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The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the role of security price models in measuring the impact of accounting information on financial markets. This contrasts with the more common approach of employing security returns. The tests here examine some econometric properties of the price model approach in the context of current cost disclosures required by SSAP 16. Special consideration is given to an important statistical issue likely to be met in the valuation approach, namely the heteroskedasticity of the error term. The evidence suggests that a simple security price model can provide an effective tool in accounting event studies.  相似文献   

本文使用基于马尔科夫区制转移方法的协整模型(MS-ECM和MS-VECM),以长期信贷需求方程为基础,研究了我国信贷市场的稳定状态与非稳定状态。实证结果显示:在信贷市场的非稳定状态中,我国股票价格变化对信贷冲击形成了较为明显的动态影响。这种动态影响的出现除了与西方学者所关注的信贷配给效应有关以外,还与信贷资金流入股市有着密切联系。另外,实体经济与信贷的动态互动可以显著增加信贷冲中击的持续性。基于以上结论,本文提出我国应该整合各种监管资源和政策工具,对股票价格变动引起持续性信贷冲击的现象进行动态预防和监控。  相似文献   

We study the relation between the number of news announcements reported daily by Dow Jones & Company and aggregate measures of securities market activity including trading volume and market returns. We find that the number of Dow Jones announcements and market activity are directly related and that the results are robust to the addition of factors previously found to influence financial markets such as day-of-the-week dummy variables, news importance as proxied by large New York Times headlines and major macroeconomic announcements, and noninformation sources of market activity as measured by dividend capture and triple witching trading. However, the observed relation between news and market activity is not particularly strong and the patterns in news announcements do not explain the day-of-the-week seasonalities in market activity. Our analysis of the Dow Jones database confirms the difficulty of linking volume and volatility to observed measures of information.  相似文献   

We investigate compliance with the Australian JORC Code for reporting mineral resources and ore reserves, the quality of the disclosure, and its impact on the capital market. The compliance and quality assessment is conducted by two experienced geologists who find that while the overall reporting quality improved after the 2012 revisions to the Code, they disagree on the extent of improvement. This reflects the uncertainties involved and the difficulty in interpreting the reports. Both geologists agree that the greatest improvement is seen in early-stage projects, consistent with the expectation that there are more uncertainties surrounding these, and the additional information disclosed under the 2012 JORC Code appears to assist in reducing the uncertainties to some extent. The capital markets study shows that JORC announcements have a significant impact on investors’ assessments of firm value, and that the announcement impact is higher after the 2012 revisions designed to strengthen the disclosure requirements. This is consistent with post-2012 JORC reports conveying higher information content. There continues to be information leakage prior to announcement date. Further tests show a widening of bid–ask spreads in the post-2012 period, suggestive of higher information asymmetry. While the probability of informed trading declines for large firms, it remains statistically unchanged for the rest of the sample. The findings reiterate the need for regulators and standard setters to be cognisant of unintended consequences of their decisions. The substantiation process under JORC involves a delay in the release of ‘news’, a ‘chilling’ effect with larger announcement effects.  相似文献   

邹文理  王曦  谢小平 《金融研究》2020,476(2):34-50
本文使用事件研究法分析我国中央银行沟通行为对股票价格走势的影响。研究发现,影响确实存在且影响方向和力度与央行沟通方式以及股票市场背景有关。具体而言:(1)书面沟通影响显著,口头沟通则无明显作用;(2)宽松性政策信息沟通产生了正向影响,紧缩性信息沟通影响为负;(3)沟通事件的影响主要体现为一种短期作用,并伴随着即时效应、预知效应和滞后效应;(4)在熊市或牛市的不同市场背景下,央行沟通对股价的影响存在非对称性。结果表明,央行的沟通手段对金融市场有重要影响。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the voluntary decomposition of consolidated earnings disclosures into industry segments has information content in the sense that such disclosures better enable investors to predict earnings. The broad rationale underlying the experimental design is that if segment disclosure does enable investors to better predict earnings then residual abnormal returns (after controlling for unexpected earnings) surrounding the earnings announcements of firms providing segment disclosures should on average be significantly lower than a matched' group of firms that do not provide this type of disclosure. Using a short event window design, our results support this view.  相似文献   

本文通过将利率调整分解为预期成分和未预期成分,建立扩展的指数广义自回归条件异方差模型,以分析中央银行利率调整的未预期成分对股市的影响.实证结果表明,利率调整的未预期成分与股市收益率负相关,一个百分点的未预期的利率变动将导致次日股市收益率反向变化0.34个百分点.同时,未预期的利率调整成分将导致次日的股市波动性降低,但利率调整后的第2个交易日股市的波动性又恢复到之前的水平.从利率调整后的第3个交易日开始,未预期成分对股市波动性的影响不再具有显著性,表明股市价格在2个交易日的时间里已经完全吸收了未预期利率调整的信息.  相似文献   

鲁开源 《银行家》2005,(10):46-51
诞生于1908年、重组于1987年的交通银行,终于在2005年6月25日迎来了它百年历史上的第三次飞跃——走出国门、成为国际资本市场中的一员。作为第一家全国性股份制商业银行、第一家完成财务重组的国有商业银行、第一家引入世界级著名商业银行作战略投资者的中国大型商业银行,交行始终走在中国银行业改革的前列。我们通过董事长蒋超良的一言一行,把交行近几年在改革发展中的业绩展示给广大读者。  相似文献   

This study attempts to discover the intraday firm-specific news announcements and return volatility relation in the Turkish stock market. The GARCH framework is utilized to investigate the impact of firm-specific public news announcements on volatility persistence with and without trading volume. For the majority of the stocks in the sample, the volatility persistence diminishes with the inclusion of firm-specific news, implying that news is impounded rapidly into prices. This effect is more pronounced for larger stocks. When there is no news, the trading volume does not appear to reduce the volatility persistence for the majority of stocks, possibly due to the presence of private information possessed by informed traders.  相似文献   

随着行为金融学的发展,人们逐渐认识到,投资者注意力成为一种稀缺资源,它增加了信息搜寻成本,对资产定价、投资决策等具有重大影响。根据投资者有限注意,通过将用户关注度作为代理变量,研究用户关注度对于沪深指数波动的影响。研究发现:在重大事件发生时注意力驱动交易对次周收益率产生显著影响;注意力驱动交易的增加会正向地影响当期成交量;同时,投资者注意力的增加会减少未来交易量。  相似文献   

正视股市超调对经济的负面影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁秀明 《新金融》2008,(9):46-48
近三年来,中国股市经历了大幅上涨与大幅下跌过程,对宏观经济过热和放缓都起到较大促进作用。本文认为,为促进股市健康成长,避免股市暴涨暴跌对经济造成的负面放大作用,当股市暴涨与暴跌时,管理层应及时出台措施,稳定市场预期,防止股市超调对经济造成的巨大负面影响。  相似文献   

Using detailed order flow data from the Toronto Stock Exchange, this paper finds no evidence that a smaller tick size lessens market liquidity for either small or large traders. Rather, there is evidence of lower trading costs, faster time to order execution, and greater price continuity. Consistent with a penny tick allowing a finer pricing grid search, there is an increase in the number of Change Former Orders and cancellations.  相似文献   

开放式基金对股票市场周期的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开放式基金的特点之一就是基金必须随时满足股东的赎回请求,这使得开放式基金的净资产数目变动的可能性和变动的幅度都比较大。因此,长期以来对于开放式基金与股市周期之间的关系一直存在很多争论,很多人担心开放式基金很可能加剧股市周……  相似文献   

在国外发达资本市场中,证券分析师的管理以行业自律管理为主,司法行政管理为辅。  相似文献   

越石 《国际融资》2003,(5):15-17
招商银行作为国内网上银行的领跑银行,从一开始就受到媒体的特别关注。今年3月,十届人大会议期间,本刊记将追访目标锁定马蔚华行长,出乎记预料,马行长很痛快地接受了采访,从行长独特的视角娓娓道来招行上市后的一二三。  相似文献   

Stock market prices reflect information regarding firms’ business environments, operations and, in general, their fundamentals. Recently, various studies have analysed the link between news coverage and stock prices but no evidence exists on how channels and ways of communication of information affect investors’ behaviour. We analyses these aspects focussing on a large sample of corporate governance news published between 2003 and 2007 in ‘Il Sole 24 Ore’, Italy's major financial newspaper. We show that before news is made public investors are only able to assess the type of corporate governance event underlying it. After publication, investors are influenced by the content (positive or negative) and the tone of communication (strong or weak) of the news.  相似文献   

Impact of Culture, Market Forces, and Legal System on Financial Disclosures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examines the impact of legal systems (LSs) on financial disclosures by firms from different countries. The results indicate that firms from common law countries are associated with higher financial disclosures compared to firms from code law countries. The findings also reveal that cultural values have an insignificant impact on financial disclosures by firms from common law countries, and the results on firms from code law countries provide mixed signals. The results for multinationals are similar to the results for the total sample. The cultural values have no impact on financial disclosures of multinationals from common law countries, and there are mixed signals for multinationals from code law countries.  相似文献   

The corporate distress literature to date has largely focused on the predictive power of accounting variables ( Altman, 2001 ). Following previous literature, this study examines the relevance of abnormal stock returns in discriminating between failed and non‐failed firms (e.g. Clark and Weinstein, 1983; Shumway, 2001). Our results confirm the findings of previous literature that investors in failed firms typically incur substantial negative stock returns leading up to failure announcements. However, in contrast to prior research we do not find evidence of an announcement effect (i.e. negative stock returns on the event day itself or the day preceding). We also document evidence that the bid‐ask spreads of failed firms widen substantially up to 7 months prior to failure, indicating the likelihood of significant information asymmetries across investors in failed firms.  相似文献   

We assess the extent to which stock market information can be used to estimate leading indicators of bank financial distress. We specify a logit early warning model, designed for European banks, which tests if market based indicators add predictive value to models relying on accounting data. We also study the robustness of the link between market information and financial downgrading in the light of the safety net and asymmetric information hypotheses. Some of our results support the use of market-related indicators. Other results show that the accuracy of the predictive power depends on the extent to which bank liabilities are market traded.   相似文献   

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