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This paper constructs an aligned global economic policy uncertainty (GEPU) index based on a modified machine learning approach. We find that the aligned GEPU index is an informative predictor for forecasting crude oil market volatility both in- and out-of-sample. Compared to general GEPU indices without supervised learning, well-recognized economic variables, and other popular uncertainty indicators, the aligned GEPU index is rather powerful and can provide preponderant or complementary information. The trading strategy based on the aligned GEPU index can also generate sizable economic gains. The statistical source of the aligned GEPU index’s predictive power is that it can learn both the magnitude and sign of national EPU variables’ predictive ability and thus yields reasonable and informative loadings. On the other hand, the economic driving force probably stems from the ability for forecasting the shocks of oil-related fundamentals.  相似文献   

We use high-frequency intra-day realized volatility data to evaluate the relative forecasting performances of various models that are used commonly for forecasting the volatility of crude oil daily spot returns at multiple horizons. These models include the RiskMetrics, GARCH, asymmetric GARCH, fractional integrated GARCH and Markov switching GARCH models. We begin by implementing Carrasco, Hu, and Ploberger’s (2014) test for regime switching in the mean and variance of the GARCH(1, 1), and find overwhelming support for regime switching. We then perform a comprehensive out-of-sample forecasting performance evaluation using a battery of tests. We find that, under the MSE and QLIKE loss functions: (i) models with a Student’s t innovation are favored over those with a normal innovation; (ii) RiskMetrics and GARCH(1, 1) have good predictive accuracies at short forecast horizons, whereas EGARCH(1, 1) yields the most accurate forecasts at medium horizons; and (iii) the Markov switching GARCH shows a superior predictive accuracy at long horizons. These results are established by computing the equal predictive ability test of Diebold and Mariano (1995) and West (1996) and the model confidence set of Hansen, Lunde, and Nason (2011) over the entire evaluation sample. In addition, a comparison of the MSPE ratios computed using a rolling window suggests that the Markov switching GARCH model is better at predicting the volatility during periods of turmoil.  相似文献   

To improve the predictability of crude oil futures market returns, this paper proposes a new combination approach based on principal component analysis (PCA). The PCA combination approach combines individual forecasts given by all PCA subset regression models that use all potential predictor subsets to construct PCA indexes. The proposed method can not only guard against over-fitting by employing the PCA technique but also reduce forecast variance due to extensive forecast combinations, thus benefiting from both the combination of information and the combination of forecasts. Showing impressive out-of-sample forecasting performance, the PCA combination approach outperforms a benchmark model and many related competing models. Furthermore, a mean–variance investor can realize sizeable utility gains by using the PCA combination forecasts relative to the competing forecasts from an asset allocation perspective.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of regime switching in the prediction of the Chinese stock market volatility with international market volatilities. Our work is based on the heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model and we further extend this simple benchmark model by incorporating an individual volatility measure from 27 international stock markets. The in-sample estimation results show that the transition probabilities are significant and the high volatility regime exhibits substantially higher volatility level than the low volatility regime. The out-of-sample forecasting results based on the Diebold-Mariano (DM) test suggest that the regime switching models consistently outperform their original counterparts with respect to not only the HAR and its extended models but also the five used combination approaches. In addition to point accuracy, the regime switching models also exhibit substantially higher directional accuracy. Furthermore, compared to time-varying parameter, Markov regime switching is found to be a more efficient way to process the volatility information in the changing world. Our results are also robust to alternative evaluation methods, various loss functions, alternative volatility estimators, various sample periods, and various settings of Markov regime switching. Finally, we provide an extension of forecasting aggregate market volatility on monthly frequency and observe mixed results.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of oil futures price information on forecasting the US stock market volatility using the HAR framework. In-sample results indicate that oil futures intraday information is helpful to increase the predictability. Moreover, compared to the benchmark model, the proposed models improve their predictive ability with the help of oil futures realized volatility. In particular, the multivariate HAR model outperforms the univariate model. Accordingly, considering the contemporaneous connection is useful to predict the US stock market volatility. Furthermore, these findings are consistent across a variety of robust checks.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a combination of asymmetry and extreme volatility effects in order to build superior extensions of the GARCH-MIDAS model for modeling and forecasting the stock volatility. Our in-sample results clearly verify that extreme shocks have a significant impact on the stock volatility and that the volatility can be influenced more by the asymmetry effect than by the extreme volatility effect in both the long and short term. Out-of-sample results with several robustness checks demonstrate that our proposed models can achieve better performances in forecasting the volatility. Furthermore, the improvement in predictive ability is attributed more strongly to the introduction of asymmetry and extreme volatility effects for the short-term volatility component.  相似文献   

We analyze the relation between volatility and speculative activities in the crude oil futures market and provide short-term forecasts accordingly. By incorporating trading volume and opening interest (speculative ratio) into the volatility dynamics, we document the subtle interaction between the two measures of which the volatility-averse behavior of speculative activities plays a considerable role in the market. Moreover, by accounting for structural changes, we find significant evidence that this behavior currently becomes weaker than in the past, which implies the oil futures market is less informative and/or less risk-averse in recent time period. Our forecasts based on these features perform very well under the predictive preferences that are consistent with the volatility-averse behavior in the oil futures market. We provide discussions and policy inferences.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the Basel II Accord, and given its huge implications for credit risk management, the modeling and prediction of the loss given default (LGD) have become increasingly important tasks. Institutions which use their own LGD estimates can build either simpler or more complex methods. Simpler methods are easier to implement and more interpretable, but more complex methods promise higher prediction accuracies. Using a proprietary data set of 1,184 defaulted corporate leases in Germany, this study explores different parametric, semi-parametric and non-parametric approaches that attempt to predict the LGD. By conducting the analyses for different information sets, we study how the prediction accuracy changes depending on the set of information that is available. Furthermore, we use a variable importance measure to identify the input variables that have the greatest effects on the LGD prediction accuracy for each method. In this regard, we provide new insights on the characteristics of leasing LGDs. We find that (1) more sophisticated methods, especially the random forest, lead to remarkable increases in the prediction accuracy; (2) updating information improves the prediction accuracy considerably; and (3) the outstanding exposure at default, an internal rating, asset types and lessor industries turn out to be important drivers of accurate LGD predictions.  相似文献   

Forecasting customer flow is key for retailers in making daily operational decisions, but small retailers often lack the resources to obtain such forecasts. Rather than forecasting stores’ total customer flows, this research utilizes emerging third-party mobile payment data to provide participating stores with a value-added service by forecasting their share of daily customer flows. These customer transactions using mobile payments can then be utilized further to derive retailers’ total customer flows indirectly, thereby overcoming the constraints that small retailers face. We propose a third-party mobile-payment-platform centered daily mobile payments forecasting solution based on an extension of the newly-developed Gradient Boosting Regression Tree (GBRT) method which can generate multi-step forecasts for many stores concurrently. Using empirical forecasting experiments with thousands of time series, we show that GBRT, together with a strategy for multi-period-ahead forecasting, provides more accurate forecasts than established benchmarks. Pooling data from the platform across stores leads to benefits relative to analyzing the data individually, thus demonstrating the value of this machine learning application.  相似文献   

This study used dummy variables to measure the influence of day-of-the-week effects and structural breaks on volatility. Considering day-of-the-week effects, structural breaks, or both, we propose three classes of HAR models to forecast electricity volatility based on existing HAR models. The estimation results of the models showed that day-of-the-week effects only improve the fitting ability of HAR models for electricity volatility forecasting at the daily horizon, whereas structural breaks can improve the in-sample performance of HAR models when forecasting electricity volatility at daily, weekly, and monthly horizons. The out-of-sample analysis indicated that both day-of-the-week effects and structural breaks contain additional ex ante information for predicting electricity volatility, and in most cases, dummy variables used to measure structural breaks contain more out-of-sample predictive information than those used to measure day-of-the-week effects. The out-of-sample results were robust across three different methods. More importantly, we argue that adding dummy variables to measure day-of-the-week effects and structural breaks can improve the performance of most other existing HAR models for volatility forecasting in the electricity market.  相似文献   

Using monthly data from 1973 through 2020, we explore whether it is possible to improve the accuracy of one-month ahead log-aggregate equity return realized volatility point forecasts by conditioning on various nonlinear crude oil price measures widely relied on in the literature. When evaluating the evidence of unconditional relative equal predictive ability as specified in Diebold and Mariano (1995), we observe that similar to well-known economic variables, such as the dividend yield, the default yield spread and the rate of inflation, we rarely observe evidence of statistical gains in relative point forecast accuracy in favor of the crude oil price-based models. However, when evaluating the evidence of conditionalrelative equal predictive ability as specified in Giacomini and White (2006), we observe that contrary to well-known economic predictors, certain nonlinear crude oil price variables, such as the one-year net crude oil price increase suggested in Hamilton (1996) offer sizable point forecast accuracy gains relative to the benchmark. These statistical gains can also be translated into economic gains.  相似文献   

In this paper, we employ partial- and multiple-wavelet coherence analyses to examine co-movement between international stock markets by considering the influence of crude oil in a time domain perspective. Overall, we find that crude oil is a major factor driving co-movement between international stock markets in the median and long term. However, when considering the oil-importing and oil-exporting countries differently, we still find that crude oil is a driver for interdependence between oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. In contrast, the crude oil has relative lower impact on the co-movement in oil-importing or in oil-exporting countries, which indicates its co-movement is caused by other factors. In addition, Gulf Cooperation Council stock market may lead the stock markets of oil-importing countries in the long term. Our empirical results provide meaningful information for investors and policymakers.  相似文献   

In this article, we provide a structured review of crude oil price dynamics. Specifically, we summarize evidence on important factors determining oil prices, cover the impact of oil market shocks on the macro economy and the stock market, discuss how the financialization of crude oil markets affects oil market functionality and efficiency, and we then outline approaches for forecasting crude oil prices and volatility. By comparing the results of the most influential early contributions and recent studies, we can identify important developments and research gaps in each field. Thus, our review provides academics and practitioners newly engaging in crude oil research with an overview of what scientists know about crude oil dynamics and highlights which topics areparticularly promising for future research.  相似文献   

We examine the multifractal scaling behavior and market efficiency of China’s clean energy stock indexes using an asymmetric multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (A-MFDFA) and then investigate the tail correlation between this index and the crude oil market via an asymmetric multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis (A-MFDCCA). First, we reveal that the overall, upward and downward trends of the clean energy stock indexes all have significant multifractal characteristics. The clean energy stock market is far from efficient regardless of whether the fluctuations are small or large. In addition, both upward and downward fluctuations exhibit considerable asymmetry. The significant gap between the downward and overall trends indicates that the downward trend following small-scale fluctuations implies weaker efficiency for investors. Furthermore,based on the sliding market deficiency measure (MDM),we find that the change in efficiency in the three trends significantly depends on the length of the window. In the short term, there is no significant efficiency difference among these three trends; however, in the long term, the asymmetry in the upward and downward trends has gradually increased,especially after December 2018. The results demonstrate that bear markets can offer considerably more opportunities for obtaining excess profits. Finally, we reveal that the cross-correlation between the trends of crude oil prices and low-carbon indexes exhibits significant multifractal characteristics. When the crude oil market is in a bull market or the low-carbon energy market is in a bear market, especially in a larger-scale fluctuation, investors should pay attention to the long-term influence of the counterparty market and carry out a hedging operation to avoid risks.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(2):100788
By analyzing the daily realized volatility series calculated from intraday stock price observations, this study examines the direct causality between one-day-ahead aggregate stock market volatility and several economic and financial indicators in the Korean market, a leading emerging market. Using the predictive regression and superior predictive ability tests, we find that the model-free implied volatility index (VKOSPI) and stock market indicators both lead the daily market volatility. However, daily economic indicators provide no predictive information beyond that contained in historical volatility. Though in-sample causality does not guarantee a better out-of-sample forecasting performance, the VKOSPI and combinations of predictors exhibit significant predictive ability regardless of the time period. Our study verifies the information role of the VKOSPI as an indicator of daily market risk.  相似文献   

We use a unique set of prices from the German EPEX market and take a closer look at the fine structure of intraday markets forelectricity, with their continuous trading for individual load periods up to 30 min before delivery. We apply the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) in order to gain statistically sound insights on variable selection and provide recommendations for very short-term electricity price forecasting.  相似文献   

Volatility forecasts are important for a number of practical financial decisions, such as those related to risk management. When working with high-frequency data from markets that operate during a reduced time, an approach to deal with the overnight return volatility is needed. In this context, we use heterogeneous autoregressions (HAR) to model the variation associated with the intraday activity, with distinct realized measures as regressors, and, to model the overnight returns, we use augmented GARCH type models. Then, we combine the HAR and GARCH models to generate forecasts for the total daily return volatility. In an empirical study, for returns on six international stock indices, we analyze the separate modeling approach in terms of its out-of-sample forecasting performance of daily volatility, Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall relative to standard models from the literature. In particular, the overall results are favorable for the separate modeling approach in comparison with some HAR models based on realized variance measures for the whole day and the standard GARCH model.  相似文献   

We explore the tail dependence between crude oil prices and exchange rates via a dynamic quantile association regression model based on the flexible Fourier form. This method allows us to describe the quantile dependence between conditional distributions of assets. We first perform simulation exercises to gauge the estimation precision of our model. We then undertake empirical analyses to examine the dynamic relation between crude oil and nine exchange rates. We reveal a mildly symmetric tail dependence between these two assets but it increases sharply during the Great Recession of 2008. Further robustness check substantiates the baseline results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates both the static and dynamic relationships between daily crude oil returns and US dollar exchange rate returns using a test for symmetrical exceedance correlations and two mixture copulas. Empirical results demonstrate that the exceedance correlations between oil and exchange rate returns are both positive and symmetrical, indicating that the two return rates move in the same direction and that the relationship between them is symmetrical for the upper and lower quantiles. The crude oil-exchange rate relationship is sensitive to the sample period investigated. Before the 1998 financial crisis, exceedance correlations are close to zero, showing almost no correlation between the oil and exchange rate markets. However, the positive co-movement has significantly increased since the 2008 financial crisis. Furthermore, Kendall's tau coefficients of two symmetrized copulas greatly increase after the 2008 financial crisis, revealing that the probability of both returns moving in the same direction is higher than it is in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

This study is the first attempt to examine the extreme risk spillovers between Malaysian crude palm oil (CPO) and foreign exchange currencies of the three largest CPO importers: India, the European Union and China throughout the global financial crisis. Using daily data of three currencies, CPO spot and futures from 2000 to 2018, our results show: First, before the crisis, the unexpected change in foreign exchange rates is the primary driver of risk spillover to the CPO market. Second, during the crisis, the extreme movement of CPO spot returns is dominant in the Malaysian exchange rates relative to the euro. Third, after the crisis, the spillover flows from the CPO market to the foreign exchange market. Overall, our findings show the importance of CPO pricing dynamics in mitigating foreign exchange risk over the crisis period. This paper contributes to the extant literature by recognizing the effect of risk spillover on the targeted foreign exchange rate for portfolio allocation.  相似文献   

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