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李艳  李雪 《当代经济》2018,(7):38-39
价格发现功能是期货市场的重要功能之一,本文选取上证50和中证500股指期现2015年4月16日至2017年5月10日的1分钟高频数据,运用MIS模型分析了我国第二批上市股指期货价格发现功能.研究表明,在2015年股灾的影响下两种股指期货均具有价格发现功能.  相似文献   

本文利用沪深300指数和沪深300股指期货当月主合约的5分钟高频数据,采用线性和非线性Granger因果检验方法,对股指期货价格发现功能进行了研究。研究结果表明,在上涨趋势中股指期货收益变化领先于现货市场收益变化,股指期货具备价格发现功能;而在下跌趋势中,股指期货收益与现货收益互为Granger因果关系,股指期货市场收益与现货市场收益存在相互引导的关系。  相似文献   

沪深300股指期货上市后,股市经历了多轮的涨跌,市场趋势的差异可能影响其价格发现功能。将近三年的市场趋势划分为牛市、熊市和震荡市,基于I-S和P-T模型分别对股指期货价格发现功能进行分析发现,不同市场趋势下股指期货对价格发现的贡献度始终处于主导地位;三种市场趋势下股指期货价格发现功能存在细微差异,股指期货价格在震荡市中对信息的灵敏度、对公共因子的贡献度远高于牛市和熊市。  相似文献   

本文采用2008年1月9日至2016年7月31日上海黄金期货价格与上海黄金现货价格数据,运用共同因子度量模型的两种经典方法测算并分析了上海黄金期货和现货市场价格能力,结果表明,相比黄金期货市场,现货市场价格发现能力更强,在价格发现中起主导作用,但近年来,期货市场价格发现能力有所提高.  相似文献   

大商所的棕榈油期货价格发现功能对棕榈油最大进口国的中国来说意义重大。文章回答了"大商所棕榈油期货是否具有价格发现功能"这一疑问。选择代表性强的合约为研究对象,采用ECM模型分三个阶段研究了不同时期我国棕榈油期货市场的价格发现效率。结果发现我国棕榈油期货市场正逐步走向成熟,目前已具备价格发现的功能并且价格发现有效率。  相似文献   

中国期货市场价格发现功能实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取中国期铝数据,借助ADF检验、协整检验、Granger因果检验等方法,研究期货市场铝的价格发现功能。研究发现,上海铝期货价格和现货价格之间存在着长期动态均衡关系。铝期货价格与现货价格之间,只存在显著的单向引导关系,上海铝现货价格显著引导铝期货价格。中国铝期货价格的价格发现机制很不显著。  相似文献   

邵永同  高旺盛 《技术经济》2008,27(11):81-87
为研究我国小麦期货市场价格发现功能的发挥程度及此功能对现货市场价格的影响,本文运用Johansen协整检验、误差修正模型、脉冲响应函数和方差分解等对中美小麦期货与现货价格传递关系进行了实证研究。结果显示:中美两国国内小麦期货与现货价格之间均存在明显的双向引导关系和长期均衡关系;我国小麦期货价格和现货价格对一个标准差信息冲击的反应均稍强于美国;我国小麦期货市场价格发现功能的发挥程度要优于美国。  相似文献   

我国燃料油期货自2004年8月上市以来来,其市场有效性和价格发现功能发挥的水平如何,一直是监管者和投资者十分关心的问题.本文运用动态计量经济方法,从多角度对我国燃料油期货市场的有效性和价格发现功能进行实证分析.结果表明我国燃料油期货市场尚未达到弱式有效;与普氏燃料油现货之前不存在因果关系.  相似文献   

樊玉然 《经济论坛》2010,(10):131-134
价格发现功能是期货市场的重要功能之一。农产品期货市场价格发现功能的充分发挥,对形成正确的现货价格预期,优化农户的生产数量决策和农业生产的资源配置,减缓农产品现货市场的"蛛网震荡",从而抑制投机、维护农户和消费者利益都具有重要意义。经验研究表明,我国农产品期货市场经过规范发展,其价格发现功能已初步显现,但尚未充分发挥。价格发现功能的进一步发挥,需要政府和市场参与者的共同努力。  相似文献   

商品期货价格与现货价格的相互关系一直是学术界研究的热点,但大都基于静态的模型。本文从期货定价的持有成本理论出发,通过误差修正方程构建状态空间模型,利用卡尔曼滤波算法从动态的角度研究了2004-2012年期间我国沪铜期货市场价格发现的贡献。实证结果显示:2004-2012年,我国沪铜期货市场价格发现的贡献随着时间的变化而变化。2004-2008年逐步增强;2008年金融危机后,逐步下滑,到2010年,落后于现货市场;之后又有回升趋势。总体来看,沪铜期货市场在价格发现中处于主导地位,但具有明显的波动性。  相似文献   

基于波动效应与价格发现的期指仿真交易研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用修正的GARCH模型和向量误差修正模型(VEC)将股指期货推出后现货市场波动性的变化和股指期货与现货市场的价格发现功能结合起来进行对比研究发现,期指仿真交易的推出对于现货市场效率的改进确实存在正面的影响。其引入在短期内加大了现货市场的波动,但这一波动正是市场信息流动加速的反映,因而提高了市场信息的传递效率。研究同时也表明,期货价格领先于现货价格,存在由期货市场到现货市场长期的单向因果关系,说明期货价格具有引导现货价格向均衡方向调整的功能,从而在经验上支持了股指期货市场的开放政策。  相似文献   


This study examines the price discovery process and relative efficiency of ten most liquid agricultural commodities’ futures contracts, traded on the largest agricultural commodity exchange of India (National Commodity and Derivative Exchange Limited). Three different common factor methodologies—component share method (Gonzalo and Granger in J Bus Econ Stat 13:27–35, 1995), information share method (Hasbrouck in J Financ 50:1175–1199, 1995), and modified information share method (Lien and Shrestha in J Futures Mark 29:377–395, 2009)—have been employed to determine the extent of price discovery contribution by spot and futures markets. The sample consists of daily data for the period from January 1, 2009 to October 20, 2015. Stationarity and Cointegration test results reveal that spot and futures prices are integrated and cointegrated for all commodities. The price discovery results show that the futures market leads the spot market in case of six commodities, i.e., castor seed, coriander, cottonseed oilcake, soy oil, sugarM and turmeric. Whereas, in the case of four commodities (chana (chickpea), guar seed, jeera, and mustard seed), price discovery takes place in the spot market. Therefore, it could be inferred that futures market is more efficient in price discovery of agricultural commodities. Policymakers could use these results to design futures contracts on other commodities or to plan concrete policies to curb speculation without hampering the efficiency of the agricultural commodity derivatives market.


This paper re-examines the Garbade and Silber (1983) model with the objective of finding out if the crude oil futures market performs the functions of price discovery and risk transfer. The model is estimated, using daily data, as a system of two seemingly unrelated time series equations allowing the coefficients to be time-varying. The empirical results reveal that the futures market performs about 60 per cent of the price discovery function, and that the elasticity of supply of arbitrage services is adequately high for the market to perform the risk transfer function.
(J.E.L: G13, C22).  相似文献   

This paper analyzes two price discovery processes: OLS learning from public information and a Bayesian learning made feasible by futures markets. The former tends to produce cobweb behaviour. In the latter, there is no cobweb, there is a faster convergence to Muth Rational Expectations, and the forecast errors are positively serially correlated The evidence drawn from the Sydney Futures Exchange is consistent with the Bayesian learning process.  相似文献   

中美黄金期货市场价格关系实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对纽约商品交易所和上海期货交易所黄金期货指数收盘价的相关性分析、协整检验、格兰杰因果检验,考察了中美黄金期货价格的关系,分析了中美黄金期货的引导地位,结果表明美国纽约商品交易所黄金期货价格引导中国上海期货交易所黄金期货的价格,继续完善国内黄金市场体系建设,提高中国黄金期货市场的国际影响力和竞争力。  相似文献   

本文论述了开发股价指数期货对我国股票市场发展的作用,并且股市目前已经具备开办股票指数期货交易的基本条件.在开发股价指数期货的过程中,需注意做好股指期货的方案设计、建立风险监管机制、培育良好的市场环境这三方面的工作,以期顺利推出股指期货并使其发挥良好作用.  相似文献   

There is an extant literature investigating the relation between futures price limits and the volatility of futures price changes. An equally impressive number of papers investigates margin levels and their relation with price volatility. Very few papers explicitly model the indirect relation, through volatility, between margins and limits. Brennan's (1986) model is an exception. In his model, price limits help control contract default risk, thereby reducing required margins and ultimately lead to lower transaction costs. The crucial assumption in Brennan's model is the absence of accurate price signals when prices are locked at the limit. The paper extends Brennan's model with more realistic price change distributions that capture the typical characteristics of futures prices such as fat tails and time-varying volatility. It also discusses how learning can occur and how this may affect cost minimising optimality of regulation.  相似文献   

Previous research on price determination for non‐ferrous metals at the London Metal Exchange (LME) suffers from three limitations: first it has employed single equation methods only, which cannot explain the simultaneous determination of spot and futures prices; second, by focusing on current and lagged prices, previous research does not analyse the effect on price determination of critical variables such as expectations, consumption and inventories; third, the outcome of prior research regarding market efficiency is ambiguous. This paper, which addresses these issues, develops a simultaneous model of the copper market at the LME, with representation of the activities of hedgers, speculators and consumers. This model produces post‐sample forecasts of the spot price which outperform conventional benchmarks, thus providing evidence against the efficient market hypothesis. Model‐derived forecasts are employed as the foundation of a trading program which produces risk‐adjusted profits (net of commission costs) for holding periods of one week and one month, thus fulfilling the ‘sufficient condition’ for market inefficiency. This study, therefore, provides new insights into price determination on the LME copper market, and resolves the ambiguity of previous research regarding the efficiency of that market. This is the first application of the model forecasting approach to the question of performance of the market for copper.  相似文献   

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