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Using listed companies in China’s A-share market from 1997 to 2009, this paper investigates the relationship between controller changes (including changes in controlling shareholders, directors and CEOs) and auditor changes. The empirical evidence indicates that controller changes are positively related to auditor changes and that auditor changes are more likely if there are extensive controller changes. For companies in which both the controlling shareholder and the auditor change, if the successor controlling shareholder is controlled by an other-province government, the auditor is more likely to be replaced and the successor auditor is more likely to be a smaller auditor from the same province as the new controlling shareholder.  相似文献   

Significant accounting scandals and the imminent collapse of Arthur Andersen in 2001 precipitated a period of heightened regulatory response, most notably the enactment of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002. In the years that followed, the Securities and Exchange Commission created a separate class of non-accelerated filers (companies with public float of up to $75 million) and provided these companies with significant regulatory relief from certain financial reporting disclosure and auditing requirements, including the extension of scaled disclosure to these companies in 2007. Over the period of 2001 through 2007, as non-accelerated clients anticipated and responded to their different and evolving regulatory regime, audit firms were adjusting to the increased concentration in their market, a new monitoring structure, and significant changes to the scope of their work. We examine whether auditor–client misalignment is a significant determinant of auditor change during this period, particularly for non-accelerated filers, as large auditors sought to rebalance their client portfolios. We find evidence that auditor–client misalignment increases the likelihood of auditor change (resignation and dismissal) for non-accelerated, but not accelerated, filers. We also find that auditor–client misalignment increases the likelihood of downward changes to third-tier auditors for non-accelerated, but not accelerated, filers.  相似文献   

Financial scandals such as the Enron-Andersen debacle provoke concerns that auditors lack independence when faced with influential clients. Unlike previous studies that examine whether client influence affects audit quality on ongoing engagements (providing mixed results), we investigate whether client influence (which engenders “independence risk”) at the audit-office level affects auditor resignations from high engagement-risk clients. We construct summary measures of engagement risk, using client disclosures on Form 8-K filings, potential risk factors (e.g., litigation risk), and auditor action (e.g., issuance of a going concern opinion) on the previous year’s financial statements. Focusing on risky clients, we find that auditors are more likely on average to resign from influential clients, and this positive association holds for auditors that are less likely to have mechanisms in place to mitigate independence risk. Also, importantly, influential clients are prevalent across the spectrum of client size, and the positive association between client influence and auditor resignations holds for both large and small clients.  相似文献   

Accounting standards exist in an attempt to “standardize” accounting practice. These standards contain definitions of accounting concepts whose function is to guide judgments made in practice. However, such judgments can have a major impact on a firm's externally reported accounting numbers, as their inherent subjectivity and discretion may be lent to the manipulation of earnings. This study provides empirical evidence of the effect of measured meaning on an accounting judgment, in the context of regulated changes to the definition of one key accounting concept used in measuring operating income. The extraordinary items classification decisions made by auditors were found to be systematically associated with differences in measured meaning of the extraordinary items definition. The study has important policy implications for accounting standard-setting.  相似文献   

We examine the relationships of national legal system, company size, and corporate governance quality with internal audit function (IAF) involvement with eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) implementation in public companies. Our data source is The Institute of Internal Auditors' Global Internal Audit Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) database, from which we extract responses from 692 chief audit executives (CAEs) for our investigation. We find evidence of differential effects of company size on IAF involvement with XBRL implementation, depending on the national legal system. In civil law countries, IAFs of small companies have significantly higher levels of XBRL involvement than do IAFs of large companies, whereas, in common law countries, IAFs of large companies have higher levels of involvement than do those of small companies. Finally, we find evidence that corporate governance quality is positively associated with IAF involvement with XBRL implementation.  相似文献   

There are serious concerns in some Western countries that methods should be found to resolve what is commonly referred to as the auditing profession's liability crisis. A number of legislative-based proposals to limit auditors' liability have been suggested. However, anxiety has been voiced relating to the inherent uncertainties attached to such apparently untested reforms. In this respect it is interesting to note that for more than sixty years the German auditing profession has operated within a regulatory environment in which liability is restricted by a legislatively sanctioned universal cap. We document the German experience and consider whether their form of liability restricting mechanism can provide a contribution to the debate concerning the efficacy of proposals to reform auditor liability elsewhere. We draw attention to the fact that at this time when the auditing professions in other countries are campaigning for reductions in liability exposure, it is interesting to observe that the German auditing profession has recently campaigned for increases in exposure. We use this and related events to suggest that the German experience illustrates that it is unlikely that the liability crisis can be resolved by simply changing the legal basis upon which financial penalties for auditors are assessed. We argue that a necessary precursor to a redesign of penalty mechanisms is a need to obtain measured consensus concerning identification of the constituency of claimants that should have rights to pursue auditors in the courts. Such an identification process needs to be firmly based within a model of corporate governance which reflects what can reasonably be expected from and provided by the auditing profession. In this respect we support the application of the intermediate form of corporate governance which until relatively recently characterized the German system. Within this system auditors were ascribed a less influential role than was envisaged in Anglo-American traditions. This arose since they acted principally as information agents to an influential supervisory board rather than as shareholders' representatives.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the recent international debate over mandatory auditor rotation by providing a conceptual research framework in which to view the tenure-audit quality relation. Audit quality is viewed to be a function of auditor performance. The auditor’s ability and professional conduct are argued to be major factors affecting performance. Economic incentives and market structure have endogenous relationships with both performance and tenure. Research implications of the framework suggest that evaluating the efficacy of mandatory auditor rotation is likely to be a complex process, more involved than a simple association test of the tenure-audit quality relation. The study also proposes several avenues for future examination: (1) evaluation of assumptions implicit in rotation arguments; (2) testing of magnitudes and effect directions; (3) examination of professional oversight controls; and (4) assessment of the costs of compulsory rotation.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between firm attributes and management’s voluntary disclosure of the reason(s) for auditor changes and evaluates the capital market reaction to information disclosure of the auditor change events accompanied by preexisting red flag and non-red flag issues. We find that managers are more likely to disclose the reason(s) for auditor changes when those changes occurred because of benign business reasons or if the reasons do not indicate the presence of any underlying operating or financial reporting problem. On the other hand, managers are less likely to disclose the reason(s) for auditor changes when those changes are preceded by red-flag situations. Furthermore, auditor changes accompanied by preexisting red-flag situations are viewed negatively by the capital market, implying that the full disclosure of reasons for auditor changes is informative to investors. This observation is supported further by our market-based analyses, which consistently show that auditor changes accompanied by prevailing red flag issues are valued incrementally in the market above and beyond the reportable events (under FRR No. 31) and auditor-initiated changes. The study contributes to the recent policy debate related to mandating the disclosure of the reason(s) for auditor switches. Specifically, the results support the recent debates that the current voluntary disclosure regime results in selective disclosure practices that are likely to contribute to the general lack of transparency with respect to auditor changes.  相似文献   

Cheng  C. S. Agnes  Wang  Kun  Xu  Yanping  Zhang  Ning 《Review of Accounting Studies》2020,25(4):1475-1506
Review of Accounting Studies - We examine whether the revelation of individual audit partner reputation affects client firms’ external financing choice. Specifically, we investigate whether a...  相似文献   

There has been little systematic study of the cognitive processes by which auditors learn from experience. The purpose of this paper is (1) to review selectively the learning and cognitive psychological literature pertinent to the questions of how and how well the “ordinary person” learns from experience and (2) to relate the conclusions from this literature to the case of the professional auditor. The paper also identifies some questions and methods for future behavioral research regarding the auditor and learning from experience.  相似文献   

This study examines whether auditors from different countries come to different conclusions when they perform analytical procedures to assess the risk of misstatement in accounts. During a laboratory experiment, auditors who worked for the same firm in the United Kingdom, France, and the United States performed analytical procedures on identical case materials. Although auditors from all three countries came to similar conclusions about the overall risk of misstatement, they attributed risk differently across the individual financial statement accounts they evaluated.  相似文献   

Financial leverage changes associated with corporate mergers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We empirically examine whether firms increase financial leverage following mergers. Firms could increase financial leverage either because of an increase in debt capacity or because of unused debt capacity from pre-merger years. We find that financial leverage of combined firms increases significantly following mergers. A cross-sectional analysis shows that the change in financial leverage around mergers is significantly positively correlated with the announcement period market-adjusted returns. Further tests indicate that the increase in financial leverage is an outcome of an increase in debt capacity, although there is weak evidence that some of the increase in financial leverage is a result of past unused debt capacity.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines whether an auditor's perceived ability to negotiate discretionary accounting issues with clients (auditor negotiation self-efficacy) is related to auditor objectivity, and whether an auditor's negotiation self-efficacy has a greater impact on her objectivity when the auditor's accuracy motive (professional identity) is strong rather than weak. We tested the hypotheses using a cross-sectional survey design and obtained 146 responses from among 800 surveyed experienced Swedish auditors. The findings indicate that auditors with higher negotiation self-efficacy were more likely to make decisions on a material and discretionary accounting issue contrary to their clients' desires compared to auditors with lower self-efficacy. The relationship between negotiation self-efficacy and auditor objectivity was not moderated by professional-identity strength. These research findings suggest that recruiting and training auditors to increase their negotiation self-efficacy may be an effective method to enhance auditor objectivity without the problems inherent in other methods, such as auditor rotation. Our sample was obtained in Sweden, which allows long auditor tenures. We caution that, although our analysis controlled for auditor tenure, the effect of auditor negotiation self-efficacy may not be generalizable to countries that limit tenure through regulation.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the National Audit Office of Denmark (NAOD) manoeuvred in making the Danish military receptive to a performance-accountability project in the period 1990–2007. Evidence is provided from a detailed case study, where the actions of the auditors have been followed in their efforts to make the military activities auditable by focusing on the multiple and dynamic interactions between them, the auditee and others. This study contributes to our understanding of how auditors manoeuvre with their performance audit devices in different ways to make efficiency auditable. It appears that as the auditee initiated the implementation of a new accounting system called DeMars a stream of overflows threatened to destabilise it. Groups within the auditee were eager to put heat into the overflowing. This study illuminates how the auditors, equipped with their devices of purification in the later stages of the project, helped at least provisionally to contain the overflows and stabilize the construction. Due to such different manoeuvres by the auditors, this paper demonstrates the problems that emerge when state auditors manoeuvre in performance auditing with identities both as ‘modernizers’, i.e., participating in providing the reasons for change and defining its designs and as ‘independent auditors’, i.e., to legitimize the construction in which they participated themselves. Many allies to the auditors worked hard in protecting the NAOD as the two identities conflicted with each other during the execution of the project.  相似文献   

The reality and perception of auditor independence is fundamental to public confidence in financial reporting. A new Independence Standards Board was set up in the U.S. in 1997 and the European Union (EU) is currently seeking to establish a common core of independence principles. The general setting within which audit decisions are made and independence perceptions are formed is evolving rapidly due to competitive and regulatory changes. Policy-makers must work continuously to evaluate the critical threat factors and develop appropriate independence principles. This paper explores the potential of recent regulatory reforms in the United Kingdom (U.K.), many of which are unique to that country, to strengthen the independence framework. Using a questionnaire instrument, U.K. interested parties’ perceptions of the influence on auditor independence of a large set of 45 economic and regulatory factors are elicited. Most factors have a significant impact on independence perceptions for all groups (finance directors, audit partners, and financial journalists). The principal threat factors relate to economic dependence and non-audit service provision, while the principal enhancement factors relate to regulatory changes introduced in the early 1990s (the existence of an audit committee, the risk of referral to the Financial Reporting Review Panel and the risk to the audit firm of loss of Registered Auditor status). Exploratory factor analysis reduces the factor set to a smaller number of uncorrelated underlying dimensions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether firms’ auditor choice relates to national culture. We construct a novel measure of secretiveness based on Hofstede [Hofstede, G., 1980. Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work Related Values. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA] cultural factors. Using a very large sample of firms from 37 countries and controlling for a number of firm- and country-level factors, we find that firms in “more secretive” countries are less likely to hire a Big 4 auditor. We also document that the relation between secrecy dimension of national culture and auditor choice is mitigated by the firms’ degree of internationalization. These results establish a link between national culture and financial reporting quality through the firm’s choice of auditor.  相似文献   

As the largest and fastest growing emerging market, China is becoming more and more important to investors throughout the world. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the determinants of firms’ auditor choice in China in respect of their corporate governance mechanism. Normally firms have to take a trade-off in their auditor choice decisions, i.e., to hire high-quality auditors to signal effective audit monitoring and good corporate governance to lower their capital raising costs, or to select low-quality auditors with less effective audit monitoring in order to reap private benefits derived from weak corporate governance and less-transparent disclosure (the opaqueness gains). We develop a logit regression model to test the impact of firms’ internal corporate governance mechanism on auditor choice decisions made by IPO firms getting listed during a bear market period of 2001–2004 in China. Three variables are used to proxy for firms’ internal corporate governance mechanism, i.e., the ownership concentration, the size of the supervisory board (SB), and the duality of CEO and chairman of board of directors (BoDs). We classify all auditors in China into large auditors (Top 10) and others (non-Top 10), assuming the large auditors can provide higher quality audit services. The empirical results show that firms with larger controlling shareholders, with smaller size of SB, or in which CEO and BoDs chairman are the same person, are less likely to hire a Top 10 (high-quality) auditor. This suggests that when benefits from lowering capital raising costs are trivial, firms with weaker internal corporate governance mechanism are inclined to choose a low-quality auditor so as to capture and sustain their opaqueness gains. On the other hand, with improvement of corporate governance, firms should be more likely to appoint high-quality auditors.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a classification problem involving the decisions of Defense Contractor Audit Agency (DCAA) auditors when they are estimating the likelihood of fraud by contractors developing bids for government contracts. The objective of the study is to investigate if this decision involves non-algebraic processes associated with a posited simultaneous decision model or algebraic processes posited by sequential decision processes. We propose that in classification decision models involving simultaneous processing, genetic algorithms represent an innovative heuristic approach, which may produce improved models when compared to traditional mathematical approaches. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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