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One of the factors shaping accounting disclosure of countries in Europe is the EU Fourth Directive (EUFD) which addresses individual company accounts. The EUFD has been claimed to have had an impact on accounting, including accounting disclosure, of not only the EU countries but also non-EU member European countries. Turkey is one of the non-EU member European countries claimed to be influenced by the EUFD and this study examined Turkish companies’ level of compliance with the disclosure requirements of the EUFD over the years (1986, 1987, 1991, 1992 and 1995), and assessed whether companies’ level of compliance had been influenced by their corporate characteristics, such as company size, listing status and industry type.Turkish companies’ level of compliance with the disclosure requirements of the EUFD was measured by an index (i.e. EUFD Disclosure Compliance Index—EUFDCDI). The index was developed by; constructing disclosure scoring sheet; obtaining annual reports of 61 sampled Turkish companies over the years; completing scoring sheet for each companies’ annual report; and creating disclosure index. The index (EUFDCDI) scores was, than, analysed for each year to assess the companies’ compliance with the EU disclosure requirements and both parametric and non-parametric test, were conducted to determine if there were significant changes in the extent of disclosure in compliance with the EUFD over the years. Furthermore, using the companies EUFDCDI score as dependent variable and corporate characteristics as independent variables, the Ordinary Least Square regression was run for each year to find out if the companies’ level of compliance with the EU disclosure requirements were influenced by their corporate characteristics.The results of this study revealed that Turkish companies’ compliance with the required disclosure by the EUFD varied within the range of 30–85%, but their compliance increased significantly from one year to another throughout the selected period. The results further revealed that listing status is one of the important corporate characteristics of the Turkish companies affecting their compliance with the EU disclosure requirements.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between analysts’ earnings forecast errors and firm compliance with the disclosure requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Using a comprehensive disclosure index of selected IFRS for which previous research has indicated significant noncompliance, we develop an unweighted and an innovative weighted measure of IFRS disclosure compliance. We document that forecast error is negatively related to IFRS compliance, and that the magnitude of this effect is larger when controlling for analyst fixed effects. Our findings suggest that compliance with the disclosure requirements of IFRS reduces information asymmetry and enhances the ability of financial analysts to provide more accurate forecasts. Our findings also support the viewpoint that the extent of compliance with accounting standards is as important as the standards themselves. Our results are robust to alternative model specifications.  相似文献   

Prior literature indicates that compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is not complete in many countries. This study examines practice under the Australian version of IFRS by measuring compliance with the disclosure requirements of eight standards. The study focuses on data drawn from the consolidated financial statements of a sample of the top 200 Australian listed companies. To enable a time‐series analysis of compliance over time, this study examines three reporting years: 2006, 2010 and 2014. This research identifies material non‐compliance among Australian companies, finding that some disclosure items appear to be neglected by companies, such as some of the requirements of AASB 137 Provisions. This non‐compliance raises questions about accounting and audit quality in Australia. It may suggest poor regulatory oversight.  相似文献   

The adoption of IASB’s standards has represented, in the European Union, an important effort of harmonization towards the financial reporting comprehensiveness, reliability, relevance and comparability. This paper seeks to highlight the importance of Information Compliance Indexes (ICI), based on the accounting standards, as a proxy for reporting quality awareness. This approach is evidenced through an illustrative example about disclosures on deferred taxes, as required by IAS 12. This standard prescribes the accounting treatment for current taxes, deferred assets and liabilities. These issues are usually perceived by stakeholders as indicators of companies’ continuity and potential future returns. Based on non-financial listed companies of Euronext Lisbon regulated market, with reference to the end of fiscal years 2008 and 2012, an information compliance index was performed, based on that accounting standard. Then, this index was regressed with a set of performance and control indicators. Evidences have provided several statistical significant insights, which corroborate the findings that information compliance and disclosure levels depend from several performance and control indicators.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of accounting disclosure regulation, governance reforms and ownership changes, resulting from privatisation, on mandatory disclosure compliance of a sample of 80 non-financial, listed Jordanian companies for the years 1996 and 2004. Employing two checklists based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) extant in the years 1996 and 2004, we find that disclosure compliance with the IFRS is significantly higher in 2004 than that in 1996. Our multiple regression results indicate that disclosure regulation reforms produced the most significant influence on mandatory disclosure compliance. Further, governance reforms through the mandate of audit committees emerged as a significant determinant of compliance with mandatory disclosure requirements.  相似文献   

We investigate compliance with regulatory requirements by the largest 20 Australian listed firms to disclose key assumptions and major sources of estimation uncertainties. These relate to accounting estimates that require management's judgement in measuring the carrying amount of the entity's assets and liabilities. While we find that firms provide some disclosure, the information is not sufficiently informative to give users meaningful insights. Overall, the level of disclosure falls short of the intentions of the relevant requirements. Our findings suggest that additional guidance may be necessary to improve compliance and thus increase the information value that these disclosures contribute to financial reports.  相似文献   

The presentation of corporate disclosure may be explained by impression management. The relative extent of corporate disclosure may be related to information costs. This paper links these two theoretical perspectives by comparing the extent of voluntary disclosure in companies that have chosen to present a dual language approach to reporting, relative to the disclosure provided by companies choosing to report only in one language. The analysis shows that voluntary disclosure is higher in companies that have higher visibility through dual language reporting and whose investors face higher information costs. The analysis also shows that voluntary disclosure by companies reporting only in one language is associated with domestic visibility in market listing and type of industry, while that of companies reporting in two languages is associated with responding to market pressures.  相似文献   

I exploit a regulatory change that mandated that Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) firms must comply with the reporting requirements of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act. I use this change to examine the association between equity values and financial statement data in voluntary and mandatory disclosure environments. Before the change, disclosure of financial statement information was voluntary for most of these firms. I study firms that initiate SEC filing after the change and classify them as disclosing and nondisclosing based on whether they voluntarily disclosed financial statement information before the regulatory change. In these firms’ initial SEC filings after the eligibility rule, they retroactively disclose financial statement information for the year prior to compliance with the rule. Thus I can observe previously withheld financial data. I find that the choice to voluntarily disclose is negatively associated with firm characteristics related to proprietary costs and with situations in which accounting information plays a less important role in resolving information asymmetry. For nondisclosing firms, I find evidence that equity values reflect financial statement data, even though this information was not publicly available, and that compliance with mandatory SEC disclosure requirements strengthens this association. For disclosing firms, I find evidence that suggests investors viewed their voluntary disclosure of financial statement data as credible and fail to find evidence that compliance with mandatory reporting requirements enhances this association.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the extent of corporate governance voluntary disclosure and the impact of a comprehensive set of corporate governance (CG) attributes (board composition, board size, CEO duality, director ownership, blockholder ownership and the existence of audit committee) on the extent of corporate governance voluntary disclosure in Egypt. The measurement of disclosure is based on published data created from a checklist developed by the United Nations, which was gathered from a manual review of financial statements and websites of a sample of Egyptian companies listed on Egyptian Stock Exchange (EGX). Although the levels of CG disclosure are found to be minimal, disclosure is high for items that are mandatory under the Egyptian Accounting Standards (EASs). The failure of companies to disclose such information clearly shows some ineffectiveness and inadequacy in the regulatory framework in Egypt. Moreover, the phenomenon of non-compliance may also be attributed to socio-economic factors in Egypt. Therefore, it is expected that Egyptian firms will take a long time to appraise the payback of increased CG disclosure. The findings indicate that that—ceteris paribus—the extent of CG disclosure is (1) lower for companies with duality in position and higher ownership concentration as measured by blockholder ownership; and (2) increases with the proportion of independent directors on the board and firm size. The results of the study support theoretical arguments that companies disclose corporate governance information in order to reduce information asymmetry and agency costs and to improve investor confidence in the reported accounting information. The empirical evidence from this study enhances the understanding of the corporate governance disclosure environment in Egypt as one of the emerging markets in the Middle East.  相似文献   

中国证监会要求上市公司在1999年度财务报告中增加披露“扣除非经常性损益后的净利润”信息。由于非经常性损益项目的持续性很低,所以中国证监会的新增信息披露要求能够在一定程度上增加净利润信息的相关性。而从第一次实施结果来看,上市公司选择的、归属于非经常性损益的项目名目繁多,且不尽符合非经常性损益的理论特征;上市公司的披露行为也存在各式各样的不规范情况,因此可靠性和可比性尚显薄弱,有用性有所削弱。  相似文献   

We examine the quality of accounting disclosures by family firms using mandatory and voluntary disclosures as proxies for the quality of disclosure. We find that family firms comply more fully with mandatory disclosure requirements than do non-family firms but they disclose significantly less voluntary information. We also document that the enhanced accounting regulation improves the strength of the association between family ownership and mandatory disclosure compliance. Another important finding is the greater disclosure, both mandatory and voluntary, for firms with high family ownership compared to firms with low family ownership.  相似文献   

The present study examines 153 Greek listed companies' compliance with all IFRS mandatory disclosure requirements during 2005 and complements and extends prior literature in the following way. The unique setting i.e., measuring compliance with IFRS mandatory disclosure requirements during the first year of IFRS implementation, allows for examination of the possibility that the changes in the 2004 shareholders' equity and net income, as a result of the adoption of IFRS, constitute explanatory factors for compliance. Thus, this study hypothesises that, in addition to the financial measures and other corporate characteristics that prior literature identifies as proxies for explaining compliance, a significant change in fundamental financial measures, because of the change in the accounting regime, may also explain compliance based on the premises of the relevant disclosure theories. The findings confirm these hypotheses. This study also makes a methodological contribution on measuring compliance with all IFRS mandatory disclosure requirements by using two different disclosure index methods and pointing out the different conclusions may be drawn as a result.  相似文献   

Disclosure of financial statements is an important topic both for investors and for preparers as disclosure allows investors to understand the application of the accounting principles used by companies. This research examines the 2010 financial statements under IFRS of 189 Italian listed groups and their compliance with mandatory disclosure on intangible assets and presents an in depth empirical analysis of the Italian market—that belongs to the Continental European accounting cluster. Different variables were tested to analyze the compliance with the mandatory disclosure such as size variables, performance variables, financial interest variables and market variables. Many studies on mandatory disclosure are based on one disclosure index method and results are affected by the different approaches used: Cooke's dichotomous approach, Partial Compliance method, weighted and unweighted. In this paper, the decision was taken to run all the previous methods: results show that the only significant variable for all Dscore indexes is the weight of interests on revenues and this result is a distinctive feature of the Italian market where the role of the banking systems is more important than in other countries.  相似文献   

Significant changes in accounting disclosure are observed in periods of economic change such as those relating to emerging capital markets and programs of privatization. Measurement of the level of accounting disclosure should ideally be designed to capture the complexity of change in order to give insight and explanation to match the causes and consequences of change. This paper shows the added interpretive value in subdividing the disclosure checklist to reflect the requirements of national accounting regulations, the location of disclosure items in the annual report, and limitations on the availability of regulations in official translation to the local language. Defining targeted disclosure categories leads to significance testing of specific aspects of changes in accounting disclosure in the Egyptian capital market in the 1990s. Strong correlation of disclosure with the presence of majority government ownership of the company and the relative activity of share trading supports the applicability of political costs and capital need theories, respectively. The relation between International Accounting Standards (IASs) disclosure and the type of audit firm points to additional theoretical explanations, including relative familiarity with the legislation and compliance features identifiable with the emerging capital market. The approach described in this paper has the potential for enhancing understanding of the complexity of accounting change in other emerging capital markets and developing economies.  相似文献   

Corporate mandatory disclosure practices in Bangladesh   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study reports the results of an empirical investigation of the extent of mandatory disclosure by 94 listed companies in Bangladesh. It also reports the results of the association between company-specific characteristics and mandatory disclosure of the sample companies. The results indicate that companies in general have not responded adequately to the mandatory disclosure requirements of the regulatory bodies. It has been found that companies, on average, disclose 44% of the items of information, which leads to the conclusion that prevailing regulations are ineffective monitors of disclosure compliance by companies. Company age appears to be an insignificant factor for mandatory disclosure. And there is little support for industry size as a predictor of mandatory disclosure except where size is measured by sales. Then it is marginally significant. Profitability was also found to have no effect on disclosure. And status, i.e., whether a company is modern or traditional also has no effect on mandatory disclosure.  相似文献   

上市公司会计信息生产和披露质量直接影响了资本市场的稳定健康发展。资本市场会计信息生产和披露存在着一定的供求机理,直接影响了会计信息生产和披露的质量。由于管理主体上的虚化、内控弱化和治理结构上的偏差、会计信息系统的集成和共享性弱以及从业人员素质上的差异,使得上市公司会计信息披露存在着不充分性、非主动性、虚假性和滞后性问题,由此增加了资本市场信息不对称和风险发生的可能。因此,严厉打击资本市场会计信息造假,规范资本市场会计信息披露,需要进一步完善资本市场会计信息披露制度,创新和完善新技术背景下会计准则和会计制度,加强对现有上市公司会计信息生产和会计信息披露标准的制定和使用,提升上市公司会计信息生产和会计信息披露独立审计监督的标准化和规范化水平,加强上市公司会计信息生产和披露监督标准化体系建设。  相似文献   

In this study, we address the ongoing debate as to whether the competition among the world's major exchanges through simplified disclosure requirements is justified. Companies from across the globe have a choice of cross-listing shares as either American or Global Depositary Receipts (ADRs and GDRs, respectively). The former are primarily listed on the US exchanges – NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX – whereas the latter are issued into non-US markets such as the London Stock Exchange (LSE). The GDRs listed on the LSE are subject to simplified disclosure requirements compared to their exchange-listed ADR peers that have to meet more stringent compliance standards. Proponents of the ‘light touch’ approach argue that firms cross-listing as GDRs are not subject to the higher reporting costs faced by ADRs yet still face similar valuation benefits. Those who challenge this approach argue that simplified disclosure requirements set by the LSE will ultimately be recognised by the market as ineffective, diverting traders from investing in GDRs. This study provides evidence that supports the LSE's ‘light touch’ approach and shows that the benefits of information risk reduction for ADRs and GDRs are comparable. The explanation for this finding is that the two avenues through which information asymmetry is expected to be resolved after cross-listing – disclosure and analysts – are substitutive and make equally important contribution to information risk reduction, eventually leading to similar cost of capital decline for ADRs and GDRs.  相似文献   

In March 1976, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) promulgated Accounting Series Release No. 190 (ASR 190) requiring the disclosure of certain replacement cost (RC) accounting data by its registrants. The purpose of this study is to assess whether the RC disclosure rule had any effect on common stock returns for firms affected by the new rule. Distinguishing the effect of compliance costs from the effect of information in the RC data, we found no sign of a cost effect and no strong evidence of an information effect. This result appears to imply (a) that the burden of the ASR 190 compliance costs was not large enough to induce downward adjustments of the firms' security returns; and (b) that the RC data did not provide new information useful to investors as asserted by the SEC.  相似文献   

The uncertainty surrounding oil and gas reserves estimation and the cost of gathering reserves data discourage firms from disclosing sufficient data to satisfy SORP (statement of recommended practice) requirements, especially where oil and gas reserves disclosure is discretionary. However, the need to reduce agency cost and signal to stakeholders induces firms to disclose oil and gas reserves. The contrasting views on the rationale guiding the extent of disclosure were examined in this study. A sample was drawn from 83 United Kingdom (UK) oil and gas exploration and production companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. Appropriate statistical tools were used to investigate the extent of oil and gas reserves disclosure. The findings provide mixed results about the extent of disclosure to meet SORP's requirements. There was no particular evidence that UK oil and gas companies provide qualitatively acceptable oil and gas reserves quantity information. The observed varying degrees of disclosure in the market could be attributed to a discretionary regime that allows firms to determine how and when to disclose. Policy makers and industry regulators could find the results useful in assessing the current extent of disclosure compliance.  相似文献   

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