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In search of a unifying measurement feature on which to base a more systematic and potentially comprehensive analysis of intangibles, this paper first analyses the economic and accounting properties of intangibles, and second, empirically evaluates managerial practices for measuring and analysing expenditure on intangibles. We present evidence from a survey of 614 large Australian firms that suggests gaps in the extent with which firms plan, monitor, record, analyse, and report on intangibles. Third, we evaluate the implications of our analysis and survey for accounting practice. Our evidence suggests GAAP has a role to provide guidance that helps firms identify and classify their expenditure on intangibles in ways that elucidate the strategic implications of the different types of intangibles for future output. A secondary step for accountants, after identifying and classifying the expenditure on intangibles, is to apply a capitalization test to distinguish expenses from assets. The current asymmetric treatment of expenditure on purchased versus internally generated intangibles is not supportable on economic grounds. However, economists identify weak property rights as a major cause of uncertainty associated with the outcomes from expenditure on intangibles, suggesting verifiable property rights is a unifying measurement feature on which to base a capitalization test for intangible assets.  相似文献   

Years of debate have failed to produce an Australian consensus on accounting for identifiable intangible assets. The AASB in 1999 re-affirmed its view that assets such as brand names, mastheads, licences and trademarks have depreciable amounts that are required to be depreciated. Meanwhile, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has increased the pressure on companies to amortise such assets. Following a submission from the Group of 100 and others in May 2000, the AASB resolved to place the topic back on its work program. Current proposals by the FASB to accept non-amortisation of goodwill and other intangibles with indefinite lives has "turned up the heat" for further AASB action.  相似文献   

无形资产自身的获利潜力与无形资产得以发挥作用的空间和条件共同构成了无形资产评估价值的基础.无形资产的评估价值与有形资产的评估价值之间的最大区别在于:同一无形资产的评估价值可以是其潜在获利能力的全部或部分转化.对于同一无形资产,在其潜在获利能力一定的前提下,如果评估人员选择不同的评估条件、评估环境和评估假设前提,其评估价值可以有较大的差别.无形资产的潜在获利能力取决于无形资产发挥作用的空间范围、外部条件以及无形资产潜在获利能力可转化为现实获利能力的程度.  相似文献   

Intangible marketing assets, such as brand strength, product image and reputation, appear to be of growing significance to companies. This paper seeks to offer a management accounting perspective on intangible marketing assets. A typology is developed that categorises related constructs, hitherto referred to, somewhat broadly, as marketing assets. The typology (1) redefines intangible marketing assets from an accounting perspective, and (2) identifies the inputs and outputs of the intangible marketing asset management process. The traditional accounting methods afforded to intangible marketing assets are noted, together with their adverse implications for asset development. It is suggested that management accounting should develop a method of accounting for such assets that is more consistent with supporting longer-term corporate objectives.  相似文献   

会计国际协调:一个新的分析视角   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
会计标准的国际协调一直是我国会计理论界和实务界非常关注的一个重要问题。对此 ,理论界就净利润的双重披露差异进行了大量的实证研究 ,研究的结果也常常为我国会计标准改革所借鉴。然而 ,我们的研究发现 ,2 0 0 0年底《企业会计制度》及随后一系列会计准则颁布和修订后 ,境内外净资产差异与净利润差异之间的联系明显降低 ,仅有净利润之间的国际协调还不足以说明会计信息总体上已经实现国际协调。因此 ,单纯从净利润的角度来研究会计标准的国际协调可能存在一定的片面性。本文试图从净利润、净资产以及两者对比的净资产收益率三个角度来判断我国会计标准的国际协调程度  相似文献   

无形资产投资是企业长期投资活动的重要组成部分,具有"双刃剑"效应.本文全面分析国有股份制银行的无形资产及其投资活动.研究发现:从表内无形资产来看,无形资产占总资产的比重偏低,且呈下降趋势;土地使用权仍是最主要的表内无形资产.从投资活动来看,国有股份制银行在人力资本投资、组织结构资本投资和关系资本投资方面已有初步发展,但总体呈现出投资不足的特征,更缺乏系统性的无形资产投资战略与投资效率评价体系.本文最后提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

会计目标及实现这一目标的会计原则,规定着会计实务的主要方面,本文通过四个分析性模型从理论层面上对会计模式的历史变迁作了一个概括。完全且完美市场背景下的经济收益观是最早的会计模式。在市场不完全或不完美时,会计目标重新定位于提供决策有用的信息,提高会计数据的信息含量、更为相关可靠地计量企业的资产、负债,成为了会计政策选择理论上的标准。由于存在基于会计数据的不完全契约,会计契约观认为,减少可供选择的会计政策或硬化会计政策选择的标准,是降低契约(代理)成本的基本举措。  相似文献   

Standard-setting in New Zealand has graduated from the early wholesale adoption of overseas pronouncements to an autonomous approach which recognises unique characteristics of the country's legislation and culture. However, close cooperation is observed with Australian standard-setting.  相似文献   

This paper examines ex ante effects of circuit breakers (mandated trading halts). We show that circuit breakers, by causing agents to suboptimally advance trades in time, may have the perverse effect of increasing price variability and exacerbating price movements. We next consider a situation in which a circuit breaker causes trading to be halted in both a dominant (more liquid) and a satellite market. As agents switch from the dominant market to the satellite market, price variability and market liquidity decline on the dominant market and increase on the satellite market.  相似文献   

Preparers of financial statements have a vital interest in the development of the accounting standards which set out the requirements for disclosure. This paper discusses some elements of the standard-setting structure and focuses on the crucial question of international harmonisation of accounting standards.  相似文献   

张先治  晏超 《会计研究》2015,(2):3-12,93
会计准则变革不仅对财务报告和资本市场产生预期影响,而且对企业契约、经营方式与投资行为、宏观经济与社会等产生重要影响。本文以制度变迁的影响理论、经济后果理论和外部性理论为基础,根据会计准则变革的目标和相关经验证据,界定了会计准则变革的预期效应与非预期效应,构建了会计准则变革的非预期效应系统框架,包括未实现的预期效应、后续间接效应、超出效应和事前效应四个方面,分为微观非预期效应和宏观非预期效应两个层次,并对未来研究提出了一些思路和建议。本文构建的理论框架,对于界定会计学本质及范畴,拓展会计研究领域,完善会计准则的制定等具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

The publication in January 1992 of The Valuation of Intangible Assets, a report by Arthur Andersen & Co., has again stimulated the ‘brands’ debate. The Report claims to present a range of valuation methods for intangibles that command a ‘consensus’ among preparers, and that overcome the problems of subjectivity, consistency, separability and relevance identified in earlier research into brand accounting. This paper argues that the concept of separability, upon which these claims depend, is far from clear. The Andersen Report also raises questions as to the nature of its appeal to consensus, the role of codification in determining accounting policy, and the status of professional ‘research’.  相似文献   

技术型无形资产利润分成率评判模型的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立技术型无形资产利润分成率评价指标体系,通过层次分析法确定各指标权重,采用多层次模糊综合判断模型确定技术型无形资产利润分成率.  相似文献   

公允价值会计实践的理论透视   总被引:84,自引:0,他引:84  
本文对影响公允价值会计实践的因素进行了理论分析,认为历史成本会计对不稳定的经营环境的不适应性,是公允价值会计实践的根本诱因;决策有用观的财务报告目标,为公允价值会计实践创造了适宜的环境;对经济学收益计量的追求,为公允价值会计实践提供了内在的动力;而相关性与可靠性的权衡,则构成了公允价值会计实践的关键限制。因此,为相关性和可靠性的权衡制定明确的标准,并对决策有用会计信息质量特征进行反思和重构,是推动公允价值会计实践的根本要求和有效途径。  相似文献   

结合FASB对环境会计相关规范的发展历程,重点对美国在资产弃置义务会计准则制定、环境负债的确认、计量及弃置成本资本化的相关问题进行研究,进而考察了FASB和IASB在资产弃置义务会计规范上的差异根源,以期把握环境财务会计发展的内在规律。在上述基础上,分析我国资产弃置义务会计所面临的经济法律环境与市场需求,提出了我国资产弃置义务会计规范的改进建议。  相似文献   

This review of ethics education in accounting shows the contributions of, and gaps in, existing work. The investigation can contribute directly to an ethics educational program, while shedding light on topics that could be usefully extended. The paper is structured uniquely for educational interests by forming primary categories around the needs of the educational manager and the classroom educator; subcategories are drawn from the literature itself. The analysis anchors on McDonald and Donleavy's (1995) review and looks to studies published in the decade between 1995 and early 2005.  相似文献   

会计信息披露的经济学思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
股票价格与会计信息披露针对股票市场而言,尽管发行市场存在着较为明确的供求双方,但在交易市场中股票的买方与卖方随股价的波动会不停和随时地互换,从而使供求双方的力量对比无法稳定。对于一般商品,依据供求理论,当供不应求则商品的价格上升,此时价格作为一种信号将促使供给增加,需求减少;当供过于求则反之。一般的商品市场中因为价格的波动使其具有一种自动趋向平衡机制。但在股票市场中,股票投资者或多或少的投机念头使其追涨杀跌以赚取价差收益,致使股票价格至少在短期内不能向投资者很好地传递股票的真实价值。此时,有关股…  相似文献   

无形资产评估的模糊综合评判模型探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对无形资产评估涉及因素复杂,个体差异大,定量少,变量多,广泛存在模糊性等客观特点,本文提出运用模糊综合评判方法建立无形资产评估数学模型,以确定无形资产的价值,提高无形资产评估的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

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