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Of the motives that have been advanced to explain corporate acquisitions, the least explored is the acquisition of a target experiencing financial distress. This study addresses this void by examining whether target firm financial distress is related to takeover: attitude, premiums, payment method, competition and outcome. Despite inconsistent findings across our distress measures the tenor of the results suggest that distressed targets receive higher premiums and are less likely to be offered cash consideration. Additionally, takeover completion is lower and takeover competition higher for targets in financial distress. Financial distress does not influence whether a takeover is hostile or friendly.  相似文献   

Empirically, bidder returns at the time of takeover announcements are negative. This paper investigates the relation between bidder returns and overpayment in mergers and tender offers while controlling for other potentially important factors. Unlike other studies, the paper measures overpayment using two valuation ratios: earnings-price ratio and book-to-market ratio. Results show these ratios are important in explaining negative bidder returns. The paper also finds that the payment method in mergers and tender offers produces an information effect.  相似文献   

This paper examines stock market reaction to cross-border acquisition announcements that involve Eastern European emerging-market targets. Using a unique and a manually collected dataset, we identify 125 cross-border acquisitions in which developed-market firms from France, Germany, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom acquire ownership stakes in emerging as well as developed-markets in Europe during the period January 2000 through December 2011. In line with previous findings on foreign cross-border merger and acquisitions (M&As) in emerging-markets, evidence suggests that when the target firm is located in either the Czech-Republic, Hungary, Poland, or Russia, cumulative abnormal return (CAR) to the acquiring developed-market firm shows a statistically significant increase of 1.26% over a three day event window, following the announcement. Thereby, the relative size of the acquirer to the target appears to be the only significant factor that contributes to positive acquirer returns. The result is robust to the inclusion of controls for country, industry, as well as acquirer, target, and firm specific characteristics. Moreover, cross-border M&As involving an emerging-market target result in higher value creation for the acquiring shareholders than cross-border transactions into developed-markets.  相似文献   

Over 300 factors have been found to explain the cross-section of expected stock returns. Empirical studies also show that findings from multifactor asset-pricing models have not been consistent in an emerging market. Using DuPont analysis and a residual income valuation model for 284 nonfinancial companies on Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange during the period 2008–2014, findings suggest that the return on equity and its change are informative for stock returns in Vietnam. In addition, the level of capital turnover, financial cost ratio (FCR), and changes in capital and in the FCR contain incremental explanatory power for stock returns.  相似文献   

Several studies document a robust negative association between net external financing and average stock returns, which is referred to as the external financing effect. Using total asset growth as a comprehensive measure of overall corporate investment and total profitability gross of R&D expenditures as a measure of true economic profitability, we provide new evidence in support of the q-theory explanation for the external financing effect. We also test the market timing explanation for the external financing effect but fail to document supportive evidence.  相似文献   

From December 1999, shareholders who disposed of shares in Australian takeovers in exchange for scrip could elect to defer capital gains taxation until the disposal of the shares received. We investigate payment method choice by acquiring firms before and after this regulatory change to assess whether target shareholder capital gains tax liabilities became an important factor considered in choosing the form of payment. The results show that, subsequent to the regulatory change, there is a significantly higher probability that equity will be offered as consideration where target shareholder capital gains are greater. This finding confirms the importance of shareholder level taxation in explaining corporate acquisition structure and adds to previous European and US evidence on factors associated with payment method choice in takeovers.  相似文献   

支付方式与收购公司财富效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
股权分置改革之后,股票支付成为我国上市公司并购的主要支付工具之一。本文以股改后并购事件为研究对象,采用事件研究法来实证检验收购公司在并购首次公告期间的财富效应,且分别检验不同支付方式下的财富效应差异。结果表明,股改之后并购为收购公司股东创造了正的财富效应,股票支付的收购公司所取得的超常收益显著为正,且显著大于现金支付所获得的超常收益。超常收益的影响因素分析发现一些交易特征对收购公司超常收益有显著的影响。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In this paper, we investigate whether a firm can enhance the effect of its R&D spending on its current market value and future profitability through technology-oriented M&As. On the basis of an analysis of 1,879 M&As, we find that when a technology firm acquires another technology firm, the magnitude of the stock price response to the R&D spending of an acquirer increases by 107% in the year of the M&A. In contrast, we find no such increase in the stock price response to the R&D spending of a non-technology acquirer. We also find that technology acquirers are more successful in converting their R&D spending into positive future profitability than non-technology acquirers. Our results are robust for different alternative specifications of our model and when various firm differences are controlled for.  相似文献   

Abstract:   We examine the announcement and post‐acquisition share returns of UK acquirers in over 4,000 acquisitions of domestic, cross‐border, public and private targets. Domestic public acquisitions result in negative announcement and post‐acquisition returns, whilst cross‐border public acquisitions result in zero announcement returns and negative post‐acquisition returns. In contrast, both domestic and cross‐border private acquisitions result in positive announcement returns and zero post‐acquisition returns. The main differences between private and public acquisitions are that glamour acquirers underperform in public acquisitions but not in private acquisitions, and that acquirers using noncash methods of payment underperform in domestic public acquisitions but not in domestic private acquisitions. Overall, cross‐border acquisitions result in lower announcement and long run returns than domestic acquisitions. In cross‐border acquisitions, those involving high‐tech firms perform relatively well, as do those with low national cultural differences.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the study of mean reversion behavior by modelling the fundamental value as a stochastic process. The market value of the asset is then modelled as a mean reverting Ornstein Uhlenbeck process towards the fundamental value. Solving backwards, we determine the functional form of the regression equation of changes in asset prices and returns to changes to the fundamental value. Using earnings and dividends as proxies for the fundamental value we test our model empirically. In general, other than the shortest horizon of 1-year, our model shows good explanatory power. Since our model is compatible with Campbell and Shiller (1988) framework in the earnings case and Fama and French (1988) model in the dividend case, the performance of our model has been compared with those two models. In comparison, the performance of our model is comparable to that of Campbell and Shiller and compares favorably with Fama and French.  相似文献   

We estimate for a sample of U.S. companies an econometric model of each companies' dividend process. We use this to forecast future dividends, and thereby calculate a theoretical present value for each company. We compare this to the market price and test whether one can earn excess returns by purchasing shares which are undervalued, compared to this theoretical price. We show that portfolios of underpriced shares substantially outperform the full sample.  相似文献   

翁小丹 《保险研究》2009,(10):27-31
2009年新医改重大举措不断,它对于我国相对薄弱的医疗保障体系无疑是必需和及时的。本文从理论上初步论述了商业保险基础风险原理对完善建立我国全民基本医疗保障制度的适用价值。通过总结国际医疗保障制度改革及其研究的趋势,论证以医疗保险的基础风险为依据,是实现社会医疗保险预期绩效的基本保证。同时指出定性定量分析我国全民医保的基础风险,才能从根本上找到完善建立相关制度的措施和方法,促进我国医疗保障体系的进一步科学发展。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The fundamental valuation perspective on stock returns suggests that book-to-market will be positively related to returns if market value of equity equals future expected cash flows discounted at the expected return and book value proxies for future cash flows. Building on this perspective, we develop a log linear model which includes expectations of future BM and ROE in addition to current BM as explanatory variables for future stock returns. We show that these three variables explain a significant part of UK cross-sectional stock returns and that they remain highly statistically significant after including additional risk proxy variables. This supports relevance of fundamental valuation based firm characteristics for explaining stock returns and indicates their potential usefulness for predicting future stock returns.  相似文献   

Change-in-control covenants first became commonplace towards the end of the takeover wave in the 1980s. We examine merger and acquisition activity from 1991 to 2006 to see how such covenant protection influences the wealth effects and probability of takeovers. Examining a sample of leveraged buyouts (LBOs) we find bondholders with such covenant protection experience average wealth effects of 2.30% while unprotected bonds experience ? 6.76% upon the announcement of an LBO. Furthermore, we document that the existence of bondholder change-in-control covenants cuts the firm's probability of being targeted in an LBO in half. We also find that change-in-control covenants reduce the probability of being targeted in non-LBO takeovers, but the effect appears less dramatic.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of the 2018 regulatory reforms of share pledging by a controlling shareholder on firm value in China. Using a dataset spanning the period 2015 to 2020, we provide robust results suggesting that tighter regulations effectively reduce firms' crash risk, relax financial constraints, reduce bankruptcy risk, and mitigate the controlling shareholder expropriation of minority shareholders' wealth via tunnelling. Additionally, controlling shareholders, by investing more pledged funds in the listed firm after reforms, foster capital investment and R&D expenditure, which benefit firm growth and competitiveness and ultimately increase firm long-term value.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the pricing of money in a framework with restrictions on trading, under an extension of the standard-asset pricing theory that recognizes both tangible and intangible returns. It is argued that the underlying motivations for demanding money give content to its fundamental value and the bubble component. This approach is illustrated by analyzing the case where no short-sales are allowed, as two examples from the literature are made used to assert that money is a pure pricing bubble. Owing to this setup exhibits technically incomplete financial markets, the fundamental value of money is not uniquely defined over the set of generalized state-price processes. Then, these examples are shown to comprise an extreme case, as money is a pure store of value for the state-prices chosen (i.e., it is a pricing bubble). Instead, the fundamental value of money can be positive for other state-prices, representing the role of money in the trading process. Therefore, money should not be considered the equivalent of a pure pricing bubble.   相似文献   

Whether equity-based compensation and equity ownership align the interests of managers with stockholders is an important question in finance. Early studies found an inverted U-shaped relation between managerial ownership and firm value, but later studies using firm fixed effects found no relation. Managerial ownership levels change very slowly over time which may mask an ownership effect on firm value when using a fixed effect model. This is due to a much smaller within firm variation than between firm variation. We demonstrate that using pay-performance semi-elasticity, rather than pay-performance sensitivity as a measure of managerial ownership incentives, results in meaningful variation within firm over time. The greater within firm variation increases the power to detect a relation between managerial ownership and firm value with fixed effect regressions. As in the early research on this issue, we find a significant inverted U-shaped relation between managerial ownership and Tobin's Q in fixed effects regressions and after controlling for endogeneity with both two-stage and three-stage least squares regressions. Our results are consistent with incentive alignment at low levels and risk aversion at high levels of managerial ownership.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Using a sample of 129 mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in the US between publicly traded acquirers and targets in research and development (R&D) intensive industries over the period of 1994-2004 and a size- and industry-matched sample, we examine the relation among targets' R&D activities, the probability of acquirers' writing-off in-process R&D (IPRD), and acquirers' returns around the time of M&A announcements. We find that firms acquiring targets with higher R&D investments tend to write off some of the acquired R&D assets upon the completion of the M&As. We also find that the median cumulative abnormal return during the three days around M&A announcements for acquirers with subsequent IPRD write-offs is −2.73% while the return for acquirers without IPRD write-offs is −0.60%. This suggests that acquirers' stock returns around M&A announcements are much lower when investors expect acquirers to expense IPRD. The results are consistent with our conjecture that acquirers tend to write-off IPRD when they acquire overvalued targets. We also find that IPRD write-offs do not increase earnings or stock returns of acquirers after M&As, which is inconsistent with an earnings management hypothesis.  相似文献   

We find that analysts who frequently revise their stock recommendations outperform those who do not. This result holds for portfolios formed on the basis of favorable changes in recommendations as well as unfavorable changes. The frequency of revision captures information incremental to factors known to identify superior recommendations. Although much of the frequently revising analysts' advantage follows events proxied by abnormally high returns or trading volume, it does not appear to derive from more public events such as earnings announcements. Further, these analysts outperform their counterparts even over the short-run, suggesting that this is not simply a “quantity over quality” phenomenon. In summary, our results imply that the superior profitability of frequently revising analysts emanates at least partly from their ability to generate private information using their superior skill. Overall, the ordinary investor is better off following the advice of analysts who revise their recommendations more frequently.  相似文献   

This paper examines the empirical cross-sectional relationship between residual income and market value for U.K. firms. It does so because of recent claims that RI is a better measure for use by firms in internal planning and control activities than, say earnings. If such is the case then, presumably, we would expect that RI has a stronger association with market value than, for example, earnings. We conclude that the relationship between RI and market value is by no means perfect. Nonetheless, RI has a stronger association with market value, in conjunction with RD expenditures and opening and closing book value, than does earnings in conjunction with RD expenditures and closing book value. As a consequence, the capital charge element of RI does appear to add explanatory power to equations involving merely earnings, RD expenditures and closing book value. Our view, therefore, would be that the evidence presented in the paper provides some support for advocates of the use of RI for planning and control.  相似文献   

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