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会计师事务所合并究竟是会提高还是会降低审计收费,取决于合并后事务所声誉及市场势力提升所带来的审计溢价与规模效应所导致的审计成本降低两方面孰者相对占优。文章以我国2003—2009年间十起事务所合并案为对象,利用其上市公司客户在事务所合并前后各2年的面板数据,检验了事务所合并对审计定价的影响。结果发现,事务所合并后,其审计收费显著提高。对所有事务所客户审计费用的横向比较也印证了上述结论。研究还发现,事务所合并后第一年审计收费的提升较第二年更为明显;就稳定客户数据而言,本土事务所之间合并对审计定价的影响不如涉及"四大"的合并显著;此外,新设合并与吸收合并对审计定价的影响没有显著差异。 相似文献
This paper addresses the issue of whether firms are required to pay an ex ante premium to investors for bearing the risk of interest-rate changes. A two-factor APT model with the market and changes in the yield on long-term government bonds as factors is employed. The paper shows that, empirically, most of the interest-sensitive stocks are in the utility industries, and that there is reasonable evidence that the interest factor is priced in the sense of the APT. Several sources for the interest sensitivity are considered, and regulatory lags are focused on as a likely candidate. 相似文献
Min Hwang John M. Quigley Jae-young Son 《The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics》2006,32(3):205-228
It is generally conceded that dividend pricing models are poor predictors of asset prices. This finding is sometimes attributed
to excess volatility or to a dividend process manipulated by firm managers. In this paper, we present rather powerful panel
tests of the dividend pricing relation using a unique data set in which dividends are set by market forces independent of
managers' preferences. We rely on observations on the market for condominium dwellings in Korea—perhaps the only market in
which information on dividends and prices is publicly and continuously available to consumers and investors. We extend the
“dividend-price ratio model” to panels of housing returns and rents differentiated by type and location. We find broad support
for the dividend pricing model during periods both before and after the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997–1998, suggesting that
the market for housing assets in Korea has been remarkably efficient.
Previous versions of this paper were presented at the Hong Kong-Singapore International Real Estate Research Symposium, August
2004, Hong Kong and the meeting of the Hong Kong Economic Association, January 2005. We are grateful for the comments of Ashok
Bardhan, Yuming Fu, Chinmoy Ghosh, Lok Sang Ho, Charles Ka Yui Leung, Sau Kim Lum and Seow Eng Ong. Son's research was supported
by the Konkuk University and Hwang's research was supported by the National University of Singapore. 相似文献
本文选取中国沪深A股2002年至2018年的季度数据,从公司层面考察了劳动杠杆(由劳动力成本粘性特征导致的企业利润变化率大于产出变化率的经济现象,可理解为不考虑固定成本时经营杠杆的特殊表现形式)对股票截面收益率的定价效力。结果发现:(1)劳动杠杆对截面收益率具有显著负向影响,具体表现为高劳动杠杆公司的收益率低于低劳动杠杆公司的收益率;(2)该影响在控制了公司特征后依然显著存在;(3)该影响在不同经济周期下表现不同:在经济下行期,负向定价效力更为明显。进一步地,本文通过生产率冲击和工资冲击这两个风险来源探究了劳动杠杆的作用机制。结果表明,劳动杠杆一方面通过生产率冲击产生显著正向影响,另一方面通过工资冲击产生显著负向影响。但后者的影响程度显著强于前者,两者的相对重要性取决于上市公司的技术水平。相关结果能够为公司应对劳动力成本上升、理解劳动杠杆的定价机制及相关投资策略的制定和风险管理等提供经验支持。 相似文献
Michael Firth 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》1997,24(3):511-525
There have been a number of studies examining audit fees and this research has covered various nations. Recent legislation in Norway requires a company to disclose information on the audit fee and the fees for non-audit services paid to its auditor. Using this data, models of audit fee structure are developed. As with other studies, the size of the company is a major determinant of the audit fee. Payments for non-audit services are positively and significantly associated with audit fees; this relationship is difficult to explain although it parallels some research in the United States. Overall, the models explain about 75 per cent of the variability in audit fees. 相似文献
An important qualitative attribute of financial statements is timeliness. The recognition that the length of the audit may be the single most important determinant affecting the timing of earnings' announcements has motivated recent research on audit delay. The present study extends prior research by examining the multivariate relationship between a set of explanatory variables and audit delay for a large sample of New Zealand public companies. Further, the study includes two explanatory variables, company control (i.e. owner control versus manager control) and debt proportion, which have not previously been considered. The results indicate that both company size and sign of income significantly affect audit delay across the two years examined. Five other explanatory variables significantly affected audit delay for one of the two years examined. The adjusted R2s of the regression models, however, were relatively low. Additional analysis was also performed on each company control subsample. These results revealed that the effect of company size and income sign may be conditional upon company control. Implications from the results of the study for future research are discussed. 相似文献
审计市场结构与审计质量:来自中国证券市场的经验证据 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
本文以我国证券市场2004年~2005年的上市公司为研究样本,使用调整后的KS模型估计出的公司操纵性应计利润的绝对值作为审计质量的衡量指标,考察了审计市场结构和审计质量的关系。研究发现在控制了影响审计质量的相关变量之后,市场结构与审计质量存在以下关系:审计市场集中度与审计质量成正相关关系;市场的进入退出壁垒越高,审计质量越高;但审计师的行业专长不但没有提高审计质量,反而在一定程度上降低了审计质量;审计市场的强地域性与审计质量也没有明显的相关关系。 相似文献
We analyze the market assessment of sovereign credit risk using a reduced-form model to price the credit default swap (CDS) spreads, thus enabling us to derive values for the probability of default (PD) and loss given default (LGD) from the quotes of sovereign CDS contracts. We compare different specifications of the models allowing for both fixed and time-varying LGD, and we use these values to analyze the sovereign credit risk of Polish debt throughout the period of a global financial crisis. Our results suggest the presence of a low LGD and a relatively high PD during a recent financial crisis. 相似文献
PEKKA T. HIETALA 《The Journal of Finance》1989,44(3):697-718
This paper analyzes asset pricing in a partially segmented market where citizens of a small country are allowed to hold only their domestic securities, whereas the rest of the investors (“foreigners”) are essentially allowed to hold all securities. In this market setting it may occur that the citizens of the small country are willing to pay less for their domestic securities than are the foreign investors. The paper derives equilibrium required rates of return for different investors in this market setting which perfectly occurred in Finland and tests this equilibrium model using data from the Finnish stock market. Empirical results are consistent with the hypotheses derived from the model. 相似文献
In quality-differentiated audit markets with client-firms of unknown types, insider-managers of client firms strategically select auditors who respond to legal liabilities to decide their care level. In this signaling game, uninformed-investors use the audit report and the auditors' identity for firm valuation. The analysis shows that increased legal liability increases the auditor's effort and audit accuracy but reduces the demand for high quality auditing because, apart from the increased audit costs, the adverse selection benefit of the worse type reduces with increased accuracy. Furthermore, alternative legal regimes and damage allocation rules alter informational efficiency of the financial market. 相似文献
审计任期与审计质量:来自中国证券市场的经验证据 总被引:48,自引:6,他引:48
本文以中国证券市场上2000年至2002年期间获得标准无保留审计意见的上市公司为样本,使用经过一定调整后的截面Jones模型估计出的公司操纵性应计利润的绝对值作为审计质量的衡量指标,考察了会计师事务所审计任期与审计质量之间的关系。研究发现,在控制了事务所变更、事务所特征、行业成长性、公司规模、经营业绩、资产负债率、上市年龄以及样本所在年度后,审计任期与公司操纵性应计利润的绝对值呈正U型关系,即审计任期与审计质量呈倒U型关系。进一步分析发现,当审计任期小于一定年份(约6年)时,审计任期的增加对审计质量具有正面影响,而当审计任期超过一定年份(约6年)时,审计任期的增加对审计质量具有负面影响。 相似文献
Georgios E. Chortareas John B. McDermott & Titos E. Ritsatos 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》2000,27(7&8):983-1002
We investigate the time series properties of the daily and weekly returns from the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE) index for the years 1987 to 1997. We investigate whether important time-series characteristics have changed significantly over time. The Greek market has recently undergone major changes including complete capital flow liberalization, the implementation of computerized trading, as well as significant increases in market volume and capitalization; we thus contrast the 1987–90 and 1991–97 periods. Our findings suggest the dynamics of the ASE composite index returns have changed as the market has developed. 相似文献
This paper investigates tax effects in the Canadian governmentbond market during the period 19641986. Unlike previousstudies, we apply both statistical and nonstatistical teststoanalyze clientele effects and market equilibria. The resultsdivide the sample into two distinct periods of time, with theend of 1976 marking the division. We find that tax effects arealmost nonexistent in the Canadian government bond market beforethe end of 1976, but are predominant in the post-1976 period.Non-segmented market equilibria cannot be rejected before 1977,but are strongly rejected after 1976. In fact, segmented equilibriawith clientele effects in both quantities and prices characterizethe entire five year period from 1982 to 1986. These findingsare consistent with tax reforms, government deficit financingand interest rate fluctuations in Canada during our sample period. 相似文献
This paper investigates tax effects in the Canadian government bond market during the period 1964–1986. Unlike previous studies, we apply both statistical and nonstatistical tests to analyze clientele effects and market equilibria. The results divide the sample into two distinct periods of time, with the end of 1976 marking the division. We find that taxeffects are almost non-existent in the Canadian government bond market before the end of 1976, but are predominant in the post-1976 period. Non-segmented market equilibria cannot be rejected before 1977, but are strongly rejected after 1976. In fact, segmented equilibria with clientele effects in both quantities and prices characterize the entire five year period from 1982 to 1986. These findings are consistent with tax reforms, government deficit financing and interest rate fluctuations in Canada during our sample period. 相似文献
We apply game theory to model how alternative mandatory audit firm rotation regimes can affect the strategic interaction between auditee and auditor firms, and analyze potential consequences on detection risk and impairment of auditor scepticism. The major results suggest that: (1) relative to an initial state with no rotation requirement but high probability for impaired auditor scepticism, imposing either short-term or long-term mandatory audit firm rotation will remove the threat to auditor scepticism and lead to higher audit fees and lower detection risk; (2) relative to long-term mandatory audit firm rotation, imposing a short-term rotation will lead to lower audit fees and higher detection risk, resulting from greater informational frictions. We further find that imposing supplementary regulatory instruments, such as increased regulatory scrutiny of the auditee and/or auditor, can be used to lower the detection risk and increase audit quality. We discuss implications of these findings for empirical research. 相似文献
中国上市公司初始审计的定价折扣考察——来自审计师变更的经验证据 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
初始审计的定价折扣具有重要的与审计独立性相关的公共政策含义。本文基于DeAngelo(1981)和Dye(1991)关于初始审计定价折扣的竞争性理论预期,利用2002——2004年我国审计市场的数据对初始审计的定价行为与特征进行了较为细致的实证考察。经验结果支持中国证监会关于审计费用的强制性公开披露政策,准租金和低价折扣引起的潜在的审计独立性问题会随着审计费用的公开披露而得到消除或减轻。本文还具有重要的监管含义:对审计师变更的监管应着重关注那些大型上市公司在小型会计师事务所之间进行变更的行为。 相似文献
Changes In the Uk Market For Audit Services: 1972-1982 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
审计委员会与审计质量——来自中国A股市场的经验证据 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
本文以中国2004年—2005年期间获得无保留审计意见的A股上市公司为研究样本,采用截面Jones模型估计出的公司操纵性应计利润(盈余管理)的绝对值作为审计质量的衡量指标,考察了审计委员会与审计质量之间的关系。研究发现,在控制了"会计师事务所规模"、"公司是否面临退市风险"、"审计意见是否带强调事项"、"公司经营活动现金流"、"公司盈余数量"、"年度"等指标后,设立审计委员会的公司的盈余管理绝对值显著比未设立审计委员会的公司小,这说明审计委员会能够显著的提高审计质量。进一步研究发现:审计委员会的成立时间越长,审计质量越高;审计委员会在2005年的作用比2004年更加显著。 相似文献