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税收激励是鼓励公益性捐赠的重要方式,有效的税收优惠政策可以实现社会财富的再分配,促进社会公益事业的发展。  相似文献   

六年来 ,我国国民经济运行中出现的供过于求局面 ,既标志着我国曾长期存在的短缺状态的结束 ,也表明供求平衡的难点已由供给转向需求。在当前的需求调控中 ,正确认识税收政策作为总量政策与结构政策所具有的宏观调控功能 ,通过税制结构与税负结构的调整 ,税制体系的完善与税制本身的规范 ,以及流转税价税模式的转变 ,税收政策可以从中发挥重要的作用  相似文献   

高新技术产业在我国社会经济发展中有着举足轻重的地位和作用,高新技术产业的发展离不开国家政策特别是税收政策的支持。但现行的税收政策还存在着许多问题,制约了高新技术产业的进一步发展。文章针对这些问题进行分析,并就如何优化促进高新技术产业发展的税收政策环境作进一步探讨。  相似文献   

The literature concerning the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA) is extensive, but generally does not consider dividend policy changes related to TRA’s passage. One exception is Casey et al., but that work omits banking. An examination of banks is especially apt given TRA’s changes in tax rates and municipal bond categorization. Results show bank dividend policy to be different from other industries, as banks show no relation to past growth rates, beta, or an insider ownership as Rozeff’s model holds. The results support the idea that the lower the taxes, the higher the payout which is contrary to the dividend irrelevancy argument. However, the results are not robust in tests using data from a later period meant to more closely examine changing capitalization requirements’ impact on dividend policy.  相似文献   

“十一五”规划建议对财税政策和财税 体制改革,提出了高屋建瓴要求。财政税收要积极支持发 展、改革和稳定的一系列重点事项,同时要有效推进体制和 机制的创新。第一,发挥好财税统筹协调的分配、调节作 用,支持经济增长方式转变中新型工业化道路的形成与和谐 社会的构建。第二,通过财税自身改革和与其他方面的配套 改革,力行制度创新和机制优化,打开进一步解放生产力的 空间和促成长治久安局面。第三,通过财税领域的管理创新 和技术创新,与体制创新形成良性互动,服务于发展、改革 和稳定大局。  相似文献   

We develop a valuation model that integrates corporate capital structure and dividend payout policies. The resulting “extended” Miller (J Financ 32:261–297, 1977) model explicitly incorporates the different tax rates on corporate income, personal interest, dividends, and capital gains. We apply the model to ten different U.S. tax regimes since 1979 and generate several testable predictions. When the dividend tax rate exceeds the capital gains tax rate, dividend payout can partially offset value-enhancing effects of leverage. When the two rates are close, dividend payout loses its moderating influence. Using the S&P 1500 universe, we obtain empirical results that are consistent with the model’s predictions.  相似文献   

我国节能减排税收政策的改革策略与实施途径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国近年来虽实施了一系列节能减排税收优惠政策,但效果不甚理想。其原因在于激励力度不够和税制体系不完善。循环经济的健康发展必须得到税收政策和制度的支持,西方发达国家针对循环经济设计实施的税收体系值得借鉴。构建我国新型节能减排税收体系,现阶段应以调整税制为主,促进产业结构升级,从长远看则须开征必要的新税种,以逐步完善循环经济的税收体系。  相似文献   

Jurisdiction-wide property revaluation, like many administrative reforms, may have unintended consequences. This paper examines one such potential consequence. By pooling 18-year time series for each of 39 Massachusetts cities (17 of which revalued) and 270 Massachusetts towns (202 of which revalued), we examine the hypothesis that politicians take advantage of the confusion generated by revaluation and raise property taxes by more than they otherwise would have. We observe such a response in cities but not in towns and attribute this difference to differences in their governmental structures.  相似文献   

In this study, an epsilon-based network data envelopment analysis is employed to construct assessment mechanisms for government performance. Moreover, performance indicators of two dimensions of tax collection efficiency and financial effectiveness are measured. We propose a vector autoregression model in which all economic variables are regarded as dependent variables to address the disadvantages of traditional regression model. The conclusions are as follows: (a) measures of tax collection efficiency deteriorated, whereas those of financial effectiveness improved. (b) In an impulse response analysis of the model, an increase in government-published land values produced significantly increased tax collection efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper extends the basic tax-competition model to a framework in which jurisdictions have market power over the price of the output produced within their borders. If firms within the jurisdiction are competitive, the jurisdiction can play the role of monopoly-rent collector by using taxes to restrict the level of output. It is shown that the basic tax competition model can be thought of as a special case of this more general framework. In this framework, the opportunity to export the tax burden can partially or fully offset the well-known effects identified by the tax competition model.  相似文献   

外资企业避税与反避税:税收法律制度的完善与调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前 ,外资企业避税的方式呈现出以下新特征 :通过关联企业间提供中介服务如咨询费、租赁费、逆向避税等方式进行。对这种更为隐蔽的避税行为 ,我国的税收法律制度显得无奈与尴尬 ,缺乏反避税的正式约束规则。必须完善反避税的相关法律制度 ,制订统一的反避税条款 ,建立反避税机构体系。  相似文献   

本文以新近的营改增政策作为研究背景,从税收筹划的角度分析营改增的企业如何选择一般纳税人还是小规模纳税人.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the decision to voluntarily (i.e. without a statutory obligation) employ two audit firms to conduct a joint audit is related to audit quality. We use separate samples and empirical designs for public and privately held companies in Sweden, where a sufficient number of companies have a joint audit on a voluntary basis. Our empirical findings suggest that companies opting to employ joint audits have a higher degree of earnings conservatism, lower abnormal accruals, better credit ratings and lower perceived risk of becoming insolvent within the next year than other firms. These findings are robust to the use of a propensity score matching technique to control for the differences in client characteristics between firms that employ joint audits and those that use single Big 4 auditors (i.e. auditor self-selection). We also find evidence that the choice of a joint audit is associated with substantial increases in the fees paid by the client firm, suggesting a higher perceived level of quality. Collectively, our analyses support the view that voluntary joint audits are positively associated with audit quality in a relatively low litigious setting both for public and private firms.  相似文献   

The Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) has engaged in scenario analysis that estimates a $200/ton carbon tax would be required to transition to net zero carbon by 2050. Using a $200/ton carbon tax as a base, this paper uses input–output (IO) modeling to generate price and revenue effects of a carbon tax. Results from these models, which can only be interpreted as the short-run, upper-bound effects of the carbon tax policy, imply that in response to a $200/ton tax on CO2e emissions, carbon-intensive industries, such as agriculture, extraction, transportation, utilities, and chemicals, may experience price increases in the range of 10-30 percent. Other industries will also experience price increases, but to a lesser degree, due to increased input costs associated with the tax. In addition, modeling results also suggest that industries facing elastic pricing regimes may face similar-sized declines in revenues as a consequence of the carbon tax. Rank-ordered impact results from these models can be utilized by bank supervisors and firms to adequately plan for sectoral-level transition risk within their lending and/or investment portfolios.  相似文献   

文章介绍一种计算递延所得税资产的简便算法,从演变所得税的计算公式入手,通过分析递延所得税资产(负债)对本期和未来所得税影响的关系,推算所得税中递延所得税资产和递延所得税负债。  相似文献   

Our research is motivated by the Corn Products vs. Arkansas Best Supreme Court decisions that pitched the controversy of the tax treatment of gains and losses from futures hedging. The use of futures contracts as risk management tools depends on the tax code. In this paper we address complications in the current tax code that allow for asymmetric offset: Ordinary losses can be applied against capital gains; however, capital losses cannot by applied against ordinary gains. Also we consider the issue of tax loss carryover. We investigate the optimal hedge ratios under these scenarios analytically where possible, and numerically where necessary. Michael Metz is an independent commodity market consultant.  相似文献   

德国税收制度和税收稽查制度概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
去年下半年,笔者有幸对德国税收制度进行了实地考察。鉴于德国税收稽查与我国审计有不少相似之处,笔者对其税收稽查制度作了重点了解。现将考察情况简要介绍如下,以供同行比较借鉴。   一、德国税收制度   德国作为西方资本主义国家的重要代表之一,市场经济较为发达,税收制度较为完备,联邦宪法、各州法律都对税收征管作了明确规定,特别是联邦宪法,该法作为一切税收立法的基础,第 104~ 144条集中规定了税收制度。根据联邦宪法规定,联邦和州都有税收立法权,但联邦主要负责联邦税、共享税税法的立法工作,各州主要负责地方税税…  相似文献   

Firms may evade taxes on profits and can also avoid fulfilling legal restrictions on production activities by bribing bureaucrats. It is shown that the existence of tax evasion does not affect corruption activities at the firm level, while the budgetary repercussions of tax evasion induce less corruption. Policy measures which alter the gains or losses from corruption have a non-systematic impact on tax evasion behaviour.   相似文献   

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