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By applying this relation all results in the two definition systems can be translated into each other. In this note we will analyze some relationships between increments in gross and net production.
It turns out that in case the external delivery structure changes {the non-diagonal coefficients of A), relative increments in gross and net production are identical.
A further result is that neither relative nor absolute increments in gross and net production are identical in case of changes in the internal delivery structure {the diagonal coefficients of A).
The third result is that relative increments in gross and net production are identical in case of a change in final demand.
Input-output analysis can be set up in gross or net terms. In the first case the internal deliveries of a sector are included in the table, in the other case they are neglected. These two different approaches give rise to two different leontief matrices: A and D.
Stone determined a relation between the two matrix multipliers (I-A)-1 and (I-D)-1  相似文献   

Using a two-step system GMM approach on a unique bank-level dataset for the period 1998/99–2013/14, this paper tries to explore the key determinants of credit risk in the Indian banking industry. The main premise of this paper is that, along with regulatory and institutional factors, both macroeconomic and bank-specific variables influence the formation of credit risk in a banking system, and their influences vary across ownership groups. The empirical findings suggest that lower profitability, more diversification in the banking business, the large size of banks and a higher concentration of banks in lending increase the probability of defaults in India. We find a significant degree of persistence in credit risk, and the observed persistence is higher in the gross non-performing loans (NPLs) specification relative to what has been observed in the net NPLs specification. In the case of public sector banks, NPLs are more sensitive to internal bank-specific factors, while for private and foreign banks, macroeconomic and industry-related factors play a significant role in determining credit risk. Our results are robust for different panel data estimation models and sub-samples of ownership groups. The findings of this paper provide important insights into the formation of default risk in the banking system of an emerging market economy.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1946,1(3):131-135
In packing powders, fluids and the like in mass production there are three frequency distributions of weights, viz. net weights, gross weights and tare weights. It is shown that by elementary statistical methods the standard deviation of one of these three distributions may be found by analysing the other two.
The excisting correlation, e.g. between net weights and tare weights, can be found by the same methods.  相似文献   

abstract Though emerging from different venues and backgrounds, risk management and digital applications are both based on sophisticated techniques of representation. This paper tracks the multiple overlappings and convergence between these two streams of representations. Initially digital technologies play a background role, as a tool to execute the algorithms of risk calculus. Then, they are useful in managing surveys and data analysis for those areas where risk management needs to store data on, for example, accidents. With the extension of markets for trading risk, computers and networks (or Information and Communication Technologies, ICT) become the tools of choice to allow the efficient functioning of industries like insurance. In other industries, like banking, where ‘the business’ is a vast archipelago of applications running on systems and networks, it is apparent that these integrated systems are inherently exposed to risk. Hence, these humble tools become both the infrastructure of the risk industry, and also the source of new, often incalculable risks; they move from a clear‐cut subordinate relationship (as tool) to that of imbrication. Risk representations become more calculable and formalized, but this is obtained at the price of an incalculability of the risks of the infrastructure itself. The analysis of the multiple patterns of imbrication of representations between risk and digital technologies is applied to a range of empirical domains: from software engineering and information systems (the subservient infrastructure); to operational risk in banking; and finally to the future scenario of the democratization of finance, whereby Global Risk Information Databases (GRIDs), become gigantic machines to represent, compute, and trade all sorts of individual and social risks. [1] Overall, the paper seeks to characterize the multiple links between risk and digital technologies in organizations and draws in part on the phenomenology of representation and Heidegger's studies of Care and Concern and his later work on the essence of modern technology.  相似文献   

In a controlled experiment involving a sample comprising 8300 school leavers who entered the labour market in 1983/84, half of the sample were asked to report on gross weekly earnings (if employed) or expected gross earnings (if not employed). The other half were asked equivalent questions in terms of net earnings. Comparisons between the responses indicate that those in employment were able to provide consistent responses concerning gross and net earnings. Among the non-employed, however, there is reason to believe that those reporting expected net earnings may have underestimated the impact of the deductions due to tax and National Insurance contributions. The size of this understatement is such as to create a discrepancy of some 9 per cent (in terms of gross earnings) between the two sources of expected earnings.  相似文献   

Fair housing audits are an important tool for measuring the incidence of racial and ethnic discrimination in housing markets. Traditional measures of incidence calculate the proportion of cases in which the white auditor is favored (gross adverse treatment) or the difference between the proportion of white-favored and minority-favored audits (net adverse treatment). The gross measure may overstate discrimination because treatment differences sometimes arise from differences in circumstances across auditor visits. On the other hand, the net measure understates discrimination because audits in which the minority auditor is favored for systematic reasons are incorrectly subtracted. This paper presents a model of agent behavior that more fully accounts for the audit design and employs the estimated parameters to calculate bounds on the incidence of discrimination. This approach leads to a lower bound for the incidence of discrimination that is often substantially higher than the simple net measure and to an upper bound that is close to and sometimes above the simple gross measure.  相似文献   


We consider the problem of governing systemic risk in an assets–liabilities dynamical model of a banking system. In the model considered, each bank is represented by its assets and liabilities. The net worth of a bank is the difference between its assets and liabilities and bank is solvent when its net worth is greater than or equal to zero; otherwise, the bank has failed. The banking system dynamics is defined by an initial value problem for a system of stochastic differential equations whose independent variable is time and whose dependent variables are the assets and liabilities of the banks. The banking system model presented generalizes those discussed in Fouque and Sun (in: Fouque, Langsam (eds) Handbook of systemic risk, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 444–452, 2013) and Fatone and Mariani (J Glob Optim 75(3):851–883, 2019) and describes a homogeneous population of banks. The main features of the model are a cooperation mechanism among banks and the possibility of the (direct) intervention of the monetary authority in the banking system dynamics. By “systemic risk” or “systemic event” in a bounded time interval, we mean that in that time interval at least a given fraction of banks have failed. The probability of systemic risk in a bounded time interval is evaluated via statistical simulation. Systemic risk governance aims to maintain the probability of systemic risk in a bounded time interval between two given thresholds. The monetary authority is responsible for systemic risk governance. The governance consists in the choice of assets and liabilities of a kind of “ideal bank” as functions of time and in the choice of the rules for the cooperation mechanism among banks. These rules are obtained by solving an optimal control problem for the pseudo mean field approximation of the banking system model. Governance induces banks in the system to behave like the “ideal bank”. Shocks acting on the banks’ assets or liabilities are simulated. Numerical examples of systemic risk governance in the presence and absence of shocks acting on the banking system are studied.


  • We estimate, for each nonprofit organization (NPO) in a sample of 606 US arts NPOs, whether the NPO's level of fundraising is ‘excessive,’ ‘insufficient,’ or neither, relative to the level that maximizes net donations. We find that the effect of a 1% increase in fundraising on net donations varies widely across the arts NPOs in our sample—from an increase in net donations of 8.91% of gross donations to a decrease of 3.82% of gross donations. Of the 100 NPOs in our sample with the highest donations, the estimated effect of a 1% increase in fundraising on net donations varies more narrowly—from an increase in net donations of 0.27% of gross donations to a decrease of 0.32% of gross donations. Of these 100 NPOs, we estimate that only 3 engaged in ‘excessive’ fundraising, but 83 engaged in ‘insufficient’ fundraising, and 14 did not engage in ‘excessive’ or ‘insufficient’ fundraising.We also provide evidence that reported organizational efficiency does not affect donations to arts NPOs. This finding may be useful to managers and directors of US arts NPOs who believe that organizational efficiency does impact donations and who, therefore, incorporate the effect on efficiency in their decisions to allocate resources across fundraising, administration, and program objectives.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文根据委托代理理论,利用风险管理决策的效用原则,分析企业管理者不同薪酬制度下的风险偏好和风险管理决策;进一步说明股东可以通过设计不同的管理者薪酬计划,校正管理者在风险管理决策中的利益动机,进而使管理者制定的风险管理决策符合股东价值最大化目标。  相似文献   

The risk–return trade-off refers to the compensation required by investors for bearing risks, which can be viewed as the risk preference of investors in a market. The current study investigates the dynamic interdependence of risk–return trade-offs between China’s stock market and the crude oil market from the perspective of risk preference of investors, which is designed to explore the transmission process of investors’ risk preference in both markets. Specifically, this study applies the time-varying parameter GARCH-M model, namely TVP-GARCH-M model, to characterize the time-dependent risk–return trade-offs (investors’ risk preferences) in the crude oil and China’s stock markets, then examines their relationship through Granger causality tests. Results show that a variation in risk preferences of the oil market investors can dramatically cause a variation in risk preferences of the Chinese stock market investors, while the risk preference of investors in the Chinese stock market does not lead to that in the crude oil market, which is in accordance with expectations. The dynamic effect of investors’ risk appetite in the crude oil market is further examined by the TVP-VAR model. The findings of this work suggest that there generally exists a positive impact of investors’ risk preference in the oil market and that the effect is time-varying to a greater degree during the short and medium term. Moreover, responses of the Chinese stock market investors’ risk preference were more significant during the 2008 financial crisis. Additionally, the empirical results remain robust when applying alternative crude oil prices and China’s stock prices.  相似文献   

We perform a thorough analysis of the unique dollarization case of Lebanon, a heavily dollarized economy with recurring public deficits and monetary financing of the public debt, together with contained inflation and a de facto fixed exchange rate lasting for more than 20 years. What makes Lebanon’s case specific is the high level of foreign currency liquidity in the hands of the banking system due to the abundant capital inflows in the last three decades, and the high levels of the central bank’s gross international reserves, contrasting with its low and sometimes negative levels of net international reserves. We shed light on a number of areas that have so far been unexplored in international finance and monetary economics, mainly the difference between gross and net international reserves and their relative fiscal costs, together with a synthetic classification of sterilization techniques. We explain the monetary “freezing” mechanism that helped contain inflation in Lebanon, despite the monetary financing of the country’s recurring public deficits. We also assess the results of Lebanon’s monetary and exchange rate policy in the last two decades, and make a number of policy recommendations in light of previous studies.  相似文献   

We provide new characterizations of the preference for additive and multiplicative risk apportionment when risk ordering relies on stochastic dominance. We then point out a simple property of risk apportionment with additive risks: Quite generally, an observed preference for additive risk apportionment in a specific risk environment is preserved when the decision-maker is confronted to other risk situations, so long as the total order of stochastic dominance relationships among risk couples remains the same. The main objective of this paper is to check whether this simple property also holds for multiplicative risks environments. We explain why this is not the case in general, and then provide a set of conditions under which this property holds. We also show that it holds – and even more strongly – in the case of CRRA utility functions due to a particular feature of this family of utility functions.  相似文献   

Information systems are a kind of service systems and they are throughout every element of a modern industrial and business system, much like blood in our body. Types of information systems are heterogeneous because of extreme uncertainty in changes in modern industrial and business systems. To effectively manage information systems, modelling of the work domain (or domain) of information systems is necessary. In this paper, a domain modelling framework for the service system is proposed and its application to the enterprise information system is outlined. The framework is defined based on application of a general domain modelling tool called function-context-behaviour-principle-state-structure (FCBPSS). The FCBPSS is based on a set of core concepts, namely: function, context, behaviour, principle, state and structure and system decomposition. Different from many other applications of FCBPSS in systems engineering, the FCBPSS is applied to both infrastructure and substance systems, which is novel and effective to modelling of service systems including enterprise information systems. It is to be noted that domain modelling of systems (e.g. enterprise information systems) is a key to integration of heterogeneous systems and to coping with unanticipated situations facing to systems.  相似文献   

鉴于一般的宏观经济预测模型中缺乏对历史数据反映供需失衡状态的分析,本文构建了一个基于投入产出(IO)分析原理的总供给—总需求(AS-AD)分析框架,以中国1987~2007年投入产出表为基础进行实证分析。结果表明:我国货币政策和财政政策对经济均衡产出水平的影响较小;减税能够改善就业和对外贸易状况,且对劳动者收入改善效果显著;劳动生产率提高是经济增长的有效途径,但需要改善就业和劳动者收入政策措施的配合。  相似文献   

In the UK, the length of a goods carrying vehicle is limited to a maximum of 16.5 m for a standard articulated vehicle and 18.75 m for a draw-bar combination. This research has investigated the environmental, economic and practical impacts of expanding the volumetric carry capacity by increasing maximum length of vehicles to 25.25 m, while maintaining the maximum gross weight at the current UK limit of 44 tonne. The scope is limited to the consideration of 25.25 m vehicle variants that are currently in use in the Netherlands. The investigation was based on a variety of techniques that included bench research and case study modelling. It concludes that, although the picture is complex and there are a number of operational issues to be addressed, the introduction of high-capacity vehicles (HCVs) to the UK would yield valuable environmental and financial benefits at vehicle and operator level, provided that vehicle utilisation levels do not deteriorate as compared with current fleet. At the national level, financial benefits would be partially offset by infrastructure costs and there is some risk of environmental benefits being partially eroded by modal shift – but on both measures a net benefit is highly likely to remain. In addition, provided that appropriate risk control measures are adopted, use of HCVs is highly unlikely to have an adverse impact on road safety.  相似文献   

We model the Central Bank’s management of intraday liquidity in modern real-time gross settlement systems as a linear programming problem parameterized by different intraday monetary policies, such as reserve requirements, net debit caps and Lombard loans. We then use duality theory to determine the shadow-prices of constraints of each bank. These shadow-prices can be used by the Central Bank to set personalized intraday monetary policies in order to reduce idleness of money and to give a microfoundation of the too-big-to-fail policy.  相似文献   

GPRS作为一种通信手段,与传统通信方式相比具有明显的技术优势。其应用具有安全、可靠、实时,以及传输速率高、资源利用率高等特点,因此其在电力监控、电力负荷管理及集抄系统中得到了广泛的应用。利用GPRS的这些特点设计新型的无线电力监控系统,可以实现远程实时监测电力系统的电量、电压、功率、相序、频率、功率因数等电力负荷参数和运行状况,适用于电力系统的自动化管理。利用移动运营商提供的GPRS无线网络实现电力系统中的数据传输,将是电力系统自动化的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

Information Technology and the Organization of Firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper seeks to understand why improved information technology (IT) might strengthen the case for decentralization, as recent empirical work suggests. We study a firm with a headquarters and two managers, each of whom gathers information about her changing local environment. The firm earns a gross profit that depends on actions taken as well as the current local environments. More information permits better actions, and information‐gathering costs drop as IT improves. When the firm is centralized, information‐gathering expenditures are first best, but after the firm decentralizes, each manager becomes a self‐interested player of a “sharing game” in which she collects a share of gross profit and bears the cost of her chosen information‐gathering activities. The firm's actions are determined by the information gathered at the equilibria of the game. As a result, the firm experiences a decentralization penalty, namely the change in net profit (gross profit minus informational costs) after decentralizing. If the penalty is small, then it is outweighed by the advantages of decentralizing—the vanishing of monitoring costs and perhaps the improved motivation of a decentralized manager's staff. To gather information a manager chooses (once and for all) a partitioning of her possible local environments and then searches to find the set in which her current environment lies. Our main measure of a manager's information cost is a technology parameter, θ, times the number of sets in her chosen partitioning. A second measure is θ times the partitioning's “Shannon content,” which may be interpreted as average search time when search is efficient. We ask whether improved IT, i.e., a drop in θ, indeed lowers the decentralization penalty. We obtain a strongly affirmative answer to this question for both cost measures in a class of examples and a mixed answer when we generalize so as to preserve some of the key properties of those examples. In a parallel manner we explore another conjecture suggested in the empirical literature, namely that better IT raises the coordination benefit, which we define as the increase in net profit when the firm bases its actions on pooled information, rather than letting each action variable depend on the information gathered by just one manager.  相似文献   

After German reunification, interregional subsidies accounted for approximately 4% of gross fixed capital investment in the new federal states (i.e. those which were formerly part of the German Democratic Republic). We show that, between 1992 and 2005, infrastructure and corporate investment subsidies had a negative net impact on regional economic growth and convergence. This result is robust to both the specification of spatially weighted control variables and the use of instrumental variable techniques to control for the endogeneity of subsidies. Our results suggest that regional redistribution was ineffective, potentially due to a lack of spatial concentration to create growth poles.  相似文献   

文章分别从物流流量和物流产值两个角度计算了物流产业的毛投资回报率和净投资回报率,并通过对比分析得出:中国物流产业在总量发展较快的前提下运作效率却基本原地踏步。同时通过对中国物流产业的从业人员总数、学历结构、从业人员人均产值所进行的调查研究,也印证了这一结论。并提出中国物流人才培养升级定位的理念,并对承担这一责任的高校物流专业的人才培养模式提出相应的理论建议以供参考。  相似文献   

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