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Decision making and control are two fundamental components of industrial management that are aided by accounting information. This article traces the evolution of standard costing in the U.K. and U.S. and describes how it has served these two purposes over time. At the start of the industrial revolution, standard costing, in the form of past actual costs, aided managers in make-or-buy, pricing, outsourcing and other routine and special decisions. In the late nineteenth century, as the mass production of homogeneous products became more common, predetermined, norm-based standard costs were promoted as the means to control operations and reduce waste. The use of predetermined costs was recommended by both academic and professional branches well into the twentieth century. Since the mid-1980s, norm-based standards have come under fire for not providing appropriate strategic signals in an era of global competition, continuous improvement and perpetual cost reduction.
This article compares the nature of standard costing practices in the British Industrial Revolution with those that evolved in the U.S. under scientific management. The enquiry is not limited to double-entry systems and, like Miller and Napier (1993), the domain is broadened to include other forms of cost-keeping practices. We utilize primary and secondary sources to argue that the environment and rationales for standard costs have changed fundamentally over time. It is speculated that in the future standard costing will be used far less for individual accountability or operational control, but will return to its decision-making roots in the form of long-run cost targets that benchmark the success of continuous cost-reduction efforts.  相似文献   

An important debate neglected by accounting historians concerns the existence, origins and significance of the British Industrial Revolution (BIR). A key problem is explaining why Britain was such a technologically creative society. Part one uses accounting ideas to explain Marx's theory that industrial capitalism first appeared in Britain and was revolutionary because it took control of production to maximise the rate-of-return on capital employed. Part two shows that accumulating evidence of the use of modern management accounting by leading firms during the BIR supports Marx's view that it was a capitalist revolution in his sense. Part three argues that the accounting history of Boulton and Watt supports the hypothesis that the capitalist mentality and accounts drove revolutions in the technical and social relations of production during the BIR. Part four re-examines other well-known key sites for the study of accounting history and argues that these cases support the hypothesis that the primary cause of variations in accounting during the BIR was variations in the social relations of production. The paper makes suggestions for further research and concludes that, by thoroughly testing Marx's theory, accounting historians can make an important contribution to a major historical debate.  相似文献   

This research examines cost engineering and costing in a British shipbuilding firm in the late nineteenth – early twentieth century. The firm maintained separate systems of contract accounting, costing and reporting for directors and employed internal data from these systems in performance measurement, the development of managerial incentives and the enforcement of managerial accountability. An apparent gap in the information required to manage the firm in a cyclical and highly competitive industry during a period of rapid organisational and technological change was filled by an informal and personal cost engineering system developed by the shipbuilding manager. The shipbuilding manager's cost engineering system employed a wide range of both internal and external data for use in cost management and in cost estimation, pricing and tendering. Thus cost engineering and costing developed to serve different purposes and developed in different spheres and along different trajectories.  相似文献   

In accounting history, authors who have adopted a ‘Foucauldian’ approach have recently debated with those representing the ‘Neoclassical’ school of thought the relative sophistication and significance of cost accounting developments in the UK and US respectively during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This paper argues that the differences between the two schools' understandings are important for comprehending the genesis and scope of modern cost and management accounting systems. It re-examines the historical case of Boulton & Watt, an engineering firm believed to have been in the vanguard of British Industrial Revolution accounting practice (Roll, 1930; Pollard, 1965 and 1990; Fleischman and Parker, 1991), in an attempt to clarify some of the key points of difference in the debate. It proposes that the historical crux for deciding where a modern managerial approach to accounting began lies in distinguishing between the development of engineering standards for materials and machine efficiency and the transfer of such performance measurements to human behaviour. A pressing task for historians is to establish when, where, how and why ‘labour standards’ were first articulated on the grounds that such forms of human accounting, by constructing norms of managerial performance, form the basis for modern management control. The paper reviews the primary sources on the history of cost accounting at Boulton & Watt, including the previously-acclaimed development of labour and engine standards. Its findings are that, while the latter were highly sophisticated as measures of engineering performance, they were less so on the economic dimension of cost measurement. Meanwhile, the evidence for labour standards is unconvincing; there was, around 1800, an intense period of investigating labour time and cost, but no subsequent long-term systematic control exercised over them analogous to the modern managerial approach found slightly later in US contexts. The paper suggests that one priority for further research is the detailed examination of early industrial enterprises on both sides of the Atlantic, in order to establish more definitively when, where, how and why this crucial development occurred.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the responsibility cost control system installed at Han Dan Iron and Steel Company in the People’s Republic of China. The Company has adopted a series of management accounting techniques or procedures in its cost control system, including target costing, responsibility accounting, standard costing, flexible budgeting, internal transfer pricing, behavior motivation, performance evaluation, variance analysis, and so on. In particular, the system has integrated responsibility accounting and cost control by introducing market mechanisms to substantially reduce production costs and raise profitability. The successful experiment reveals that the responsibility cost control system is an effective tool for cost control under the changing Chinese business environment. The Han Dan experience demonstrates that management accounting can play a positive role in improving business management and profitability in China or other developing countries. In addition, this study casts light on effective diffusion of management accounting practices under different social and economic systems.  相似文献   

Many generalizations have been made regarding the introduction within British businesses of the costing/accounting techniques associated with the scientific management movement during the early decades of the twentieth century, but little detail is known of the process and extent of their adoption. This paper presents the findings from a survey of primary and (mainly) secondary sources regarding the use of budgets and budgetary control in Britain and raises questions as to the validity of the hypothesis that British firms failed to adopt them as rapidly as they should have done. The paper calls for detailed research into business archives in order that we can more fully understand not only the extent of their use, but also the nature of the dissemination process by which budgetary control came to be implemented in British businesses.  相似文献   

How have the power and organisational effects of modern accounting systems developed? What is the appropriate theoretical framework for interpreting that development? Researchers in the ‘Neoclassical’ tradition of ‘economic rationalism’ focus on tracing how efficiently developments in accounting techniques, from the British Industrial Revolution (BIR) to the present, have been engineered to match the demands for new forms of rational economic management of emergent big business, while those adopting a ‘Foucauldian’ approach emphasise how it was that the emergence of new practices and knowledge-based discourses for calculating human performance, and for establishing new forms of human accountability, engendered the creation of the modern kind of business organisations through ‘disciplinary power’. To evaluate the relative merits of these two frameworks, we re-examine the primary archival evidence about managerial practices in the Northeast BIR coal mines. We focus on two unique features—the cadre of professional managers/consultants (the ‘viewers’) and the form of direct labour contract—since comparable features have been held to be significant in the rational economic development of sophisticated cost and management accounting techniques in other industries. We find that, while the records include sophisticated valuations of mines and calculations of technological efficiency, surprisingly absent, as compared with ‘modern’ accounting and managerialism, is any detailed measurement of human performance for setting piece rates and controlling production. Although our particular findings here could be explained within both the ‘Neoclassical’ and ‘Foucauldian’ theoretical frameworks, their consistency with the evidence being obtained from other historical sites further questions the adequacy of ‘economic rationalism’ to explain fully the genesis of modern management and the development of accounting's modern power.  相似文献   

This article examines the provision of strategic costing information in the context of the emergence and growth of the British electrical power industry and its pre-eminent exemplar, the Newcastle Upon Tyne Electric Supply Company (NESCo). A detailed case study of NESCo's costing for strategy development and analysis is presented. This research finds that NESCo's adoption of systematic, formal considerations of strategy and its use of costing for strategy development and analysis were related to a combination of three factors: first, the novelty and complexity of the electricity supply industry; second, the regulated environment of the electricity supply industry; and third, the ability and drive of key individuals. The implications of this research for contemporary studies of strategic management accounting are considered.  相似文献   

Both the US and UK governments attempted desperate measures during World War I in an effort to maintain wartime production levels of necessary commodities and to allow for their economical purchase by the military. Loft (1986a, 1986b, 1990) has studied the British experience in depth, concluding that UK cost accountancy 'came into the light' as a result. It might be expected that similar developments would have occurred in America with the activities of the War Industries Board. In both countries, national associations were established in the immediate aftermath of the war to promote the professional standing of cost accountants. This paper utilizes archival materials in an effort to investigate whether US cost accountancy was developing more sophisticated costing techniques as Loft has claimed for the UK, or whether practitioners in this country were left 'still cursing the darkness'. Our findings suggest that cost accountancy developed in parallel fashion in both countries. US and UK cost accounting professionalism was dominated by the presence of leading financial accounting practitioners, and in both countries the movement towards more sophisticated costing techniques was gradual rather than dramatic.  相似文献   

Target costing is an important strategic cost management topic. The competitive business environment requires firms to produce products with the quality and functionality demanded by customers while at the same time selling them for prices largely determined by the market. Conventional cost management and cost plus pricing strategies are not very effective in this new environment. The design-centered and market-driven focus of the target costing process and the inability of firms to trade off quality and functionality to achieve target costs, are concepts not always easy to demonstrate in an accounting exercise. To overcome this problem, the authors have developed an interactive, in-class, team-based target costing exercise. This problem involves students in the dynamic process required to bring a product to market that simultaneously meets customer requirements for quality, functionality, and price-cost, and the firm's target profit requirement. The authors describe and explain this exercise, and provide guidelines for conducting the exercise in class.  相似文献   

The paper examines the origins of discounted cash flow analysis (DCF) in the Tyneside coal industry and explains its sudden adoption around 1801. It finds that a complex series of circumstances were involved, but that in terms of the catalysts, the prime motivation was economic. DCF was a specific wealth-maximization response to the economic conditions of the day. Second, there is the question of the utility of accounting in the British Industrial Revolution which has been variously denigrated or rehabilitated by researchers. The adoption of DCF is a clear case of accounting and engineering technologies combining to facilitate the exploitation of deep coal reserves, where accounting acted as a determinant of industrial expansion. Finally, the paper finds that the DCF valuation method of the early viewers (mining engineers/managers) was still being applied in the British coal industry in the modern era, suggesting that for one major industry at least, the absorption of DCF within the domain of modern accounting practice was primarily a question of tradition and not just an educational innovation of the 1960s.  相似文献   

The paper argues that accounting historians can help us to understand the origins of the British Industrial Revolution (BIR) by explaining the contribution of accounting to financial success. It re-examines the archive of the Carron Company (hereafter, ‘Carron’) from its formation in 1759 to around 1850 to explore the theory derived from Marx that class conflict, the capitalist mentality, its social relations of production, and accounts, drove the BIR. It shows that, contrary to the currently accepted view that Carron’s early financial accounts were a ‘shambles’, its partners used integrated financial and management accounts based on double entry bookkeeping to impose capitalist accountability on their managers and workers. The paper argues that zealous accounting was critical to Carron’s financial success because accountability for capital drove organisational and technical innovation and it underlay the partners’ early social solidarity. Carron’s partners worked collectively during the company’s difficult formative period up to the 1780s, using accounts to hold the managing partner and his subordinates accountable to them for the circulation of capital and to conduct class war against their workers. From the 1790s, the managing partner exploited a weakness in Carron’s system of corporate governance to understate its profits to demoralise other partners into selling their shares to give him control, which he used to divert a disproportionate share of its accumulating wealth to him and his family. The paper concludes that Carron’s history supports the Marxist theory that accounts played an important role in fuelling the BIR by giving capitalists a technology for controlling production for profit, what Marx called controlling the ‘valorization process’, and for promoting the social cohesion of capital. It calls on accounting historians to test this theory by revisiting the archives of other leading BIR firms, so that we can construct a history of this pivotal shift in the trajectory of world economic development on solid empirical foundations.  相似文献   

In this article, I study the interaction between cost accounting systems and pricing decisions in a setting where a monopolist sells a base product and related support services to customers whose preference for support services is known only to them. I consider two pricing mechanisms—activity‐based pricing (ABP) and traditional pricing—and two cost‐accounting systems—activity‐based costing (ABC) and traditional costing, for support services. Under traditional pricing, only the base product is priced, whereas support services are provided free because detailed cost‐driver volume information on the consumption of support services by each customer is unavailable. Under ABP, customers pay based on the quantities consumed of both the base product and the support services because detailed cost‐driver volume information is available for each customer. Likewise, under traditional costing for support services the firm makes pricing decisions on cost signals that are noisier than they are under ABC. I compare the equilibrium quantities of the base product and support services sold, the information rent paid to the customers, and the expected profits of the monopolist under all four combinations of cost‐driver volume and cost‐driver rate information. I show that ABP helps reduce control problems, such as moral hazard and adverse selection problems, for the supplier and increases the supplier's ability to engage in price discrimination. I show that firms are more likely to adopt ABP when their customer base is more diverse, their customer support costs are more uncertain, their costing system has lower measurement error, and the variable costs of providing customer support are higher. Firms adopt ABC when their cost‐driver rates for support services under traditional costing are noisier measures of actual costs relative to their cost‐driver rates under ABC and when the actual costs of support services are inherently uncertain. I also show that cost‐driver rate information and cost‐driver volume information for support services are complements. Although the prior literature views ABC and activity‐based management (ABM) as facilitating better decision making, I show that ABC and ABP (a form of ABM) are useful tools for addressing control problems in supply chains.  相似文献   

On the basis of a reading ofManagement Accounting: European Perspectivesedited by Al Bhimani (1996) there appears to be no historical pan-European perspective on management accounting. However, following the advent of the relevance lost and strategic cost management movements, and especially activity-based costing, there does seem to be emerging a certain homogeneity in European management accounting practices. This commentary questions the intellectual and practical basis for these movements and activity-based costing. It also identifies some of the particular achievements of European management accounting researchers which are not covered in the book.  相似文献   

This article describes the relationship between the understanding and practice of standard costing in both the U.S. and the U.K. and discusses the development of specific practices in the immediate post‐World War II period. Based on a detailed review of the post‐war literature, the authors conclude that the quantity and quality of standard costing and related scientific management practices (time study, variance analysis, etc.) reached a level in practice that many accounting historians have felt should have been achieved at an earlier point in time. Another principal finding is that standard costing, initially promulgated in the late 1910s, continued to develop in both the U.S. and the U.K. in evolutionary fashion into the late 1940s and 1950s, a finding which demonstrates that Britain was not as far behind America in terms of its standard costing practices as has been commonly believed. The article also explicates the relatively minor impact of the Anglo‐American Council on Productivity, sponsor of sixty‐six post‐war visitations over a four‐year period by British groups of employers, trade unionists and professionals, to study American industrial methods, including standard costing.  相似文献   

This pisper explores the potential application of ABC in a situation of rapid change - the introduction of markets for health care in the UK. This changing environment places pressures on hospital units to refine their costing methods for product costing, budget construction and the pursuit of efficiency. These are areas of management accounting for which activity-based costing (ABC) has been proposed as a refinement to traditional costings. The merits of the ABC approach were examined by conducting four case studies of acute hospitatls. The results cast doubt on the benefits to be gained from ABC in product costing, but revealed potential applications in its wider roles of cost reduction and budget construction.  相似文献   

Activity-based costing (ABC) has, within the last decade, generated a voluminous literature which has paralleled its increase in popularity with practitioners. This paper reviews ABC's potential by examining applications of it which extend throughout the core areas of management accounting. Consideration is given not only to how it has positively contributed to practice in these areas but also to its rationale and limitations to particular applications. Assessment is also made of how it interacts with longer established management accounting issues such as the variable versus fixed costing debate for income measurement and decision-making, the use of contribution margin analysis, organizational slack in the budgetary control process and conventional variance analysis. Some conclusions are drawn on its value to practitioners and researchers.  相似文献   

Based on new public management, information processing theory and contingency theory, this study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on budgeting in public hospitals, focusing on budget use. The research hypotheses were tested using a survey of 82 responses from hospital CFOs. The results show that the organisations that were most affected by the pandemic increased their use of budgets for planning, resource allocation and control, compared to those that were less affected. This study also highlights the moderating role of cost accounting information quality in the relationship between crises and budget use. We find that public hospitals that have been most affected by the pandemic and have simultaneously better cost accounting information have increased their use of budgets for planning, resource allocation and cost control more than those whose costing system does not provide superior cost data.  相似文献   

This paper explores how railway companies performed the management accounting function during the first part of the twentieth century. It will be argued that only by understanding the relationship between management techniques and the business process can any judgement as to the quality of management decisions be reached. Through the medium of educational material, the development of train control and railway statistics is explored. It is argued that implicit marginal costing was obtained from non-financial information outside the realm of accounting. This was due to the specific conditions and complexity of operations faced by railway managers. This is then contrasted with the limited, and ultimately unsuccessful, attempts by accountants at the Railway Clearing House to cost services.  相似文献   

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