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信息时代的到来使网络成为人们日常生活必不可少的一部分。人力资源与社会保障公共服务是事关民生的重要工程,推行人力资源与社会保障公共服务网络平台建设也是时代提出的新要求。文章将从人力资源与社会保障的社会职能出发,总结归纳目前公共服务网络平台建设现状及存在的问题,根据实际问题提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

社会保障公共服务是基本公共服务的重要内容。当前,社会保障公共服务存在服务意识淡薄、服务主体单一、服务模式僵化、制度设计与监督管理不完善等问题,政府需转变服务理念,构建固定型、代理型、流动型社会保障服务模式。  相似文献   

社会保障制度是国家依据一定的法律法规,通过对国民收入的再分配来对社会成员提供基本物资保证的制度,健全的社会保障制度对促进人力资源的开发,对促进社会经济的增长具有十分现实的意义。本文论述了健全人力资源对促进人力资源开发的重要意义,从扩大社会保障覆盖面、加强社会保障基金管理以及完善社会保障法律法规这几个方面分析了如何建立健全社会保障制度。  相似文献   

建立在民主公民权理论和组织人本主义理论基础之上的新公共服务理论,正以一种全新的价值理念渗入到当代公共管理活动中。高校人力资源管理公共利益服务理念还未真正确立。高校人力资源管理需要借鉴新公共服务理论的精神,转变管理意识,注重公平民主,鼓励教职工积极参与管理,协调好公共利益关系。  相似文献   

从基本公共服务均等化角度论社会保障的公平性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国社会保障制度建设过程中,公平性问题一直是社会关注的焦点.基本公共服务均等化反映到社会保障领域,就是要加强社会保障的公平性建设.当前我国社会保障领域公平性缺失主要体现在城乡、地区和群体间社会保障待遇差距上,应在坚持公平正义的价值理念下,建立平等的利益诉求机制,实现社会保障制度的公平可持续发展.  相似文献   

关于目前我国社会保障制度若干问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
完善的社会保障制度是社会主义市场经济体制的重要支柱,关系改革、发展、稳定的大局,而社会保障的社会化、社会保障资金运营的良性化和社会保障制度的法制化问题,是目前我国亟待研究和解决的问题。  相似文献   

人力资源和社会保障工作是事关民生的重要工作,近年来该领域经济犯罪问题十分突出,大量的就业培训和社会保险资金被挪用,一些企业恶意拖欠职工工资等,严重损害了党和政府的形象,也造成了老百姓养命钱的流失。从人力资源和社会保障领域经济犯罪的主要表现、背后存在的深层次原因,有针对性地提出了加强对人力资源和社会保障领域从业人员的法制教育,制定严格、严肃的内部监督责任制度,适时引入第三方监督机制以及建立行政司法共管联动机制治欠薪的对策。  相似文献   

自改革开放经济发展表明:如果能有效推进城镇社会稳定发展,那么就能促使经济上升一大截,进而在符合当时时代的前提下,达到真正有效的治理中国。依当前形势看,如何保障在有法可依的条件下促进城镇建设是当下我国城镇社会保障的法制化的重大问题。  相似文献   

在经历了企业保障向社会保障的转轨以及城乡居民养老保险制度的扩张后,对于人力资源和社会保障的统计覆盖面也在不断地扩大。社会保障制度的完善,城市的经济转型,民生与和谐社会建设等都是需要统计信息以支持相关决策和理论研究。但由于我国人力资源和社会保障制度明显晚于发达国家,社会保障统计指标体系仍待完善,就目前的统计指标体系而言难以满足政府、社会和公众对人力资源和社会保障的认知。因此,加强人力资源和社会保障统计理论体系的构建是我国社会经济发展的重要课题。  相似文献   

为更好地发挥我国人力资源优势,进一步解放和发展生产力,必须统筹机关、企业、事业单位人员管理,整合人才市场与劳动力市场,建立统—规范的人力资源市场,促进人力资源合理流动和有效配置,统筹就业和社会保障政策,建立健全从就业到养老的服务和保障体系。  相似文献   

On the interaction between education and social security   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses an overlapping generations model with endogenous fertility choices to analyze the quantitative costs and benefits of subsidizing higher education, paying particular attention to the interaction between such policy and the sustainability of the social security system. The paper focuses on the demographic change as the mechanism that link both policies. It is found that an increase in education subsidies changes the educational composition of the population and lowers average fertility. Lower average fertility and higher life expectancy of educated individuals translates into changes in the age structure of the population that requires an increase in the social security tax rate in order to balance the pension budget. Such process reduces the welfare benefits of this educational policy since the rise in social security taxes lowers the after-tax lifetime earnings of almost all individuals born in the period of the policy reform and over.  相似文献   

Growth and social security: the role of human capital   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper studies the growth and efficiency effects of pay-as-you-go financed social security when human capital is the engine of growth. Employing a variant of the Lucas model [Lucas, R.E., 1988. On the mechanics of economic development. Journal of Monetary Economics 22, 3–42.] with overlapping generations, it is shown that a properly designed, unfunded social security system leads to higher output growth than a fully funded one. Furthermore, the economy with an unfunded social security is efficient, while the other one is not. These results stand in sharp contrast to those obtained in models where the reason for economic growth is physical capital accumulation.  相似文献   

It has been argued that “paternalistically motivated forced savings constitutes an important, and to some the most important, rationale for social security retirement systems.” This paper revisits the role played by myopia in generating a theoretical rationale for pay-as-you-go (PAYG) social security in dynamically efficient economies. If the competing asset is linear storage and myopic agents are allowed to borrow against future pension benefits, there is no welfare-rationale for PAYG pensions. Sufficiently strong myopia may justify such pensions only if agents cannot borrow against their future pension, but then they are at a zero-saving corner. With enough myopia, co-existence of positive optimal pensions and positive private saving is possible if the return to saving declines with saving, as in a model with a neoclassical technology.  相似文献   

One challenge for planners is to discover conditions under which a society has a positive and growing “net worth” in terms of its human resources and to bring about and maintain those conditions. We discuss the utility and validity of the concept of people as “assets” or “liabilities”, the structure and cultural contexts for a proposed model of the dynamics of value that account for opportunity costs; and links between information technologies and human resources management, including planned development of these resources.  相似文献   

社会保障的新理念与中国农民扶持性社会保障体制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国的市场化改革使广大的中国农民直接暴露在现代市场经济风险下,而家庭联产承包制的实施又使改革开放前与计划经济体制相适应的保障体制无法运转,这样,中国广大农民成为了现代市场经济中最没有保障的弱势群体。因此,建立农民社会保障体系的意义重大。中国农民社会保障体制迟迟没有建立的原因有二:其一,传统社会保障理念仅考虑到其工具价值,忽视了其目的价值;其二,农民的组织化程度低,导致他们在社会利益分割过程中没有谈判地位。从建立农民社会保障体制的双重价值出发,建立保障农民生存权和基本发展权的农民扶持性社会保障体制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Life expectancy, human capital, social security and growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We analyze the effects of changes in the mortality rate upon life expectancy, education, retirement age, human capital and growth in the presence of social security. We build a vintage growth, overlapping generations model in which individuals choose the length of education and the age of retirement, and where unfunded social security pensions depend on workers' past contributions. Social security has a positive effect on education, but pension benefits favor reductions in retirement age. The net effect is that starting from a benchmark case, higher life expectancies give rise to lower per capita GDP growth in the presence of social security as the share of the active population is reduced. In addition, higher social security contribution rates reduce the growth rate of per capita GDP.  相似文献   

人权中最首要的、最基础的是生存权.加大财政对社会保障的投入,使社会保障有坚强稳定的资金支持,有利于从根本上维护我国公民的基本生存权,从而为我国的人权事业和构建和谐社会提供经济和制度保障.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper studies the normative problem of redistribution between individuals who differ in their lifespans. We discuss aspects related to the objective function and argue that aversion to multiperiod inequality should be taken into account. Then, we study the properties of the social optimum both with full information and with asymmetric information. We highlight the role of aversion to multiperiod inequality and show that it has substantial consequences on the design of Social Security schemes. In particular, we show that for a low (resp. high) aversion to multiperiod inequality, a negative (resp. positive) implicit tax rate on continued activity is desirable.  相似文献   

高校教师人力资源在发挥人力资源本身作用的同时,不断地再造与重塑社会人力资源。作为重要的生产要素,在为社会经济发展做出贡献的同时,重要的是她能够也应该引领社会的先进文化、选择与传承优秀的人类文明,从而区别于其他生产要素而为社会和谐与科学发展具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

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