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A bstract . An important subject, that of placing an economic value on household production for divorce, wrongful injury and death litigation , is examined. Both theory and practice are explored, with emphasis given to the latter. National questionnaire data obtained by the author suggest that forensic economists generally take a conservative, perhaps overly narrow, approach in valuing household production. Possible reasons for this, implications, and future directions in forensic practice are discussed  相似文献   

This article comments upon Louzek ( 2011 ) in this journal, claiming that the analysis of Schmoller's method, as evidenced by his practice, allows us to highlight a few themes that are relevant not only in reconstructing his critique of Menger's methodological proposal but also for an extension of such critique to the current mainstream economics.  相似文献   

家用电器产品质量归根结底取决于计量,家电产业计量的发展将影响着我国家电产业的健康发展,通过对家电产业和家电产业计量现状的分析,指出了我国家电产业计量目前存在的问题,并提出了未来家电产业计量发展的对策。  相似文献   

以哥本哈根会议关于节能减排的议题为启发,对海运业减排进行阐述;详细介绍了几种具体措施,即通过在技术、操作、经济、可替代技术等方面的努力,以及建立生态港口等方法,研究海运减排相关问题.  相似文献   

For many years, economists have successfully analyzed aggregate production data using the single price assumption to construct real output. However, economists using these same techniques to examine firm and establishment level data have had difficulty interpreting the ensuing results. This paper explores whether price dispersion across individual producers could explain these problems. Using data from the hydraulic cement industry, this paper shows that omitting individual prices introduces measurement errors in real output that are correlated with factor prices. These errors lead to biased estimates of the production function and productivity growth equations. A method of simultaneously estimating real output and price is introduced to overcome these problems.The refereeing process of this paper was handled through R. Sickles.  相似文献   

Household surveys are playing an increasingly important role in the measurement of poverty and well-being around the world. The Living Standards Measurement Study, which was begun in the World Bank under the guidance of Graham Pyatt in 1979, has played an important role in this movement. Its surveys are widely used within the Bank to measure consumption-based poverty, and survey data are now the exclusive basis for the global poverty counts. This paper discusses a number of unresolved issues in using consumption-based surveys for measuring well-being, including the choice of a money-metric versus welfare-ratio approach, the collection of suitable price information, the effects of measurement error on estimation, and methods for correcting per capita consumption for the demographic structure of the household.  相似文献   

Confusion about overpopulation stems from the writings of Thomas Malthus in 1798. It was compounded by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, both of whom made the Malthusian “struggle for existence” the basis of natural selection in the evolutionary process. Malthus argued, without evidence, that human population growth will continue unchecked until regulated by external factors such as hunger and disease. Darwin and Wallace cemented that idea into evolutionary theory. Recent evolutionary biologists have focused on gene frequency as a way to compare the reproductive success of one individual against another within the same species. However, among humans, the true basis of reproductive success is grounded in control of the resources necessary for survival. Humans sometimes adapt to environmental stress by having more children, not fewer, which means that poverty can cause population growth, not the reverse. Recognizing this simple relationship would have helped Darwin resolve a dilemma at the heart of his theory: his expectation that the most successful members of our species would have the most children, an idea contradicted by his observation of large, poor families among the Irish. The evolutionary puzzle can be solved by observing that providing equal access to land enables humans to limit their own fertility. The problem of equal access can be addressed by implementing Henry George's idea of taxing the value of land, thereby preventing hoarding and gross inequality of wealth.  相似文献   

高等职业技术学院是我国高等教育体系中的一部分,在人才培养中注重技术和技能,和以培养学术型、工程型的普通高等教育有明显区别。而高等职业技术学院经济管理类专业,因其独特的服务、管理型专业特点和职业技术学院学生本身特点,出现了一些问题,如学生学习习惯有待加强,教学过程中有效沟通不足等。本文着重分析这些问题产生的原因,结合实际,提出相应对策。  相似文献   

戴洒 《价值工程》2021,40(14):80-81
随着我国现代社会经济的发展,建筑行业发展也十分迅速,相关的建筑企业在建筑工程项目开展的过程中,对于实施阶段怎样提高工程质量并且降低工程造价等方面的管控越来越严格,这就使建筑设计日常的管理工作显得格外重要,本文主要对目前建筑设计管理存在的问题进行分析和探讨,针对问题提出相应的解决措施,希望能够对建筑工程实施阶段的建筑设计管理工作的开展上有所帮助.  相似文献   

戴洒 《价值工程》2021,40(14):80-81
随着我国现代社会经济的发展,建筑行业发展也十分迅速,相关的建筑企业在建筑工程项目开展的过程中,对于实施阶段怎样提高工程质量并且降低工程造价等方面的管控越来越严格,这就使建筑设计日常的管理工作显得格外重要,本文主要对目前建筑设计管理存在的问题进行分析和探讨,针对问题提出相应的解决措施,希望能够对建筑工程实施阶段的建筑设计管理工作的开展上有所帮助.  相似文献   

This article evaluates Laibman's reformulation of Marxian exploitation theory, and compares it to two preference‐based analyses of household time use (advanced by Becker and Hakim). Using a quantitative Marxist approach, and the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), we show profound dissatisfaction with working hours for members of dual‐career households, and inequality, by gender, vis‐à‐vis pure consumption time. The results support exploitation‐based theories of the household, and cast doubt on such preference‐based theories of time use.  相似文献   

The problem of causality in economics is still contended by various epistemological alternatives. The article builds on the received view of Darwinism in economics and examines the way in which economics and biology find common ground in concepts and assumptions that reflect causal commonalities of the natural and the social world. We claim that the role the contingent pattern plays in understanding socioeconomic change provides reasons to concede corrections to a rule‐based causal mechanism. The article concludes on the merits of advancing the ontological equivalent of interdisciplinary studies as one possible standard in reference to which to judge the epistemic adequacy of any import.  相似文献   

Meir Kohn ( 2004 ) argues that two methodologies, the “value paradigm” and the “exchange paradigm,” dominate modern economics with the equilibrium‐focused value paradigm increasingly replaced by the more successful exchange paradigm. This article examines the question of modern economic methodologies and seeks to determine if the shift described by Kohn can be seen in the winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics (1969–2010). Trends in Nobel laureates suggest that Kohn's depiction of the two paradigms and their relationship appears accurate.  相似文献   

Household production, full consumption and the costs of children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent work criticises both the logic and relevance of the theoretical basis of the approach to estimating the costs of raising children adopted in much of the economics literature. This tends to be restricted purely to models in which the household members consume market goods with given household income. The “costs of children” are perceived essentially as market consumption costs. This ignores the fact that an important, possibly preponderant element of child costs takes the form of parental time, which must be diverted from alternative uses such as market work, other household production activities, and leisure, to care for children. The studies also ignore the question of the differential incidence of child costs on adult members of the household. In this paper, we first of all argue that a satisfactory theoretical approach to modelling child costs must simultaneously incorporate an “individualistic” formulation of the household and a formal treatment of household production. We then provide such a model. Using data from a time use survey we estimate specialised versions of the model for families with two children and use the results to derive the intra-family distribution of resources and implied child-rearing costs.  相似文献   

Francis Bacon, John Rae, and the Economics of Competitiveness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT John Rae and the contemporary proponents of the economics of competitiveness assert that traditional treatments of economic growth, development, and trade have not taken into account the ability of technological progress to overcome diminishing returns to investment. Unlike the contemporary advocates of competitiveness, Rae did not fall into the trap of insisting that the costs of technical knowledge determine its productiveness.  相似文献   

近年来,广西专利年申请量呈现快速增长态势,2009年专利申请量4000多件,广西累计专利申请总量20000多件。与此形成鲜明对比的是广西专利实施许可备案登记的数量仅为127件,广西专利实施转化率没有呈现"水涨船高"的趋势。然而,创新成功的关键在于将自主创新的成果转化为生产力,因此有必要针对广西专利实施转化现状及其存在问题进行分析研究,并对此提出一些建议。  相似文献   

近年来,广西专利年中请量呈现快速增长态势,2009年专利申请量4000多件,广西累计专利申请总量20000多件.与此形成鲜明对比的是广西专利实施许可备案登记的数量仅为127件,广西专利实施转化率没有呈现水涨船高的趋势.然而,创新成功的关键在于将自主创新的成果转化为生产力,因此有必要针对广西专利实施转化现状及其存在问题进行分析研究,并对此提出一些建议.  相似文献   

研究目标:由替代弹性σ入手改进中国技术偏向测度。研究方法:基于改革时期省际面板数据估计时变替代弹性,将其嵌入改进增长核算法测算中国技术偏向,并以O&R法探讨国民经济与三次产业技术偏向之间的关系。研究发现:由于σ<1且存在净劳动增强型(γ>0)技术进步,中国技术变化整体呈资本偏向,但存在倒U形变化趋势及明显的产业差异;分解结果表明,1979~1994年中国技术偏向由结构变化(组间效应)主导,1995年后由实质变化(组内效应)支配。研究创新:以时变替代弹性刻画技术偏向时期变化,据O&R法揭示技术偏向的总分关系。研究价值:改进技术偏向变化趋势测度,推动技术偏向总分关系探讨,并可促进要素收入分配研究。  相似文献   

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