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This paper shows that in an open two‐sector economy, centralization of wage setting may be important in determining the employment (and welfare) effects of different monetary targets. By disciplining unions in the sectors open to international trade, exchange rate targeting yields higher employment than inflation targeting when wage‐setting is more centralized in the open sector than in the shielded sector. When wage‐setting centralization is higher in the shielded sector, we show that general price‐level inflation targeting, while better than exchange rate targeting, is inferior to an inflation target that focuses more heavily on shielded sector prices.  相似文献   

Throughout the first nine months of 1976 the Australian economy has remained virtually stagnant, with output and employment increasing only marginally and unemployment rising also. With the government following a severely contractionary policy in an attempt to break inflation the economy seems poised for a further modest downturn in the next nine months so that a self-sustaining recovery from the current recession does not seem to be in prospect before the second half of 1977. On the basis of existing policies our forecasts indicate a rate of growth of real GDP of only about 1.0 per cent in 1976–77, implying a further significant rise in unemployment during the financial year. There have been some hopeful signs in recent months of a reduction in inflation — the consumer price index increases in the first three quarters of 1976 were modest and wage rate increases remain closely in line with the wage indexation guidelines — but three factors have emerged to cast doubt on whether this improving trend will continue. The first is the effect of the recent drought on prices of foodstuffs, particularly meat, and the second is the expected 1.5 to 2.0 per cent increase in the consumer price index as a result of the changes in the method of financing hospital and medical services. These two factors mean that the December quarter increase in the consumer price index may be more than 5 per cent, threatening a further stimulus to inflation in 1977. Thirdly, present government policies could easily lead to a breakdown of the wage indexation system and a return to some form of collective bargaining over wage rates. Assuming nevertheless, a de facto continuation of partial indexation in 1977, we expect increases in male award wages and male average earnings of about 13 per cent during 1977, these increases being similar to those during 1975 and 1976 but much below the increases of 36 per cent and 28 per cent respectively recorded during 1974. Our forecasts also indicate increases in the consumer price index of 14 per cent during 1976 and 11 per cent during 1977, following increases of 16.3 per cent and 14.0 per cent during 1974 and 1975 respectively. These forecasts indicate that the government's fiscal, monetary, exchange rate and wage policies are likely to come under heavy challenge early in 1977, and decisions taken at that time are likely to be major determinants of economic developments in Australia in the next few years. The Institute would again urge a shift to a co-operative package including full wage indexation, with cuts in indirect taxes and public sector charges to wind down inflation and expand the economy. On current indications, labour productivity will be no higher in 1976–77 than in 1973–74, because of the weakness of total output, so that the whole burden of wage increases in that three year period has fallen on unit costs of production. It is our belief that the twin problems of inflation and unemployment will only be defeated in Australia when both cuts in indirect or direct taxes and increases in productivity are applied to reducing inflation in the context of an orderly system of wage and price determination.  相似文献   

The existence of downward nominal wage rigidity (DNWR) has often been used to justify a positive inflation target. It is traditionally assumed that positive inflation could “grease the wheels” of the labour market by putting downward pressure on real wages, easing labour market adjustments during a recession. A rise in the inflation target would attenuate the long‐run level of unemployment and hasten economic recovery after an adverse shock. Following Daly and Hobijn (2014), we re‐examine these issues in a model that accounts for precautionary motives in wage‐setting behaviour. We confirm that DNWR generates a long‐run negative relationship between inflation and unemployment, in line with previous contributions to the literature. However, we also find that the increase in the number of people bound by DNWR following a negative demand shock rises with the inflation target, offsetting the beneficial effects a higher inflation target has on closing the unemployment gap. As an implication, contrary to previous contributions that neglected precautionary behaviour, the speed at which unemployment returns back to pre‐crisis levels during recessions is relatively unaffected by variations in the inflation target.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new interpretation of the Phillips curve that rests on the process of nominal wage adjustment in a multi-sector economy. Nominal demand growth causes inflation in sectors with full employment, but it speeds up the process of employment creation in sectors with unemployment. As a result, demand-pull inflation is associated with both a reduction in the duration of unemployment and the economy wide average rate of unemployment. The paper provides empirical evidence from the US economy consistent with this claim.  相似文献   

Empirical contributions show that wage re-negotiations take place while expiring contracts are still in place. This is captured by assuming that nominal wages are pre-determined. As a consequence, wage setters act as Stackelberg leaders, whereas in the typical New Keynesian model the wage-setting rule implies that they play a Nash game. We present a DSGE New Keynesian model with pre-determined wages and money entering the representative household’s utility function and show how these assumptions are sufficient to identify an inverse relationship between the inflation target and the wage markup (and thus employment) both in the short and the long run. This is due to the complementary effects that wage claims and the inflation target have on money holdings. Model estimates suggest that a moderate long-run inflation rate generates non-negligible output gains.  相似文献   

The problems of price and wage inflation and unemployment are discussed here in a context of a model of class struggle developed by R. M. Goodwin. The basic Goodwin model which is an analog of the Volterra-Lotka preypredator model is extended to include actual and anticipated price inflation and excess capacity. Cyclical behavior of labor's share in national income and the employment ratio is studied around a Harrodian steady state. It is found that the presence of money illusion with respect to the actual rate of inflation in the wage bargaining equation is a stabilizing influence. With respect to anticipated inflation, local stability of equilibrium is no longer assured. The implications of this for Phillips curve analysis are also derived.  相似文献   

The concept of the natural rate of unemployment is central to policy making because it indicates the capability of an economy to increase the growth of employment without increasing inflation. Since it is a nonobservable variable, an empirical counterpart must be estimated. The methodology used is based on a system of simultaneous equations that combines nominal developments (wage and price data) with the structural and institutional features (real data) of the economy. Hence, estimates of the natural rate and potential output which are consistent between themselves are obtained. They are both robust in terms of their relationship to actual wage and price inflation and comprehensive in terms of their underlying structural determinants.  相似文献   

In most of the major world economies the hesitancy evident toward the end of last year has dissipated and the cyclical upswing in economic activity was well advanced by the middle of 1976, with the recovery showing particular strength in the first half of 1976 inthe United States and in West Germany. Even so industrial production had not yet returned, by the end of June 1976, to the previous cyclical peak in any of the major economies. With the OECD countries in aggregate sure to achieve a real growth rate of 4 per cent in 1976, and quite possibly an appreciably higher rate, the attention of many national and international policy makers is turning to ways of moderating the recovery so that inflationary pressures can be minimised. For in spite of the depth of the 1974/75 world recession the outlook for inflation remains threatening, much more so than at the corresponding stage of the previous cycle in 1972. In the twelve months to May 1976 consumer prices rose by 9.0 per cent in all OECD countries and this figure is disturbingly high for the trough of a serious recession. World commodity prices have risen about 35 per cent in dollar terms in the past year; as in the 1973–74 boom the major economies are now moving into an upswing simultaneously, thus compounding possible demand effects on inflation; business investment has fallen sharply in all countries during the recession, and only in the United States is a strong recovery in investment currently in evidence. The rate of growth of wages has however moderated in most countries, reflecting weak labour market conditions, lower consumer price increases and in countries such as United Kingdom and Canada the successful implementation of incomes policies. With output increasing, the rate of growth of unit wage costs has in most cases dropped sharply.  相似文献   

We document the results of a repeat survey, which updates Agell and Lundborg (1995) , on wage rigidity in a sample of 159 Swedish manufacturing firms, conducted during the severe Swedish recession of the 1990s. It is found that not even a prolonged period of very high unemployment and quite low inflation softened workers’ resistance to wage cuts. We discuss possible reasons for this. In addition, we report new evidence on underbidding, efficiency‐wage mechanisms, and unemployment persistence.  相似文献   

In a simple model with a fixed exchange rate, more progressive taxes are likely to lead to a fall in the multiplier for autonomous expenditure. The effect on the multiplier for an autonomous wage shock may go either way, and increased progressivity may change the sign of this multiplier. The wage bargaining is modeled as a trade-off between employment and real disposable income. Depending on them weight attached to employment and the way expectations are formed, more progressivity may contribute to stabilize rather than destabilize this wage formation process. Indexation of taxes to imported inflation seems preferable to alternatives.  相似文献   

In a unionized economy with nominal-wage contracts, the 'natural' (rational-expectations equilibrium) employment level is not invariant with respect to the stabilization rule followed by the monetary authority. This is because alternative monetary policies change the variance of the inflation rate (price level) relatively to the variance of some measure of economic activity (employment level), thereby influencing the trade-off desired by union members between the real wage and the probability of employment. Indeed, a more volatile employment level induces the (risk-neutral) union members to prefer a higher expected real wage.
(J.E.L: E5, J5).  相似文献   

An economy with a non-vertical long-run Phillips-curve defined for employment and the growth rate of real disposable wage is assumed. Steady-state effects of long-run gradual changes in the tax rate and public expenditure are analyzed. The slower the tax rate increases (or the faster it is reduced) the higher the steady-state employment level, the higher the inflation rate, and the larger the trade deficit. An increase in the growth rate of public expenditure has the same effects. A combined reduction in tax increases and public expenditure may increase steady-state employment, reduce inflation and improve the trade balance.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the main labor market risk management strategies adopted by the Chilean Government during the 1999 recession that was initially related to the Asian financial crisis. Their successes and failures can suggest innovative social protection solutions for other countries. It seems that the 1999–2001 labor reforms and a three-year plan to increase the minimum wage intensified the recession’s effects on unemployment. Probit models indicate that households coped with the recession’s effects by increasing wives’ labor supply but not by withdrawing children from schools. The expansion of employment programs probably helped households to adopt these coping strategies.  相似文献   

This article analyses wage flexibility as a factor in the unemployment rate across 12 Euro Area countries. We use extensive evidence pertaining to the countercyclical behaviour of the labour income share ratio to estimate its equilibrium value in the long run. This measure is calculated using a hybrid New Keynesian Phillips curve. Additionally, by using spatial econometrics, we can incorporate into the study the interdependence in the inflation among the countries. As a result, we identify countries that might see an improvement in their employment rates by improving their wage flexibility. We also identify countries with high unemployment that is not a consequence of a lack of wage flexibility.  相似文献   

In this paper we seek to make headway on the question of what recovery from Covid-19 recession may look like, focusing on the duration of the recovery – that is, how long it will take to re-attain the levels of output and employment reached at the prior business cycle peak. We start by categorizing all post-1960 recessions in advanced countries and emerging markets into supply-shock, demand-shock and both-shock induced recessions. We measure recovery duration as the number of years required to re-attain pre-recession levels of output or employment. We then rely on the earlier literature on business cycle dynamics to identify candidate variables that can help to account for variations in recovery duration following different kinds of shocks. By asking which of these variables are operative in the Covid-19 recession, we can then draw inferences about the duration of the recovery under different scenarios. A number of our statistical results point in the direction of lengthy recoveries.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between wage inflation and the unemployment rate in the U.S. economy for the 1964–2014 period by means of a three-regime threshold regression model. The estimated threshold parameters suggest that this relationship changes when the unemployment rate transitions between regimes defined by 5.61% and 7.63%. During mild recessions and their subsequent recoveries, the time-varying estimates of the model indicate a negative relationship between both variables, consistent with the implications of a wage Phillips curve (WPC) derived from the standard New Keynesian model with staggered wage setting in Galí (2011). However, we find that this relationship breaks down during deep recessions and their recovery periods, which explains the difference between wage inflation predicted by standard New Keynesian models and the observed low wage growth in the aftermath of the ‘Great Recession’. This finding and the fact that statistical tests strongly favor our three-regime model suggest that linear and two-regime models are insufficient to account for all the variability in the relationship between wage inflation and unemployment.  相似文献   

Using the variation across space, age and sex and the variation across space and sectors, we analyse the relationship between the minimum wage and (un)employment growth in 2015. We use difference‐in‐differences specifications and instrument the bite of the minimum wage by the lagged bite. The results provide stable evidence that a higher minimum wage bite is related to a higher growth rate of regular employment. We also find stable evidence that a higher minimum wage bite is related to a lower growth rate of marginal employment. These results are consistent with a transformation of marginal to regular jobs. The relationship to total employment is slightly positive in our preferred specification but insignificant or negative in others. For unemployment, we find a positive relationship between the bite of the minimum wage and unemployment growth in our preferred specification but insignificant or negative results in others.  相似文献   

Employment growth in manufacturing is limited by output growthin this sector, but the elasticity of employment with respectto output has varied widely in different regions and economies.This paper focuses attention on the idea that a major determinantof employment elasticity is the way the fruits of output growthare divided between employment growth and wage growth. But beforewe are able to determine the quantitative dimension of the trade-off,we have to allow for two other factors which affect the sizeof the cake available to labour in real terms. These are: (i)the elasticity of the wage bill with respect to output, whichdetermines the trend in the share of labour; and (ii) the priceeffect, depending partly on the rate of inflation and partlyon the movements of producer prices relative to consumer prices.A simple decomposition procedure is outlined in the paper whichallows us to quantify the relative importance of these factors,and hence give a clearer idea of the labour market outcome leaningto one or other of the two interests, employment growth andreal wage growth. The empirical analysis for different regionsof the world is carried out on time series data for the manufacturingsector collected by UNIDO from the national surveys of membercountries for the decades of the 1970s and the 1980s.  相似文献   

This paper investigates entry under a unionized oligopoly when entry and wage negotiations are sequential. We find the incumbent has incentives to raise the wage, which strengthens the bargaining position of the union relative to the entrant at subsequent negotiations and thus discourages entry. We show that entry is more likely to be deterred (accommodated) if the union is wage (employment) oriented and that raising unemployment compensation during recession not only reduces the burden of the unemployed but also induces new entry, creating more employment opportunities. However, during a business boom, reducing unemployment compensation is a better policy.  相似文献   


The Paper develops a two sector full employment general-equilibrium model for a small open developing economy, with both male and female labor. One sector produces low-skilled export commodity while other sector produces high skilled import competing commodity. The effects of world-wide economic recession on gender wage inequality have been examined in such an economy. The analysis concludes that low demand for high skilled commodity and/or low volume of foreign direct investment due to recession may aggravate the average gender wage inequality in the economy.


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