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在人们追求与他人有着明显差别的独特商品的过程中,出现了消费的“个性”演化。忍时,以计算机和因特冈普及为标志的信息革命为大众和层阶市场转变为个性市场提供了技术和经济性支持,使得消费者和网络营销商共同参与商品构思与销售方案成为可能。大众和层阶营销模式也演变为网络营销模式。  相似文献   

在人们追求与他人有着明确差别的独特商品的过程中,出现了消费的"独我"演化。同时,以计算机和因特网的普及为标志的信息革命为大众和层阶市场转变为"独我"市场提供了技术和经济性支持,使得消费者和网络零售商互动共同参与商品构思与销售方案的提出、改进和实现活动,大众和层阶营销模式演变为网络零售模式。  相似文献   

网络时代,由电脑操作系统、软件、通信、因特网所带来的信息革命有使许多趋势逆转的潜力。单个人不同的需求将凸现于标准化、单一的“大众需求”之上,并成为商家努力追求的对象。不同的打有消费者个人烙印的产品将成为某个消费者区别他人、感觉自我存在及独特的外在标志。因此,未来个性化营销在其市场细分、营销信息系统、产品和价格等方面都有其独特内容和发展趋势,因而成为网络时代主流营销模式。  相似文献   

21世纪,随着市场的进一步扩张和深化,买方市场形成,消费者的主体地位日益突出,传统的大众营销模式已不能很好地适应个性化消费时代的要求,企业必须更新营销观念,转变传统的营销模式。我国企业如何真正满足顾客个性化需求以提高顾客满意度与忠诚度,如何利用信息技术降低成本以获取竞争优势成为企业发展的关键。一对一营销理念以顾客份额为核心,强调要以多种方式提高顾客份额,将企业的管理重心由产品转变为顾客,以适应追求个性消费的市场需求。  相似文献   

王妙 《中国市场》2007,(22):54-56
要走出当前中国百货商场的经营困境,必须从实践出发,研究现代商场的“深度营销”,即抓住“深”字做营销。强化商家和消费者之间的深层次沟通,确立赢得顾客“心度”最大化的营销目标;注重商场营销赢力的铸造,增强应对市场环境变化的“适应度”;强调实施商场营销的“精耕细作”策略,要求营销活动的全过程和全方位都要追求“精度”;强调实施商场营销的“特色打造”策略,在打造商品、服务、环境和品牌的特色上敢创“新度”。  相似文献   

个性化营销:营销新纪元   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
强海涛  蒋缨 《商业研究》2002,(21):107-108
营销管理的理论与战略需要随着市场的变化和营销实践的发展而不断地完善。随着新世纪的来临,营销管理人员开始采用一种策略把他们与客户的关系建立在一种“个人主义”或我们常称的“个性化”的基础上。这种策略的核心内容是按特定客户的个人需要来定制商品和服务,而不是为所有客户提供同一种商品或服务。基于个性化的重要性,它应与产品、价格、渠道、促销、人员、物质财富、计划等一起作为营销组合的元素,形成新的营销组合,即8Ps。  相似文献   

浅谈企业实施文化营销的重要意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪的竞争,将是文化的竞争。文化与营销有着密切的关系。文化营销是把商品作为文化的载体,通过市场交换进入消费者的意识,这种营销模式是以文化创造和文化渗透为手段,在一定程度上反映了消费者对物质和精神追求的各种文化要素,对企业的营销活动具有重要的指导意义,已经为越来越多的企业所重视。  相似文献   

李小芡 《财贸研究》2008,19(3):149-150
一、数据库营销是传统营销理论的新发展数据库营销(Database Marketing,DBM)源起20世纪70—80年代美国的直接信函及广告协会,最早是从产业市场营销领域中的“直复营销”和“关系营销”两个概念发展而来,是从大众化营销向精细化营销转变的结果。传统大众化营销以产品为中心,追求  相似文献   

崔自三 《光彩》2022,(11):44-45
<正>WF以企业及品牌为中心,运用个性化营销模式,先带动身边的圈层入股或消费,再通过他们向外辐射,实现了“小盘”带动“大盘”的营销效果在消费时尚的年代,消费者越来越追求具有个性化、情感化的商品,而不再满足于一般的大众化商品。客户消费观念从理性消费走向感情消费,呈现出主观、个性化和善变等特点。尤其是随着现代信息技术的发展,交易成本大大降低,同时也使得企业与顾客之间的实时互动成为可能,个性化营销成为了具有竞争力的营销方式。  相似文献   

发展型旅游消费与营销创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生活水平的迅速提高,旅游者已经不再满足于传统的旅游消费模式,人们消费的目的逐步向追求享受型、舒适型的方向过渡。旅游俨然已成为现代社会人们的一种生活方式。科学发展观与大众旅游消费合理的结合给旅游市场带来了契机,但同时又对旅游市场的营销提出要求。由此,发展与旅游消费相适应的创新型营销方式已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

Health concerns about overconsumption of large portions apply to a wide range of highly calorific foods and drinks. Yet, amongst all products, sugar-sweetened soft drinks and especially sugared soda are the ones which seem to raise the most ire because they contain little or no nutritional value beyond their sugar content and because of the way that vendors encourage excessive consumption by pricing jumbo-size portions to look like bargains while making smaller portions appear overpriced. This paper considers the logic of such extreme value size pricing and reveals why this marketing practice can harm economic welfare beyond public health concerns. The paper shows why policy interventions, including portion cap rules and soda taxes, seeking to reduce portion sizes and curb the consumption of large-size sugary drinks might fail when they do not fully take into account or appreciate the strategic responses that vendors might adopt to retain value size pricing.  相似文献   

Much of the existing literature on market orientation emphasizes the role played by the competencies of companies in selling products. However, in industries that rely on a natural resource sector for its primary input, another constraint may dominate: the limitations on supply of that input. We examine this issue in the context of a particular natural resource sector, the fishery, as a case study of the more general phenomenon. Using the example of Norway's apparent lack of market orientation as a supplier of fresh fish, the paper demonstrates how the characteristics of natural resource sectors as well as how public policies are used to manage those sectors may place significant roadblocks in the way of developing a market orientation by the industries that depend on those sectors for raw material. The paper notes that there has been an increased consumer demand for fresh fish, away from the frozen product. This, in principle, should lead to an increased need for a market orientation by sellers and closer relationships between the primary processors and the distributors of fresh seafood. However, several barriers, including those associated with fishery management, hinder this process. These include the presence of a structure where earnings from fishing are independent of quality, the seasonality of supplies in the raw fish markets, the way fish quotas are managed, the structure of first hand sales, and the underdeveloped relationships between supermarkets and the primary processors. In short, the analysis identifies critical linkages between fishery management and the marketing of seafood. Its broader contribution is to increased understanding of the interdependencies between the marketing of natural resource-based products and public management of that resource.  相似文献   

《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(3-4):151-170
Customer service is an important competitive weapon in international markets becuase of its ability to acquire and retain overseas customers (especially intermediate firms) and, thus, enhance companies' revenues. Customer service is especially critical when foreign vendors are perceived as offering similar products at comparable prices, and purchasers have doubts about suppliers' willingness to carry out various post-purchase responsibilities. This paper reports the results of a study of the customer service programs of 151 U.S. non-service companies with international operations in five or more foreign countries. Sixty-nine firms responded to their customer service efforts in international markets and 81 addressed domestic customer service programs, allowing for comparisons to be made between international and domestic customer service operations. The study's results indicate that copmanies realize the importance of customer service in marketing to international customers, yet customer service for international markets is not considered to be appreciable more important than it is for domestic ones. Much similarity in perceptions about international and domestic customer service programs being in place. Whether this similarity occur from a careful analysis of domestic and international markets or simple expediency is uncertain.  相似文献   

Open source software (OSS) is a dramatically disruptive force in the software industry. While businesses see OSS succeeding, many of them have trouble gleaning the lessons that can be learned from the OSS phenomenon, since OSS development appears to be far removed from traditional business practices and principles. A major observation resulting from our research on OSS products is that OSS product development is not only enabling innovations by its users, but also providing a structure for them to back-propagate into OSS products, a process that enhances compatibility in OSS products and presents a low-cost solution to the more general problem of servicing highly segmented markets. We argue that this innovation management process carries important insights for both commercial software vendors and companies outside the software industry.  相似文献   

Produce marketers who participate as farmers market vendors or otherwise directly market their goods should understand not only the location-related characteristics that affect consumer selection of local, fresh produce but also the product attributes that consumers prefer to find in local products. Understanding attribute-price relationships will allow marketers to better plan for value-added marketing opportunities. Using a hedonic pricing model, this study analyzed the influence that product attribute levels have on prices for seven types of produce: sweet corn, tomatoes, cantaloupe, cucumbers, green beans, bell peppers, and zucchini. Based on data collected from Missouri farmers markets, multiple attributes affect produce price variation. In the dataset, one of the strongest effects was exerted by sale location. The importance of this finding is that prices can be collected in a single location and extrapolated to other farmers market locations, which implies reduced search and reporting costs in collecting representative farmers market produce prices. Additionally, a higher weight may increase prices for some types of produce but decrease prices of others after a certain point. Farmers market vendors, as well as other direct marketers, can use attribute pricing information to identify the quality attributes that consumers prefer.  相似文献   

文章基于1251位城市居民在早市摊贩、农贸市场、超市和社区便利店这四种生鲜农产品购买渠道的选择行为基础上,以主观感知效用为理论框架,使用Multinomial Logistic模型,分析了影响选择的产品效用、购买效用和其它效用,结果发现:四种渠道的选择相互独立;在产品效用中,安全卫生和新鲜程度对超市和社区便利店的选择具有显著的影响,而新鲜程度显著影响了居民选择农贸市场和早市摊贩,价格因素与四种渠道都是显著相关的;在购买效用中,购买环境和农贸市场具有正相关关系,距离便利与农贸市场和社区便利店显著正相关,距离便利店和早市摊贩显著负相关;居民个人的性别、年龄、学历、家庭人口数和所在行业等因素也影响了渠道选择  相似文献   

周树文 《中国市场》2008,(23):125-126
园区农产品有别于一般的农产品,根据其特点可以为其制定出相应的营销策略。综合性大型超市是园区农产品销售的主要形式,农村集贸市场也是园区农产品的主要销售渠道。我国农村集贸市场存在一些问题,我们要积极应对,找出解决农村集贸市场问题的对策。  相似文献   


Purpose: This study examines the role of product development capability for transforming marketing intelligence activities into firm performance on industrial markets.

Methodology/Approach: The authors apply structural equation modeling to analyze survey data from 342 industrial manufacturing companies.

Findings: Results reveal that sales integration and holistic macroeconomic view are particularly important features of the marketing intelligence capability on industrial markets to gain additional insights in order to develop products successfully. Results also reveal that product development capability transforms the marketing intelligence activities into firm performance on industrial markets.

Research Implications: This study offers new insights on marketing theory by extending and concretizing the concept of market orientation to a broader concept of the marketing intelligence capability for industrial markets. Further, this research reveals that the product development capability serves as a mediator to business performance.

Practical Implications: This study’s systematic and tangible outline of the dimensions of marketing intelligence and its link to the product development capability helps firms to better understand how to capitalize on market orientation’s potential values.

Originality/Value/Contribution: This research (a) reveals the relevant dimensions of marketing intelligence on industrial markets and (b) shows how the product development capability tranforms marketing intelligence activities into firm performance on industrial markets.  相似文献   

Concern has been expressed as to how obesity is framed as an individual responsibility easily solved with common sense. Such research has questioned the appropriateness of a size-based emphasis to public health. Moving away from the emphasis on the individual, this paper critically reviews consumer marketing techniques in the presentation of portion sizes, given what is known about human cognitive and physical limitations around food choice. Through a micro study of portion size in three products, cereals, cereal bars and yogurts, claims are made regarding marketing techniques of obfuscation in portion size presentation that at a macro level link to earlier critiques of marketing mystification. Findings suggest a number of specific obfuscators that could lead to passive overconsumption. The paper concludes that regulators should shift their emphasis away from the individual to examining marketing mystification and techniques of obfuscation. Information presentation should be more appropriate and consistent across brands within a product category.  相似文献   

近年来,旅游产品质量投诉问题作为业界热点而持续升温,困扰着旅行社业。究其原因,从表象来看,旅行社业竞争加剧导致的产品同质化竞争,引起了价格战,使旅游产品质量下降。深层次的原因在于随着中国步入信息化社会及消费者的日益成熟,传统的旅行社业服务模式已无法满足以顾客为导向的营销理念的需要。因此,要全方位变革旅行社业服务模式,将信息技术导入旅游产品的开发设计、建立适应市场经济特征的垂直分层的营销体系,以战略眼光创建客户关系管理系统。  相似文献   

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