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美国劲量电池公司声称中国多家电池企业出口的无汞碱锰电池侵犯其"709专利",要求美国国际贸易委员会进行"337条款"调查。中国企业以其专利不具有确定性进行了抗辩。在上诉阶段,美国联邦上诉巡回法院维持了美国国际贸易委员会裁定,认为美国劲量公司的"709无汞碱锰电池专利"因缺乏确定性而无效。该案是美国对中国企业发起的多项337调查案中中国企业胜诉的少数案例之一。本文在概述案情的基础上,归纳了美国联邦上诉巡回法院判案的思路,并就中国企业今后如何应对美国337条款诉讼进行了评析。  相似文献   

美国关税法337条款对知识产权的保护及我国的对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国关税法337条款是针对美国进口贸易中其他国家对美国知识产权侵权和不公平竞争而规定的。近年来,337条款调查矛头直指中国企业,美国厂商利用337条款指控我国企业侵权,从而阻止我国产品进口。本文对337条款及337调查程序作了较全面的阐述,并结合我国的具体情况,提出了我国企业的应对措施。  相似文献   

正当我国企业逐渐熟悉并积极应对技术贸易壁垒、绿色贸易壁垒等新型贸易壁垒之时,近年来,美国企业频繁地提起涉及中国产品的"337条款"调查案件,"337条款"调查成为美国限制产品进口保护本国企业的新贸易保护手段.  相似文献   

随着我国对外贸易的快速增长,贸易纠纷也纷至沓来,全球针对中国的贸易摩擦加剧。尤其在美国,中国企业频频遭遇"337"条款调查这只拦路虎,除个别达成和解外,其余几乎铩羽而归。"337"条款调查,已经成为继反倾销之后中国产品出口美国的又一主要障碍。  相似文献   

自我国加入世界贸易组织以来,我国对美出口企业一直遭受来自美国国际贸易委员会以知识产权为由提起的"337调查"。而大疆公司在2020年8月被调查的"无人机案"中,一改此前中国企业在"337调查"中的被动状态,积极利用美国的专利复审程序以应对。通过分析大疆公司在此案中采取的策略,结合对美国专利复审程序与"337调查"结果间的互动关系研究,提出掌握专利武器,提升自主创新意识,积极理性应诉以维护自身利益,利用IPR程序对337调查进行反击的建议,为中国企业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

中美贸易的知识产权壁垒——美国337条款简析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
较之美国系列301条款,美国关税法337条款不为广泛熟知。但随着世界制造业向中国转移,中国出口产品技术含量逐步上升,国际市场竞争更趋激烈,中国成为美国贸易逆差的最大来源国。近年来,美国以保护本国知识产权为由,频频对中国输美产品发起337条款调查,已严重影响到中国的出口。在此,本文在对美国337条款进行简要介绍的基础上,详细分析了近年来中国遭遇337条款调查的情况以及中国企业应诉的难点,最后在政府层面上提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

2004年6月2日,美国国际贸易委员会初裁认定中国企业生产的无汞碱性电池侵犯了劲量公司有效和可执行的709号专利。6月9日,中国电池协会组织各电池生产企业再次联合上诉,要求美国国际贸易委员会对初裁结果进行全面复审。10月4日,美国国际贸易委员会认定劲量公司709号专利因不具备确定性而无效,从而终止了对中国电池的337调查。10月10日,美国劲量公司向美国联邦巡回上诉法院提起申诉。2006年1月25日,美国联邦巡回上诉法院判决美国劲量公司败诉。  相似文献   

中国复合木地板企业遭遇的美国337调查,是近年来在中国影响较大的一起美国337调查案。虽然上诉法院庭审程序已经结束,作为该起调查案中部分企业败诉后在美国联邦上诉法院上诉的代理律师,对该调查及上诉案中的一些细节,事后仍值得回味。  相似文献   

1995年 北京三环新材料高科技公司和宁波科尼特实业公司向美国出口的特种磁铁就曾遭遇337条款调查,最后被处以155万美元罚款,并被禁止向美国出口。1997年 杭州三和食品有限公司在浙江省首先遭遇了337条款调查。三和公司生产的人造甜味剂被指控侵犯了美国专利。此案最终判决是三  相似文献   

专利壁垒已经成为一项重要的国际贸易壁垒。本文在阐述专利壁垒的内涵以及我国遭遇美国专利壁垒类型的基础上,分析了美国"337调查""特别301条款"以及专利标准化等相关方面的数据,发现我国在遭遇美国专利壁垒时存在企业知识产权保护意识淡薄、缺乏自主专利以及不知道如何应对专利壁垒等问题,最后针对这些问题给出了相应的应对措施。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effectiveness of guilt-arousing communication in promoting prosocial behavior. By analyzing the distinct effects of anticipatory versus reactive guilt appeals, we contribute to the discussion of guilt appeals as drivers of prosocial behavior, especially blood donation. Research on persuasive communication provides the theoretical basis of our study and we validate our hypotheses by means of two 2?×?2 factorial between-subjects designs. We find that anticipatory rather than reactive guilt appeals are more effective in generating prosocial action tendencies. Compared to noninformational reference group influences, messages endorsed by members of informational reference groups yielded more favorable attitudinal responses. Besides their significant main effect, two-sided messages reinforce the favorable impact of anticipatory guilt appeals. The study concludes with practical implications for nonprofit organizations and public blood donor services as well as avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Existing empirical studies suggest that evoked nostalgia about a brand is positively related to attitude toward the brand. However, it is unlikely that nostalgia appeals are universally effective. Therefore, this research investigates two types of consumer nostalgias—individualistic nostalgia and collectivistic nostalgia— and examines how the relative effectiveness of these two nostalgia appeals is moderated by consumer self-concept (independent versus interdependent). Based on a two-phase study with time-honored Chinese brands, we reveal that, for consumers with an independent self-concept, an individualistic nostalgia appeal is more effective than a collectivistic nostalgia appeal, whereas for consumers with an interdependent self-concept, a collectivistic nostalgia appeal is more effective than an individualistic nostalgia appeal.  相似文献   

Although many health communication researchers use the terms “shame” and “guilt” interchangeably, arguably these constructs are distinct and have widely divergent psychological consequences. The purpose of this study was to explore distinct cognitive and emotional outcomes resulting from shame relative to guilt appeals. Specifically, this paper provides empirical evidence that negative outcomes such as anger and perceived manipulative intent are more likely to be associated with shame than guilt. Using an experimental design, participants were randomly assigned to view either a shame or a guilt appeal about getting tested for STDs and completed an online questionnaire. Shame was correlated with both anger and perceived manipulative intent whereas guilt was not. Participants who viewed the shame appeal reported higher levels of shame, anger, and perceived manipulative intent. Tactics for creating shame‐free guilt appeals and future research are discussed.  相似文献   


The study here investigated the relationship between selected print appeals (as defined by the social situation portrayed in the advertisement) and their relative preferences among children at the ages of five, eight, and eleven. These relationships were tested through a field experiment involving a total of 120 children.

Results indicated that when the factors of age, sex, and type of ad are simultaneously considered, the results become complex and dependent upon specific levels within each factor. That is, the preference for social situations portrayed in ads was not the same for all age groupings and was dependent on the sex of the subject within given age groupings.  相似文献   

<正>如今女性化妆品种类繁多、档次齐全、功能各异、品牌众多,市场竞争异常激烈。正确认识化妆品这种情感型商品,准确把握年轻女性在选择和购买化妆品方面的独特消费心理,采取感性的广告诉求方法,有利于为化妆品生产企业和营销企业提供和发现新的市场机会,推出更符合流行趋势和年轻女性需求的产品。一、女性消费心理特征及原因分析  相似文献   

品牌德商的提出把道德价值作为品牌形象的考量尺度,其要旨是企业品牌经营活动应基于正当性、合理性和规范性,并以独特的道德价值主张,通过品牌管理,把品牌的经济效益与社会效益有机结合起来,从而以内生的德性力量不断推进品牌持续发展壮大。基于迄今中国众多品牌的发展现状及社会营销环境,把品牌道德规范及合德行为作为品牌德商提出是可行的也是必要的,它把品牌道德诉求及行为作为一种内在于品牌的道德力量,使企业品牌经营的合德性从监督的被动变为自律的主动,从仅仅满足物质功利欲求擢升至社会精神价值总量的创造。  相似文献   

Research on fear level and options available for consumers to reduce their level of threat was undertaken to determine what effect these variables have on attitudes, purchase intentions, and emotions besides fear. Using an experimental design, it was found that higher levels of fear induce elevated levels of anger and disgust. There was also a positive correlation between fear and positive attitudes and purchase intention, but only in cases where more options were offered. This suggests that if advertisers want to induce a high level of fear in audiences, offering multiple options to reduce fear can lead to more positive attitudes and purchase intention.  相似文献   

This research examines print advertisements of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) using eye-tracking technology and a nonverbal, emotional scale to assess donor behavior. Attention to three areas of interest, including the text, face, and brand/logo, was visually tracked. Next, three eye-tracking metrics (Time to First Fixation, Fixation Count, and Total Visit Duration) and corresponding donor behavior were measured. The eye-tracking metrics were effective indicators of an advertisement’s propensity to stimulate donor behavior. The findings in this research show that NPO advertisements should encourage viewers to look at the face in the advertisement layout. The more times the subject went back and looked at the face, and the more total time spent looking at the face, the greater the likelihood they would recommend to others to donate. These characteristics are shown in this research to be those of negative emotional appeals.  相似文献   

This study evaluates consumers’ interpretation of green advertisements. The overarching theme that surfaced from the findings was that of “convenience.” The themes brought out by respondents of “not compromising your lifestyle,” a “simple-fix,” and a “collective participation/minor changes” all reiterated the theme of convenience. This suggests that the environmental initiatives of many companies/brands are focusing on minor green activities rather than sustainable activities. Additionally, all advertisements alluded to anthropocentric considerations, a human-centered system of values that regards nature as subject to the demands of human-utility, as opposed to ecocentric considerations that provide a non-contingent basis for protecting the natural world.  相似文献   

全球营销获得成功的首要条件是理解不同文化之间的价值观的相似性和差异性。由于缺乏以研究为基础获得的信息,这一任务对于试图与中国做生意的公司而言尤为艰巨。本研究采用霍夫斯塔德文化模型中的最新价值观来比较中美之间波莱广告诉求的有效性。在以文化维度为基础预测有效诉求的20个假设中,有9个得到了支持。另外一个假设也非常显著,但是与预想的方向正好相反。这些研究发现意味着,采用霍夫斯塔德文化维度作为有效广告诉求的唯一预测指标是不明智的。霍夫斯塔德维度或许缺乏可以有效预测各种广告诉求成功度所必需的结构。此外,广告诉求的有效性还可能由于其他因素(例如,年龄、社会趋势、政治法律环境及产品用法)而有所调整。  相似文献   

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