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In theory, time series models can provide more accurate predictions than econometric models. However, time series models do so by introducing bias. To marketing managers who are interested in planning as well as forecasting, lack of bias is more important than accuracy. 相似文献
Scanlon WF 《Fund raising management》1980,11(10):34-7, 42
Citing both current and early contributors to the field of fund raising and public relations, the author asserts in this paper that the need for effective communication is just as great in the non-profit sector as it is in business. Attempts must be made to gain public support and to educate the community of the function, obstacles, achievements, and goals of a nonprofit agency. 相似文献
对滴滴而言,与其说因顺风车事件引起的安全整改像是个暂停符,不如说是一个反思的黄灯,让滴滴警醒,但并未停下脚步柳青在网络综艺《七嘴八舌吐滴滴》中,狠狠自黑了一把。打滴滴打不到车,确实这个问题很多人都在吐槽。特别是高峰期,乘客呢,觉得我们把司机给藏起来了。司机呢,觉得我们把乘客给藏起来了。我就奇了怪了,你们觉得我们把他们给藏哪了呢?柳青在节目中说。 相似文献
<正>有的病人或家属心情不好就拿电梯司机撒气,我们的管理人员改变了原来说教的办法,改为每天的晚例会带着这帮开电梯的小姑娘做游戏、跳绳、唱歌,通过文体活动来缓解她们工作的压力。2014年4月10日,光大置业有限公司(下简称光大置业)通过公开的市场招投标程序,接到空军总医院物业服务中标通知书。作为公司空军总 相似文献
F Xavier Molina-Morales M. Teresa Martínez-Fernández 《Entrepreneurship & Regional Development》2013,25(6):503-524
The expansion of globalization has led to the relocation of many industrial activities. In particular, this process has affected industrial districts in the traditional industries. However, different districts vary in their capacity to retain activities. The robustness of industrial districts and, in consequence, their capacity to retain core activities at home and thus avoid painful relocations can be analysed by means of the relational capital developed at the district level. The relational structure within the district affects and determines the capacity of innovation of the district firms. This paper analyses the extent to which innovation depends on the amount of relational capital developed at the district level. We have addressed this proposition using internal human mobility, shared vision and trusting co-operation as indicators of the amount and quality of relational capital. In order to support theoretical propositions we have conducted empirical research comparing different industrial districts in the Valencian region of Spain. Research findings suggest a significant association between social capital variables and innovation outcomes. In consequence, these factors can facilitate retaining activities in districts. 相似文献
“经济增长的质量比速度更重要”——经济学家厉以宁谈企业、社会的和谐与发展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业与和谐社会 记者:厉教授,十六届四中全会提出构建社会主义和谐社会.您认为,企业家应如何在构建和谐社会中发挥应有的作用? 相似文献
谁知,等爸爸从大院转悠回来,就告诉王中军:“你要想当兵明天早上就可以走,十号楼的史叔叔明天早上回部队,他说你要愿意去他就把你带去,去他们部队。” 相似文献
科尔尼经理Jochen Hauff参加了2009年12月在哥本哈根举行的联合国气候变化大会.全世界都关注着这场国际性大会,每个人都期盼通过此次会议人类能取得重大进步,具体的、实质性的成果能够实现.毫不夸张地说,整个地球的重量仿佛都落到了这座北欧小城上.但在所有该说的都说了该做的都做了之后,我们却发现此次哥本哈根会议的成果并没有达到大多数人预期的效果.笔者认为,比哥本哈根会议对气候变化的影响更大的是企业具体行动的落实. 相似文献
A bstract . During the 1970s, Congress created a new statutory foundation for public land management by the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management. The stated goal was to establish a rational administrative process for resolving the demands of competing users. Economists argued that public land decisions therefore must be made through comprehensive application of benefit-cost and other economic methods. The hopes to ground public land management in economic analysis, however, were not realized. It would have required a radical change in the politics of the public lands, including a large loss of influence among historically dominant groups, and there was no powerful constituency to make that happen. By the 1980s, moreover, the environmental movement was promoting ecosystem management as a replacement for traditional multiple-use management. In place of economic benefits, ecosystem management substituted biological goals that could not effectively be captured by economic methods. This article offers a case study of the failure of professional economic analysis to have much impact in many real-world government settings. 相似文献
从历史上看.每次经济或者金融危机都要经过W型的反复,从危机到经济真正复苏时间长则10年,短则3年,很少因为打了“兴奋剂”而使危机在一年半载间就能平复的,否则日本就不会出现“失去的10年”乃至“失去的20年”了,也不会出现二次世界大战的德国诱因。在不同时期,各类经济体走出危机的方式由于外在经济条件和内在经济结构不同,也多种多样。 相似文献
Antibody testing is a non-pharmaceutical intervention – not recognized so far in the literature – to prevent COVID-19 contagion. I show this in a simple economic model of an epidemic in which agents choose social activity under health state uncertainty. In the model, susceptible and asymptomatic agents are more socially active when they think they might be immune. And this increased activity escalates infections, deaths, and welfare losses. Antibody testing, however, prevents this escalation by revealing that those agents are not immune. Through this mechanism, I find that antibody testing prevents about 12% of COVID-19 related deaths within 12 months. 相似文献
别因为担心少赚银子,就撒谎说自己的食品绝对不含“苏丹红”,更不要弄些“假疫苗”来糊弄可怜的鸡,——那比禽流感更可怕! 相似文献
While Entrepreneurial behavior involves starting and running a new venture (Gartner, 1988), it seems that Academic entrepreneurial behavior (AEB) is somewhat unique as it extends beyond a focus on startups to include both commercial and non-commercial activities (Abreu and Grinevichb, 2013). Additionally, AEB is influenced by both financial and non-financial rewards (Lam, 2010). Despite these differences, studies of AEB have typically focused primarily on academics who have participated (or intend to participate) in a university spinout, as if all academic entrepreneurs are birds of the same feather. Expanding the unit of analysis to also include academics not participating in commercial activities could provide insights for the development of AEB. An in-depth qualitative analysis of 30 life science academics in Australia indicates the presence of four distinctive categories of AEB: non-entrepreneurial, semi-entrepreneurial, pre-entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial. More interestingly, the same academic can exhibit different AEB in relation to different research project(s) and depending on the available support mechanisms (particularly financial). Our findings suggest that AEB is not necessarily driven by opportunity recognition, and research on the topic must consider other factors beyond the individual academic, such as the project and funding mechanisms. 相似文献
文章对《企业会计制度》中新增加的“实质重于形式”的原则如何在融资租赁、收入的确定、计提坏帐准备的范围和比例及存货期末计价等方面的实施进行了分析和探讨。 相似文献
《Journal of Operations Management》2014,32(6):337-346
When do short lead times warrant a cost premium? Decision makers generally agree that short lead times enhance competitiveness, but have struggled to quantify their benefits. Blackburn (2012) argued that the marginal value of time is low when demand is predictable and salvage values are high. de Treville et al. (2014) used real-options theory to quantify the relationship between mismatch cost and demand volatility, demonstrating that the marginal value of time increases with demand volatility, and with the volatility of demand volatility. We use the de Treville et al. model to explore the marginal value of time in three industrial supply chains facing relatively low demand volatility, extending the model to incorporate factors such as tender-loss risk, demand clustering in an order-up-to model, and use of a target fill rate that exceeded the newsvendor profit-maximizing order quantity. Each of these factors substantially increases the marginal value of time. In all of the companies under study, managers had underestimated the mismatch costs arising from lead time, so had underinvested in cutting lead times. 相似文献