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全球流动性过剩导致全球金融资产激增,推动对冲基金业规模迅速膨胀。与此同时,对冲基金业也出现了新的变化:投资者结构出现了机构化趋势,并受到监管当局日趋严厉的监管。这也使得对冲基金的收益和风险水平有了新的变化,呈现出稳中趋降的趋势。全球经济失衡和流动性过剩也推动对冲基金在全球寻找套利和投机机会,对全球的金融稳定产生一定的影响。我国需要审慎资本项目开放和加强对冲基金的监管。  相似文献   

全球流动性过剩导致全球金融资产激增,推动对冲基金业规模迅速膨胀。与此同时,对冲基金业也出现了新的变化:投资者结构出现了机构化趋势,并受到监管当局日趋严厉的监管。这也使得对冲基金的收益和风险水平有了新的变化,呈现稳中趋降的态势。全球经济失衡和流动性过剩也推动对冲基金在全球寻找套利和投机机会,对全球的金融稳定产生一定的影响。中国需要审慎地推进资本项目开放和加强对冲基金的监管。  相似文献   

全球流动性过剩、对冲基金发展与中国金融稳定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球流动性过剩导致全球金融资产激增,推动对冲基金业规模迅速膨胀,也使得对冲基金业在结构和投资动向上也出现了新的变化。对冲基金在全球寻找套利和投机机会,对全球的金融稳定产生一定的影响,在此背景下,中国需要审慎资本项目开放和加强对冲基金的监管。  相似文献   

对冲基金及其监管问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡平 《南方金融》2008,(4):43-46
近年来,随着金融市场的加速创新和结构性调整,对冲基金的规模也迅速扩张,成为国际金融市场的重要参与者。与传统的资产管理、共同基金相比,对冲基金在投资策略、组织形式等方面具有自己的特点。对冲基金日益扩大的资产规模和自由灵活的投资策略增加了金融市场的流动性、提高了市场效率,但同时也给金融体系带来了新的不稳定因素。2006年以来,对冲基金对金融稳定的影响日益成为全球金融监管者关注的问题。有些国家主张通过间接监管的方式,有些则一直推动加强对对冲基金的直接监管。如何加强对对冲基金的监管,减少对冲基金对金融体系稳定性的负面影响,仍然是全球金融业面临的一项挑战。  相似文献   

袁方 《金卡工程》2009,13(11):267-267
世界金融危机从爆发到现在已经一年多,回顾这次金融危机,对冲基金业的作用不可小视,而美国麦道夫诈骗案无疑是一颗重磅炮弹,使美国对冲基金业又成为最大的受害者,这对因金融危机而深受打击的对冲基金业无疑是雪上加霜。本文主要探讨对冲基金产生的双重危机及其监管的缺失,提出应对该行业监管缺失的对策,希望能对我国未来私募基金的监管有所借鉴。  相似文献   

本文介绍了对冲基金的定义、特点及主要类型,分析了对冲基金业的变化趋势,并就完善对冲基金监管方式、维护金融稳定提出了建议。  相似文献   

国际对冲基金进入我国的前景及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对冲基金在东亚金融危机期间的表现,让国际社会意识到不受监管的国际"热钱"的影响力。此后,尽管经历了长期资本管理公司倒闭事件的重创,国际对冲基金业仍凭借其独特的投资策略、运作机制和业绩,极大地吸引了世界各国的机构投资者和富裕的个人投资者。特别是近年来,全球对冲基金  相似文献   

金融稳定视角下的对冲基金监管框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪以来,在低利率环境下对冲基金规模、市场影响和行业特征发生了一系列重要变化。从金融稳定视角看,对冲基金既可以基于不受直接监管的特点,向市场注入流动性,充当系统性风险"缓释器",也可以因高杠杆、隐蔽的操作直接或间接触发市场危机。为趋利避害,在构建对冲基金监管框架时,应遵循如下原则,一是避免直接限制对冲基金投资活动和风险管理细节,防止对其像共同基金或银行那样实施监管;二是在把握对冲基金市场影响传导机制的基础上控制监督关键变量,提高预警能力;三是在多元治理视角下,努力引导加强市场纪律。  相似文献   

随着金融全球化的发展,对冲基金的跨国活动对全球金融稳定的影响已成为全球金融监管者关注的问题。如何加强对对冲基金的监管,减少对冲基金对金融体系稳定性的负面影响,成为全球金融业面临的一项挑战。笔者在陈述对冲基金监管现状的基础上,简要探讨了如何对对冲基金进行监管。  相似文献   

对冲基金的发展为金融市场提供了流动性,减少了市场的低效率,并为投资者提供了多元化的投资途径和高额回报。但有时候,对冲基金的过度投机也被认为对金体系产生了威胁。2011年被称为中国的对冲基金元年,如何发展对冲基金,并最大限度发挥其对金融市场的正面作用是摆在我们面前的紧迫课题。由于我国资本市场仍处于新兴加转轨阶段,金融制度不够完善,衍生品市场不够成熟,在鼓励发展对冲基金的同时,监管机构也应该做好应有的风险监管工作。  相似文献   

We examine emerging market and global macro hedge funds and find a significant positive relation between hedge funds’ future returns and their exposure to both emerging market equities and emerging market currencies. We present evidence that the strong predictive power of emerging market betas is related to the superior market‐timing ability of these fund managers. Results are robust after controlling for commonly used hedge fund factors, the emerging market equity index, lagged fund returns, liquidity risk, and fund characteristics. Our results suggest that hedge funds can earn positive excess returns by timing their exposure to emerging market securities.  相似文献   

近期对冲基金业的发展特征及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,在全球金融一体化的背景下,随着金融风险理论的发展和金融衍生工具的创新,对冲基金在数量和资产规模上都有了显著增长,并呈现出许多新的变化和特点。本文从对冲基金规模、区域分布、投资组合策略、对国际金融市场的影响、收益-风险特征变化以及监管几个方面,对对冲基金进行了研究与分析,对今后我国如何监管对冲基金进行了探讨,并提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates liquidity timing behaviour of hedge funds that invest globally in foreign investment assets. We expect these hedge funds to manage currencies exposure differently, depending on the extent they treat them as an asset class. In this paper, we investigate if actively timing foreign exchange (FX) liquidity adds value to hedge funds' investments. Unlike the existing studies where fund managers are assumed to either time or not time the market over the entire study period, we argue that fund managers may strategically choose to be active market liquidity timers based on the market condition at the time. To test this hypothesis, we develop a state-dependent liquidity timing model embedded with a Markov regime switching process and identify changes in the FX liquidity timing behaviour among the Global Derivatives hedge funds over an eighteen-year period. Our findings reveal that such regime changes in timing behaviour are driven by the underlying FX liquidity condition. A further analysis to compare the changes in the timing behaviour over time shows that hedge funds that are active market liquidity timers outperform those that engage in liquidity timing less frequently in all strategies categories.  相似文献   

During a financial crisis, when investors are most in need of liquidity and accurate prices, hedge funds cut their arbitrage positions and hoard cash. The paper explains this phenomenon. We argue that the fragile nature of the capital structure of hedge funds, combined with low market liquidity, creates a risk of coordination in redemptions among hedge fund investors that severely limits hedge funds' arbitrage capabilities. We present a model of hedge funds' optimal asset allocation in the presence of coordination risk among investors. We show that hedge fund managers behave conservatively and even abstain from participating in the market once coordination risk is factored into their investment decisions. The model suggests a new source of limits to arbitrage.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence on the relation between hedge fund returns and restrictions imposed by funds that limit the liquidity of fund investors. The excess returns of funds with lockup restrictions are approximately 4–7% per year higher than those of nonlockup funds. The average alpha of all funds is negative or insignificant after controlling for lockups and other share restrictions. Also, a negative relation is found between share restrictions and the liquidity of the fund's portfolio. This suggests that share restrictions allow funds to efficiently manage illiquid assets, and these benefits are captured by investors as a share illiquidity premium.  相似文献   

This paper uses three alternating changes in hedge fund regulation to study whether regulation reduces hedge funds’ misreporting, and, if so, why regulation is effective. Relative to public companies, hedge fund regulation is relatively light. Much of the regime is a “comply‐or‐explain” framework that allows funds to forego compliance with governance rules, providing that they disclose their lack of compliance. The results show that regulation reduces misreporting at hedge funds. Further analysis suggests that the disclosure requirements led funds to make changes in their internal governance, such as hiring or switching the fund's auditor, and that these changes induced funds to report their financial performance more accurately.  相似文献   

Nearly one in five hedge funds change their share restrictions (e.g., lockup) from 2007 to 2012. Using a large panel dataset, this paper is the first to empirically examine the incidence, determinants, and consequences of share restriction changes. We find that funds with high asset liquidity and low liquidity risk are more likely to decrease share restrictions and funds with good performance are more likely to increase share restrictions. A hazard model indicates that funds who actively manage liquidity concerns live longer by adjusting share restrictions. We examine whether changes in share restrictions create an endogeneity bias in the share illiquidity premium (Aragon, 2007) and find that 18% of the premium can be explained by the dynamic nature of contract changes.  相似文献   

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