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张光见 《价值工程》2014,(12):75-76
价值工程是一门技术与经济相结合的现代化管理科学,是降低成本提高经济效益的有效方法。建筑工程成本控制与诸多因素相关,工程投资控制不仅包括项目竣工结算的工程造价控制,还包括经济分析、风险分析、项目管理、合同管理等内容。在建筑工程中应用价值工程,对降低建筑成本,合理配置资源,增加建筑产品的科技含量和价值均具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

卢璐  林凯 《价值工程》2010,29(18):31-32
建筑施工中,电气安装施工技术的优化,是决定工程质量的重要一环,直接关系到工程的进度、造价、资源配置、施工效率和质量,以及工程结束后实际运作中能源的节约等等,以下为笔者综合实践中的经验,粗略阐述下在该方面的一些浅见,谨供大家作参考之用。  相似文献   

基于土地生态演替的区域生态格局构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市生态建设应采取主动的生态修复与建设措施,积极打造适应区域生态循环和演替过程的生态格局,从而增强生态系统自身稳定性,提高其相应生态服务功能。根据对以往生态格局规划案例的总结发现,现有规划模式对土地的动态变化考虑不足,对主导土地自然演替规律的区域综合自然地理过程缺少分析,因而构建的生态格局体系可能存在着生态稳定性差、绩效成本高的问题。本文针对这一问题,以河南省汝州市王寨工业集聚区规划为例,通过推断土地的自然演替规律,结合土地利用现状数据,对区域的生态适宜性进行评价,以期在适应区域土地演替规律的基础上,构建区域生态格局。  相似文献   

建设用地区域配置效率评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于经济学上的择优分配原理,结合建设用地开发利用的特点,提出了建设用地区域配置效率的内涵及其计量评价模型,并对中国大陆近十年的建设用地区域配置效率进行了实证评价。结果表明,建设用地的区域配置效率可以界定为建设用地用于不同地区开发建设时所获得的整体利用效率,其高低可以以不同地区建设用地边际产出差异之大小来衡量。实证评价的结果也显示,近十年来中国大陆的建设用地区域配置效率经历了一个波动变化阶段。为优化配置效率,今后应提升低效用地区域的土地边际产出,并考虑将更多的新增建设用地配置于边际产出效率较高的地区。  相似文献   

In the San Francisco Bay Area, where residential rent is among the highest in the United States, an analysis of data from several sources demonstrates that high rent cannot be accounted for by higher quality, higher operating costs, or higher construction costs. At least one-third of the total rent paid is land rent. Despite increases in real incomes, very-low-income tenants in the Bay Area today have less income remaining after payment of rent than tenants did in 1960. High land rent is a long-term feature of the Bay Area rental market that results mostly from its geography, the density of its urban centers, and a strong economy, rather than from regulatory barriers to new multifamily construction. Deregulation is not a sufficient response to the effects of land rent on low-income tenants. Government should subsidize non-profit housing organizations, particularly land trusts that remove residential land from the market. Taxes on land rent would be a particularly appropriate funding source.  相似文献   

土建工程造价指标包括价值性指标和数量性指标两大类;土建工程造价关联数据包括工程量间相关性数据、价值间的相关性数据、工程造价与建筑体量及建筑结构特征因素的相关性影响或数据等。对于个人来讲,掌握指标和关联数据是资历、经验、能力的最直观的一种表现形式;对于企业来讲,掌握指标和关联数据更是一种资历积淀、核心竞争力的体现。造价指标和关联数据,在审核工程预结算的正常性、快速估算造价、优化设计等方面发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

Urban Industrial Land Redevelopment and Contamination Risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the role of contamination risk on urban industrial redevelopment in the City of Chicago. The theoretical framework is the myopic optimal redevelopment rule which states that the redevelopment of an urban parcel will occur when the parcel's value through conversion to a new use, net of construction costs, exceeds the value of the same parcel continuing in its current use. Contamination liability is modeled as a land demolition cost that is capitalized into bid value. Assuming that the magnitude of this land demolition cost is a function of the a priori probability of contamination, the effects of contamination risk on land value and on the probability of redevelopment are estimated.  相似文献   

在房屋征收过程中,完全补偿可以推动土地资源的有效配置、达到旧城改造中的帕累托最优、确保财产权得到平等的保护、降低征收过程的交易成本。以完全补偿为原则,将征收所涉及的房屋价值以征收前后为时点进行梳理,其应然价值包括被征收前的客观价值、征收前的主观价值、征收带来的价值影响和被征收者交易成本。《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》中规定只对房屋客观价值和部分交易成本进行补偿,并未将被征收者的主观价值和征收导致的增值予以补偿,也未对征收导致的权利丧失进行补偿。我国相关制度实践可以从土地使用权权能完善、特别牺牲基金设立、估价办法的改进和征收中的协商机制建立等方面逐渐向完全补偿目标迈进。  相似文献   

A dynamic model of the urban land and building market is proposed which explicitly incorporates endogenous spatial externalities. Using stochastic optimization the model estimates for each period first the supply of building space and then the spatial allocation of activities. Prices for buildings and land are endogenous. The development of the urban area depends on the demand for labor in basic industries. The dynamics of the system is controlled also by the lagged response to endogenous variables. Thus, both the level of externalities, which affect the allocation of activities, and rents, which influence the location of the building supply, are based on the results of the preceding period.  相似文献   

A bstract . We can multiply the value of output from limited natural water supplies by allocating them to higher uses. To this end we need a market in raw water, but existing markets work badly, for several reasons. Sellers are undermotivated, absent taxes or debt. Free groundwater subverts the pricing of surface water. Loss of elevation, and damage from effluents, and instream uses are not charged for. Obsolete subsidies abound; obsolete entitlements dominate allocation. Some trades extinguish public rights. Rent-seeking distorts allocation. Needed public agencies have been subverted by organized land speculators. Recommendations are given.  相似文献   

农地征收出让中的土地增值收益分配关系到“三农”发展甚至整个经济社会发展。尽管国家不断地提供农地征收补偿标准,但农地非农化征收与出让过程中农民的土地收益占土地出让收益比例偏低,而地方政府的收益份额则居高不下。研究结果表明,保障农民土地收益权、构建农民长期分享土地增值收益机制需要改革现行征地补偿制度,在合理的土地增值收益测算方法的基础上,确定增值收益分配比例、分配方式及建设用地与农民留用土地的比例,建立国家土地基金制度及国有土地资产经营制度。  相似文献   

李丽丽 《价值工程》2010,29(24):50-50
从建筑智能化系统的概念出发,探讨了建筑智能化工程在施工过程中成本、进度、质量控制三者之间密切的联系,通过研究它们的制衡机制,寻找三者之间的平衡点,并在保证工程质量和进度的前提下,合理降低施工项目的建造成本。  相似文献   

A bstract .   The paper infers the biasing effects of taxes from their differential effects on the present values of rival uses for given tracts of land. After-tax wage rates, interest rates, and commodity prices are exogenous, hence not affected by taxes, which are therefore all shifted to land rents and values. The effects are differential among rival uses, hence change their ranking in the eyes of the landowner-manager. Most taxes downgrade the highest use into a lower use, inducing quantum leaps away from higher and better uses into lower and worse uses. The paper uses forestry as an allegory for all land uses. It compares yield taxes, property taxes, income taxes, and site value taxes. It finds that a change from the first three to the site value tax would induce quantum leaps from lower to higher uses of land.  相似文献   

We consider crime level in an economic market with a supply of potential criminals. These criminals differ in their opportunity cost for committing crime, reflecting differences in the value of foregone opportunities such as performing productive labor. The realized demand is influenced by the expected value for crime, which depends on several socio-economic variables including wealth, police enforcement, and police arrest ability. After determining the equilibria level suggested by our approach, we propose a dynamic setup and study the stability of this system. Two critical enforcement levels are determined. Exceeding the lower enforcement threshold will push crime to stabilize (converge) to an equilibrium level. Correspondingly, exceeding the higher enforcement threshold will collapse the crime market to zero.  相似文献   

唐颖璐 《价值工程》2013,(14):300-302
由于我国正处于区域经济一体化和城乡统筹的大背景下,土地利用规划呈现出与建设用地的快速扩展无法适应的态势。为了使土地高效、节约利用关键是协调区域经济发展与土地资源配置之间的关系,而依据现行的行政区划划分建立的土地资源配置体系存在很多弊端。因此,有必要对不同空间尺度下的土地资源配置的差异性进行分析,才能建立一个从宏观到微观的优化配置体系,实现土地可持续利用的目标。  相似文献   

侴作义 《价值工程》2012,31(26):37-38
本文从节能建筑、新型材料出发,介绍了几种常见的建材和新型材料,给出它们的优缺点和造价上的对比,通过一具体事例说明采用节能材料的成本节约的情况,最后给出了建材的发展动态和未来的方向,为建筑工程造价的核算奠定基础。  相似文献   

城市公共服务的价值估计、受益者分析和融资模式探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
城市生活质量决定城市价值.城市政府所提供的各类公共服务,直接影响着居民在城市中生活的舒适和便利程度,关系到城市长期发展的动力.围绕此主旨,论文探讨了3个相关的问题.第一,如何估计城市公共服务这些非市场的价值;第二,这些城市公共服务的成本承担和利益享受是否匹配;第三,怎样的公共口融资模式能够使上述关系更为匹配.基于显示性偏好法中的特征价格模型,利用北京市住宅市场和土地市场的徽观和个体交易数据,实证结果表明,居民愿意为居住在地铁站、公交车站和公署周边一定范围(0.8公里)内分别支付住宅价格的17.1%、12.4%和6.4%,但是,这种价值并没有被资本化到土地价格中.这表明,居民对城市公共服务偏好的住处并没有被房地产开发企业以地价的形式传递给政府,开发企业成为实际的受益者.以房地产价值作为税基的物业税的征收使信息可以从居民直接传递至城市政府,将使城市公共服务的融资模式更为合理.  相似文献   

The fundamentals of land prices and urban growth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In a very simple model in which capital is durable and landowners have perfect foresight, the price of urban land has four additive components: the value of agricultural land rent, the cost of conversion, the value of accessibility, and the value of expected future rent increases, a growth premium. In rapidly growing cities, the growth premium may easily account for half of the average price of land and may create a large gap between the price of land at the boundary (minus conversion cost) and the value of agricultural land rent.  相似文献   

Four-wheel drive vehicles play a pivotal role in securing the last-mile distribution of goods and services in humanitarian development programs. To optimize the use of their fleets, humanitarian organizations recommend policies aimed at enhancing the utilization of vehicles while preserving residual value. Although these decisions have a significant impact on cost, there is limited empirical evidence to show that the recommended policies are actually implemented and that they produce the expected benefits. This paper theoretically and empirically examines the complex and inter-related effects of vehicle-to-mission allocation decisions and of alternative vehicle usage patterns on vehicle utilization and residual value in humanitarian development programs. The results suggest that humanitarian organizations could break the utilization–residual value trade-off by adopting different policies than the ones currently in place. They also reveal that organizations need to realize that what seems logical from the headquarters' perspective may be illogical or inconvenient for the field, and as a result, the field may do the opposite of what is recommended or even instructed. Therefore, they either need better data and analysis combined with audits or they need to improve mechanisms that incentivize field delegations to follow standards recommended by the headquarters.  相似文献   

开展社会主义新农村建设的土地政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫士忠  张明  徐小娇  刘曦 《价值工程》2010,29(28):245-246
土地是十分宝贵和稀缺的不可替代的重要资源,具有十分重要的基础地位。社会主义新农村建设的成败与土地息息相关。本文通过对集体土地流转、城乡建设用地增减挂钩和土地整理三个土地政策的分析,揭示土地政策在推动社会主义新农村建设中的重要作用。  相似文献   

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