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This paper suggests a relatively simple analytical framework for taxing all financial arrangements. The debt/equity distinction is determined by the contingency principle. The accruals/realisation distinction is determined separately by the volatility principle. The capital/revenue character distinction is effectively removed directly or by a character hedging regime. Hybrids, synthetics, hedging arrangements and other portfolios are tax‐assessed on an aggregate, rather than a bifurcated, basis. The framework could be applied to both classical and dividend‐imputation‐based business tax systems.  相似文献   

基于创业投资资本利得的税收激励政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业投资收益主要体现在资本利得上,本文应用了Keuschnigg-Nielsen模型证明了创业投资与资本利得课税成反向关系,研究发现对资本利得税课税越重,对创业投资活动就越具有抑制作用.因此不少国家或地区纷纷制定了针对资本利得的税收激励政策,对创业投资的发展起到积极的推动作用.文章最后指出了对我国设计针对创业投资资本利得的税收激励政策的启示.  相似文献   

Taxation and Venture Capital Backed Entrepreneurship   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In recent years, venture capital has increasingly become a factor in the financing of new firms. We examine how the value of mature firms determines the incentives of entrepreneurs to start up new firms and of venture capitalists to finance and advise them. We examine how capital gains taxes as well as subsidies to start-up costs of new firms affect venture capital backed entrepreneurship. We also argue that dividend and capital gains taxes on mature firms have important consequences for start-up firms as well.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the impact of taxes on optimal corporate pension policy. The analysis is based upon an integration of corporate and individual shareholder considerations. The major conclusions are that a company should fully fund its pension plan and should invest the pension fund totally in bonds.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of investor-specific differentialdividend taxation on the dynamics of equilibrium security pricesand allocations. In order to deal with the inherent Paretoinefficiency of such an equilibrium as well as the preclusion oftax arbitrage, we construct a continuous-time equilibrium via arepresentative investor with state-dependent utility. Investorsdiffer in their pricing of risk, inducing investor-specificconsumption-based CAPMs, with differential taxation appearing asan additional factor. The interest rate, stock price, andconsumption dynamics are also impacted. Under logarithmicpreferences, risk is transferred from the higher-taxed to thelower-taxed investor, and the interest rate decreases tocounteract extra precautionary savings against this suboptimallyshared risk. Numerical analysis reveals further tax rate,time-to-horizon, and dividend risk effects on equilibriumquantities. For most wealth allocations, the stock returnvolatility is increased above the no-tax benchmark.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a methodologyfor computing time-consistent, strategic capital taxes in a largeopen economy and to analyze the nature of these taxes. Our resultssuggest that even if a full set of nondistortionary taxes isunavailable and even if the government has redistributive goals,the country which imports capital should tax corporate capitaland the capital exporter should subsidize it. We perform comparativestatics experiments to show how strategically chosen taxes varywith the parameters of the model. JEL classifications: H21,E62  相似文献   

We characterize optimal fiscal policies in a general equilibrium model with monopolistic competition and endogenous public spending. The government can tax consumption, as alternative to labor income taxes. Consumption taxation acts as indirect taxation of profits (intratemporal gains of taxing consumption) and enables the policymaker to manage the burden of public debt more efficiently (intertemporal gains of taxing consumption). We show analytically that these two gains imply that the optimal share of government spending is higher under consumption taxation than with labor income taxation. Then, we quantify numerically each of these gains by calibrating the model on the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

Climate policy exemptions for energy‐intensive sectors are often justified with distributional concerns. One concern is that households employed in energy‐intensive sectors might be affected disproportionally because of (international) capital mobility. By assuming that workers cannot move freely between sectors, we can reproduce this concern: uniform climate policy causes more inequality between the sectors when capital is mobile than when it is not. However, we find that affected households can be relieved more effectively with sector‐specific labour taxes than with sector‐specific climate policy. The reason for this finding is that households benefit more directly from sector‐specific labour tax cuts than from climate policy exemptions. Keeping climate policy uniform across sectors has the added benefit of creating incentives for long‐term decarbonisation. In addition, we find that the differential effect of capital mobility depends on the government's degree of inequality aversion – redistribution is more expensive when capital is mobile.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal taxation of capital income in a simplemodel of a small open economy where domestic residents can evade taxeson their foreign investment income. The national government can onlytax domestic capital income and can impose capital controls, whichhowever absorb real resources. The design of optimal policy in thismodel depends on the revenue needs of the government. For relativelylow levels of government expenditures, it turns out that the countrydoes not levy capital income taxes but may restrict capital exports.Otherwise, the country taxes domestic capital income and sets capitalcontrols such that capital exports are driven to zero, at an optimum.In contrast to other models with capital controls it turns out thatthis policy can lead to underinvestment in domestic capital.JEL Classification Number: E 62, F 41, H 21  相似文献   

This paper examines the taxation of capital income in a small open economy that faces a highly elastic supply of internationally mobile capital and increasing tax competition. The analysis considers a wide variety of additional factors that affect the determination of capital income taxation policy, including the desire to tax economic rents earned by foreign and domestic firms, the desire to take advantage of any treasury transfer effects, the role played by transfer pricing and other financial accounting manipulations by foreign multinationals, the need for a backstop to the personal income tax and various political concerns. The paper evaluates several potential income and consumption-based tax reforms in this context. JEL Code: H21, H25, H87  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider environmental policy as part of a mixed tax problem with a general income tax and linear commodity taxes. I assume that the wage rate is determined by bargaining between unions and firms. The results show that the change in the number of employed persons, following a change in the use of a tax instrument, affects the optimal tax structure via two channels; (i) it makes the tax revenues available for public expenditures more or less costly to collect, and (ii) it affects the aggregate demand for the good that causes the environmental damage. This means that the use of taxation to counteract the labor market imperfection is not easily separated from the environmental aspects of tax policy.JEL Code: D62, H21, J60  相似文献   

游宇  黄宗晔 《金融研究》2016,436(10):32-47
本文发现如果短期债券融资伴有发生资产清算的风险,那么,运用资本管制政策调整融资结构有助于促进经济增长。通过整理78个国家从1995到2010年的资本管制数据,我们检验了对不同类别的资产进行管制对经济增长的影响:对债券进行管制能够促进经济增长;对股票进行资本管制阻碍了经济增长;而对直接投资进行资本管制对经济增长的影响不显著。最后,我们考察了资本管制对资本流动组成结构的调整作用,验证了资本管制影响经济增长的机制。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between corporate taxation, firm age and debt. We adapt a standard model of capital structure choice under corporate taxation, focusing on the financing and investment decisions typically faced by a firm. Our model suggests that the debt ratio is associated positively with the corporate tax rate and negatively with firm age. Further, we predict that the tax-induced advantage of debt is more important for older firms than for younger ones. To test these hypotheses empirically, we use a cross-section of around 405,000 firms from 35 European countries and 127 NACE three-digit industries. In line with previous research, we find that a firm's debt ratio increases with the corporate tax rate. Further, we observe that older firms exhibit smaller debt ratios than their younger counterparts. Finally, consistent with our theoretical model, we find a positive interaction between corporate taxation and firm age, indicating that the impact of corporate taxation on debt increases over a firm's lifetime.  相似文献   

我国居民收入分配差距日益扩大的状况是和调节收入分配的税收制度不完善密切相关的.应遵循效率与公平并重的原则,建立起一个多税种协调配合,覆盖个人收入运行全过程的税收调控体系,以个人所得税为主体,以财产税和社会保障税为两翼,以其它税种为补充,多方面,多环节进行调节.  相似文献   

对资本利得课税是各国的普遍做法,然而,由于存在着所得计价的困难和资本市场的不断变化发展,国际上并没有一套固定的资本课税模式,尽管如此,各国的资本利得税制在要素设计方面,却有着许多值得借鉴的共性,现阶段,无论是从完善税收制度的角度考虑,还是从调节资本市场的角度看,建立我国的资本利税制都是非常必要的。  相似文献   

This paper studies the efficient taxation of money and factor income in intertemporal optimizing growth models with infinite horizons, transaction costs technologies, and flexible prices. Second‐best optimality calls for a positive inflation tax and a nonzero capital income tax when there are restrictions on taxation of production factors or profits/rents. Our cases of nonoptimality of the Friedman rule—which differ from those of Mulligan and Sala‐i‐Martin (1997) and extend substantially those of Schmitt‐Grohè and Uribe (2004a) —follow from the violation of the Diamond and Mirrlees (1971) principle on production efficiency.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of flat-rate taxes on intergenerational equity in an overlapping generations model of a small open economy, assuming the intergenerational externality of human capital accumulation. The externality may cause the difference between the growth rates in private human capital and in average human capital of the economy. If the externality is sufficiently small, the introduction of an interest income tax will benefit all future generations. In contrast, if it is sufficiently great, the introduction of a wage tax could harm all generations by raising financial asset holdings and thereby reducing consumption.  相似文献   

生态补偿财税政策探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着经济的快速发展,生态资源破坏加剧,环境污染严重.生态补偿成为经济发展过程中必须考虑的问题.生态补偿财税政策是生态补偿机制的重要组成部分.从财税视角考察生态补偿的路径,应进一步完善生态税收制度;构建多层次的生态补偿财政分担体系;建立财政补贴、财政投资有机融合的财政补偿机制;完善生态补偿财税政策的配套措施;建立基于市场经济背景下的生态补偿机制,实现经济、社会、环境的和谐发展.  相似文献   

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