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Robust normal reference bandwidth for kernel density estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bandwidth selection is the main problem of kernel density estimation, the most popular method of density estimation. The classical normal reference bandwidth usually oversmoothes the density estimate. The existing hi-tech bandwidths have computational problems (even may not exist) and are not robust against outliers in the sample. A highly robust normal reference bandwidth is proposed, which adapts to different types of densities.  相似文献   

Yoshikazu Takada 《Metrika》2000,52(2):163-171
A sequential point estimation of the mean of a normal distribution is considered under LINEX loss function. The regret of sequential procedures are obtained. Furthermore, it is shown that a sequential procedure with the sample mean as an estimate is asymptotically inadmissible. An accerelated stopping time is also considered. Received: December 1999  相似文献   

Summary Admissibility of estimators under vague prior information on the distribution of the unknown parameter is studied which leads to the notion of gamma-admissibility. A sufficient condition for an estimator of the formδ(x)=(ax+b)/(cx+d) to be gamma-admissible in the one-parameter exponential family under squared error loss is established. As an application of this result two equalizer rules are shown to be unique gamma-minimax estimators by proving their gamma-admissibility.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating a normal mean with unknown variance is considered under an asymmetric loss function such that the associated risk is bounded from above by a known quantity. In the absence of a fixed sample size rule, a sequential stopping rule and two sequential estimators of the mean are proposed and second-order asymptotic expansions of their risk functions are derived. It is demonstrated that the sample mean becomes asymptotically inadmissible, being dominated by a shrinkage-type estimator. Also a shrinkage factor is incorporated in the stopping rule and similar inadmissibility results are established. Received September 1997  相似文献   

In nonparametric estimation of functionals of a distribution, it may or may not be desirable, or indeed necessary, to introduce a degree of smoothing into this estimation. In this article, I describe a method for assessing, with just a little thought about the functional of interest, (i) whether smoothing is likely to prove worthwhile, and (ii) if so, roughly how much smoothing is appropriate (in order-of-magnitude terms). This rule-of-thumb is not guaranteed to be accurate nor does it give a complete answer to the smoothing problem. However, I have found it very useful over a number of years; many examples of its use, and limitations, are given.  相似文献   

The kernel density estimation is a popular method in density estimation. The main issue is bandwidth selection, which is a well‐known topic and is still frustrating statisticians. A robust least squares cross‐validation bandwidth is proposed, which significantly improves the classical least squares cross‐validation bandwidth for its variability and undersmoothing, adapts to different kinds of densities, and outperforms the existing bandwidths in statistical literature and software.  相似文献   

Choosing instrumental variables in conditional moment restriction models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Properties of GMM estimators are sensitive to the choice of instrument. Using many instruments leads to high asymptotic asymptotic efficiency but can cause high bias and/or variance in small samples. In this paper we develop and implement asymptotic mean square error (MSE) based criteria for instrument selection in estimation of conditional moment restriction models. The models we consider include various nonlinear simultaneous equations models with unknown heteroskedasticity. We develop moment selection criteria for the familiar two-step optimal GMM estimator (GMM), a bias corrected version, and generalized empirical likelihood estimators (GEL), that include the continuous updating estimator (CUE) as a special case. We also find that the CUE has lower higher-order variance than the bias-corrected GMM estimator, and that the higher-order efficiency of other GEL estimators depends on conditional kurtosis of the moments.  相似文献   

Sampling distributions associated with the multivariate t distribution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The known sampling distributions and simulation methods associated with multivariate t distributions are reviewed. We believe that this review will serve as an important reference and encourage further research activities in the area.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the scale parameter θ of the shifted exponential distribution with unknown shift based on a set of observed records drawn from a sequential sample of independent and identically distributed random variables. Under a large class of bowl-shaped loss functions, the best affine equivariant estimator (BAEE) of θ is shown to be inadmissible. Two dominating procedures are proposed. A numerical study is performed to show the extent of risk reduction that the improved estimators provide over the BAEE.  相似文献   

The estimation problem of the unknown covariance matrix of a multivariate distribution with the known mean is studied under a matrix-valued quadratic loss function. The conditions on the sample sizes for the best unbiased estimator to have a smaller risk than the sample covariance matrix is established. The former estimator is completely (without exceptional sets of Lebesgue measure zero) characterized by its expectation in the class of all multivariate distributions with zero mean and finite fourth moments. Received: November 1998  相似文献   

A bilinear multivariate errors-in-variables model is considered. It corresponds to an overdetermined set of linear equations AXB=C, A∈ℝm×n, B∈ℝp×q, in which the data A, B, C are perturbed by errors. The total least squares estimator is inconsistent in this case.  An adjusted least squares estimator is constructed, which converges to the true value X, as m →∞, q →∞. A small sample modification of the estimator is presented, which is more stable for small m and q and is asymptotically equivalent to the adjusted least squares estimator. The theoretical results are confirmed by a simulation study. Acknowledgements. We thank two anonymous reviewers for their suggestions and corrections.? A. Kukush is supported by a postdoctoral research fellowship of the Belgian office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, promoting Scientific and Technical Collaboration with Central and Eastern Europe.? S. Van Huffel is a full professor with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.? I. Markovsky is a research assistant with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.? This paper presents research results of the Belgian Programme on Interuniversity Poles of Attraction (IUAP V-22), initiated by the Belgian State, Prime Minister's Office – Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs of the Concerted Research Action (GOA) projects of the Flemish Government MEFISTO-666 (Mathematical Engineering for Information and Communication Systems Technology), of the IDO/99/03 project (K.U. Leuven) “Predictive computer models for medical classification problems using patient data and expert knowledge”, of the FWO projects G.0078.01, G.0200.00, and G0.0270.02.? The scientific responsibility is assumed by its authors.  相似文献   

Asymptotic normality and quick consistency of quasi-maximum likelihood estimators of parameters in a multivariate Poisson process are proved. Possible application of the results obtained to the problem of unfolding histograms is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Suppose independent random samples are drawn from k (2) populations with a common location parameter and unequal scale parameters. We consider the problem of estimating simultaneously the hazard rates of these populations. The analogues of the maximum likelihood (ML), uniformly minimum variance unbiased (UMVU) and the best scale equivariant (BSE) estimators for the one population case are improved using Rao‐Blackwellization. The improved version of the BSE estimator is shown to be the best among these estimators. Finally, a class of estimators that dominates this improved estimator is obtained using the differential inequality approach.  相似文献   

In this paper several cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts for the mean of a multivariate time series are introduced. We extend the control schemes for independent multivariate observations of crosier [ Technometrics (1988) Vol. 30, pp. 187–194], pignatiello and runger [ Journal of Quality Technology (1990) Vol. 22, pp. 173–186], and ngai and zhang [ Statistica Sinica (2001) Vol. 11, pp. 747–766] to multivariate time series by taking into account the probability structure of the underlying stochastic process. We consider modified charts and residual schemes as well. It is analyzed under which conditions these charts are directionally invariant. In an extensive Monte Carlo study these charts are compared with the CUSUM scheme of theodossiu [ Journal of the American Statistical Association (1993) Vol. 88, pp. 441–448], the multivariate exponentially weighted moving-average (EWMA) chart of kramer and schmid [ Sequential Analysis (1997) Vol. 16, pp. 131–154], and the control procedures of bodnar and schmid [ Frontiers of Statistical Process Control (2006) Physica, Heidelberg]. As a measure of the performance, the maximum expected delay is used.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of the nonparametric minimax estimation of a multivariate density at a given point. A concept of smoothness classes in nonparametric minimax estimation problems is proposed. The smoothness of a function is characterized by the approximability of the function at a point by an integral of the product of this function with an approximate identity. We propose a singular integral estimator, an integral of this approximate identity with respect to the empirical distribution function. Under some assumptions on the approximate identity, the bias of the estimator is shown to be of smaller order asymptotically than the variance, and the estimator itself is shown to be asymptotically locally minimax with respect to the quadratic risk in a proper topology.  相似文献   

This paper considers spatial heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (spatial HAC) estimation of covariance matrices of parameter estimators. We generalize the spatial HAC estimator introduced by Kelejian and Prucha (2007) to apply to linear and nonlinear spatial models with moment conditions. We establish its consistency, rate of convergence and asymptotic truncated mean squared error (MSE). Based on the asymptotic truncated MSE criterion, we derive the optimal bandwidth parameter and suggest its data dependent estimation procedure using a parametric plug-in method. The finite sample performances of the spatial HAC estimator are evaluated via Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

For a balanced two-way mixed model, the maximum likelihood (ML) and restricted ML (REML) estimators of the variance components were obtained and compared under the non-negativity requirements of the variance components by L ee and K apadia (1984). In this note, for a mixed (random blocks) incomplete block model, explicit forms for the REML estimators of variance components are obtained. They are always non-negative and have smaller mean squared error (MSE) than the analysis of variance (AOV) estimators. The asymptotic sampling variances of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimators and the REML estimators are compared and the balanced incomplete block design (BIBD) is considered as a special case. The ML estimators are shown to have smaller asymptotic variances than the REML estimators, but a numerical result in the randomized complete block design (RCBD) demonstrated that the performances of the REML and ML estimators are not much different in the MSE sense.  相似文献   

We consider kernel density estimation for univariate distributions. The question of interest is as follows: given that the data analyst has some background knowledge on the modality of the data (for instance, ‘data of this type are usually bimodal’), what is the adequate bandwidth to choose? We answer this question by extending Silverman's idea of ‘normal‐reference’ to that of ‘reference to a Gaussian mixture’. The concept is illustrated in the light of real data examples.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating a linear function of k normal means with unknown variances is considered under an asymmetric loss function such that the associated risk is bounded from above by a known quantity. In the absence of a fixed sample size rule, sequential stopping rules satisfying a general set of assumptions are considered. Two estimators are proposed and second-order asymptotic expansions of their risk functions are derived. It is shown that the usual estimator, namely the linear function of the sample means, is asymptotically inadmissible, being dominated by a shrinkage-type estimator. An example illustrates the use of different multistage sampling schemes and provides asymptotic expansions of the risk functions. Received: August 1999  相似文献   

A uniform bound on the risk (under squared error loss) of Stein's estimator Ψ1 for the mean of the multivariate normal distribution is given. Using the bound, the asymptotic behaviour of the risk of Ψ1 under a Bayesian assumption is obtained.  相似文献   

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