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利用FDI过程中研发国际化对东道国创新体系的结构与绩效也产生了较为明显的影响,而研发国际化的技术外溢取决于研发的类型与东道国的经济、科技等背景。通过中印两国在利用FDI促进本国科技创新方面的比较发现:中国利用FDI资源特别是在外资研发机构及其研发支出方面明显强于印度;中国在吸收FDI技术溢出的研发投入、硬件条件等方面较明显优于印度;中国是开放度很高的"外资带动"型的创新路径,而印度更偏向于"自主创新"型的发展模式;制约中国自主创新还存在一些亟待破解的深层障碍。  相似文献   

在落实国家创新驱动发展战略过程中,企业是微观层面实施者,立足企业研究创新投资的空间互动关系,对于激发企业间创新投资联动效应,推动落实国家创新驱动发展战略具有积极意义。构建不同权重矩阵,运用空间计量模型研究发现:企业与企业之间的创新投资存在正向空间互动关系;企业之间的创新投资空间互动关系存在行业门槛,表现为跨行业衰减;创新投资的空间互动关系在多维邻近的企业间更容易达成。最后,提出建议:甄别高、低水平创新投资集聚区,基于不同创新投资水平“量体裁衣”助推企业创新投资;创新投资的空间互动可以在企业间形成涟漪式扩散,应在扩散过程中重视和充分发挥同行业企业作为关键传导节点的作用;选出一批合适的企业进行重点管理,以“点”带“面”促进更多企业创新投资行为。  相似文献   

逯宇铎  邱东阳  刘海洋 《技术经济》2012,31(8):43-49,115
使用1999—2009年我国18万家规模以上高技术产业微观企业数据,采用倾向得分匹配方法控制内生性问题,分析了企业创新与出口之间的因果关系。以产品创新衡量企业创新的估计结果表明,企业创新与出口间存在明显的因果关系:企业创新使其出口概率平均增加14%以上,企业出口使企业创新概率平均提升超过8%,从创新到出口、从出口到创新的因果关系方向均显著。区分出口强度和企业类型的估计结果显示:这种因果关系随着出口强度的增大而减弱;内资企业的创新对其出口的影响要大于外资企业;外资企业的出口对其创新的影响要大于内资企业。以研发衡量企业创新后也得到了类似结果。  相似文献   

It is well established that knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) firms can be innovators in their own right. It is also well established that KIBS can contribute to innovation in their client firms. This role of KIBS has been theorised, and some of the processes by which KIBS contribute to innovation have been scrutinised by way of case studies. However, there are few, if any, large-scale analyses that permit the two following questions to be addressed: (i) Do firms that use KIBS systematically introduce more innovations than those that do not? (ii) Is recourse to certain types of KIBS associated with certain types of innovation? Our survey of KIBS use across 804 manufacturing establishments in Quebec shows that KIBS contribute to their client's innovation – thereby confirming in a more general way what has been observed in case studies – but also that different types of KIBS contribute to different types of innovation.  相似文献   

Technological innovation is a key factor for achieving better environmental performances. Its role is even more relevant in local productions system, where innovation density, knowledge spillovers and externalities are concentrated in a circumscribed territory. The paper exploits new data for a sample of manufacturing firms in Northern Italy. New evidence is provided by testing a set of hypotheses, concerning primarily the role of environmental‐devoted R&D, networking activities, quality/nature of industrial relations. The role played by environmental policy pressure, structural firm features and past firm performances is also investigated to account for more exogenous forces. We show that structural characteristics of the firm appear to matter less than R&D, induced policy costs and innovative‐oriented industrial relations. Environmental auditing schemes also show some relevant correlation to innovation adoptions. R&D efforts appear to be associated to networking activities, which substitute for size‐related economies of scale. Overall, endogenous factors driven by firm strategy or local idiosyncratic features matter more than exogenous and structural firm factors.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper develops a two‐country, general equilibrium model of oligopoly in which the degree of horizontal product differentiation is endogenously determined by firms’ strategic investments in product innovation. Consumers seek variety and product innovation is more skill intensive than production. Stronger import competition increases innovation incentives, and thereby the relative demand for skill. An intra‐industry trade expansion following trade liberalization can therefore increase wage inequality between skilled and unskilled workers. As long as some industries remain shielded from international competition, the welfare implications of globalization are found to be generally ambiguous.  相似文献   

基于协同知识创新决策风险性,引入行为经济学偏好反转理论,从知识积累视角构建偏好反转影响下的知识创新模型。将协同知识创新决策从单纯的选择决策拓展为选择/放弃决策,在不同决策背景下对模型进行演算。结果发现,当协作方对创新资源投入分摊比例较低时,主体对未来收益的不确定性预期较低,而在偏好反转的影响下,放弃决策对预期收益的退出定价可能较高,从而使背离放弃决策相比进入选择决策更有利于协同创新。研究结论解释了当前较多的协同知识创新联盟尽管没有实现科技政策调整的预期效果,但未大规模解体且力趋稳定合作的现象。  相似文献   

薄文广 《财经研究》2007,33(6):4-17
文章利用1995~2004年省级层面的面板数据定量评估了外国直接投资对于中国技术创新的影响。文章认为:FDI的流入会对我国技术创新水平的提升产生促进作用,FDI对于我国外观设计专利申请量的正向影响程度最大,对实用新型专利申请量影响次之,对于发明专利申请量的影响程度最小,并且要使FDI对我国发明专利申请量的增加发挥促进作用还要跨越一定的“人力资本门槛”,而我国大部分西部地区和一部分中部地区并没有达到这个人力资本门槛;FDI对中国技术创新的影响也存在着明显的区域性特征,在东部和中部地区,FDI的进入有助于这两个地区技术创新水平的提升,并且FDI对于东部地区技术创新水平的促进作用要大于其对中部地区技术创新水平的促进作用,FDI的进入对西部地区技术创新水平的增加几乎没有什么影响;另外即使在外资溢出效应较为显著的东部地区,FDI对不同类型的专利申请之间也存在较大差异性,FDI对于以发明专利表征的技术创新水平的影响要远远小于其对实用新型和外观设计专利的影响。  相似文献   

刘明广  李高扬 《技术经济》2012,31(5):29-33,59
构建了区域创新系统中企业知识共享的演化博弈模型,从理论上分析了模型的平衡点及稳定性条件。结果表明:只要有一个博弈方进行知识共享的额外收益小于其知识吸收与学习成本,博弈结局必然是所有博弈方不共享知识;当博弈双方进行知识共享的额外收益均大于其知识吸收与学习成本时,博弈结局有可能是共享知识,也有可能是不共享知识,具体结局与初始点的状态存在密切关系。最后提出促进区域创新系统中企业知识共享的建议。  相似文献   

制造型企业的发展关系着国民经济的稳定与繁荣。中国制造型企业通过创新探索与实践,初步实现了关键技术与核心产品国产化,在技术创新过程中,自然会重点关注突破性创新方法。通过阐述突破性创新特征,说明其在发展中国家使用时遇到的障碍,并通过文献和案例研究讨论了一种新的技术创新策略——开放式颠覆创新。这一方法有助于企业成功获得创新性产品或服务,借助基于核心能力的技术和业务多元化战略适应市场变化,通过持续性创新保持企业竞争优势。开放式颠覆创新不仅是对中国企业30多年来创新实践的理论提炼,也是适用于其它发展中国家的创新新范式。  相似文献   

基于三螺旋理论,构建了包含政府、产业、大学和研究机构、资本部门四类创新主体的协同创新四螺旋模型,从互信息视角挖掘Web of ScienceTM核心集合引文数据库中2006-2016年中美两国论文发表数据,运用N螺旋算法,实证测度和对比中美两国4类创新主体协同创新程度与发展态势。结果发现:①伴随着传统“学-产”协同创新的不断稳定,其它二维协同形式正在不断加强和发展,但相较于美国而言,几种二维协同创新形式仍比较薄弱,部分二维协同创新协同程度与美国差距较大;②中国三维协同创新协同程度趋于稳定,但稳定程度不及二维协同,且协同程度弱于美国,而中国“产-资-政”协同呈现较大幅度波动,协同程度强于美国;③中国四维协同创新协同程度优于美国,整体而言比较稳定,但部分年份有轻微波动。  相似文献   

This paper examines the complementarity between process and product innovation where process innovation reduces the marginal cost of quality. In the context of a vertically differentiated monopolistic market with discrete consumer types, we investigate how the nature of (fixed versus variable) innovation costs and the distribution of consumers over different types affect the complementarity between process and product innovation. We show that under variable innovation costs a process innovation is more likely to occur alone than both innovations together when taste diversity (or consumer heterogeneity) is not significant and/or when there are more low-type than high-type consumers.  相似文献   

The achievement of positive Environmental Performance (EP) at national level could strongly depend on differences in regional features, namely productive specialization, regulation stringency and innovation capabilities of both public institutions and the private business sector. We present empirical evidence for a newly released NAMEA available for the 20 Italian regions in order to demonstrate the role played by sector innovation, regional spillovers and environmental policies. The Italian North–south divide regarding industrial development and productive specialization patterns seems to affect regional EP. Nonetheless, such a pattern presents some interesting differences, revealing a more heterogeneous distribution of emissions which may reflect the role of other driving forces. In particular, agglomerative effects seem to play a major role and the EP of neighboring regions influences the regional internal EP. This means that together with the spatial concentration of specific sectors into restricted areas, there is also some convergence in the adoption of cleaner or dirtier production process techniques. Finally, interregional technological spillovers are more important than sector internal innovation for improving EP, revealing that accounting for spatial features and linking ecological economics to regional economics are crucial in understanding the key drivers of EP.  相似文献   

塞尔维亚是中东欧近几年来科技创新发展速度较快、技术转移成果较多的国家之一,其科技创新和技术转移相关的激励政策也随着科技水平的发展而不断完善和健全。塞尔维亚科技创新和技术转移激励政策在经费筹措和资助、科研成果商业化等诸多方面可圈可点,但仍存在民众信任度不高、资金分配制度不完善、对国际化创新合作的重视不足等问题。本文从科技创新和技术转移两个方面介绍了塞尔维亚科技创新和技术转移激励政策的现状、进展,并分析了其相关优势和亮点,同时也指出激励政策存在的一些漏洞,并作为对照,提出了对完善我国科技创新和技术转移激励政策的建议。  相似文献   

The paper examines some issues related to different styles of innovation in some advenced countries. The statistical work carried out is an attempt to answer the questerion: to what extent do countries' styles of innovation differ and how often do similarities arise? The issue of similarity/dissimilarity of countries' styles of innovation is investigated in the last 100 years for a group of selected countries. The evidence provided is based on a US patent database held at the University of Reading and countries' styles of innovation are measured with the use of the RTA index in four historical periods. The conclusions of the paper are consistent with the theory of national systems of innovation. Countries show very different styles of innovation and, what is more important, this difference is stable over time. However, a selected combination of similar countries occurs in every period, thus underlining the existence of regional groups. These regional groups are the only pairs of countries showing technological similarity historically.  相似文献   

探讨了探索性和应用性市场学习、突破式和渐进式创新与企业效率和效果绩效之间的差异化关系。基于303家中国企业双份调研数据的实证研究发现:渐进式创新正向促进突破式创新,并受竞争战略独特性正向调节;探索性市场学习比应用性市场学习更有助于促进突破式创新,而应用性市场学习比探索性市场学习更有助于促进渐进式创新;两种市场学习交互正向影响突破式和渐进式创新,但对突破式创新的影响更强;突破式创新比渐进式创新对绩效效率与效果两方面的提升都更大。  相似文献   

This article evaluates spillover effects of innovation of Taiwan's industries by using the input–output (IO) analysis framework. On the basis of IO tables for the years 1981, 1986 1991 and 1996, the structure, magnitude and ranking list of the spillover effect of innovation are revealed. Additionally, several findings are also achieved from the empirical results. First, the spillover effect of process innovation is stronger and about more than twice the spillover effect of product innovation in Taiwan. Furthermore, Taiwan's industries manifest a dispersive technological distribution structure and the spillover effect of the process innovation is more dispersive than that of product innovation. Moreover, Taiwanese industries are rather dependent on foreign technologies, particularly in terms of product innovation.  相似文献   

创新模式选择有着复杂的内外部因素,现有研究缺少对核心因素与不同创新模式之间影响机理、影响结果的详细刻画。鉴于此,引入复杂适应系统理论,将影响因素集中于创新成功率和创新周期,抓住企业发展过程中生产销售、创新、贷款、还款等核心环节,建立基于主体的仿真模型。结果表明:①创新成功率对两类企业存活数量有正向影响,且对渐进式创新企业影响更显著,创新成功率与企业平均资金余额正相关,当突破式创新成功率超过渐进式创新成功率一半时,突破式创新企业平均资金余额大于渐进式创新企业平均资金余额;②创新周期与突破式创新企业存活数量、渐进式创新企业存活数量之间不存在明显关系,但与两类企业平均资金余额呈负相关;③创新成功率和创新周期对两类企业平均资金余额变化有正向协同作用,且该协同作用对突破式创新企业更显著。  相似文献   

杜斌  徐飞 《科技进步与对策》2016,33(23):149-154
以“世界一流大学科研竞争力排行榜”中排列靠前的中美大学为样本,对样本大学2005—2013年SCI论文发表情况和专利授权情况进行整体态势分析。研究表明,大学科学研究实力与技术创新能力之间在宏观上具有一定的正相关关系,大学科学研究对其技术创新具有一定的拉动作用,关联发展水平高的大学能在高水平科学研究基础上产生更具影响力的技术创新成果。近十年来,中国大学的科学研究和技术创新在宏观规模与发展速度方面优于美国大学,但在高水平科学研究和技术创新关联发展方面,中国大学整体处于较低的发展层次,与美国大学相比仍有很大的追赶空间。  相似文献   

The paper proposes a framework for analyzing assets and inter-asset linkages associated with technological innovation. The framework is consistent with a Penrosian view of the firm and draws on recent contributions from both the more general resource-based perspective and the innovation and technology perspective of the firm.

Three broad categories of firm assets are distinguished: tradeable resources, technical/functional capabilities and managerial competences. Assets for technological innovation are defined as resources, technical capabilities and managerial competences for developing new products and processes. A taxonomy of generic innovative assets is proposed that distinguishes four generic categories of innovative assets: Scientific research assets, process innovative assets, product innovative application assets and aesthetic design assets. Critical inter-asset linkages are analyzed in terms of inter-asset specificity. It is argued that high degrees of inter-asset specificity provide greater scope for innovation and make higher demands on the innovative assets and their coordination than low degrees of inter-asset specificity. It is moreover suggested that complementary assets not only play the role of assuring proper commercialization of given innovations; they may also play a critical role as a ‘focusing device’ for directing the innovative process.

Finally, some implications for strategy in innovative firms are indicated. Thus, the proposed inter-asset framework may help to specify the notion of core competences and provide a more differentiated perspective on innovation strategy and first-mover advantages.  相似文献   

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