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9月27日.历时三天、备受业界瞩目的2007中国互联网大会圆满落下帷幕。其间9月25、26日.Adworld2007中国网络广告与互动营销年会隆重举行。与诸多行业交流会议有所不同的是.主办方在DCCI互联网数据中心支持之下.发布了2007年网络广告市场监测与受众测量阶段性的最新调研数据,为参会各方、互联网与网络广告业界的交流互动.提供了立体多维的观察视角和判断依据。本刊特选出几组最新调研成果.以飨读者。[第一段]  相似文献   


The effect of investing in online advertising on a firm’s financial outcomes can depend on whether or not the development and implementation of advertising campaigns are managed by advertising agencies. Agencies may have experienced professionals or workload to perform these jobs, but the costs are greater. This paper aims to investigate the effects of investments in digital marketing on the financial outcome of a company’s services, comparing whether or not it is outsourced to advertising agencies. The secondary data relates to services advertised and marketed by a firm. We tested the possible moderating effect of outsourcing the service in the relationship between investment in online advertising (Google and Facebook) and return on sales (profit margin), by controlling the effect of covariates. Through four regression analyses, the results showed that outsourcing the service moderates the relationship. Specifically, the higher the amount of advertising investment, the more it pays to outsource the service to an advertising agency in order to generate greater profit margin. But with a low investment value, it does not pay to outsource. This study helps to identify situations in which it pays to outsource digital marketing services to an advertising agency.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing popularity of online streaming television (OTV), there is little information regarding how perceptions of the new medium differ from traditional television (TV) viewership. The research employed online interviews among young adult viewers of OTV and traditional TV to determine whether young adult consumers (aged 18–34) regard advertising viewed within online TV programming differently than they regard advertising viewed within traditional TV programming. While advertising has long been accepted by American consumers as a necessary element of most mass communication, this research suggests that viewers of OTV programming do not regard advertising as a means to subsidize the cost of online content. Rather, young adults appear to regard advertising as an intruder in the OTV environment. Furthermore, the results indicate that Ducoffe's Advertising Value model (1995) does not predict attentiveness to advertising viewed within the OTV context. Therefore, while OTV advertising may be held to a higher creative standard than traditional TV advertising, there is no indication that entertainment value contributes to an improved attitude toward advertising in the OTV environment.  相似文献   

Literature on the informative role of advertising indicates that advertising quantity can serve as an indicator of product quality. As product life cycles grow shorter, firms in many industries spend significant amounts on advertising during the prelaunch period to create large initial demand. Thus, the role of prelaunch advertising may differ from that of postlaunch advertising, and a proper understanding of these differences is important. This study provides an empirical investigation of whether advertising is a reliable indicator of quality before and after product launches, using the data from the movie industry. Analyses of 1078 movies released during 2003–2011 show that postlaunch advertising is a reliable quality indicator and increases revenues, whereas prelaunch advertising is not a reliable quality indicator, even if it leads to higher revenues.  相似文献   


Recognizing the rapid growth of fashion marketing efforts in Muslim consumer markets, this article aims to investigate attitudes towards fashion advertising between Muslim millennials from two countries of diverse advertising environments. The conceptual framework used for investigation was adapted from an existing framework for attitudes towards advertising. A sample of young millennials (n?=?1,691) responded to a questionnaire-based survey measuring items related to beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors towards fashion advertising, in addition to religiosity and fashion consciousness. Analysis of hypothesis testing was performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Findings revealed that beliefs towards fashion advertising may be grouped into positive and negative factors which influence attitudes towards fashion advertising. Additionally, fashion consciousness also influences Muslim millennials’ attitudes towards fashion advertising. This article also examined the diversity of Muslim millennials in terms of religiosity, gender, and advertising environment on beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors towards fashion advertising. Analysis of group comparisons was done after establishing measurement invariance in Multi-group Confirmatory Analysis (CFA). Differences in attitudes towards fashion advertising across religiosity, gender, and cross-national groups illustrate the diversity within Muslim millennials. These differences are explained in terms of differences in antecedent positive and negative beliefs. This article contributes to the literature of attitudes towards advertising by illustrating the influence of gender, religiosity, and advertising environment on attitudes towards fashion advertising in diverse Muslim markets.  相似文献   

The existence of the academician–practitioner gap is readily acknowledged and widely discussed in the marketing/advertising literature. This paper analyses key writings on the nature of the academician–practitioner rift and proposes a new approach complementing the literature. The review identifies five prevailing explanations why miscommunication between academicians and practitioners exists: (1) the failure of academic knowledge dissemination systems; (2) problems with the knowledge content and knowledge form academicians produce; (3) counterproductive academic organisational systems; (4) questions of philosophy of science; and (5) practitioners’ inability and unwillingness to process academic information. The study concludes that one potential explanation is entirely missed in these accounts: the possibility that practitioners’ knowledge about how advertising works is an autonomous construct, which has its own rules and deep structure, and resists simple assimilation attempted by academicians. The study also complements the existing literature by basing the review on firm theoretical grounds: the authors apply the influential sociological theory of professionalisation. Finally, future directions for research investigation are suggested, which moves the predominantly normative discourse into the empirical world.  相似文献   

This study is designed to investigate the effect of gay-themed advertising as well as consumers’ gender, tolerance towards homosexuality (low vs high tolerance) and consumers’ brand commitment (low vs high commitment) on attitude towards ad and attitude towards brand. The study result suggests that people exposed to non-gay-themed ads had more positive attitudes towards the brand than did people exposed to gay-themed ads. The study findings suggest that ads featuring homosexual imagery could lead to negative brand evaluation. The study finds that heterosexual males exposed to such ads had less favourable attitudes towards the advertising and brand as well. The study finds that subjects with high tolerance towards homosexuality have more positive attitudes towards the ad and brand, and have higher purchase intention than do subjects with low tolerance. Furthermore, the results suggest that people with high brand commitment had more favourable attitudes towards ad and brand. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Quantitative Marketing and Economics - Paid media expenditures could potentially increase earned media exposures such as social media posts and other word-of-mouth (WOM). However, academic research...  相似文献   

Under the efficient market hypothesis, the stock price incorporates the full value of a firm’s advertising. If so, advertising spending should not be associated with future abnormal stock returns. Nevertheless, from 1995 to 2015, advertising spending often leads to abnormal stock returns the following year. The strongest results surface for consumer goods and services where advertising used to build brand equity can carryover from one year to the next. No significant differences arise for healthcare, industrial goods, or retailer advertising. Healthcare and industrial goods advertising is often modest. Retailer advertising that builds traffic should have little if any carryover into the following year. These results may help marketing managers defend an advertising budget whose benefits carryover into the following year, but hurt current profits. Having more investment analysts on Wall Street with a marketing background should help reduce this overly conservative “wait and see” discount for carryover advertising.  相似文献   

Many have speculated about the current state of Internet advertising (IA), how it compares to advertising in general (GA), and its implications for traditional marketing models and practices. Although many estimates exist regarding who uses the Internet as well as guidelines about how best to design IA, little is known about Internet users’ attitudes toward IA, much less what characterizes these attitudes. To test this, a national sample of over 400 participants with at least some exposure to the Internet was surveyed. The results revealed no majority opinion of IA: approximately a third of respondents liked, disliked, and felt neutrally toward IA, respectively. A regression analysis indicated that enjoyment of looking at Internet advertisements, its informativeness, and its utility for making behavioral (purchasing) decisions contributed to participants’ attitudes toward IA. Enjoyment of looking at IA contributed the most to attitudes toward IA, yet at the same time appears to be one of IA's weakest features. In order to assess whether attitudes toward and perceptions of IA might reflect attitudes toward advertising in general by this demographic group, rather than attitudes toward IA per se, responses were compared to those of a demographically weighted-to-match national sample of over 1,000 who answered similar questions in regard to advertising in general. The results indicate that more respondents found IA to be informative and trustworthy than a demographically similar sample found GA. Even though the attitudes and perceptions of IA and GA were significantly different, the structure of GA and IA attitudes was the same. Implications for the design of IA are discussed.  相似文献   

Scanning from the earliest to the recent literature on international advertising research, this study aimed to provide a more comprehensive and detailed picture of the research trends and patterns across the advertising, marketing, and communication disciplines over the past half century. Findings exhibit continuous growth in terms of the quantity of international advertising studies. While theoretical foundations need to be further solidified and elaborated, methodological and statistical rigors have been increasingly underpinned in international advertising research. Further, this study recognized authorial and institutional productivity, and influential articles in the field of international advertising research. The finding indicates that scholarly endeavors are necessary for diversity of countries studied in future research.  相似文献   

内测的时候,我的第一张卡片就是在地煞洞打到的,所以从那个时间我就认定地煞洞是自己练级的福地。后来发现,地煞洞适合各个职业的玩家,对所有人来讲都是练级打宝的圣地。2 5级以前,如果你不知道哪里是最合适你的地方,去地煞洞绝不会有错。地煞洞共分两层,一层入口在东都道(27,277),二层入口在一层(7,215)。怪物从9级到20级不等,各职业无论单练还是组队,都有不菲的经验,危险程度也不高,是游戏前期聚集玩家最多的地方,无论级高级低都可以在这里找到练级对象,可以说是各职业25级前最合适的练级点之一。一层:土偶精(9~11级)、水偶精(9~13级)、戏水狐(11~15级)、妖狼(15~19级)。主要练级点集中在一层至二层的路上,从起点到第一个岔路口,这里是偶精的  相似文献   

如今,植入式广告已经成为各个商家提升知名度的有效方式。网龙网络首次将网络游戏广告植入到电影当中,引起了人们的普遍关注。  相似文献   

This paper explores selection and retention factors as perceived among agencies and clients operating in the Polish advertising industry. Initially, a broad review of advertising and marketing literature is presented in the context of those variables perceived to be important for (a) selecting/evaluating ad agencies, and (b) maintaining client loyalty and client retention. Two ad agencies and two advertisers in Poland were approached in order to explore and evaluate the variables in more depth, and as a result 15 key variables emerged that became the focus for the study. A questionnaire was designed and a postal survey was later administered to advertisers and agencies with the intentions of obtaining the views of both parties. Emerging findings of the study indicate that clients tend to focus on sales pitch and factors relating to past performance in recruiting an agency. Results also reveal that there was a close consensus among agencies and their clients concerning the relative importance of retention factors such as quality of service and customer care attributes.  相似文献   

以下是我当药师的心得,并不一定适用于每个人,只是说出来让大家参考参考。基本配备:紫河歇建议配备:光魔法全满,冥思全满,法术命中率全满,法术成功率全满,施法干扰全满,加法回装备。  相似文献   

《百战天虫online》是款不错的休闲游戏。可爱幽默的造型设定,简单易懂的操作系统,功能多样的道具武器,轻松诙谐的rap音乐都充分地标明游戏的宗旨。这样的Light game形式可以带给习惯于在腥风血雨中冲杀的玩家不同的感受吧……但是,刚刚所说的优点并不代表着成功。到底,《百战天虫》已经是几年前流行过的游戏了,在系统以及画面几乎不变的情况下做成的online game想吸引更多的玩家仅靠“怀旧”二字是不行的。而同类游戏(比如《疯狂坦克》)又挤占了大量市场。对于一些新玩家来说,《疯狂坦克》反倒是成了更加有历史的东西。这样看来,《百战天虫》想要真正风靡起来的难度还是颇大的。让我们来看看,《百战天虫online》的特点吧。首先,既然做成了online  相似文献   


This exploratory paper analyses the way in which context influences advertising creativity practices. To establish the role of context, this paper utilized both Social Identity theory and Systems Model of Creativity. Twenty four in-depth interviews with top creative directors of the main advertising agencies in Colombia (Latin America) were collected. Findings suggest the Colombian creative identity is under construction. This identity is influenced by the broader Colombian social context including the unique business characteristics of the country's communications industry, the level of economic hardship experienced by the population, and the actual social conflict lived situation. These findings extend the Systems Model of Creativity to include social hardships and industry level characteristics. Several practical implications not only in relation to Colombia, but also the broader global advertising industry are presented.  相似文献   

This study develops a conceptual framework of advertising intrusiveness that extends previous research on the topic by examining both drivers and consequences. To achieve this, the work draws on in-depth interviews with 29 adult consumers who report experiencing intrusive advertising in their daily lives. Three drivers of advertising intrusiveness are identified – temporal disruption, visual disruption and flow disruption – along with three consequences – emotional response, behavioural response and cognitive response. From these drivers and consequences, a conceptual framework of advertising intrusiveness is developed based on ideas about psychological reactance. Based on this framework it is proposed that, while all advertisements might ultimately be perceived as intrusive, an advertisement’s characteristics, which are the identified subcomponents of the drivers of intrusiveness, exacerbate the resultant consequences.  相似文献   

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