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旅游交通是旅游业发展的重要条件,交通服务的完善程度不仅影响旅游者的决策和体验,也会影响旅游景区的发展。不过,由于受景区性质、管理体制和发展基础等因素的影响,我国不少旅游景区的交通服务并未形成体系,旅游景区普遍面临着交通服务体系构建或优化的升级任务。因此,研究旅游景区交通服务体系对提升景区交通服务质量具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

正近几年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,我国交通基础设施建设量也在大幅增长,为交通行业设计企业带来了重大机遇。面对交通行业激烈的市场竞争,为了满足"更大的设计量、更短的设计周期、更高的服务质量"这一要求,可以运用建筑行业的建筑工程周期管理(building lifecycle management,BLM)技术来解决提高交通基础设施低效率的问题。BLM技术可以使交通基础设施建设管理得到改善,可以减少沟通交流时间和项目的流转时间,而全寿命周期也可以缩短,资金也得到相应的节省。因此,BLM的运用对于提高交通基础设施效益具有很大的现实意义。  相似文献   

正作为全国唯一没有平原的省份,贵州省在认清交通是制约全省经济社会发展"瓶颈"的同时,紧抓交通基础设施建设。以"大旅游"作为发展战略,将"四个创新"作为"交通+旅游"融合发展的动力,推动旅游业实现井喷式增长,让旅游成为全雀经济转型发展的重要抓手。在未来的发展之路上,贵州省将通过"四个一"顶层设计、模式创新和制度探索,加强大数据平台建设等方面,为"交通牛旅游"融合发展之路  相似文献   

通过对国外铁路市郊运输及北京铁路枢纽现状的总结,分析北京发展铁路市郊运输存在的问题及面临的发展机遇.在此基础上,提出开行公交化列车、提高市郊列车服务质量、开行旅游品牌列车、实现各种交通方式合理分工合作等推进北京发展铁路市郊运输的对策.  相似文献   

<正>据《中国交通报》2012年12月17日报道,日前,国务院印发《服务业发展"十二五"规划》(简称《规划》),提出加快发展交通运输业、现代物流业等生产性服务业,拓展海洋服务业领域。1.交通运输网更趋完善。《规划》提出:"十二五"时期,交通运输基础设施网络更趋完善,创新能力不断增强,管理能力不断提高,服务质量和效率不断提升,构建网络设施配套衔接、技术装备先进适  相似文献   

交通影响城市旅游空间结构的形成与演化,高速铁路通过缩短时空距离、降低时间成本、增强目的地可进入性等方式改变区域旅游空间结构,影响区域旅游的发展。基于"核心-边缘"和"点-轴"理论,探讨高速铁路影响下海南城市旅游空间结构的演变模式。从海南旅游市场、海南旅游空间格局、海南高速铁路旅游发展制约等方面分析环岛高速铁路对海南旅游发展的影响,提出打造差异化高速铁路旅游产品、加强基础设施建设、加强区域合作与资源整合等发展路径,以促进海南旅游发展、转型与升级。  相似文献   

旅游汽车服务是“旅游交通”的重要组成元素,由于其运作过程中表现出工作流程的复杂性,信息交换的动态性,事件处理的突发性及操作过程的自主性等主要特征,使旅游汽车服务质量不易监控,特别是“在途”服务质量难以控制,从而造成近年来关于旅游汽车服务质量方面的投诉逐渐增多。  相似文献   

交通基础设施投资效率对于交通基础设施发展的重要性越来越明显,金融发展对交通基础设施投资效率具有重要的影响。为了提高我国交通基础设施的投资效率,构建计量模型实证分析金融发展对交通基础设施投资效率的影响。通过计量方法的检验,选择随机效应模型估计方法对模型进行估计。结果表明,2006—2016年间我国金融深度水平每上升1个单位,交通基础设施投资效率提高0.024?8个单位;金融相关比率每上升1个单位,交通基础设施投资效率提高0.037?4个单位。计算结果显示,促进金融发展对交通基础设施投资效率提高具有极大作用。  相似文献   

交财发[2006]526号为了贯彻落实《交通财务“十一五”重点工作规划纲要》确立的工作任务,加快建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、作风优良、清正廉洁的交通财会队伍,全面提高交通财会人员的综合素质和依法理财、科学理财能力,为促进交通事业又快又好的发展提供财会人才保障和智力支持,提出如下指导意见:一、现状与需求(一)队伍建设现状“十五”是我国交通事业发展最快的5年,交通基础设施建设取得辉煌成就,运输服务质量和效率明显提高,交通财会人才队伍建设不断加强。各级交通主管部门和交通企事业单位的广大财会人员秉承积极进取、勤俭持家、严谨…  相似文献   

随着近年来交通基础设施的不断完善,以及人民生活水平的不断提高,南昌市旅游市场也得到了长足的发展,2008年全市共接待国内外游客1040万人次,比上年增加9%。  相似文献   

从政策扶持是铁路旅游业发展的基础、资源重组整合是发展的条件、拓展渠道是发展的手段、占领市场是发展目标等方面论述做强做大铁路旅游业必须从铁路的有利条件出发,客观科学地找到发展的最优途径。  相似文献   

This paper analyses how different power relationships between tourism developers and operators and the local Sasak community affected tourism development on the island of Lombok, Indonesia. This study is set against the background of local and national tensions, and how these also have impacted on tourism. Two case studies are presented. The first example describes how tourism developers, operating under a system of privilege in the Soeharto era, attempted to force land acquisition at Rowok, in the south of Lombok. The subsequent protracted legal case has delayed any tourism development in this area. The second example describes a model of co-operative power relationships between the management of the Holiday Inn Resort and the local Sasak community at Mangsit, north of the main Senggigi Beach resort area. Local people are employed in a range of permanent positions, and there is clear evidence of a harmonious relationship between the hotel and the community. During three days of rioting in January 2000, the local community was unwavering in its support of this hotel. It is suggested that the way in which tourism developers and operators link with the local community is an essential indicator for tourism within the context of sustainable development.  相似文献   

Late modernity in developed nations is characterized by changing social and psychological conditions, including individualization, processes of competition and loneliness. Remaining socially connected is becoming increasingly important. In this situation, travel provides meaning through physical encounters, inclusion in traveller Gemeinschaft based on shared norms, beliefs and interests, and social status in societies increasingly defined by mobilities. As relationships are forged and found in mobility, travel is no longer an option, rather a necessity for sociality, identity construction, affirmation or alteration. Social contexts and the underlying motivations for tourism have changed fundamentally in late modernity: non-tourism has become a threat to self-conceptions. By integrating social and psychological perspectives, this paper expands and deepens existing travel and mobilities discussions to advance the understanding of tourism as a mechanism of social connectedness, and points to implications for future tourism research.  相似文献   

By using a sample of residents in Huangshan, China, this study examined whether tourism impacts affect the overall satisfaction of native and non‐native residents in different ways. Results of multiple‐group analysis revealed significant differences between the two groups regarding the effects of environmental degradation and loss of traditions and norms. Specifically, environmental degradation negatively affects non‐native residents' satisfaction but does not affect native residents' satisfaction. Loss of traditions and norms has a negative effect on native residents' satisfaction but has a positive effect on non‐native residents' satisfaction. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the potential effects of climate change on tourism in France. It examines the implications of a scenario by Météo-France (doubling the concentration of CO2) with regards to the climatic requirements of tourists, according to the different seasons, regions and natural resources on which tourism is based.  相似文献   

铁路旅游业应利用铁路优势,在交通工具,铁路特色景点上加大投入,向规模化,集团化,专业化方向发展。发展中应充分利用地方优惠政策,实行所有者多元化方案筹集资金。  相似文献   

Tourism as a tool for development was first mooted in the 1970s. Recently, focus has been on the role of ecotourism, pro-poor tourism and community-based tourism (CBT). This has been so in Lao People's Democratic Republic, where international tourism is a vital source of foreign exchange and employment and an important feature of the government's poverty-alleviation strategy. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) finances many infrastructural projects facilitating tourist movement in the Lower Mekong Basin, and with the Lao Government and the Netherlands Development Agency (SNV) is a key player in donor-assisted, community-based tourism (DACBT). The development of DACBT in Lao PDR is discussed in some detail, especially the Nam Ha Ecotourism Project, and is compared briefly with the role of the private sector in tourism development in Southern Lao PDR. It is concluded that while DACBT projects can indeed alleviate poverty and develop financial and cultural capital, private sector tourism enterprises also have an important role in poverty alleviation, and it should not be assumed that DACBT is the only – or necessarily the most efficient – form of pro-poor tourism.  相似文献   

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