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无形资产会计研究中的问题与改进   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
文章以近两年来发表的无形资产会计文献为样本, 分析和评述了我国在无形资产会计领域的研究现状和存在问题, 提出了改进无形资产会计研究的建议。  相似文献   

在无形资产评估中,要用到一些计算复杂的参数,这些参数如果采用手工计算,不但繁琐,出错的机率也很高,让评估师感到十分棘手。计算机技术的运用大大减轻了我们的工作量,如果我们能较熟练地  相似文献   

The traditional categorisation of expenditures evident in many firms' charts of accounts and financial statements does not identify and measure expenditures on intangible investment separately from tangible investment and operating expenditures. This contrasts with the accounting for tangible investment, which separately accounts for all expenditures as assets unless the future benefits are consumed in a single accounting period. Further, in searching for better ways to account for intangibles, regulators and researchers have focused on the accounting choice problem relating to the existence and recognisability of intangible assets. In this paper, we argue that identifying and separately reporting the expenditures on intangible investment is the logical first step in accounting for intangible investments. Learning about the firm's categories of value driving (and sometimes potentially value destroying) expenditures has important implications for understanding aspects of the value chain, performance measurement, valuation, corporate governance and the external audit.  相似文献   

资产证券化的会计处理研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
资产证券化会计的核心问题是会计确认问题,即资产证券化业务应当被确认为一项销售业务作表外处理,还是应当被确定一项融资业务作表内处理,对此,“风险与报酬分析法”存在着概念内涵不致,不能够全面反映由于金融工具的发展使风险与报酬有效分解的状态、过于依赖获得资产的交易顺序等问题,“金融合成分析”,以控制权来决定资产的归属,承认金融资产和负债能分割为不同的组成部分,能较好解决这一问题。  相似文献   

随着行政许可法的实施,关于行政许可资质是否是无形资产的讨论也更加热烈起来了.部分评估师认为行政许可资质是一项无形资产.其主要依据是行政许可不易取得,同时存在买卖行政许可资质的行为,价格也不菲.而笔者认为,行政许可类资质不是无形资产,其仅仅是行政相对人取得的一项人格权证明,而非财产权证明.就此,笔者需要谈谈个人的观点.  相似文献   

MICHAEL BROMWICH 《Abacus》1983,19(2):148-161
This article uses a well-known model of economics to examine the validity of replacement cost asset measures based on the value to the owner theory for external accounting reports in an environment of imperfect markets. The value to the owner model which uses 'opportunity value' reasoning is found to have validity in only a few market environments. Some problems concerning the applicability of replacement cost asset measures, where these are founded on value to the owner reasoning, are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we design a valuation model for intangible assets using panel data, and empirically investigate the model validity. The approach using panel data is an evaluation method that uses unobserved firm-specific effects based on panel analysis. Our model first estimates production function using panel analysis, and then develops cost function using a duality approach. Next, we discount added value and costs resulting from intangible assets using fixed effects. Empirical analysis using the model compares the estimated parameter values in the nonlinear profit function consisting of production function and cost function with those in the production function alone, which becomes linear after logarithmic conversion, and finds that the two are generally similar. Additionally, the market value of equity is more closely associated with both the book value of equity and the value of intangible assets than with the book value of equity alone. These results support the validity of the model for evaluating intangible assets. This model is easy to apply in practice and is based on a simple idea. Further discussion of this model is warranted given the increasing importance attached to the value of intangible assets.  相似文献   

论资产弃置会计的国际比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先说明了资产弃置费用概念,然后分别阐述了不同国家和组织对资产弃置费用处理的会计规定和处理方法,并对其进行了理论性总结,认为它是对传统会计处理方式的一种扩展。作为环境会计的一项重要核算内容,它涉及环境负债、长期资产、折旧与新增费用的组合处理,并采用未来不确定估计方式计量环境负债金额,具有较大的创新。对此,论文还提出了构建我国资产弃置费用会计准则的建议。  相似文献   

无形资产是我国高校的宝贵财富,但目前大多数高校无形资产管理处于空白状态,无形资产的预算管理更是如此。本文试从分析高校无形资产预算管理现状背后的原因出发,尝试把全面预算管理引入到无形资产到管理中。  相似文献   

With the modern corporation investing more in intangible assets, the issue of appropriate accounting for these assets is very much at the fore and formally on the agendas of accounting standards boards. Some commentators advocate that internally generated intangible assets should be booked to the balance sheet, just like tangible assets. This paper explains that this apparently straightforward solution is not so simple. There are subtleties that, when recognised, indicate that such accounting would often make both balance sheets and income statements less informative. In response, the paper outlines an accounting for intangible assets that preserves, indeed enhances, the information conveyed by both the balance sheet and the income statement and satisfies the financial reporting objective of providing information to investors about ‘the amount, timing, and uncertainty of future cash flows’.  相似文献   

在经济全球化和知识经济的时代背景下,现有的无形资产会计实操与理论已经不能完全适应知识经济的要求。所以改进现行无形资产会计的缺陷与不足,寻求与知识经济时代相吻合的无形资产会计处理方法成为当务之急。本文分析、总结了我国无形资产的确定、划分、计量和摊销,在此基础上提出了完善我国无形资产确认、计量、信息披露的改进策略。  相似文献   

资产评估与会计操作:——来自上海股市的经验数据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有相当数量的上市公司利用资产评估进行会计操纵,关联方交易是其实现评估操纵的主要途径,而对无形资产和固定资产的评估是其操纵的重点。……  相似文献   

Although convertible debt is an old and quite well-used form of finance, its accounting treatment has been almost ignored by those who set standards in the United Kingdom. The recent Technical Release TR 677 observed that there is a problem with convertible debt. The problem is that, after it has been issued by a company, the obligations of the company to third parties may change through time. This paper suggests that one approach to the problem is to follow a finance model of convertible debt, and to allow the accounting to develop from this. Accordingly, convertible debt may be considered on the basis of either equivalent straight debt or equivalent equity. The paper concludes with the suggestion that the accounting for convertible debt could be on the mixed basis or either the debt or the equity, but that this would be determined by the condition of the convertible debt at the date of the accounts.  相似文献   

关于会计基本原则选择与会计核算原则排序的新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出会计公正原则是会计信息使用者普遍接受或“一致同意”的原则,理应成为会计的基本原则,并尝试以这个基本原则为依据对现行会计制度中的会计核算原则排出一个先后顺序。从理论层面选择公正原则作为会计的基本原则并作为指导对会计核算原则排序来消除现有会计核算原则之间存在的重叠和冲突,从而使会计信息产生的过程和结果尽可能地公正。在利益多元化的社会,特别是在促进社会公正和构建和谐社会的今天,研究会计信息产生过程和结果的公正性无疑具有重要的理论价值和实践价值。  相似文献   

关于我国会计制度和会计准则的制定问题   总被引:59,自引:1,他引:59  
本文包括三个主要部分。首先阐述会计规范的必要性。然后 ,立足于我国的实际情况 ,提出会计规范的目标是依存于不同的经济体制特点的、会计规范的内容和形式则取决于会计规范的目标 ;通过区分会计确认、计量、记录和报告在不同会计行为中的差别揭示了会计准则和会计制度两种规范形式在我国的并存性和各自的侧重点 ,即会计准则侧重于确认和计量 ,会计制度侧重于记录与报告。最后 ,对我国会计准则、会计制度的关系问题 ,未来会计规范问题提出作者的观点。  相似文献   

资产减值会计计量问题研究   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
本文研究的目的在于探讨资产减值会计计量的基本问题,即可收回金额的确定。本文从公允价值和现值两个方面展开研究,提出了资产减值会计中公允价值和现值计量的指导性框架,并从完善主体预算制度的角度探讨了现值技术在资产减值计量中运用的可行性。  相似文献   

资产证券化的会计问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
资产证券化是20世纪70年代以来,国际资本市场上金融创新的一部分。资产证券化增加了企业融资的渠道,盘活了企业的存量资产,可以较低的成本筹集所需资金,优化了财务比率。然而,在丰富、活跃证券市场的同时,资产证券化也给会计界带来了许多问题,这主要包括证券化资产的会计确认、定价计量、会计报表合并及会计报表披露。对此应根据资产证券化的运作机理和会计准则,对其相关会计问题进行分析和处理。  相似文献   

Accounting for Intangible Assets: There is Also an Income Statement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
STEPHEN H. PENMAN 《Abacus》2009,45(3):358-371
Accounting is often criticized for omitting intangible assets from the balance sheet. This paper points out that the omission is not necessarily a deficiency. There is also an income statement, and the value of intangible (and other) assets can be ascertained from the income statement. Thus, calls for the recognition of 'intangible assets' on the balance sheet may be misconceived. The paper lays out the property whereby the income statement corrects for deficiencies in the balance sheet. It then explores the case where the income statement perfectly corrects for a deficient balance sheet and the case where it does so imperfectly. In the latter case, the paper then asks whether accounting in the balance sheet—by capitalization and amortization of intangible assets or carrying them at fair value—could remedy the deficiency in the income statement (or makes it worse). The investigation involves an analysis and valuation of Microsoft Corporation and Dell Inc., two companies presumed to posses a good deal of 'intangibles assets'. The paper is instructive, not only to those concerned with accounting issues but also to analysts attempting to value firms, like Microsoft and Dell, with assets missing from the balance sheet.  相似文献   

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