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This research attempts to assess the extent to which accounting measurement practices in France, Germany and the UK are currently harmonised in the context of the major effort that has been made to promote EC accounting harmonisation. The statistical tests show that there are significant differences between France, Germany and the UK in respect of all the practices evaluated. Furthermore, the I-indices used to measure the overall level of international accounting harmony across the three countries indicate a wide and relatively low range of values.  相似文献   

Extant research in evaluation of accounting harmonisation has mainly focused on measurement of harmonisation and evaluation of its impact on share market indicators. Within these themes, however, researchers have been studying the impact of formal harmonisation on material harmonisation, and share prices and returns. Given the important role formal harmonisation plays in accounting harmonisation, this study introduces a methodology for the measurement of formal accounting harmony between countries. The methodology introduced in this paper can be used to identify areas of harmony or disharmony for policy-making purposes. It also provides means of gaining valuable insights into the nature of harmony or disharmony between different countries' accounting rules. Finally, it creates new grounds for examining various other aspects of accounting harmonisation.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent of harmonization of selected accounting measurement practices in three South Asian countries, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The study is based on a sample of 566 non-financial companies for the financial year 1997–1998. The degree of harmonization is measured using Van der Tas's (1988) I index and Archer, Delvaille, and McLeay's (1995) modified C index. The values of the I index and the C index show a relatively higher degree of harmonization in the areas of property, plant and equipment, foreign currency translation and long-term investment, and a lower level of harmonization in the areas of inventory, amortization of goodwill and leases. The results suggest that low harmonization levels are both due to the degree of flexibility available in selecting benchmark treatments in some International Accounting Standards (IAS) and also to non-compliance by companies with IAS-mandated requirements. Significant further work is required by South Asian Federation of Accountants and the other regional accounting bodies if the goals of regional and international accounting harmonization are to be achieved.  相似文献   

This research assesses empirically the extent to which selected accounting measurement practices of companies from France, Germany, Japan, the UK and the US are harmonised in the context of major international efforts to enhance the comparability of company financial statements. The findings suggest that significant differences continue in accounting measurement practices between companies originating in each of these countries. The results of the study have important implications for international standard-setters, investors, creditors and those interested in international accounting.  相似文献   

In recent years efforts to modernise and regulate public accounting systems have been carried out in most countries, driven essentially by the interest in establishing a Public Accounting capable of satisfying the required needs for attaining efficient management of public resources, as well as for demonstrating accountability to stakeholders. In this paper we aim to analyse the degree of local government accounting harmonisation, demonstrating in a general way that their accounting systems show very little homogenisation, accounting diversity being, in fact, one of their principal characteristics. In this context, we refer to the benefits and problems involved in reducing the differences between accounting systems and in increasing the comparability of financial reporting.  相似文献   

Several developments in the harmonisation of accounting standards are described in the accompanying article by Howieson. This article explains how harmonisation can be measured and refers to studies of the harmonisation of accounting standards and of financial reporting in practice. These studies have measured harmonisation in Europe, the US and Japan, as well as comparing accounting standards and reporting practices under Australian accounting standards (AASBs) and international accounting standards (LASS).  相似文献   

Substantial harmonisation of Australian and international accounting standards may be a fact by the end of 1998. It is hoped that as part of the process, international standards may come to reflect what Australian standard-setters regard as best practice. The harmonisation program will have a significant effect on the competitiveness of our financial services industry and of many of our internationally competing companies.  相似文献   

While the main harmonisation objective of legalising the use of equity accounting in the consolidated financial statements has been achieved to the relief of Australian business, the Australian standard-setting boards have had less success in harmonising the detailed application and implementation rules. With no clear conceptual direction, they appear to have arbitrarily adhered to, and deviated from, international precedents on ancillary issues of significance to the users and preparers of financial statements.  相似文献   

Harmonisation between the Australian accounting standards applicable to the public sector and Government Finance Statistics is the highest priority for Australian public-sector reporting. The objective of harmonisation is to achieve a standard for a single set of government reports which are auditable, comparable between jurisdictions, and in which the outcome statements are directly comparable with the relevant budget statements. The result will be an improvement in the quality, clarity and transparency of government financial statements, and will remove the source of confusion as to which set of financial reports presents a more reliable portrayal of financial results.  相似文献   

Harmonisation between the Australian accounting standards applicable to the public sector and Government Finance Statistics is the highest priority for Australian public-sector reporting. The objective of harmonisation is to achieve a standard for a single set of government reports which are auditable, comparable between jurisdictions, and in which the outcome statements are directly comparable with the relevant budget statements. The result will be an improvement in the quality, clarity and transparency of government financial statements, and will remove the source of confusion as to which set of financial reports presents a more reliable portrayal of financial results.  相似文献   

In a discussion of some strange results in two surveys of cost accounting practices, it is suggested that the results were probably due to a lack of knowledge on the part of the managers who completed the questionnaires.  相似文献   

There is strong evidence that current levels of accounting diversity are reflected in various dimensions of sharemarket activity. However, there is little available research to help us assess the potential effects of accounting hamonisation on the ASX and its participants. Moreover, the available indications suggest that the answers will not be simple, and not always in accord with some of the arguments that are heard in the hamonisation debate.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades numerous organizations have been actively participating in the efforts to improve the comparability of financial reporting. Many studies have discussed the benefits and drawbacks of comparability. This study investigated the affect on the harmonization, or comparability, of accounting practices when a sample of companies choose to use international accounting standards (IASs) when preparing financial reports.This study analyzed trends in the I index, a measure of concentration for the use of a particular accounting practice introduced by van der Tas, to determine if the choice of accounting methods by a sample of Swiss companies became more aligned with a sample of companies from three other countries. The study included a control sample of Swiss companies that did not switch from reporting using local Swiss standards during the same time period, 1988 through 1995. Four accounting practices were included; depreciation, inventory, financial statement cost basis, and consolidation practices. The practices used were compared with a sample of companies from three countries; Japan, the UK, and the US.The results indicated that across the 8-year period, the majority of the I indices comparisons were positive and statistically significant. However, the results did not support that these increases were due primarily to the adoption of IASs.  相似文献   

JULIE NORTON 《Abacus》1995,31(2):178-200
The purpose of this paper is to make a quantitative comparative analysis of differences between Australian financial reporting practices and U.S. GAAP. The empirical data consist of Form 20-F filings for thirteen Australian incorporated companies for the period 1985–93. Based on prior research, there is a test of the hypothesis that U.S. GAAP is more conservative than Australian financial reporting practice. The results of the empirical analysis offer little support for this hypothesis in the context of the reporting of profit. However, the hypothesis is supported for the reporting of shareholders’ equity. The most frequent and material differences in profits relate to asset measurement, equity consolidation and accounting for intangible assets. Generalizations relating to differences in shareholders’ equity are more difficult to make.  相似文献   

CHRISTOPHER NOBES 《Abacus》2011,47(3):267-283
The earliest paper on international classification of accounting systems is one hundred years old. For about fifteen years from the late 1960s, many papers on the subject were published. One feature of several of the classifications was the dichotomous split of countries into Anglo and continental European. This has been extensively debated. This paper prepares a classification based on the accounting policy choices made by the largest listed companies of eight countries in 2008/9. All the companies were using the same reporting rules, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This classification by IFRS practices shows the same two groups as a classification of national practices drawn up in 1980, despite 30 years of harmonization. None of the classifications above or the more recent ones was based on the actual accounting practices of companies in annual reports. This has several disadvantages, as the paper investigates. This paper's classification is the first to be based on accounting practices, as well as being the first in the IFRS era. The paper also investigates the implications of the persistent differences in practices for assessing the success of the IASB's whole project on improving comparability of financial statements.  相似文献   

This paper reports the study of accounting practices as embedded in two religious organisations in Malaysia. The research is an attempt to study accounting practices in a cultural setting that has not been the subject of previous interpretive accounting research. The study also makes a contribution towards the need for accounting research to become more explanatory of accounting as social practice wherein theory is both informed, and is developed by observation. This is achieved by developing grounded theory from the data and is in accordance with recent calls for case studies in accounting research to be more concerned with producing social theories of accounting practice.  相似文献   

De jure harmonisation of financial reporting began early in the Nordic countries with initial discussions reported as early as the 1930s. Legislation implemented in the 1970s was based on a proposal for a common Nordic Companies Act. This article follows the history of this legislation and analyses it with a view to providing insights into voluntary harmonisation across multiple countries. The main lessons appear to be that (1) Germany had a measurable influence; (2) taxes played an important role which has persisted in some countries, with others resisting change until the 1980s and 1990s; (3) the Nordic countries were among the first to introduce a legal requirement for publication of a funds flow statement; (4) meeting the needs of diverse and dynamic stakeholders was addressed differentially by the Nordic countries; and (5) regional co-operation seems to have been overtaken by events on the broader international stage and the costs of compromise.  相似文献   

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