴随着地区性金融压抑而产生。中小企业的融资选择是一个动态问题,企业在不同阶段面临的内外环境和追求目标组合不同而使得其融资偏好不同。  相似文献   

白积洋 《经济前沿》2012,3(2):48-64
本文基于中国制造业集聚的数据,从企业规模异质性视角出发,检验中国制造业集聚经济效应。首先考察影响制造业集聚的一般因素,然后重点考察了企业规模因素对集聚经济的影响机制。研究发现:除了运输成本优势、劳动力成本等影响制造业集聚的一般因素之外,企业规模异质性也对集聚经济效应产生影响。最后通过构造隐含企业规模因素的集聚经济新变量,对企业规模异质的集聚经济效应进行检验。本文的研究发现,小型企业的专业化经济和竞争效应大于大中型企业。这一结论不仅反映了不同规模企业对制造业集聚影响的差异,也说明了小型企业对制造业集聚的重要性。  相似文献   

我国企业规模经济现状及实现途径   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
目前,我国主要产业的企业规模普遍偏小,产业集中度过低,生产要素配置过于分散,缺乏规模经济。合理扩大我国制造业的企业规模,实现规模经济是提高我国工业竞争力的当务之急。以横向联合方式为主的企业购并是短期内实现规模经济的有效途径。  相似文献   

非一体化经营方式的有效性及交易费用条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产品外包加工是一种非一体化的生产方式,也称虚拟化经营方式,是网络经济的一种表现,也是社会分工的进一步细化。知识经济下产品价值来源转移,经济全球化、信息技术进步等因素以及由诸种因素导致的交易费用相对下降,是产生和推动这一变革的主要原因。在适宜的行业中实行非一体化经营方式是提高我国企业竞争力的一种战略措施。  相似文献   

The South African motor vehicle industry has historically been considered a critical industry in the South African economy and the target of numerous government policies designed to protect it and/or increase its international competitiveness. This study examines the cost performance of firms in this industry according to their size, using data categorised by output level. The results are consistent with statistically significant economies of scale at the lowest output levels and a cost inefficiency averaging from about seven to nine per cent for all firms. The findings also suggest that all else equal, the smallest firms and the largest firms have lower unit costs than mid‐sized firms. While this work suggests that policies that would give incentives for the smallest firms to increase their scale of operations might help to reduce their unit costs, further investigation needs to be done with respect to why firms in the mid‐level size categories appear to be less efficient.  相似文献   

本文对中国企业的出口选择及其学习效应进行研究。结果表明:中国同样存在优质企业做出口的现象;出口会迅速实现企业的规模扩张;出口企业通过出口学习会给企业带来生产率的短期提高,而后出现动态衰减。我们的研究启示是:依附低端制造和外生出口贸易中介的中国企业,通过进入国际市场虽然取得了规模上的快速扩张,但在效率提升上却收获甚微,动态地来看,中国做出口的优质企业可能会演变为更劣质的企业。  相似文献   

This article argues that the Greek banking system contributed to the emergence of a weak, uncompetitive, and ultimately highly inefficient industrial sector. This inefficiency is quantified with the help of translog cost-curve estimates for 68 firms in eight industries. The estimation shows that Greek firms operate at too small a scale, relative to their capacity, and do not exploit scale economies. It was the structure of the financial sector, as it operated within the specific political context, that led to processes that dampened competition and ultimately distorted the country's development. The financial sector's behaviour is conditioned by three structural facets: it is an oligopoly; it possesses an internal hierarchy which is fully vertical; and it is state-owned. That the financial process led to inefficiency is confirmed by examining the counterexample of efficient industrial configurations. In this case, efficient industries were able to deny the potentially harmful policies of the financial sector. In conclusion, the structure of the financial sector, and by extension the structure of the state itself, played an important role in the Greek economy.  相似文献   

This paper for the first time employs the Time Varying Panel Smooth Transition Regression (TV-PSTR) approach to model the dynamic adjustments of firms and the evolution of industrial structure in the bigger setting of decades against the backdrop of India's dramatic liberalizing reform starting from 1991. Using Indian manufacturing firm data, it finds that the transition of market structure and productivity after liberalization did follow a smooth transition process. Instead of the previously assumed instantaneous ‘big-bang’ shift just after reforms, it actually took years for the Indian manufacturing industries start to react to the reforms, and the transitional impact of reforms took approximately four to eight years to complete. There is strong evidence of increased competition after the transition, with shrinked returns to scale (RTS) in most industries except for leather and chemical industries. The results on total factor productivity (TFP) are mixed: most import-competing industries, which suffer most from the shrinking of market size experienced no change or decreasing TFP growth; whereas the export-oriented industry, as the industry which benefits most from economy of scale, enjoyed a huge TFP growth following the reforms.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper provides new evidence on the effects of overseas FDI on the skill‐mix of multinational firms’ home‐country operations. The analysis exploits China's WTO accession to identify the impact of outward investment into a low‐wage economy and uses plant‐level data to investigate changes in industrial structure within firms driven by plant closures. As predicted by models of vertical FDI, the paper demonstrates that overseas investment in low‐wage economies is associated with asymmetric effects on workers in low‐ and high‐skill industries in the home economy and, in particular, with firms closing down plants in low‐skill industries. JEL classification: F2  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2017,71(4):718-728
Empirical work has drawn attention to the high degree of productivity differences within industries, and its role in resource allocation. In a benchmark monopolistically competitive economy, productivity differences introduce two new margins for allocational inefficiency. When markups vary across firms, laissez faire markets do not select the right distribution of firms and the market-determined quantities are inefficient. We show that these considerations determine when increased competition from market expansion takes the economy closer to the socially efficient allocation of resources. As market size grow large, differences in market power across firms converge and the market allocation approaches the efficient allocation of an economy with constant markups.  相似文献   

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