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中国证券市场年报补丁公司特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在上市公司午报披露之后,屡屡可见公司对年报的各类补充公告与更正公告(即年报补丁),年报朴丁不仅受到媒体的强烈抨击,也为监管部门所关注。本文选取发布2001~2003年年报补丁的公司作为研究样本,并分年度、行业、公司规模选取配对样本,考察补丁公司的经济特征,研究表明,相对配对样本而言,补丁公司的业绩较差,公目的总资产增长较快,较少设置审计委员会,且审计质量较差。  相似文献   

论非金融类公司年度报告中的风险信息披露   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于公司面临的风险加剧 ,投资者对风险因素倍加关注 ,公司在年度报告中系统披露风险将有利于投资者决策。目前因缺乏相应的规范 ,年度报告所披露的风险既不全面也不深入。本文从投资者的信息需求出发 ,探讨风险披露的有关问题 ,并提出政策建议 ,力图使年度报告成为投资者规避风险的首道屏障。  相似文献   

童驯 《银行家》2003,(5):94-95
业绩迎来春天 截至4月7日,沪深两市已有700家A股公司披露了2002年度报告,占上市公司总数的57.5%.据统计,这些公司的加权平均每股收益为0.218元,与它们2001年度的0.198元相比,增长了10.2%;加权平均净资产收益率为8.5%,比它们上一期的8.0%增长了5.9%;平均每股经营性现金流为0.615元(未剔除银行股),同比增长22.6%;平均净利润为12133万元,同比增长16.6%;除净资产收益率指标之外,其余财务指标的增幅均超过10%.  相似文献   

深市2003年年报披露进度及预约执行情况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高上市公司年报信息披露的及时性和均衡性,从2001年报开始,交易所正式对外公开上市公司年报预约披露日期,并在此后的监管实践中把这一制度延伸到半年报和季报.本文以深市上市公司2003年年报披露情况为例,分析预约制度对改进年报披露均衡性和及时性的作用,重点探讨年报披露时间与公司业绩、审计意见、"戴帽""摘帽"等因素之间的关系,并揭示变更预约披露日期公司的主要特征.  相似文献   

上市公司年报的可理解性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
孙蔓莉 《会计研究》2004,11(12):23-28
针对上市公司年报的写作形式存在专业化程度强、理解难度大的问题 ,本文通过学生实验 ,初步测试和评价了公司年报对于投资者的可理解性水平 ,并对提高年报可理解性的途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文采用深交所对上市公司信息披露质量的评级作为信息披露质量代理变量,以Jensen指数、净资产收益率、总资产收益率及总资产周转率作为公司绩效代理指标,检验了2002—2005年深市上市公司信息披露质量对公司绩效的影响。研究发现,信息披露质量与公司绩效之间存在显著内在关联性,信息披露质量较高的公司,其市场表现和财务绩效也都较佳。因此,合理引导公司信息披露,对于提升上市公司绩效具有重要导向效应。  相似文献   

上市公司年度审计报告探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图通过近三年上市公司年报数据的汇总归纳,对年报中普遍予以关注的几个问题及2004年年报呈现出的新特点进行介绍,提供一个分析上市公司年报的思路。上市公司年报业务分布的特点及思考1.年报业务量分布在规定的上市公司年报公告期内,2002年至2004年近三年全国出具的上市公司年报数分别为1236份、1285份、1371份。其中,北京地区出具的报告数分别为319份、347份、386份,占全国总量的比例分别为25.81%、26.42%、28.15%,即近三年北京地区上市公司业务量占到全国近三成的份额。从近三年全国的分布情况来看,北京、上海、广东、深圳四个地区的…  相似文献   

This paper investigates the association between global community concerns about bribery activities and anti‐bribery disclosure practices by two Chinese telecommunication companies operating internationally, namely China Mobile and ZTE. Based on content analysis of annual reports and global news media articles over a period of 16 years from 1995–2010, the findings suggest that the changes in the level of disclosures by the two major Chinese telecommunications companies were closely associated with the level of international concerns over bribery practices within the Chinese telecommunications industry. This finding indicates that the companies adopt anti‐bribery disclosure practices in order to minimise the gap of trust (social capital) between companies themselves and global stakeholders. In this paper we argue that, for domestic companies in China, culturally constructed social capital, such as guanxi, creates a level of trust between managers and their stakeholders, which obviates the need for managers to disclose anti‐bribery performance information. However, for companies operating internationally, as social capital is inadequate to bridge the gap of trust between managers and global stakeholders, managers use disclosures of anti‐bribery performance information as a way to minimise such a gap.  相似文献   

本文利用沪市非金融业上市公司2003—2005年年度报告中自愿披露的内部控制信息相关数据,立足于公司特征和外部审计角度,针对上市公司自愿披露内部控制信息的决定因素进行了经验研究。研究发现:我国上市公司自愿披露内部控制信息的总体水平较差,但在2003—2005年间有逐年增加的趋势;上市公司是否自愿披露内部控制信息与是否在海外交叉上市、是否聘请"四大"进行外部审计、资产总规模、资产净利率、独立董事人数占董事总人数的百分比显著正相关,与外部审计意见类型显著负相关,与监事会规模、是否设立审计委员会以及样本年度正相关;在影响上市公司内部控制信息自愿披露的因素中,是否海外交叉上市、独立董事占董事总人数百分比和资产净利率是比较一致的显著因素,相对而言,外部审计尚未起到显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

陆静 《会计研究》2007,14(1):51-57
本文采用事件研究和面板数据回归方法对我国A股~H股双重上市公司境内外报表披露的会计盈余和帐面净值与股票超额收益的相关性进行了研究。分析表明,在A股市场上,境内报表披露的会计盈余等信息与A股超额收益之间没有显著的价值相关性;境内外报表关于会计盈余和账面净值的调整值对A股价格也没有影响;在H股市场,会计信息与股价之间的相关性较强,不仅境外报表披露的主要会计指标能够有效解释年报披露期间H股超额收益,而且境内外报表的会计盈余和账面净值调整值还具有增量信息价值。由此我们认为中国内地资本市场与香港资本市场的分割效应较为明显。  相似文献   

Not much information exists in the international accounting literature on Spanish accounting. Spain is selected as a subject of study because it is different from those countries that are subjects of the research concerned with investigating the multivariate impact of firm characteristics on disclosure in annual reports and accounts. The conceptual model underlying our empirical tests is based on economic and political incentives for providing greater detail in corporate annual reports and accounts. The paper provides evidence that the amount of detail in Spanish corporate annual reports and accounts is increasing in firm size and stock exchange listing, and decreasing in liquidity.  相似文献   

2002年沪市上市公司年报中的会计问题探析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文揭示了 2 0 0 2年沪市上市公司年报中存在的三类较为普遍的会计问题 ,并重点选取了 2 0 0 2年年报中存在的四个特殊会计核算问题 ,基于会计理论和国际会计惯例进行了深度剖析。  相似文献   

In an article published in this journal two years ago titled "Just Say No to Wall Street," Harvard's Michael Jensen and The Monitor Group's CEO Joseph Fuller urged companies to put an end to what they called the "earnings guidance game." Instead of earnings forecasts, Jensen and Fuller recommended that companies provide investors with information about their strategic goals and value drivers, and about the risks associated with carrying out those goals and management's plans to manage those risks.
In this roundtable, a group of corporate executives, equity analysts, and academics explore the possibility that companies can increase their values by resisting the temptation to "manage" earnings, committing to expanded disclosure, and engaging investors in a more strategic dialogue. By establishing such a dialogue, companies may be able to break out of the current "bad equilibrium" in which markets distrust managers and managers distrust markets.  相似文献   

美国上市公司信息披露制度的变迁及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国证券市场信息披露制度在不同阶段有不同的特点,其变迁包括披露内容和披露手段两个方面,变迁方向是市场的高透明度.我国的信息披露制度体系中首次发行信息披露制度和持续性信息披露制度已经基本形成,应从以下三方面完善法律责任及有关救济制度:一是加大信息披露违规的处罚力度,提高违法违规的预期处罚成本;二是完善证券民事赔偿法律体系,降低预期违规收益;三是完善公司治理制度建设,建立股东代表诉讼制度.  相似文献   

本文较详尽地提出了如何分析我国上市公司的年度报告,以使放大投资者减少投资风险。  相似文献   

For annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005, Australian companies were required to comply with the Australian equivalents of International Financial Reporting Standards (AIFRS). To ensure a smooth transition, a broadly defined standard (AASB 1047) mandated pre-adoption company disclosures of the AIFRS' impact. The standard provided managers with the opportunity to exercise considerable discretion in complying with the underlying disclosure requirements. We examine how this discretion impacted on the quality of pre-adoption AIFRS disclosures provided by a sample of large Australian companies. Using a disclosure quality index, we find considerable evidence of a cross-sectional variation in disclosure quality that varies according to differences in the AIFRS financial impact, size, industry and profitability factors. Importantly, we also observe individual Big 4 audit firm influences on disclosure quality. These findings highlight consequences of mandating corporate disclosures based on broadly defined principles.  相似文献   

We construct a new, parsimonious, measure of disclosure quality—disaggregation quality (DQ)—and offer validation tests. DQ captures the level of disaggregation of accounting data through a count of nonmissing Compustat line items, and reflects the extent of details in firms’ annual reports. Conceptually, DQ differs from existing disclosure measures in that it captures the “fineness” of data and is based on a comprehensive set of accounting line items in annual reports. Unlike existing measures, which are usually applicable for a subset of firms or are based on a subset of information items, DQ can be generated for the universe of Compustat industrial firms. We conduct three sets of validation tests by examining DQ's association with variables predicted by prior literature to be associated with information quality. DQ is negatively (positively) associated with analyst forecast dispersion (accuracy) and negatively associated with bid‐ask spreads and cost of equity. These associations continue to hold after we control for firm fundamentals. Taken together, results from this battery of validation tests are consistent with our measure capturing disclosure quality.  相似文献   

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