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模块化、企业价值网络与企业边界变动   总被引:65,自引:2,他引:65  
随着信息技术的发展,传统的集合型价值链发生以价值模块为基础的解构、整合和重建,形成具有差异化竞争优势的模块化价值链。不同企业的价值模块和模块化价值链在共同的界面标准内交叉连接、融合贯通,形成企业价值网络。企业价值网络集聚各成员企业的优势资源,将各能力要素协同在一个无形的网络平台上,通过不同组织模块间的协作、创新和竞争,能够产生新的竞争优势,使成员企业共享模块化经济、增强自生能力。企业价值网络的形成和拓展推动了企业边界的渗透和融合,导致企业有形边界与无形边界的分离。  相似文献   

The decision to terminate a project can demoralize project managers and team members, and increase concerns about job security. For these reasons, managers tend to delay project termination decisions. However, delaying project termination diverts scarce R&D resources from higher potential projects. Ramaiya Balachandra, Klaus K. Brockhoff, and Alan W. Pearson describe the results of a study that explores the manner in which managers inform staff of the decision to terminate or continue a project. Survey respondents are the highest ranking R&D managers in 78 large German, British, and U.S. companies. Respondents were asked to describe the procedures they use for monitoring R&D projects and deciding whether to continue a project. Underlying this research is the belief that more effective management of these processes can improve project team effectiveness, employee relations, and morale. All survey respondents use project monitoring procedures. Most use formal procedures, often supplemented with informal procedures. More than one person usually monitors projects. Project managers, their immediate superiors, and project staff typically have these responsibilities, but respondents also indicate that marketing managers often monitor projects. Compared to U.S. companies, European firms typically involve fewer people in project monitoring. U.S. firms involve more non-R&D personnel in these tasks. Most firms focus on monitoring such variables as time, technical success, and probability of technical success. Staff motivation is the least used monitoring variable. Cost control was mentioned more frequently by German respondents than by respondents from other countries. Decisions regarding the fate of a project usually come from individuals not directly involved with the project. Termination decisions are typically communicated in writing; no respondents use staff meetings to relate such decisions. Following the decision to terminate a project, management faces the difficult task of finding suitable jobs for project team members. Rather than assign an entire team to a new project, management typically disbands a team and assigns its members to other teams. The inherently uneven progress of R&D projects complicates these scheduling problems, and thus compounds the career uncertainty caused by project termination decisions.  相似文献   

本文考察了最近10多年来我国税收增长速度一直显著高于GDP增长速度的现象。特别从地方政府土地财政激励与产业结构演变的角度考察了当前中国特定体制下地方政府做大财政资源产业的经济与政治激励。基于1998-2003年中国地级城市面板数据.我们实证考察了地方政府协议土地出让对财政占GDP比例的当期和滞后影响。最后.本文从土地财政角度对税收增长可持续性进行了初步评估。  相似文献   

2002年,无疑会在中国电力改革与发展史上写下重要一页。经过充分酝酿、讨论、反复、论证,中国电力改革迈出了极为重要的一步,以11家新企业集团的挂牌运营为标志,一个新的时代开始了。然而,对于电业内外大多数人士来说,这个新时代有着太多的新课题,改革将会带来哪些变化?将会把电力工业引向何方?仍然只有一个大致的轮廓,充满悬念与猜想。不过,如果放在Watl Patterson先生撰写的《电力革命———即将来临的变革年代》一书中所描述的世界电力变革的大视野中,我们或许可以更清晰一些地看到即将面临的变化与趋势:“在世界范围内,…  相似文献   

在中国25年的改革进程中,有一个伴随计划经济向市场经济转轨和现代企业制度的倡导而诞生的板块———行业协会,多年来尽管不是那麽引人瞩目,却也活得滋滋润润,就象舞台上的配角,不那麽抢眼,戏份儿却不少。然而在WTO的精神比照之下,特别是在国企垄断行业改革进入到核心层次,政企分开,行业分拆,体制重构,机制转变,利益分化的今天,它也不可避免地面临着绕不开的问题和躲不过的尴尬。行业协会的尴尬我国现有的行业协会兴起于上个世纪80年代中后期,起因于当时政府一方面探讨如何放开搞活企业,一方面研究如何转变政府职能的困惑,放眼世界之后发…  相似文献   

Comparing concentration ratios between 1992 and 1997 raises difficulties because the 1997 data are arranged according to a new industrial nomenclature. By comparing concentration ratios in industries where the definition did not change, it is possible to make comparisons of changes in concentration between the two years and to document the considerable changes in industrial structure in the manufacturing and retail sectors.  相似文献   

This paper reports that unionized firms experienced lower average wage growth than their non-union counterparts between 1984 and 1988. We attempt to evaluate the relative importance of two possible explanatory factors, the union-related legislation of the 1980s, and increases in product market competition. While recognizing that these factors are intertwined, the results suggest the latter is of primary importance.  相似文献   

Information about price changes during a home's marketing period is typically missing from data used to investigate the listing price, selling price, and selling time relationship. This paper incorporates price revision information into the study of this relationship. Using a maximum-likelihood probit model, we examine the determinants of list price changes and find evidence consistent with the theory of pricing behavior under demand uncertainty. Homes most likely to undergo list price changes are those with high initial markups and vacant homes, while homes with unusual features are the least likely to experience a price revision. We also explore the impact of missing price change information on estimating a representative model of house price and market time. Our results suggest that mispricing the home in the initial listing is costly to the seller in both time and money. Homes with large percentage changes in list price take longer to sell and ultimately sell at lower prices.  相似文献   

从北京八达岭高速路下来,顺着北清路西行4公里,路南侧豁然出现一片别致的建筑群,既有中国古鼎一样的古香古色,又有现代建筑透明、开放的气韵。走进这片建筑群,弯曲的流水绕着地面起伏的草地,粉红色的桃花灿烂地开放着,一派春意盎然、生机勃勃的景象。  相似文献   

This paper surveys recent developments in therestructuring and deregulation of the electric utilityindustry. New federal and state legislation isreviewed together with commission actions designed to carry out restructuring. The Department of Energy's highly controversial attempt to measure the netbenefits of electricity deregulation is noted, alongwith the response of DOE's critics. Five major factorsthat will affect the success or failure ofrestructuring and deregulation are examined at length. These include: growing industry concentration, theincreased risk premium attached to the market trading of electricity, the transition costs that will beincurred, the organization and governance of thetransmission network, and the adequacy of consumer and environmental protection in the new setting.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of different kinds of investments on the business cycle. Specifically, it examines whether residential and non-residential investment Granger cause GDP, and whether GDP Granger causes each of these types of investments. The paper uses quarterly National Income and Products Data for the period 1959 to 1992. Under a wide variety of time-series specifications, residential investment causes, but is not caused by GDP, while non-residential investment does not cause, but is caused by GDP. Thus, housing leads and other types of investment lag the business cycle. The results also suggest that policies designed to funnel capital away from housing into plant and equipment could produce severe short-run dislocations.  相似文献   

我国企业文化的发展是与经济体制 改革不断深化紧密联系的,改革比较早、 比较彻底的企业,其企业文化的发展也 比较领先。如何在企业改革过程中,重塑 具有自身特色的企业文化,并藉此促进 企业发展,是值得电力行业认真探索和 解决的问题。 一般而言,企业文化由里及表包含 四个层面,即理念层、制度层、行为层和 物质层。企业文化的变革也涉及这4个 层面,而表层的东西容易变革,能随着环 境自然甚至自发地发生改变。但里层的 东西要变革却比较困难,需要企业有目  相似文献   

1997年5月,笔者受当时的冶金部部长刘淇的委托,带领扭亏调查组到舞阳钢铁公司(以下简称舞阳),参加企业扭亏工作。当时,舞阳已经连续4年严重亏损,虽然1995年6月,冶金部调整了舞阳的领导班子,生产经营形势有了一定好转,但并没能扭转亏损局面。1996年,全国工业企业超亿元的亏损大户共14个,冶金系统占了6个,舞阳就是其中之一。在调查工作的后期,刘淇部长也来到舞阳,听取了调查组的汇报,对舞阳下一步的工作提出了明确要求,并且宣布了部党组的决定,调邯钢总经理助理顾强圻为舞阳钢铁公司的副总经理,协助林承模总经理负责全面工作。同年9月,舞阳实行改制,并入邯钢集团,顾强圻出任舞阳的总经理。目前,顾强圻担任舞阳代理董事长、党委书记。  相似文献   

The historic focus of new products research has been on the ability of new products to enhance the profitability and competitive position of the innovating firm. In this article, Timothy Devinney shows that there exists an overlooked and potentially significant side effect associated with new product innovations: financial risk changes. He reports that significant financial risk changes occurred in approximately 50% of the new product announcements he examined. The magnitude of these financial risk changes translates into overestimates or underestimates of the firm's cost of capital by 17% to 18% and is strongly and positively related to the size of the firm and the firm's new product innovation activity.  相似文献   

与饮料多变的包装相比,啤酒的外包装显得很单调,容量大多为640ml,颜色也以绿色和白色为主。面对多变的市场和逐渐个性化的消费,啤酒的包装也开始求变,寻找更多的商机。[编者按]  相似文献   

四川省电力公司重视普法和依法治企工作,牢固树立法治观念,将法制宣传教育与规范企业生产经营相结合,与企业的重心工作相结合, 与解决企业难点问题相结合,有效地增强了企业法律风险防范意识,提高了各级领导依法决策能力和企业法冶化管理水平,促使企业经济效益稳步增长。  相似文献   

Some of the influential literature that supports the resale price maintenance efficiency view is flawed when it relies on presale services that do not modify the value-in-use of a good. Crucially, we consider that value-in-use may differ from prepurchase perceived value. We apply the value-in-use standard, which exposes the loss in consumer surplus in Bork’s model and reveals that even Bork’s dissenters significantly underestimate their calculated losses to inframarginal consumers. When consumer surplus is the antitrust/competition policy standard, our results suggest that a rule-of-reason regime where authorities or agencies bear the burden of proof can be unfavourable to consumers.  相似文献   

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