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徐正云 《涉外税务》2007,232(10):28-31
本文介绍了当前发达国家地方税征管体系,从地方政府的税收征管能力、纳税服务理念、税源监控和税务代理等方面分析了西方发达国家地方税征管体系的特点,并结合我国的国情,提出了完善我国地方税税收征管体系的建议。  相似文献   

There is an unresolved debate on the effect of tax-based savings incentives on government revenue. The conventional wisdom on tax-assisted saving plans (TASPs) holds that they reduce public savings, but may raise national savings by stimulating private savings. Feldstein (1995) has challenged the view that TASPs reduce government revenue. According to Feldstein, ‘some of the increase in personal saving raises the corporate capital stock, and the return on this additional capital raises corporate tax payments’. When the additional corporate income tax revenue is taken into account, ‘the revenue loss associated with IRAs [Individual Retirement Accounts] either is much smaller than has generally been estimated or is actually a revenue gain’. This paper extends Feldstein's analysis to incorporate international considerations, differences in tax structures and alternative values for key parameters. We show that the result presented by Feldstein represents a special case that does not lead to broad generalisations. We also show that, under most conditions, the tenets of conventional wisdom that TASPs reduce government revenue are likely to hold, but that the magnitude of the effect may not be large. Finally, we suggest that the focus of research on the savings effects of TASPs is justifiable in a closed economy, where domestic savings affect domestic investment, but is not useful for policy development in small open economies. JEL classification: H2, H3, H6.  相似文献   

本文对我国IPO和财政收入增长之间的关系进行了研究。概述了目前国内外关于IPO问题和财政收入变化原因的研究现状,并通过对“前提条件”的约定,结合我国税制结构在理论上提出了由IPO引起的税收增量、财政收入增量模型。  相似文献   

国外商业养老保险税收制度比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图通过比较部分发达国家和一些发展中国家的商业养老保险税收制度,同时分析归纳国外养老保险改革及其税制研究趋势,旨在对我国商业养老保险税制改革及促进发展商业保险有所启示,对上海率先实施个人税延型养老保险试点的相关政策措施有所借鉴。  相似文献   

我国政府非税收入体系的基本特点分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从公共财政理论入手对我国非税收入体系的基本特点进行了分析,并在这一分析的基础上对有关非税收入的不同认识进行了相应的讨论.文章认为我国非税收入体系和税收收入体系共同构成了我国政府的收入体系,并具有自己的基本特点.  相似文献   

财政收入规模与结构的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文用经济计量方法对我国财政收入规模与结构进行了实证分析。研究了从1978年至1998年财政收入占国内生产总值的比重的变化情况及其影响因素;对财政收入的结构从征收形式结构,财政收入的经济部门结构,财政收入的经济类型结构三种形式进行了实证分析,得出当前我国财政收入结构存在的问题和产生的原因,并提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

This paper explores the extent of current UK government spending on science and technology placed in its recent historical context. The allocation of this spending across the different arms of government, the primary purposes of the expenditures undertaken and the extent to which the government performs as well as funds R&D are also explored, with some international comparisons analysed. The political and institutional processes that determine the revealed patterns of expenditure in the UK, the rationales behind such spending and the aims and objectives of the main spending departments are discussed, as is the interaction with EU expenditures on science and technology. The effectiveness of or pay-off to government support of this kind is also considered before future spending plans are addressed.  相似文献   

The UK provides a virtually unique environment in which to examine the information content of the partial provision approach to deferred tax accounting. In addition this issue is of particular interest to UK accounting standard setters in the light of trends towards international accounting standard harmonisation. Taking the total amount of deferred taxation to be equal to the partial balance sheet provision plus the potential portion appearing in the notes, this study tests the relationship between these various deferred tax components and market value. It also examines the economic rationale for the potential portion. The study is based on 1,512 company/years from the period 1989–1991. It finds that, while the full amount of deferred taxation is not valued by the market as a liability, there is evidence of the partial balance sheet provision being so valued. There is also evidence that the potential portion is positively related to market value, consistent with its proxying for information about future growth. This result is supported by the positive relation between the potential portion and measures of future capital spending, indicative of an underlying economic rationale for this deferred taxation component. From a regulatory perspective, the study concludes that the main benefit of the partial provision approach is that the balance sheet amount constitutes a reasonably reliable measure of the portion likely to crystallise as a liability, information that would be lost were only the full amount to be disclosed.  相似文献   

财税体制改革是一项关乎各方切实利益的调配过程,不仅关系到各地的经济和社会发展,更关系到中央和地方关系稳定以及宏观调控的效果.本文在理清现行财税体制、指出现行分税制改革成果下所存在的弊端后,提出了深化我国财税体制改革的建议.  相似文献   

证券投资基金税收政策的比较研究及借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
证券投资基金在促进金融结构调整、提高金融市场效率方面的积极作用,已经成为金融界的共识.  相似文献   

This paper examines the post‐cost profitability of momentum trading strategies in the UK over the period 1988–2003 and provides direct evidence on stock concentration, turnover and trading cost associated with the strategy. We find that after factoring out transaction costs the profitability of the momentum strategy disappears for shorter horizons but remains for longer horizons. Indeed, for ranking and holding periods up to 6‐months, profitable momentum returns would not be available to most average investors as the cost of implementation outweighs the possible returns. However, we find post‐cost profitability for ranking and/or holding periods beyond 6 months as portfolio turnover and its associated cost reduces. We find similar results for a sub‐sample of relatively large and liquid stocks.  相似文献   

This study extends prior research on the information content of restructuring charges. We find that the relationship between restructuring activities and returns during the restructuring charge year is different for loss firms than for profit firms. Restructurings that are primarily intended to either eliminate personnel or exit a line of business are positively associated with returns of the loss firms, suggesting that investors view these activities as value-increasing. In contrast, common stock returns of profit firms exhibit a nonpositive association with restructuring charges. Overall, our results point to the role of the context and the content of the restructuring announcement in the market's assessment of the value relevance of restructuring charges reported in the financial statements.  相似文献   

论会计准则国际协调对税收国际协调的基础作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宏观层面上的税收国际协调存在一定的局限性,没有会计准则方面的国际协调,真正意义上的税收国际协调就难以实现.我国与许多国家签订了双边国际税收协定.这些双边协定更多侧重宏观层面的协调,对于微观层面--税基的协调则关注较少,现实呼唤我们应同时关注税收国际协调和会计准则国际协调之间的配合,将税收国际协调的重点转移到税基尤其是会计准则国际协调上来.  相似文献   

在纳税人与国家这对法律关系主体之间,其权利与义务呈此消彼涨的关系.纳税人权利的有效实现必须以国家征税权的依法、合理行使为前提,而保护纳税人权利关键在于约束政府的征税权.要建立包括立法权限制约、立法程序制约、政府内部监控机制制约与外部机制制约在内的约束政府征税权的机制.  相似文献   

增值税转型对财政收入影响的实证研究——以吉林省为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以吉林省为例,实证分析了增值税转型对财政收入的影响。结论表明:局部转型不会给中央财政收入带来较大冲击,短期内地方财政收入存在减少的因素、但影响并不大,对个别以单一产业结构为主的市县财政收入有一定的影响。Granger因果检验表明,增值税对财政收入变化产生的影响效应需要滞后4年才能显现出来;协整分析表明,增值税与财政收入之间存在着长期稳定的均衡关系,增值税转型政策在短期内会对财政收入产生一定的影响,但这种影响效应较小。  相似文献   

Prior literature presents a positive link between customer satisfaction and firms’ financial outcomes, including greater revenue, profitability, and prices. However, few studies approach the topic of customer satisfaction in the insurance industry. Using a unique data set obtained from J.D. Power, we observe customer satisfaction among U.S. auto insurers and link their customer satisfaction rating to insurer profitability metrics. Our results support the notion that greater customer satisfaction leads to reduced expenses and increased profitability. A potential explanation is that more satisfied customers are more likely to remain with an insurance company and refer others to the insurer, reducing customer acquisition expenses.  相似文献   

Local government finance has recently been the subject of a review, three consultation papers, a White Paper and major reports from both the House of Lords and House of Commons. This article examines current and feasible changes to the system of local government finance with particular reference to the effects they have on marginal and average accountability. Council tax capping, council tax benefit subsidy limitation, business rates and capital expenditure are among the topics discussed.  相似文献   

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