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The PCAOB Rules on Ethics, Independence, and Tax Services prohibited accounting firms from providing aggressive tax-position transactions to their audit clients. We exploit this setting to examine whether the scrutiny of the PCAOB affects companies’ financial reporting for income tax accounts. We find robust evidence that the overall quality of the income tax accrual increased after companies significantly reduced auditor-provided tax service (APTS) fees in response to the regulation. We show that this improvement is a function of companies’ pre-regulation tax aggressiveness. In addition, we find evidence that after the fee reductions, tax-aggressive companies increased financial statement reserves for uncertain income tax positions without changing tax-aggressive decisions. Overall, our findings are consistent with an improvement in the financial reporting for income taxes under regulatory scrutiny which is more pronounced for companies that were tax aggressive in the pre-regulation period.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether New Zealand firms’ voluntary disclosure of operating income, which is also known as earnings before interest and tax, in the income statement is related to the investment opportunity set. New Zealand provides an ideal setting to examine this because New Zealand generally accepted accounting principles do not require the disclosure of operating income as an intermediate income number in arriving at net income (earnings) in the income statement. We hypothesize and find evidence that firms with high assets‐in‐place and high leverage are more likely to voluntarily disclose operating income/earnings before interest and tax. However, the assets‐in‐place finding is sensitive to alternative measures of the investment opportunity set.  相似文献   

The adoption of International Accounting Standards and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS) in the European Union is part of the European Commission's global tax harmonisation policy whose aim is to establish a common (consolidated) corporate tax base. The paper shows that the impact of an IAS/IFRS-based tax accounting on the effective tax burden of Belgian companies is large and not uniform across sectors. Some sectors, like construction and automotive vehicles, experience much larger increases in effective tax burdens than others. Globally the impact is relatively important. The analysis is conducted using the European Tax Analyzer (ETA), a multi-period forward looking program. In a European context, an IAS/IFRS-based tax accounting will increase the effective corporate tax burdens in all selected countries. However, it will most probably maintain the current tax competitive positions of EU countries. The expected broadening of the tax base could constitute an opportunity to reduce the corporate income tax rate without changing the overall effective burden.  相似文献   

盖地  胡国强 《会计研究》2012,(3):20-25,94
本文以我国2008年所得税改革为契机,借鉴Shackelford和Shevlin(2001)的税与非税因素权衡模型,实证考察有减税预期的上市公司在税收规避中是否权衡了财务报告成本。本文发现,有减税预期的公司存在将减税之前期间的利润推迟确认到未来低所得税率期间的盈余管理行为,且为避免这一行为过于明显而遭致惩罚,利润跨期转移的期间宽度较长。但有着高财务报告成本的公司明显降低了这一跨期利润转移的动机。研究证实了我国上市公司在税收规避决策中权衡了税与财务报告成本。研究结论有助于进一步丰富盈余管理文献,对当前我国税收制度改革具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

We evaluate the representational faithfulness of the accounting treatment of a recent and well-established type of structured transaction—accelerated share repurchases (ASRs). ASRs are popular because accretive earnings per share benefits are recognized immediately, while any gains or losses on the forward contract used to execute an ASR bypass income, and are reported directly in equity. We document lower value relevance for the liabilities of ASR companies compared with a size- and industry-matched sample. ERC tests also indicate a market discount for the earnings of ASR companies compared with the control sample. Finally, we document significant abnormal returns to a trading strategy based on unrealized gains or losses on ASR transactions. Our results indicate that the current accounting for ASRs does not result in representative reporting of these transactions. As a result, financial statement users might benefit from recognition of ASR elements in financial statements.  相似文献   

郦金梁  吴谣  雷曜  黄燕婷 《金融研究》2015,482(8):149-168
2000-2017年,3434家A股上市公司样本中的47.79%至少有一次违规记录,每年平均有17%的公司违规,而监管机构平均需要2.7年查证并通告违规行为。我们用当年数据构建递延所得税异动指标,可有效预判违规,并发现监管机构未能识别这一指标的警示作用,实际激励了违规公司通过操纵递延所得税提高财务指标以规避稽查。进一步构建决策树模型,对违规事件实现样本外精准判别。本文揭示了A股公司大面积违规而稽查过程冗长迟缓这一重要现象,并分析了违规机制,指出了所得税数据在稽查违规中可以发挥的预警作用,为监管者和投资者提供有效预警上市公司违规行为的新指标和方法。  相似文献   

郦金梁  吴谣  雷曜  黄燕婷 《金融研究》2020,482(8):149-168
2000-2017年,3434家A股上市公司样本中的47.79%至少有一次违规记录,每年平均有17%的公司违规,而监管机构平均需要2.7年查证并通告违规行为。我们用当年数据构建递延所得税异动指标,可有效预判违规,并发现监管机构未能识别这一指标的警示作用,实际激励了违规公司通过操纵递延所得税提高财务指标以规避稽查。进一步构建决策树模型,对违规事件实现样本外精准判别。本文揭示了A股公司大面积违规而稽查过程冗长迟缓这一重要现象,并分析了违规机制,指出了所得税数据在稽查违规中可以发挥的预警作用,为监管者和投资者提供有效预警上市公司违规行为的新指标和方法。  相似文献   

This two‐part case focuses on red flags of attempted earnings management for a St. Lucian company that is moving from 100 percent family‐owned to selling 50 percent of the family's shares to an equity fund. In order to increase the earnings growth rate in the three years leading up to the proposed sale to an equity fund in 2021, the earnings for the most recent three years (2016–2018) have been artificially depressed. The resulting byproduct of the earnings management is the underprovision of income taxes for the past three years, which is detected by the tax authorities in St. Lucia. The student assumes the role of a tax auditor for the tax authority in St. Lucia assigned to audit Castries Merchandising Inc. (CMI), a merchandiser of building products, hardware, and automobile parts. In Part 1 the student is provided excerpts of the financial statements of CMI with some anomalies that have been detected by a software program. In Part 2 the student is provided with further information of excerpts from the trial balance and an interview with the CFO, who is a member of the family ownership group of CMI and also a Canadian CPA registered in Ontario. Drawing on the student's knowledge of auditing, accounting principles, and financial statement analysis, the student's task is to both reassess the income taxes for the years 2016 to 2018 and contemplate how management may be manipulating the financial statements in order to benefit from the planned future sale of CMI's shares to an equity fund.  相似文献   

We investigate the economic trade-offs managers face due to conflicting incentives to report high financial statement book income and, at the same time, report low taxable income. Our setting involves Houston clients of Arthur Andersen (AA), who have been shown to exhibit a culture of aggressive financial reporting. Using our sample of AA Houston clients, we test two competing theories: (1) firms which have a culture of aggressive financial reporting are also aggressive in their tax reporting, versus (2) firms which are willing to pay real dollars (taxes) to report higher financial statement earnings. We do not find support for either theory. Instead, our findings suggest a middle-ground: firms may exhibit a culture of aggressive financial reporting without impacting their relative tax reporting. Our findings not only shed light on the intersection of financial and tax reporting, but they also add to the extant literature involving the culture of AA. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to investigate the tax ramifications of AA’s culture of aggressive financial reporting.  相似文献   

We examine the extent to which management discretion affects the reserve for unrecognized tax benefits. We analyze the financial statement disclosures of 19 paper companies that received a total of $6.4 billion in refundable excise taxes during 2009. All of these companies included the refunds in financial income, but 14 excluded all or part of the refunds from taxable income. Despite the magnitude and unprecedented nature of the exclusion, we find that only five of the excluding firms accrued a full reserve for an uncertain tax position, three firms accrued a partial reserve, and six firms did not accrue any reserve. This variation suggests managers enjoy wide latitude in applying the more likely than not standard for determining additions to the reserve. Our findings suggest that financial statement users should exercise caution when comparing tax reserves across companies. In addition, we find some evidence that income-increasing tax accrual decisions are related to characteristics generally associated with weak corporate governance.  相似文献   

公司在进行盈余管理时,往往面临着财务报告成本与税务成本的权衡。为了摆脱该困境,公司有动机通过操纵非应税项目损益,以规避盈余管理的所得税成本。本文通过考察会计利润与应税所得差异(Book-Tax Differences)和盈余管理之间的关系,证实了该假设。我们的研究表明,上市公司盈余管理幅度越大,则会计利润与应税所得差异(本文定义为非应税项目损益)也越高,即上市公司通过操纵非应税项目损益,以规避盈余管理的税负成本。我们的研究进一步发现,上市公司通过非应税项目损益规避盈余管理税负成本的行为主要发生在高税率组别,而享受所得税优惠的公司则没有呈现出该特征。另外,我们的研究还发现,上市公司主要通过操纵长期应计项目规避所得税负。但我们的研究也表明,上市公司通过非应税项目损益规避的盈余管理税负成本较为有限,平均每1元操纵利润中,只有1.8分的操纵利润可以规避所得税成本,这或许表明进行盈余管理的公司为了避免引起资本市场或税务当局的怀疑,而为其大部分利润操纵支付了所得税成本。此外,本文研究还发现,高税率公司存在强烈的通过非应税掼益项目规避所得税的动机。我们的样本公司中,平均而言,所得税税率每增加1个百分点,操纵非应税项目损益占资产的比例将增加0.029%;适用33%税率的公司与适用15%优惠税率的公司相比,为此所规避的所得税成本平均高达330万元。  相似文献   

会计——税收差异的计量是从会计——税收差异角度研究盈余质量和从税收监管角度研究税收庇护活动对企业纳税影响的共同难题。借鉴西方国家会计——税收差异的计量方法,结合我国企业所得税的核算和披露制度,本文认为,以财务报告数据为基础的计量方法比较适合我国目前的上市公司研究。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of the mandatory adoption of the 1997 and 2006 Egyptian accounting standards on earnings quality and firm valuation. Extant research finds that IAS-based standards have positive effects on financial statement attributes (e.g., earnings management) and capital market-related variables (e.g., firm valuation) in some countries, and negative or neutral effects in others. Research conducted in this area on emerging markets is scant, and none in Egypt, which has adopted in 1997 an IAS-based standards (later revised twice in 2002 and 2006). Using a sample of Egyptian listed firms around the time of introducing the 1997 and 2006 EAS versions, I find insignificant empirical evidence that earnings management decreases post adoption of each of the EAS versions under investigation. Additionally, I find that firm valuation (Tobin’s q) was significantly negatively affected by both EAS versions under investigation in this study. I attribute these results to the lack of compliance by financial statement preparers, improper regulatory enforcement mechanisms, the poor accounting infrastructure, and the inadequate practitioner training, claimed by prior literature.  相似文献   

2007年1月1日,我国上市公司率先实行新的会计准则,不久的将来则有更多的非上市公司也将实行新的会计准则。这套新会计准则体系起点高、范围大、创新多,标志着我国的会计准则与国际会计准则实现了实质性的趋同。新会计准则的实施,不仅影响企业的财务状况和经营成果,而且对企业的申报纳税也产生重大影响。本文以现行税法和新会计准则体系为依据,重点研究探讨新会计准则对企业所得税的影响。  相似文献   

We analyze survey responses from nearly 600 tax executives to better understand corporate decisions about real investment location and profit repatriation. Our evidence indicates that avoiding financial accounting income tax expense is as important as avoiding cash income taxes when corporations decide where to locate operations and whether to repatriate foreign earnings. This result is important in light of the recent research about whether financial accounting affects investment and in light of the decades of research on foreign investment that examines the role of cash income taxes but heretofore has not investigated the importance of financial reporting effects. Our analysis suggests that financial reporting is an important factor to be considered in the policy debates focused on bringing investment to the United States.  相似文献   

In Portugal, a concept of taxable income associated closely with reported accounting income is used to determine the tax liability of firms. Recently, the Portuguese government legislated to introduce a system of “special payment on account” (SPA). Firms were required to pay an amount of income tax in advance that varied between a promulgated minimum and maximum. Although such a tax is unique to Portugal, other countries have tax arrangements that are similar in intent. Thus, Portugal's experience with the introduction of a SPA regime is likely to be instructive in fiscal policy deliberations in other settings.We assess the extent to which the SPA tax policy measure encouraged private Portuguese companies to manipulate earnings. We find that earnings manipulation appears to have been motivated by desire to minimize SPA. Firms whose estimate of SPA liability fell within the range of minimum and maximum limits of the SPA had higher levels of discretionary accruals than firms whose estimate was (equal to or) above the ceiling imposed by the new legislation. Firms with higher rates of income tax were found to reduce earnings to near zero. Firms with higher average income tax rates were more likely to manipulate their earnings than other firms.Our results reinforce the importance for auditors, stakeholders, and tax policy advisors to be alert to the close association between tax planning considerations and reported earnings in their monitoring, analysis, and policy advising activities.  相似文献   

本文研究新会计准则在合并财务报表方面的变迁对少数股东权益和损益信息含量的影响。2006年2月15日颁布并于2007年实施的"新合并财务报表准则"(企业会计准则第33号——合并财务报表)相对旧准则做出了修改:规定少数股东权益在合并资产负债表所有者权益项目下单独列示;少数股东损益在合并利润表中净利润项目下单独列示。本文发现,新会计准下,少数股东权益的价值相关性显著提高,且显著高于净资产其他组成部分的价值相关性提高程度;少数股东损益信息含量显著增加,且增加量显著高于盈余的其他组成部分带来的信息增加量。本文的经验证据支持了新会计准则中合并财务报表的实体理论,研究结论说明,新会计准则的实施使得合并财务报表具有更多信息含量。  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(1):43-70
We analyze the evolution of the relationship between tax and financial reporting in Italy after the mandatory introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in 2005. Italy represents an interesting case study among European countries, with domestic generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) oriented towards creditor protection and characterized by a close connection of financial and tax accounting. Unusually, the adoption of IFRS is compulsory for the unconsolidated financial statements of listed companies, but the process of alignment of domestic GAAP to IFRS, that has affected some countries, has had little effect on Italy. Thus, two accounting systems, IFRS and Italian GAAP, are used for the preparation of unconsolidated financial statements by different categories of companies and, as a consequence, two different linkages between tax and financial reporting emerge. In order to assess the degree and the direction of the book-tax linkages we use the methodology developed by Lamb, Nobes and Roberts (1998. International variations in the connections between tax and financial reporting, Accounting and Business Research, 28(3), pp. 173–188). IFRS and tax reporting show a high degree of disconnection, while Italian GAAP, in line with the accounting tradition of most continental European countries, are closely related to tax rules. The analysis points out a rapidly evolving situation, with links between accounting systems and taxation becoming tighter, mainly because of the changes in tax law introduced during the last few years.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the economic crisis affects the scope for earnings manipulation and the value relevance of reported financial numbers for companies that are audited by a big 4 auditor. The analysis is focused on Portuguese, Irish, Italian, Greek and Spanish listed companies. The findings show that Portugal, Italy and Greece tend to engage more in earnings management in their effort to improve their lower profitability and liquidity, and accommodate their higher debt and growth. Ireland exhibits less evidence of earnings manipulation, while the findings for Spain are to some extent conflicting. Additionally, the reported financial numbers of Portuguese and Greek companies that are audited by a big 4 auditor were found to be of higher quality before the crisis. In contrast, Irish, Italian and Spanish companies report more value relevant financial numbers during the crisis. The results of this study are particularly useful for accounting regulators when preparing accounting rules that seek to reduce information asymmetry and earnings manipulation and increase the quality of reported disclosures in light of a crisis and for investors that need further assistance for the establishment of a profitable investment strategy in periods characterized by high uncertainty and volatility.  相似文献   

This study investigates the association between private company auditing and intertemporal income shifting. Using a large reduction in the Finnish corporate tax rate as a strong incentive for income shifting and financial statement data coupled with proprietary information from the tax authorities, we analyse accruals and cost stickiness of small private companies. Our results reveal significant differences in accrual income shifting between audited and unaudited companies, but only among companies that on average could anticipate the tax reduction the most. Further, we find auditors to restrict sticky selling, general, and administrative cost behaviour that we hypothesise is associated with illegal actions. Additional tests expose a nontrivial number of incorrectly unaudited companies which are the ones mostly associated with income shifting. Taken together, our study highlights the effects of audit exemption and the importance of enforcement while also suggesting that the audit process is value adding for the tax authorities.  相似文献   

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