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熊伟  骆雅洁 《旅游学刊》2012,27(4):71-81
信息技术与酒店业的结合给酒店业带来了新的发展机会.国外有大量的学者致力于信息技术投资与企业生产率及业绩之间关系的研究,但并没有一致的结论.文章通过对广州市高星级酒店的相关调查,获取了第一手数据,借助AMOS软件的验证性因子分析及SPSS软件的相关性分析和多元回归分析功能,以检验信息技术的应用对酒店业绩的影响.结果显示,信息技术“生产率悖论”在高星级酒店业内不存在,前厅应用、客人相关界面应用、餐厅及宴会管理系统及后台应用均对酒店业绩有积极的作用.其中,客人相关界面应用对酒店业绩影响最大,因此应着重投资.文章的结论将为高星级酒店业决定是否战略性地投资于信息技术或集中于某些特定领域提供重要的信息.最后,文章还对研究的局限性以及后续可以开展的研究进行了一定的展望.  相似文献   

The hospitality and tourism industry for a variety of reasons is vulnerable to crises of various origins and scope. Thereby, research regarding crises in this industry has received significant attention among scholars. This study presents the results of a qualitative thematic analysis (TA) of the literature concerning crisis management in hospitality and tourism. A total of 207 research publications from 1986 to 2019 were analyzed. The findings revealed eight major themes that emerged in the literature over time. We critically discuss these themes with suggestions and directions for future research in this area. The study also identifies a shortage of scholarly attempt to conceptualize crisis management and thus explores the sensemaking perspective to shed further light on explaining the themes that emerged in the analysis.  相似文献   

看标题挺乍眼,或许有人以为是写了错别字,其实是有来历的.大约一千五百年前,自东晋隐士陶州明那篇<桃花源记>问世以来,人们就把“世外挑源“作为理想境界.去年我到美国,发现纽约市外的长岛就与这种境界有点类似,故名之以“市外桃源“.……  相似文献   

An excellent market-driven way to successfully implement sustainable tourism in a destination is to find a segment of tourists or potential tourists interested in the unique natural beauty of the destination, willing to preserve it, and who are also highly attractive in terms of high expenditures, long stays, high return rate, high recommendation rate etc. The first step in seeking these visitors is through investigation of sustainable market segments. So far, only a few studies have systematically searched for 'eco-segments'or sustainable tourist groups and described them. This paper reviews the usefulness of such approaches, examines past studies investigating potential target segments and describes the group of summer tourists in Austria who care about maintaining the natural environment. The results suggest that this group of visitors has some highly attractive characteristics and is very large, thus offering a sound basis for additional sustainable niche segment creation.  相似文献   

骆泽顺  林璧属 《旅游学刊》2014,29(12):45-54
实证主义范式的研究无法解决地方依恋形成心理机制这一理论问题。在当前旅游领域研究中,有关实证研究在地方依恋已经形成的理论预设前提下,通过编制相关量表采用自我报告的方法(问卷调查法)来探讨目的地社区居民和游客地方依恋形成的影响因素及其后果行为。至于这两种依恋有何区别、如何形成以及如何指导相应的依恋行为等相关理论问题却鲜有涉及。该研究回溯到心理学中的依恋理论,构建了旅游情境下的内隐-外显地方依恋模型,并得出以下结论:(1)内部工作模式(依恋表征)原理可用以解释地方依恋形成的心理机制;(2)内部工作模式是由一般依恋表征和特殊依恋表征组成的层级结构,前者指导社区居民依恋的形成,后者指导游客依恋的形成;(3)地方依恋存在内隐和外显两种状态。社区居民依恋由内隐状态激发为外显状态去指导其依恋行为,游客依恋从外显状态内化为内隐状态去指导其依恋行为。  相似文献   

The present paper presents the results of a bibliometric analysis of published academic research dealing with restaurants in the fields of hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism. In particular, it aims to identify the structure of relationships between previous and current themes, predict emerging trends and provide a longitudinal perspective on this research, covering the period 2000–2018. This approach provides an exhaustive analysis for the past two decades from over 700 papers.The findings show, for example, that customer satisfaction is the motor theme with the greatest impact and the study of emotions is an underdeveloped theme; interest in healthy eating is witnessing gradual growth; and brand equity, culture and innovation all constitute new research themes. The future of research dealing with restaurants will tend to focus on new emerging technologies, both in the restaurant sphere and in the context of research methodologies.  相似文献   

Drawing on hermeneutic phenomenology in tourism studies as well as Heidegger's concept of being-in-the-world, this paper reveals how tourism can and should be done in a Chinese rural village. This research contributes a contextual interpretation of guanxi in Chinese rural tourism development through an empirical study of a traditional agricultural village in China that has been transformed through tourism development. The paper argues that for the Chinese indigenous residents who are the primary actors engaged in tourism, guanxi is, neither a Confucian political ideal nor an instrumental tool, but the specific manner in which they dwell in their place. It demonstrates how the tourist destination, landscape and managerial regulation have been modified and adapted in a guanxi way. The paper suggests that an emic understanding of guanxi and the roles it plays in tourism participants' daily life is warranted and can provide a more holistic picture of tourism development in rural China.  相似文献   

宜居应宜闲:论现代宜居城市的休闲融入问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宜居城市应该同时是宜闲城市,因为城市居民日益增多的闲暇时间和收入要求宜居城市充分发挥宜闲功能,宜闲是获得城市居民对宜居认同的重要保证,也是国外评选宜居城市的一个重要依据.但宜闲问题在当前我国宜居城市建设和评价中没有得到应有的重视.我们今后在规划与建设宜居城市时,要正确处理好城市居民居住、生产和休闲的关系.要注意将休闲理念融入城市理念,将"乐闲"规划纳入城市宜居规划,将旅游业发展纳入城市产业发展规划,要重点发展社区休闲.让社区休闲承担起城市休闲的主要功能.  相似文献   

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