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This paper develops the notion of parallel-neutral technical change for inputs and outputs. It is shown that parallel-neutral
technical change generalizes existing radial notions of neutral technical change. A taxonomy of the structural consequences
of parallel-neutral technical change is developed. 相似文献
Megan Damon Masanori C. Kameyama Michael Knox David H. Porter Dave Yuen Erik O. D. Sevre 《International Review of Economics》2008,13(1):49-57
The current availability of thousands of processors at many high performance computing centers has made it feasible to carry out, in near real time, interactive visualization of 3D mantle convection temperature fields, using grid configurations having 10–100 million unknowns. We will describe the technical details involved in carrying out this endeavor, using the facilities available at the Laboratory of Computational Science and Engineering (LCSE) at the University of Minnesota. These technical details involve the modification of a parallel mantle convection program, ACuTEMan; the usage of client–server socket based programs to transfer upwards of a terabyte of time series scientific model data using a local network; a rendering system containing multiple nodes; a high resolution PowerWall display, and the interactive visualization software, DSCVR. We have found that working in an interactive visualizastion mode allows for fast and efficient analysis of mantle convection results. 相似文献
The authors have developed an efficient visualization system to gain insight into large collections of mineral elasticity data produced by an increasing number of both theoretical calculations and experiments. The system allows us to visualize multivariate elastic moduli (i.e., elastic constant tensors) and their variation with composition, pressure and temperature. Moreover, it supports visualization of elastic wave propagation in an anisotropic medium by rendering the wave velocity data, which are calculated as a function of propagation direction in a three-dimensional space. This paper describes the design, implementation and application of the visualization scheme we have developed for mineral elasticity. In particular, our scheme exploits a combination of parallel coordinates, star plot, scatter plot and polygon-surface rendering techniques, which are implemented using OpenGL, GLUI and C++. The result is a highly portable and flexible interactive visualization system. For illustration, the elastic properties of several important oxide and silicate minerals are successfully visualized as a function of pressure and temperature. 相似文献
Antonio Quesada 《Economics Letters》2011,111(2):151-154
The relative majority rule and the unanimity rule are characterized in the two alternatives case. The main axioms rely on the idea of determining the preference of a group by partitioning it into two subgroups and aggregating next their preferences. 相似文献
随着新一代网络信息技术的不断创新突破,软件从单机场景逐步扩展到移动终端、物联网设备、工业控制设备、云计算平台等新兴领域,推动了信息化基础设施建设的发展。然而,应用软件质量良莠不齐,给黑客组织提供了可乘之机。事件型漏洞和高危零日漏洞数量上升,如何高效准确地挖掘软件漏洞亟待解决。为实现漏洞的快速检测,模糊测试技术备受关注,它具有部署简单、自动化程度高、兼容性好等特点,能通过提供大量的输入样例实现对目标程序的脆弱性分析。现有的模糊测试通常在单处理器环境中执行,存在单个检测任务耗时长、计算资源利用率低、可持续能力差等缺陷。因此,并行化模糊测试一经提出便备受青睐。针对并行架构下的任务划分、数据存储、通信交互等问题,学术界和工业界对其展开了深入分析,并设计了一系列的实现方法。为此,系统地总结了当前模糊测试面临的挑战,概述了当前阶段模糊测试的并行化需求,着重比较分析了现存并行化模糊测试方案的优势和不足,并对高性能计算场景下并行化模糊测试的未来趋势进行了展望。 相似文献
《Structural Change and Economic Dynamics》2000,11(1-2):157-166
A wave matrix is presented consisting of price and quantity elasticities. Its eigenvalues determine the feasible cycles of a dynamic Leontief system. A numerical illustration and a 20-year trajectory are computed with the aid of a seven sector USA matrix for the year 1958. A short discussion of further work required closes the paper. 相似文献
Kosterlitz J 《National journal》1994,26(42):2393-2397
The interest groups that helped defeat health care reform aren't uncorking the champagne yet. Some fear a new push for regulation and cost cutting in Washington and in state capitals. And some want to salvage pieces of the President's reform plan that would have benefited them. 相似文献
环流是影响逆变器并联运行性能的一个重要因素,本文介绍了环流产生的原因及环流反馈控制原理,并基于此原理提出了一种双逆变器并联控制策略,并通过仿真验证了所提方法有效抑制环流。 相似文献
Dave A.Yuen Benjamin J. Kadlec Evan F. Bollig Witold Dzwinel Zachary A. Garbow Cesar R. S. da Silva 《International Review of Economics》2005,10(1):1-12
We present a web client-server service WEB-IS, which we have developed for remote analysis and visualization of seismic data consisting of both small magnitude events and large earthquakes. We show that the problem-solving environment (PSE) intended for prediction of large magnitude earthquakes can be based on this WEB-IS idea. The clustering schemes, feature generation, feature extraction techniques and rendering algorithms form a computational framework of this environment. On the other hand, easy and fast access both to the seismic data distributed among distant computing resources and to computational and visualization resources can be realized in a GRID framework. We discuss the usefulness of NaradaBrokering (iNtegrated Asynchronous Real-time Adaptive Distributed Architecture) as a middleware, allowing for flexibility and high throughput for remote visualization of geophysical data. The WEB-IS functionality was tested both on synthetic and the actual earthquake catalogs. We consider the application of similar methodology for tsunami alerts. 相似文献
Biased Technical Change and Parallel Neutrality 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The Luenberger productivity indicator has many attractive features to evaluate productivity, technical and efficiency changes. Paralleling Färe et al. (1997), this paper shows that the technical change indicator can be expressed as the sum of a magnitude indicator and a bias indicator that is the sum of two bias indicators input and output oriented respectively. Using a recent concept of ``parallel neutrality'' introduced by Briec et al. (2006), some conditions under which each bias indicator makes no contribution to productivity change are established. Among the key contributions of this paper is a new linear programming model involving a graph translation homotheticity property. 相似文献
Tara Vishwanath 《Economic Theory》1992,2(4):495-507
I wish to thank Ken Burdett, James Foster, Dale Mortensen and Kevin Roberts for many helpful suggestions. Thanks are also due to the comments of the participants at seminars at University of Minnesota, Michigan State University, Northwestern University, University of Pittsburgh, and those at the Midwestern Math Economics Conference (1989) and Econometric Society Summer Meetings (1990). Research supported by NSF Grant SES-8708325. 相似文献
20世纪90年代初,地下“六合彩”传入内地,给中国部分地区的经济发展造成了严重的影响,十多年过去了,虽经政府的强力打击,“六合彩”还在继续蔓延,彩民购买势头并未消减。本文试图从彩民、庄家两个方面分析地下博彩业兴盛的原因,以及封经济造成的影响,最后提出根除建议。 相似文献
在平行进口条件下的一个进口配额保护模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在平行进口条件下,文章构造了一个进口配额保护模型.通过模型分析发现,与我们的常识相反的是:这种进口保护反而有助于提高两个国家的消费者剩余和社会总福利.究其原因是,进口配额能够诱导生产厂商进行降低成本的研究与开发活动,这既能够提高厂商的利润,又能够降低商品的市场价格,从而提高消费者剩余和社会总福利.另外,文章发现进口配额比进口关税更能改善平行进口输入国的社会总福利. 相似文献
辽河盆地东部凹陷中部地区沙三段火成岩储层发育,岩性以粗面岩为主,储层类型为裂缝型、孔隙型和裂缝-孔隙型3种.利用核磁、声、电成像及多极阵列声波等成像测井资料,对火成岩储层的孔隙、裂缝、渗透性等参数进行综合评价,油气层解释符合率达到95.3%,取得了良好的效果.成像测井技术对提高该区火成岩储层的勘探和开发效果具有非常重要的作用. 相似文献
知识产权平行进口的理论与实践 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
冀彩芳 《广东财经职业学院学报》2004,3(4):32-35
知识产权的“平行进口”反映了对知识产权的保护和贸易自由化之间的冲突。如何平衡二者之间的关系反映了各国对待平行进口的态度。中国入世之后将如何应对平行进口问题,关系到我国的对外贸易和知识产权的保护,因此必须借鉴各国经验,慎重对待。 相似文献
平行进口产生的充分必要条件 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文研究了长期以来困扰经济学界和企业界的平行进口问题,第一次从理论上找到了平行进口产生的充分必要条件,并且这个条件也是平行进口从高零售价国家流向低零售价国家的一个必要条件. 相似文献
Dave R. Stegman Louis Moresi Robert Turnbull Julian Giordani Patrick Sunter Alan Lo Steve Quenette 《International Review of Economics》2008,13(1):71-84
High-performance computing provides unprecedented capabilities to produce higher resolution 4-D models in a fraction of time. Thus, the need exists for a new generation of visualization systems able to maintain parity with the enormous volume of data generated. In attempting to write this much data to disk, each computational step introduces a significant performance bottleneck, yet most existing visualization software packages inherently rely on reading data in from a dump file. Available packages make this assumption of postprocessing at quite a fundamental level and are not very well suited for plotting very large numbers of specialized particles. This necessitates the creation of a new visualization system that meets the needs of large-scale geodynamic modeling. We have developed such a system, gLucifer, using a software framework approach that allows efficient reuse of our efforts in other areas of research. gLucifer is capable of producing movies of a 4-D data set “on the fly” (simultaneously with running the parallel scientific application) without creating a performance bottleneck. By eliminating most of the human efforts involved in visualizing results through postprocessing, gLucifer reconnects the scientist to the numerical experiment as it unfolds. Data sets that were previously very difficult to even manage may be efficiently explored and interrogated without writing to disk, and because this approach is based entirely on memory distributed across as many processors as are being utilized by the scientific application, the visualization solution is scalable into terabytes of data being rendered in real time. 相似文献
Mario Coccia Author Vitae 《Technological Forecasting and Social Change》2005,72(2):117-144
The abundance of typologies, within the economics of innovation, has resulted in the same name being used for different innovation types and the same innovation being classified under different typologies. The present research introduces the Scale of Innovation Intensity (SIIN) based on metataxonomy that subsumes other, less comprehensive taxonomies. The SIIN is similar to the seismic Mercalli's scale used to measure the intensity of earthquakes. The impact of technological change is measured by an indicator, called magnitude, based on the impact of technological innovations on the economic system. The theory is applied to some product and process innovations such as agricultural mechanization, aircraft technology, muffler catalytic, aluminum processing, etc. The results show that some innovations have a higher technological intensity and energy (economic impact) on well-being than others. Some concluding remarks are discussed in the final part of this research. 相似文献
国际贸易中的商标平行进口探析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着国际贸易中平行进口发生日益频繁,平行进口问题逐渐引起人们的关注,其中尤以商标平行进口争议较大。作者试图通过分析商标平行进口的表现形式、成因、经济影响以及比较各国立法现状和实践,对商标平行进口问题作初步的探讨,并针对我国国情提出了相应的对策。 相似文献