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When financial statements are audited, a client and auditor may disagree about an accounting disclosure. While the disclosure of such a disagreement may increase the information content of a statement it may also be socially undesirable in that it signals a difference in views about the state of the reporting enterprise. This in turn may increase agency costs and introduce uncertainty about the state of the firm. In this paper we focus on public policy implications concerning auditor-client disagreements and examine the ex ante probability that such cases will occur. We find that accounting standards that allow two accounting options may be optimal in reducing frequency of disagreements among auditors and between standard-setters and their constituencies, and possibly also between clients and their auditors. The New Zealand model of compliance with accounting standards may be preferable to that practiced in the US.  相似文献   

论外币会计报表折算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国际贸易、跨国投资和跨国子公司的发展,由此带来的外币业务和外币会计报表的折算问题将越来越重要。而现在外币折算方法,未能从理论上作出全面、系统、合理的解释,违反了历史成本原则或谨慎性原则或两者。  相似文献   

本文研究新会计准则在合并财务报表方面的变迁对少数股东权益和损益信息含量的影响。2006年2月15日颁布并于2007年实施的"新合并财务报表准则"(企业会计准则第33号——合并财务报表)相对旧准则做出了修改:规定少数股东权益在合并资产负债表所有者权益项目下单独列示;少数股东损益在合并利润表中净利润项目下单独列示。本文发现,新会计准下,少数股东权益的价值相关性显著提高,且显著高于净资产其他组成部分的价值相关性提高程度;少数股东损益信息含量显著增加,且增加量显著高于盈余的其他组成部分带来的信息增加量。本文的经验证据支持了新会计准则中合并财务报表的实体理论,研究结论说明,新会计准则的实施使得合并财务报表具有更多信息含量。  相似文献   

有关合并会计报表理论之比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,国际上编制合并会计报表的合并理论主要有母公司理论、实体理论和所有权理论三种,在不同理论中,对集团的范围、商誉的计算及少数股权的地位和构成都有不同的理解和处理,各国在制定合并会计报表准则时,都是以某一合并理论为主,同时根据自身的实际情况来考虑的。  相似文献   

文化环境是一种人化的社会存在 ,人的社会存在实质上又是特定的文化环境的存在 ,因而研究文化对会计的影响 ,必先对文化环境作出科学的界定。而当前研究文化对会计影响的一个误区 ,就是只研究文化对会计客体一个部分的会计实务工作的影响 ,而忽视了对会计客体另一个部分的会计理论的影响 ,且更忽略了对会计主体的会计人的影响。为对文化与会计的关系及其对会计的影响有一个较为全面的认识 ,故有必要对其进行中西文化环境比较下的拾遗补阙的研究。  相似文献   

Financial statement fraud generates many negative effects, including reducing people's willingness to participate in the stock market. If it also stigmatizes accounting, it may similarly adversely affect the quantity and quality of workers willing to become accountants, thereby potentially creating negative effects for years to come. We examine the impact of fraud on the labor force entering the accounting profession, which is a key input into the production of accounting information (i.e., the output). Using data describing millions of college students across the United States, we find incoming students are actually more likely to major in accounting when local frauds occur during their formative years. These students are also more likely to have attributes desired by the accounting profession (e.g., high academic aptitude) and are more likely to subsequently serve in public accounting and become Certified Public Accountants. In the context of other fields (i.e., all college majors), we find that fraud similarly spurs interest in other business disciplines, but not in majors outside of business schools. Those attracted to other business disciplines, however, generally possess different traits. Specifically, students entering accounting are distinctively more likely to exhibit values espoused by the accounting profession, including a predisposition to public service and less commercial orientation. Thus, nonpecuniary motives appear to uniquely drive accounting student enrollment following fraud. Collectively, our findings suggest that, while fraud is unmistakably bad, it appears to have the positive unintended consequence of attracting labor into business disciplines and, in accounting, increasing the prevalence of desirable traits among entrants.  相似文献   

财务分析是通过对上市公司财务报表有关数据和相关信息进行汇总、计算、对比,综合分析和评价公司财务状况、经营成果和现金流量的过程。本文以五粮液(000858)为例,从行业分析、战略分析入手,以会计分析及财务分析为主要内容,进而对股票价值进行评估,全面展现了财务分析体系的完整内容。  相似文献   

税收会计若干理论和实践问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对税收会计理论和实务的研究,在我国一直未受到应有的重视,使得税收会计的改革进展缓慢。税收会计是国家各级税务机关核算和监督税收资金运动的一门专业会计,它和税务会计分属于两种不同的会计学科体系。当前我国税收会计亟待改革的问题是税收成本效益问题。  相似文献   

Accounting for Intangible Assets: There is Also an Income Statement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
STEPHEN H. PENMAN 《Abacus》2009,45(3):358-371
Accounting is often criticized for omitting intangible assets from the balance sheet. This paper points out that the omission is not necessarily a deficiency. There is also an income statement, and the value of intangible (and other) assets can be ascertained from the income statement. Thus, calls for the recognition of 'intangible assets' on the balance sheet may be misconceived. The paper lays out the property whereby the income statement corrects for deficiencies in the balance sheet. It then explores the case where the income statement perfectly corrects for a deficient balance sheet and the case where it does so imperfectly. In the latter case, the paper then asks whether accounting in the balance sheet—by capitalization and amortization of intangible assets or carrying them at fair value—could remedy the deficiency in the income statement (or makes it worse). The investigation involves an analysis and valuation of Microsoft Corporation and Dell Inc., two companies presumed to posses a good deal of 'intangibles assets'. The paper is instructive, not only to those concerned with accounting issues but also to analysts attempting to value firms, like Microsoft and Dell, with assets missing from the balance sheet.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether accounting standards harmonization enhances the comparability of financial information across countries. I hypothesize that a firm yet to announce earnings reacts more strongly to the earnings announcement of a foreign firm when both report under the same rather than different accounting standards. My analysis of abnormal price reactions for a global sample of firms supports the prediction. Next, in an attempt to control for the underlying economic comparability and the effects of changes in reporting quality, I use a difference‐in‐differences design around the mandatory introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards. I find that mandatory adopters experience a significant increase in market reactions to the release of earnings by voluntary adopters compared to the period preceding mandatory adoption. This increase is not observed for nonadopters. Taken together, the results show that accounting standards harmonization facilitates transnational information transfer and suggest financial statement comparability as a direct mechanism.  相似文献   

Firms and divisions which are not traded on organized exchanges are often valued without the benefit of market data. Accounting data is used instead. One suggested approach is to use accounting beta as a proxy for market return beta. In the context of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory, we provide a theoretical justification for such a procedure. Our results provide a set of sufficient conditions so that return betas and accounting betas are equal. Our results also suggest a general methodology for evaluating projects and untraded firms using accounting data. The method underlying the derivation here is very general and can be applied in deriving testable restrictions between fundamentals, broader in context than that of accounting variables.  相似文献   

环境会计:理论综述与启示   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文重点对近几年的环境会计理论的主要文献进行了梳理,尝试从可持续性、外部性、信息披露、成本管理和行为科学这五个视角,按照文献的发展脉络和逻辑关系对国际学术界在环境会计理论方面的研究新进展进行了评述。本文讨论了这五个研究视角之间的内在联系,探讨了有关理论的发展方向,并分析了目前环境会计理论研究在方法和内容上的最新趋势,以期能对完善我国环境会计理论提供借鉴和启示。最后本文结合我国目前环境会计理论的研究情况,提出未来进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

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