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While prior research mainly focused on the impact of third-party-certified web assurance seals on consumers' perceptions and purchasing behaviors, little research has been conducted on the managerial decision-making process about the selection, implementation, and the abandonment of such seals. Of particular interest here is the WebTrust seal, jointly developed by the AICPA and the CICA. We take a qualitative case study approach to understand the motivations and rationale of a large North American telecommunications firm's management behind the decisions about the selection, implementation, and abandonment of its WebTrust seal. Our case firm was one of the first to obtain the seal on its online shopping website. Semi-structured interview results suggest that the implementation and the subsequent abandonment of WebTrust may be explained by several theoretical frameworks — the managerial accounting perspective, organizational slack theory, innovation theory, and institutional theory. First, the case firm's leader attitude in innovation, its extra resources available, coupled with the endorsement of the accounting profession led to the implementation of WebTrust. Second, when the benefits of WebTrust versus its costs were questioned and other companies increasingly abandoned the seal, our case firm decided to follow this trend.  相似文献   

This article makes three basic points about divisional performance measurement that managers should keep in mind when attempting to choose between EVA and more conventional, accounting-based measures. First, no divisional performance measure, whether it be EVA, divisional net income, or ROA, is capable of capturing synergies among divisions—those shared benefits or costs that make the sum of the parts worth more than the whole. And EVA is neither more nor less effective than more conventional financial measures in deterring divisional managers from taking actions that increase divisional profits at the expense of corporate value. Thus, there is a fundamental contradiction in the very attempt to evaluate the divisions of a multi—divisional firm as if they were independent companies. If there are synergies, divisional performance measures—even those employing transfer prices—are likely to prove inadequate in some respects (and this article recommends some methods for encouraging synergies that might be used to supplement if not replace divisional measures). But if there are no synergies, then top managers should re-examine their business strategy and consider selling or spinning off divisions. Second, a given performance measure's degree of correlation with stock returns should not be management's sole, or even its most important, criterion in choosing to adopt a given performance measure. A better method for evaluating performance measures is to weigh the behavioral or incentive benefits of a given measure against all direct and indirect costs associated with its implementation. In making such a costbenefit analysis, the incentive benefits from the tighter linkage of rewards to share prices provided by more market-based measures should be traded off against the greater market risk and exposure to other uncontrollables imposed by such measures as well as the costs involved in changing the firm's internal accounting and reporting systems. Third, the EVA practice of “decoupling” performance measures from GAAP accounting, while having have potentially significant incentive benefits, also has potential costs in the form of increased auditing requirements and the possibility of litigation.  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(2):195-230
This study is set within the context of the IASB's initiative to develop an IFRS for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). It is based on a questionnaire survey of small and medium-sized entities in Germany exploring the suitability of the IASB's proposed SME standard for entities of different size classes. Quantitative size criteria are used in many national jurisdictions to differentiate financial reporting requirements between entities. However, there is very little empirical evidence on the question whether the economic size of an entity has an impact on the economic issues that should be regulated by accounting rules and on management's preferences for specific accounting methods. This paper addresses these deficiencies by exploring to what extend an entity's economic size has an impact on its international exposure, the relevance of specific accounting issues and preparers’ perceptions on costs and benefits associated with the application of selected accounting methods. Our findings are ambiguous. Size effects are revealed with regard to the structure of entities, their international exposure and to a large extent to the relevance of particular accounting issues. Cost and benefit assessments of accounting methods also differ within and between the size clusters investigated, albeit a generalisation of size as a factor determining the cost-benefit considerations of firms with regard to particular accounting treatments and methods is not supported by the study's results.  相似文献   

This paper explores how research in accounting history can contribute to the important public policy debate regarding investors' need for disclosure regulation. Accounting, finance, and economics researchers and practitioners argue for, as well as against, disclosure regulation. The debate remains theoretical, however, because empirical studies are virtually nonexistent. This paper reviews five contexts in which accounting historians can begin a search for empirical insights concerning the costs, benefits, externalities, and effects on stakeholders of disclosure regulation. The paper's investigation of the accounting history literature suggests that accounting historians could improve the quality of the debate and help accommodate broader interests or alternative solutions to financial crises.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the impact of the degree of internationalization on a firm's ability to reduce risk and increase profits. Our study seeks to overcome three limitations of many previous studies on the value of internationalization: use of a single measure of internationalization, accrual-basis accounting measures of firm performance, and a small sample size. We use a multi-measure index, stock market assessment, and a large sample size of various firms. Our findings indicate that (1) a firm's degree of internationalization has a positive impact on the investor response to the earnings changes and (2) the market's positive response to the value of internationalization is confined to a high level of internationalization. Our results do not support the argument that, at high levels of internationalization, the costs of internationalization exceed the benefits.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the disruption of political connections increases labor costs among Chinese listed firms. Using the Communist Party of China's Rule No. 18 as an exogenous shock that forces firms to lose their politically connected independent directors, we find that the disruption of political connections is associated with an increase in labor costs (both in terms of aggregate labor costs per firm and average labor costs per employee) and an increase in employee turnover. Such increases do not lead to labor productivity improvements, and cannot be attributed to changes in corporate policies or the composition of labor forces after Rule No. 18. We also find that firms with higher unemployment risk and skilled labor risk increase their labor costs to a larger extent. Our results are robust to alternative labor cost measures, controlling for potential confounding events, and alternative political connection channels. Our study shows an unintended labor market consequence—increases in labor costs—of political connection disruptions for firms that are adversely affected by such disruptions.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of intrinsic factors; financial and job-related factors; other factors such as parent and peer influence and work experience; exposure to high school accounting; and the students' perceived benefit-cost ratio to being a chartered accountant, on whether accounting students choose to pursue a chartered accountancy (CA) career or a non-accounting career. Based on a survey of 295 students from five universities in New Zealand, the results show that the students who intend to pursue a CA career place significantly greater importance on financial and job-related factors and perceived benefit-cost ratio than those who choose a non-accounting career. Intrinsic factors, other factors and exposure to high school accounting have no significant influence on the decision whether to select a CA career. A discriminant analysis revealed that financial and jobrelated factors have the highest explanatory power differentiating the two groups, followed by the students' perception of benefits and costs associated with a CA career. The results have important implications for recruitment into the accounting profession in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Academics and the public have long questioned whether research and teaching are symbiotic activities, with each enhancing the other. Revisiting this question for the U.S. accounting discipline, we analyze publication output in top-tier journals and CPA exam pass rates to indicate an accounting department's total research and educational achievement. Examining data for 65 top programs from 1985 to 2016 finds that research productivity and this desired educational outcome are positively, but not significantly, related. This suggests that an accounting department's two major activities do not conflict—but also do not strongly support each other. This result is generally reproduced for different levels of research production. Some variation is observed after the CPA exam changed to its current computerized administration.  相似文献   

Dean and Clarke (1989) argue that the German Betriebswirtschafl theorist Fritz Schmidt, who was the author of the first comprehensive replacement cost model in the literature, had a greater influence on the development of Henry Sweeney's stabilised accounting ideas than the price-level-adjustment proponents, Eugen Schmalenbach and Walter Mahlberg. This paper argues that to identify Sweeney's stabilisation ideas with Schmidt's—even those incorporating replacement costs—is misleading. Sweeney's economic orientation was fundamentally different from Schmidt's and for this reason Sweeney never fully accepted Schmidt's model. Sweeney's and Schmidt's differing economic orientations reflect national attitudinal differences that have manifested themselves in more recent inflation accounting developments.  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(2):169-206
After the fall of communism, Romanian accounting has undergone several waves of reform. The first began with the 1991 Accounting Law and its 1993 Regulations implementing a French-inspired accounting chart and guidelines. The second wave of reform produced Regulations (in 1999 and 2001) for the harmonization of large entities' accounting with EU accounting directives and International Accounting Standards/International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS). An interesting feature was the inclusion of IASB's conceptual framework into the text of these Regulations. Our study seeks to identify and evaluate the costs of harmonizing Romanian accounting with international regulations (EU Directives and IAS/IFRS). We hypothesize that three types of costs are prevalent: personnel training costs, consultants' fees and costs to adjust existing information systems. We also hypothesize that harmonization benefits are noticeable for those entities that make frequent use of foreign finance and for those entities with majority foreign shareholders. To collect data, we sent out questionnaires to the finance directors of listed Romanian companies. As full application of IAS/IFRS by non-financial companies has recently been postponed until 2007, we also comment on the benefits and costs of gradual reforms as opposite to a one-step adoption of IAS/IFRS.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of different financing channels—bond issuance or bank loans—as well as debt maturity and the quality of financial reporting on the cost of debt in China. The authors find that conservative accounting is an important characteristic of high-quality financial reporting that can reduce the cost of longer maturity debt such as bank loans and bonds. Even state-owned enterprises, which have fewer financial constraints than non-state-owned enterprises, benefit from accounting conservatism's ability to reduce financial costs. Moreover, the findings indicate that bond investors are concerned about the issuer's fundamentals, while banks are more likely to focus on the operation and bankruptcy risk of borrowers.  相似文献   

Since the formulation of the M & M irrelevance propositions 40 years ago, financial economists have been debating whether there is such a thing as optimal capital structure—a proportion of debt to equity that maximizes current firm value. Some finance scholars have followed M & M by arguing that both capital structure and dividend policy are largely “irrelevant” in the sense that they have no significant, predictable effects on corporate market values. Another school of thought holds that corporate financing choices reflect an attempt by corporate managers to balance the tax shields and disciplinary benefits of greater debt against the increased probability and costs of financial distress. Yet another theory says that companies do not have capital structure targets, but instead follow a financial pecking order in which retained earnings are preferred to outside financing, and debt is preferred to equity when outside funding is required. In reviewing the evidence that has accumulated since M & M, the authors argue that taxes, bankruptcy (and other “contracting”) costs, and information costs (the main factor in the pecking order theory) all appear to play an important role in corporate financing decisions. While much if not most of the evidence is consistent with the argument that companies set target leverage ratios, there is also considerable support for the pecking order theory's contention that firms are willing to deviate widely from their targets for long periods of time. According to the authors, the key to reconciling the different theories—and thus to solving the capital structure puzzle—lies in achieving a better understanding of the relation between corporate financing stocks (leverage ratios) and flows (specific choices between debt and equity). Even if companies have target leverage ratios, there will be an optimal deviation from those targets—one that will depend on the transactions and information costs associated with adjusting back to the target relative to the costs of deviating from the target. As the authors argue in closing, a complete theory of capital structure must take account of these adjustment costs and how they affect expected deviations from the target.  相似文献   

In developing its conceptual framework the FASB challenged supporters of traditional accounting to provide objective and operational definitions of the elements of financial statements that do not depend on definitions of assets and liabilities as future economic benefits. The paper answers this challenge by deriving a general theory of accounting from Marx's analysis of the circuit of industrial capital. It concludes that whereas the FASB's framework, based on the marginalist idea of economic value, is subjective and vague, the Marxist theory of financial accounting derived here provides critical accounting with a scientific foundation.  相似文献   

A method is proposed by which the goodwill of a business may be valued whenever the conventional accounting method is not available. This ‘restoration’ methodology involves using a combined cost and income approach to value the benefits a hypothetical purchaser of an operating business obtains, by reference to the costs, delays and risks it avoids, by acquiring the operating business rather than the business's identifiable assets alone. Such a value approximates that of the goodwill of the business. To provide some guidance as to how the restoration methodology might be used in a real situation, the actual sale of an interest in the Gove bauxite and alumina joint venture business is considered, where the existence and value of the business's goodwill was a factor in determining whether land‐rich stamp duty was payable in respect of the transaction. When the benefits gained by the purchaser of the Gove business are identified by reference to the costs, delays and risks it avoided by purchasing the business rather than the assets, it is not difficult to understand why such a sophisticated purchaser paid (and a pre‐empted purchaser was prepared to pay) an amount equal to or greater than the value of the business's identifiable assets in order to obtain those benefits.  相似文献   

All top‐50 and more than 80% of the top‐500 Australian listed companies now reward their executives with stock options (ESOs) of one kind or another.1 We address the question: “Which method of accounting for ESOs — current practice, the US FASB's recommended practice or the AASB's preferred position — most closely reflects investors' pricing decisions?” We answer the question using models that relate a company's stock price to its earnings and book value of equity calculated according to these three choices of accounting treatment.  相似文献   

Dealers in over-the-counter financial markets provide liquidity to customers on a principal basis and manage the risk position that arises out of this activity in one of two ways. They may internalise a customer's trade by warehousing the risk in anticipation of future offsetting flow, or they can externalise the trade by hedging it out in the open market. It is often argued that internalisation underlies much of the liquidity provision in the currency markets, particularly in the electronic spot segment, and that it can deliver significant benefits in terms of depth and consistency of liquidity, reduced spreads, and a diminished market footprint. However, for many market participants, the internalisation process can be somewhat opaque, data on it are scarcely available, and even the largest and most sophisticated customers in the market often do not appreciate or measure the impact that internalisation has on their execution costs and liquidity access. This paper formulates a simple model of internalisation and uses queuing theory to provide important insights into its mechanics and properties. We derive closed form expressions for the internalisation horizon and demonstrate—using data from the Bank of International Settlement's triennial FX survey—that a representative tier 1 dealer takes on average several minutes to complete the internalisation of a customer's trade in the most liquid currencies, increasing to tens of minutes for emerging markets. Next, we analyse the costs of internalisation and show that they are lower for dealers that are willing to hold more risk and for those that face more price-sensitive traders. The key message of the paper is that a customer's transaction costs and liquidity access are determined both by their own trading decisions as well as the dealer's risk management approach. A customer should not only identify the externalisers but also distinguish between passive and aggressive internalisers, and select those that provide liquidity compatible with their execution objectives.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of controlling shareholders on corporate performance. The empirical results, based on a unique database of Thai firms, do not support the hypothesis that controlling shareholders expropriate corporate assets. In fact, the presence of controlling shareholders is associated with higher performance, when measured by accounting measures such as the ROA and the sales–asset ratio. Since most of the firms do not implement control mechanisms to separate voting and cash flow rights, the controlling shareholders might be self-constrained not to extract private benefits. Otherwise, they would internalize higher costs of expropriation from holding high stakes. The controlling shareholders' involvement in the management, however, has a negative effect on the performance. The negative effect is more pronounced when the controlling shareholder-and-manager's ownership is at the 25–50%. The evidence also reveals that family-controlled firms display significantly higher performance. Foreign controlled firms as well as firms with more than one controlling shareholder also have higher ROA, relative to firms with no controlling shareholder.  相似文献   

Callable bonds allow issuers to manage interest rate risk in the sense that if rates decline, the bonds can be redeemed and replaced with lower‐cost debt. Investors demand a coupon premium for giving issuers this option; and when deciding whether to issue callable or noncall‐able bonds, the issuing companies must determine whether it's worth paying the coupon premium. This article addresses two main questions about the structuring and refunding of callable bonds. The first concerns the value of the call option: At the time of issuance, does it make sense to accept the coupon premium for the option being acquired? The second concerns the optimal timing of a refunding: At refunding, do the cash flow savings provide adequate compensation for the option that is being exercised and hence given up? In perfect markets with no taxes or transactions costs, the average corporate issuer should be indifferent between issuing callable bonds or their noncallable equivalent. But corporate taxes, together with risk management considerations, can lead some issuers to prefer callable bonds, possibly with coupons that otherwise would be unacceptably high. Refunding decisions should be made using the concept of “call efficiency,” which compares the savings (net of transactions costs) from calling to the loss of option value. The latter should also account for any option that is built into the replacement issue. Transaction costs that occur when refunding diminish the value of the call option, and their effect should be factored in at the time of issuance. One way of avoiding such costs is to issue “ratchet” bonds—essentially one‐way floaters that automatically reset lower when rates decline, thus delivering the benefits of callable bonds while eliminating transaction costs.  相似文献   

This article explores the roles of reputation, efficient capital markets, and capital market regulation in preserving and creating economic value. Each of these three mechanisms serves as a substitute for the other two, with each playing a role in maintaining the credibility and reliability of markets. While efficient markets and effective regulation are market-wide phenomena that affect all firms, reputation is a firm-specific corporate asset. Companies develop reputational capital by treating customers and counterparties fairly (while forgoing the temptation to achieve short-term profits at their expense). At the same time, companies seeking access to the capital markets but lacking a reputation must typically employ reputational intermediaries. Investment banks, credit rating agencies, accounting firm s, law firms, and organized stock exchanges have all served as reputational intermediaries at various times during the last 200 years. One contributor to the recent financial crisis was a kind of experimentation by some reputational intermediaries with an opportunistic and two-tiered “customer differentiation” strategy in which some customers were treated very well, while others were treated with little or no regard for their legitimate expectations as to how they would be treated. This strategy has proved to be a failure, imposing significant costs on those organizations as well as their customers. The available substitutes for reputation, capital market effciency and effective regulation, did not provide sufcient offsetting protection for investors. While the two-tiered “customer differentiation” strategy has failed, the central message of the economic theory of reputation remains intact. This message is that a company's reputation is a valuable asset that must be preserved to ensure the future of the organization. For all financial intermediaries that rely heavily on their reputations when selling their products and services, the author recommends large and continuous investment in maintaining those reputations. For investment banks in particular—a group whose reputations have held up reasonably well—the author suggests that they continue to view their role as reputational intermediaries as a core part of their businesses.  相似文献   

Islamic banks have to abide by the revealed doctrines in Islam in conducting their business and financial transactions. They employ in-house religious advisers—often referred to as Shari'a Supervisory Board (SSB)—who issue a special report to inform users of financial statements whether or not the bank has adhered to the Islamic principles. Recently, a private standard-setting body—the Financial Accounting Organization for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (FAOIBFI)—has been set up to externally regulate the financial reporting by Islamic banks. The FAOIBFI has published two statements on the objectives and concepts of financial reporting to act as a framework in setting accounting standards for Islamic banks. This paper examines the FAOIBFI's approach for developing objectives and concepts of financial accounting and investigates its need for such a theoretical framework. It is argued that the FAOIBFI's objectives and concepts would not be useful in mandating accounting standards on issues that are affected by religious ruling. This does not necessarily mean that such a framework may not be useful in legitimating the FAOIBFI's role and in setting accounting standards for issues that are not governed by revealed moral doctrines although it will be subject to similar limitations to those found by other standard-setting bodies in utilising and applying their framework. However, it implies that the more the FAOIBFI sets accounting standards that incorporate religious ruling, the less it would tend to find its own objectives and concepts useful. The ambiguities that may arise from different interpretations of the religious rules will require resolutions primarily by reference to religious rather than accounting authority.  相似文献   

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