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This paper proposes a new model accounting for the delayed effect of monetary policy shocks on output. The key feature of the model is to distinguish a variety of margins (i.e., inventory adjustments, hours per worker, efforts and employments) on which firms adjust output in response to macroeconomic shock. When these multiple margins are properly introduced to an otherwise standard modern monetary business cycles model, the interplay between inventory adjustments and the one-period lag in adjusting employment can produce the hump-shaped response of output to monetary shock. Given the weak evidence on habit formation at household level found in Dynan (2000) Dynan, K. (2000). Habit formation in consumer preferences: evidence from panel data. American Economic Review, 90 (3), 391406. doi: 10.1257/aer.90.3.391[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and Flavin and Nakagawa (2008) Flavin, M., &; Nakagawa, S. (2008). A model of housing in the presence of adjustment costs: a structural interpretation of habit persistence. American Economic Review, 98, 474495. doi: 10.1257/aer.98.1.474[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], therefore, this paper provides an alternative explanation for the delayed effect of monetary policy without relying on the habit formation.  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively analyzes the impact of money stock on optimal monetary and fiscal policy in a stochastic production economy with sticky prices. The numerical results indicate that a sufficient large quantity of money makes a noticeable difference in many aspects of optimal monetary and fiscal policy. They suggest that the volatile inflation in China may not be as bad as the existing theory would have implied if its large amount of money is taken into consideration.  相似文献   

货币政策是否应关注资产价格——基于货币稳定的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
货币稳定是一个伴随着货币交易范围扩展而不断拓展的概念,资产交易规模使资产价格波动能严重影响货币稳定和社会福利,因此,货币稳定应当包括资产价格稳定。利用中国1998-2009年月度、季度数据,以及协整检验、误差修正估计和方差分析等方法研究后得出:资产价格与传统通货膨胀指标现值及预期值存在联动性、与经济运行中的货币存量具有显著的数量解释关系,资产价格通过影响消费、投资等经济因素冲击着货币政策效果;货币政策对维护包括资产价格在内的货币稳定并非无能为力,经验表明资产价格往往对货币政策调整做出积极反应。因此,货币稳定指标应根据传统通货膨胀指标和资产价格指标综合计算,即货币政策应根据资产价格传导机制,精确分析资产价格与货币中介目标的关系,准确采取政策工具。  相似文献   

In this article, we develop an empirical framework to show the importance of money during the Great Moderation, while accounting for the fact that monetary policy was exclusively conducted through interest rates. We estimate the impulse response functions and forecast error variance decomposition derived from a structural VAR with a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator–based lag selection. The variance decomposition suggests that a substantial component of macroeconomic variation has been driven by shocks to the money market, which were not only unintended by the Federal Reserve, but worse passed unnoticed allowing those shocks to accumulate over time.  相似文献   

Martin Ademmer 《Applied economics》2018,50(34-35):3787-3797

Business investment in the euro area strongly declined during the Global Financial Crisis and the Sovereign Debt Crisis. It has not yet rebounded to its pre-crisis trend despite the very expansionary monetary policy measures of the ECB. We analyse the sluggish recovery in business investment in the euro area and the role of monetary policy in three steps. We investigate the main factors that have impeded business investment since the Global Financial Crisis. We empirically analyse how business investment has developed compared to typical patterns during other financial crises. Based on these results, we then discuss how effective monetary policy has been in stimulating business investment since the Global Financial Crisis. We conclude that business investment in the euro area has developed broadly in line with typical post-crisis patterns. Monetary policy significantly contributed to stabilize business investment at the beginning of the crises. In the aftermath of the crises, however, there seems to be little scope for monetary policy to further stimulate investment.  相似文献   

The authors argue that the institutional dimension of the Bankof England monetary policy and the role the UK HM Treasury assumesin this framework are both firmly based on the New Consensusin Macroeconomics (NCM). This is also the theoretical frameworkupon which the inflation targeting element of monetary policyis firmly based. This paper discusses these aspects of UK monetarypolicy, and then assesses the policy that has been pursued since1997 (with some reference made to the period between 1992 and1997 when a version of the framework was introduced). The strategyhas been successful in terms of keeping UK inflation rates withinthe targets set by HM Treasury. However, a number of problematicissues are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

De Loecker, Eeckhout, and Unger document that since 1980 aggregate markups in the U.S. economy have significantly increased from 21% above cost to 61% now. In light of this evidence, this paper revisits optimal fiscal and monetary policy recommendations of standard New Keynesian models and shows that under empirically relevant calibrations of market power they radically change: the optimal inflation rate becomes significantly positive and its optimal volatility sharply rises. Moreover, inflation behaves like a random walk in response to unexpected fiscal shocks. Thus, price stability ceases to be the optimal policy outcome.  相似文献   

H. Louri 《Applied economics》2013,45(1):255-261
The paper reports an attempt to estimate the role of Greek monetary policy in inventory investment in manufacturing. Interest and inflation rate expectations exercise a significant influence. Expected fluctations in the exchange rate, for the first time examined, are of major importance especially for stocks of raw materials which are mostly imported. Being strongly affected by monetary variables, inventory investment can play a major role as a transmission channel of monetary policy changes to the Greek economy.  相似文献   


In response to the affirmation by certain authors and critics of a recent return to an interest-rate policy that, in their opinion, resembles a throwback to the nineteenth century theory of monetary policy on interest rates, I pose the question of the difficulties of interest-rate policy in a retrospective analysis beginning with the current that founded the short-term interest rate policy within classical analysis and by focusing my discussion on several key authors (Thornton, Banking School, Bagehot, Wicksell, Keynes, contemporary authors such as Woodford). To this end, I study the importance that the interbank money market plays for these authors, which determines the target rate for the central bank.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on the role played by monetary policy in the transmission of oil shocks to the US economy. We show that for the period since 1986, oil shocks have had a negative effect on stock returns, regardless of whether the oil shock is defined as the percentage change in the price of oil or a nonlinear transformation of that series. We then demonstrate that there is no relationship between the reaction of individual stock prices to oil shocks and to monetary policy shocks. This implies that oil shocks do have effects on the economy beyond their effect on monetary policy. We conclude that systematic monetary policy is not as effective as suggested in some previous studies.  相似文献   

周建  赵琳 《财经研究》2016,(2):85-96
文章采用动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型研究了中国货币政策实施时不能忽略的人民币汇率波动特征。文章构建了人民币汇率波动与中国货币政策及其宏观经济系统影响机制的理论模型,并在模型参数校准的基础上进行了政策模拟。研究结果表明,较大的人民币汇率波动会在一定程度上减弱中国货币政策的调控效果,但是对每个变量冲击响应的影响程度有所不同。较大的人民币汇率波动将显著干扰货币政策对宏观经济需求的调控,人民币汇率升值波动幅度较大时,货币政策对需求变量的调控作用会减弱,但不会影响相关需求变量在不同时点的冲击响应走势特征。较大的汇率波动会减弱利率上行对出口的负面影响,有利于缓解货币政策对出口的负面冲击,但会导致贸易条件(出口价格和进口价格的比值)进一步恶化。  相似文献   

应对资产价格波动的货币政策选择与均衡框架构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资本市场的快速发展,使资产价格波动与货币政策效果之间的关联性不断加大.货币政策是否应当和应该如何对资产价格波动作出反应,多年来吸引了众多学者和货币政策制定者的高度关注.综合已有的理论实践和我国货币政策操作的现实,虽然目前资产价格还不具备作为我国货币政策独立调控目标的条件,但是有必要将其作为货币调控的辅助监测指标纳入中央银行货币政策操作的视野.央行应尽快建立与资产价格监测相关的指标体系,形成考虑资产价格波动因素的货币政策传导机制,构建均衡实体经济与虚拟经济的货币政策操作框架.  相似文献   

文章通过构建包含零利率下限约束的D SGE 模型,系统探讨了存在零利率下限时外生不利冲击对经济的影响。研究结果表明:(1)当名义利率触及零利率下限时,宏观经济和金融体系的不稳定性和脆弱性会显著增加,外生不利冲击对产出、通胀、信贷等经济变量的影响也会明显放大。(2)当存在零利率下限时,传统泰勒规则已无法有效稳定经济,最优的货币政策规则不仅应盯住产出缺口和通胀缺口,还应对资产价格和信贷给予重点关注并做出适度反应。(3)货币政策更适于保持产出缺口和通胀缺口的稳定,但难以有效减缓房价和信贷的波动。只有将逆周期监管的宏观审慎政策和货币政策有效搭配,才能保证经济系统和金融系统的全面稳定。为了应对不利冲击,我国应进一步完善宏观审慎监管框架,并将其与货币政策有效搭配以保持宏观经济的全面稳定。  相似文献   

国内学者对中国资产价格和货币政策的相关性进行了大量的实证研究,对货币政策的制定具有一定指导意义。这些研究成果在变量计量、研究方法等方面进行了大量探索,为该领域的理论研究做出了积极贡献。但是目前的成果也存在对中国资产结构、资产市场演变等研究背景考虑不足和成熟计量模型缺失等缺陷。  相似文献   


This article expands on the debate of whether merely controlling inflation can be considered a good outcome in terms of monetary policy, discussing proposals for adopting alternative monetary targets (e.g., price level, nominal GDP), alternative instruments (e.g., monetary finance, central bank digital currencies), for enlarging central banks' mandates (e.g., incorporating employment, wages, inequality, environmental objectives) and for the design of future monetary policy frameworks.

We argue that in the coming years, central banks should not simply maintain their pre-2008 standards by de-implementing unconventional monetary policies. Instead, they must take advantage of their past and recent experiences in order to improve, under an evolutionary perspective, future monetary policy and financial stability frameworks. Based on this, measures implemented since the 2008 crisis would have three possible treatments in new frameworks: i) be discarded, due to their predominantly adverse effects; ii) not be regularly implemented, but be used as backstop mechanisms if needed; iii) be incorporated as regular measures of monetary policy/financial stability frameworks. Accordingly, monetary and financial stability authorities will increasingly need to evolve and engage in a continuously adaptive and innovative process in order to face challenges posed by financial markets that are becoming more dynamic, innovative, complex, interconnected and globalised.  相似文献   

后金融危机时代,美国持续量化宽松货币政策所带来的溢出效应已对中国资产价格调整产生实质性影响;美国货币政策变动后可通过利率和国际资本流入进行传导,能直接引起中国股票市场价格的剧烈波动并间接推动房地产价格的上涨;在中国房地产市场正处于深度调控背景下,美国货币政策的进一步放宽将对中国货币政策的适度紧缩形成强烈制约,使中国资产价格调控面临巨大的风险和隐患。  相似文献   

Since the 2008 global financial crisis, central banks have been using a new set of policy tools in addition to conventional tools (such as short-term interest rates) to conduct monetary policy. This paper employs a methodology that captures 25 of these tools with a limited number of factors for Turkey. Due to a set of factors such as the high volatility of inflation, market-friendly financial architecture and its size, Turkey provides a unique environment to capture these factors and their effects on economic performance. The three factors identified here can be categorized as interest rate, central bank foreign exchange position and liquidity. The empirical evidence reveals that these three factors affect all the economic-state variables considered in the paper in different directions and magnitudes.  相似文献   

This article points to the potential role of monetary policy in affecting the degree of real wage cyclicality. We show that the degree and direction of real wage cyclicality is determined by the interaction of (i) the returns to scale in production, (ii) the nature of aggregate shocks and (iii) monetary policy. Given that production technology is fairly constant in the short run, we suggest that variations in the real wage – output covariance depend largely on the combination of the latter two. Identifying well-documented monetary policy phases in six major Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries and accounting for both aggregate demand and supply shocks, we provide empirical evidence to support our main theoretical claim.  相似文献   

货币政策的制定和实施离不开科学原则作指导,但货币政策的实时决策又是极其复杂的,需要中央银行家的审时度势和敏锐判断,也即货币政策的艺术性。详细分析了货币政策科学性和艺术性的具体表现,认为货币政策的科学性与艺术性在实践中是难以分割和同等重要的,好的货币政策总是需要好的政策实施者,需要将科学性原则与中央银行家们的决策艺术完美地结合起来。  相似文献   

Using a post Keynesian model, this study aims to analyze the stabilizing role of fiscal and monetary policies in an open economy with a managed exchange rate regime. The real exchange rate is modeled as an endogenous variable and inflation explained using the conflicting claims approach. The dynamic properties of macroeconomic equilibrium are evaluated in different regimes of fiscal and monetary policies. The main result of this study suggests that the preferred policy regime is the one in which economic authorities are complementary and fiscal policy plays an explicitly active role. In this regime, the fiscal policy must commit to the target for the rate of capacity utilization and the monetary authority must commit to the inflation target.  相似文献   

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