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Auditors have a responsibility to provide fair and independent opinions about managemenfs preparation of company financial statements. This study examines auditors' predisposition to provide just and fair judgments, using Kohlberg's theory of developmental moral reasoning, one of the most widely accepted theories in justice psychology. The results indicate that a majority of auditors have the predisposition to act fairly, particularly when faced with an ethical crisis. A smaller number are likely to act in their own self-interest and do the right thing only to avoid punishment. These auditors have the ability to "do deals" and, when faced with an ethical crisis, may tend to focus on their own needs at the expense of others.  相似文献   

由于美英两国在民法诉讼程序上存在一些差异,美国的注册会计师和英国的注册会计师相比,似乎更容易成为诉讼案件的主体。这些诉讼程序上的差异主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)在英国,败诉方将被判决承担胜诉方的所有诉讼费用;(2)英国的集团诉讼实行起来更加艰难;(3)当在某一诉讼案件中存在多名被告的时候,连带责任程度在英国会较低。除了关于诉讼方式上的某些区别(如败诉方支付所有费用等)外,英国的法院在考虑注册会计师对第三方的责任时,观点要保守一些。另外,在美国,各州的法律有所不同。联邦政府还有一个独立的法律体系。在英国,整个国家的法…  相似文献   

There have been fundamental shifts in the legal liabilities of auditors in the twentieth century. The article analyses myriad cases. It reveals that case rulings in the later decades moderated previous decisions that had resulted in an expansion of the scope of auditor liability. It shows that there has been a convergence in approach within Commonwealth nations in respect of auditor liability for negligent misstatements. Numerous factors are identified that explain, first the expansion of auditor liability in the early to middle decades of the twentieth century, and also its subsequent reversal in latter decades. The article concludes by arguing that the current positions not likely to remain. The decisions of the courts are shown to be the products of continual struggle to balance the respective rights and interests of auditors, investors (both current and prospective) and the wider community.  相似文献   

几起典型案例随着我国信用卡产业的快速发展,信用卡逐渐成为一些不法分子的重点攻击目标,各种信用卡违法犯罪行为近年来呈现上升态势,新的犯罪手段层出不穷,而且还表现出集团化、专业化、规模化和公开化的趋势。以下几个典型的信用卡犯罪案例,就真实地反映出银行业当前面临的风险问题。案例一。2009年10月2日,广州的王某接到某银行客服电话,询问其当天是否  相似文献   

随着我国国际贸易规模的扩大,作为国际贸易主要支付方式的信用证,在当今世界的贸易往来中起着越来越重要的作用。而利用信用证的欺诈活动也频频发生,严重影响了经贸秩序和企业的发展,所以信用证欺诈的救济制度也越来越受到各个国家的重视。必须加快我国信用证欺诈司法救济制度建设,以有效保护国际贸易的发展。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代末期,美国从净债权国转变为净债务国,经常账户逆差不断累积,对外负债规模急剧扩大,逐步形成金融市场导向的债务依赖型经济体。美国净国际投资头寸虽然为负值,但却明显小于经常账户赤字累积值,保持相对平稳,还在对外投资中持续获得正收益。这主要源于美国对外资产收益率高于对外负债回报率,二者之间存在收益率差。按照本文计算方法,2003—2016年,美国年均对外收益率差为2.26%。收益率差还通过收益效应、组合效应、时间效应和估值效应等方式,有效调整了美国外部失衡状态,使美国对外负债具有一定可持续性。  相似文献   

After 2 years of study, discussion and consultation, in February 2015, the EU Cross‐Border Insolvency Court‐to‐Court Cooperation Principles were published. The EU Cross‐Border Insolvency Court‐to‐Court Cooperation Principles (‘EU JudgeCo Principles’) contain 26 principles. The EU JudgeCo Principles aim to strengthen efficient and effective communication between courts in EU Member States in insolvency cases with cross‐border effects. The EU JudgeCo Principles, in short, include principles on their non‐binding status and their objectives, case management of courts and the equal treatment of creditors, and principles about the judicial decisions itself, on the reasoning and for instance on providing a stay or moratorium. Several principles relate to the course of the proceedings, such as notifications and authentication of documents, and the last principles concern the outcome of judicial cooperation, for instance, cross‐border sales, assistance to a reorganisation or rules for binding creditors to an international reorganisation plan. The Principles include 18 EU Cross‐Border Insolvency Court‐to‐Court Communications Guidelines (‘EU JudgeCo Guidelines’). These EU JudgeCo Guidelines aim to facilitate communications in practice, in individual cross‐border cases. The EU JudgeCo Principles try to overcome present obstacles for courts in EU Member States such as formalistic and detailed national procedural law, concerns about a judge's impartiality, uneasiness with the use of certain legal concepts and terms, and, evidently, language. Presently, court‐to‐court communication between judges in insolvency matters in the EU, especially on the continent, is limited to only a few cases. In the near future, judicial cooperation and communication will be a cornerstone in the efficient and effective administration of insolvency cases within the EU. The EU JudgeCo Principles will then certainly serve as a significant guide. Copyright © 2015 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

Reply to "Survivor Bonds: A Comment on Blake and Burrows"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Income is indeed a will-o'-the-wisp. One of its modem founding fathers was Irving Fisher, who emphasized the psychic experience of consumption. This paper discusses some aspects of Fisher's contribution to the continuipg debate on the elusive concept of income.
Le revenu est un vrai feu follet. Un de ses fondateurs actuels fut Irving Fisher qui fit valoir l'aspect psychique de la consommation. Ce papier examine certains aspects de l'intervention de Fisher dans les débats incessants dirigés sur I'insaisissable concept du revenu.
Das Ertragskonzept ist allerdings ein Irrlicht. Einer seiner modernen Stamniväter war Irving Fisher, der die pschische Erfahrung yon Verbrauch zum Ausdruck brachte. Diese Abhandlung besprict einige Aspekte des Fisher-Beitrages zur fortdauernden Debatte uber das schwer erfassbare Ertragskonzept.  相似文献   

This study investigates the interaction effects of locus of control, a personality variable, and ethical reasoning on the behaviour of auditors in an audit conflict situation. Eighty experienced auditors from a sample of Big Six and Non-Big Six CPA firms in Hong Kong were provided with a case study involving an audit conflict situation and were asked to state the extent to which they would accede to the client's request. Subjects were also administered Rotter's Locus of Control Scale and the Denning Issues Test (DIT) to measure ethical reasoning. Analyses of the data using multiple regression found that ethical reasoning moderated the relationship between locus of control and the auditors' responses to accede to client's request in an audit conflict situation. An implication of these results is that the explicit recognition of both locus of control and ethical reasoning provides a better explanation for differences in auditors' ethical decision making.  相似文献   

2013年以来,国务院、中国证券监督管理委员会、全国中小企业股份转让系统先后修订、制定发布了20余项业务制度,全面构建起新三板的制度框架。本文在阐述做市商制度现行状况的基础上,从效率与公平的视角评价各国的做市商制度,评述当前做市商制度在新三板市场下的价值体现,并以“效率优先、兼顾公平”为价值选择维度评价,进而为完善我国做市商制度提出建议。  相似文献   

This article offers a critical assessment of the “survivor bonds” (SBs) proposal recently put forward by Blake and Burrows, which calls for the government to issue bonds whose coupon payments are contingent on the proportions of retirees surviving to particular ages. It suggests that the proposal has considerable merit and discusses the circumstances in which SBs would be useful risk management tools for insurance companies. It also discusses alternatives such as reinsurance, hedging with life contracts, dynamic hedging, and other forms of survivor derivative. Finally, it evaluates and rejects the argument that SBs should be issued by the state.  相似文献   

虽然美国有两大类三大层次的医疗保险体系,但没有实现如其他大多数发达国家那样的全民医保,缺乏一张覆盖全国的社会医疗网络,始终是美国近10年来备受诟病的社会问题.没有医疗保险的问题始终处于社会政策争议的前沿和核心.之前克林顿总统失败的改革方案核心就是实现全民医保,15年后,奥巴马新医改方案又明确将扩大覆盖面作为其改革的重中之重.然而,历经波折得以通过的奥巴马医改法案却依然面临诸多反对和抗议,其中最为核心的是关乎强制参险的条款.2012年6月28日,美国最高法院裁定奥巴马医疗保险改革的大部分条款合乎宪法,最具争议的强制参险也得以保留,这意味着美国在实现全民医保时代的进程中向前迈出了一大步.  相似文献   

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