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统筹城乡:从探索到试验 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
统筹城乡是我国在新形势下为破解城乡二元结构所做的重大战略调整。成都市早在2003年10月就开始了统筹城乡的探索,提出了以"三个集中"为核心,以市场化为动力,以规范化服务型政府建设和基层民主政治建设为保障的基本做法。国家批准设立重庆市和成都市统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区,是对四年多来成都市统筹城乡的探索实践的充分肯定,也是成都市必须承担的重大历史使命。文章还对成都市实施综合配套改革的总体思路进行了探讨。 相似文献
统筹城乡发展破解"三农"难题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
袁秀和 《山东经济战略研究》2004,(8):13-15
党的十六届三中全会提出了科学发展观和统筹城乡发展的要求,今年中央又在时隔十八年后出台了促进农民增收的“一号文件”,由此可以看出中央对“三农”问题的重视和加快农村发展的决心。如何破解“三农”问题,缩小城乡差距,推进城乡二元经济结构向现代社会经济结构转变,实现全面建设小康社会的目标,成为目前农村工作面临的新课题。 相似文献
城乡一体化是城市化的最高阶段,其目标是消除城乡二元结构,使城乡共享现代物质文明、精神文明、政治文明与生态文明,形成一种相互依托、协调发展和共同繁荣的新型城乡关系。在综合配套改革的新形势下,通过城乡统筹发展与深化农村改革,积极推进城乡一体化,有利于有效科学地配置城乡资源, 相似文献
未来20年,中国城镇化仍将保持高速增长.破除城乡二元结构,是一项复杂的系统性工程,单兵突进难以有效突破,必须通过综合配套改革,协同推进,集中攻坚.加快破除城乡二元化结构,有利于打通城乡经济社会目前相互分割的格局,促进生产要素在城乡之间自由流动和优化组合,为保持经济长期又好又快发展提供持久的强大动力和重要体制保障.当前统筹城乡综合配套改革工作需要创新突破一系列重大问题. 相似文献
加快推进重庆城乡统筹发展构建和谐重庆 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
近几年来,城乡统筹发展多数都局限于相对容易、层次较低的领域,真正能从根本上改变城乡二元结构、具有深刻社会变革的政策措施不多;户籍体制、保障体制、规划体制、用工体制、教育体制,以及医疗卫生体制等阻碍城乡融合的一些基本体制尚未突破;农与非农、城市与乡村、大都市区与三峡库区,在经济收入、社会保障、教育培养、卫生保健等各个方面的差别依然存在,要进一步推进缩小城乡差距,面临着许多新的困难。 相似文献
杨军 《山东经济战略研究》2010,(7):10-13
加筹城乡发展,是我们党从全国大局出发做出的一项重大部署,是加快推进工业化、破解城乡二元结构难题的必然选择,更是贯彻落实科学发展观、实现协调可持续发展的必由之路。近年来,德州市以经济开发区建设为载体,以做大做强中心城区战略为指导,以新型工业化模式为支撑,全面推进统筹城乡发展的“自费改革”,破解长期以来形成的城乡二元体制矛盾和“三农”问题顽症, 相似文献
县域是城乡融合区域,也是三农的集中区域,是整个国民经济的基础.壮大县域经济意义重大,已经成为统筹城乡、统筹区域经济发展,解决三农问题的切入点. 相似文献
在科学发展观指导下统筹城乡发展是打破城乡二元结构,解决城乡失衡发展的必然选择。统筹城乡发展的核心是城乡经济、社会、生态的全面、协调和可持续发展,建立人与自然和谐发展的社会。实现的途径是城乡制度创新。 相似文献
温家宝总理在2012年《政府工作报告》中提出,积极稳妥推进城镇化。要遵循城市发展规律,从各地实际出发,促进大中小城市和小城镇协调发展。嘉兴市《关于推进两新工程,建设美丽乡村打造江南水乡现代田园城市的若干意见》也指出:嘉兴市经济社会发展已经进入到‘与沪杭同城’的新阶段,统筹城乡综合配套改革已进入了 相似文献
《World development》1986,14(6):713-725
Recent findings on India have pointed to the importance of the rural caste structure to rural-urban migration and the creation of (partially) segmented urban labor markets. By considering cross-sectional evidence from Iran and by viewing differential access to land, instead of castes, as the determinant of the migrants' background, the implication of this view for the impact of migration on urban inequality is examined. It is found that where migrants are from a landless group urban inequality increases and where they are from a landed group it declines, ceteris paribus. Urban inequality is measured by the construction of an urban housing shares index from the census data. 相似文献
Technology and Trade: Empirical Evidence for the Major Five Industrialized Countries. — The conclusion that prices alone cannot
explain the major disturbances in trade market shares emerges from many empirical studies on international trade flows. This
paper aims at introducing supply-side variables in market shares equations, namely R&D expenditures and gross fixed capital
formation, along the lines of the new theory on international trade and of the literature on technology and trade relations.
The empirical work is carried out on the major five industrialized countries and on twenty manufacturing industries. The results
show that the supply-side variables have played a crucial role over the last decade. 相似文献
The results of 2 case studies on migration in Colombia are outlined and compared. The 1st study examines inmigration to a shantytown, El Carmen, in Bogota. The 2nd study involves inmigration to a community in the eastern interior of Colombia, Granada. Migrants' motives, paths of migration, and personal characteristics are examined, suggesting hypotheses for future studies. Economic reasons were most often listed as motives for moving by both the residents of Granada and El Carmen. The type of economic motives varied greatly between the 2 communities. Reasons such as "looking for land," "establishing a business," or "to find a better life" ranked high in importance among Granada residents. These motives, along with the flight from violence, indicate that the independence provided by land and small business affords the inmigrants to Granada a certain security. Inmigrants to El Carmen were seeking employment. Only 34% of the migrants to El Carmen made 1 or more moves before settling in Bogota. 90% of the rural to rural migrants made 1 or more stops before moving to Granada. 68% of the migrants to El Carmen were born within 100 miles of Bogota while only 18% of the migrants to Granada were born within a 100 mile radius of the community. The usual pattern of the migrant to Granada was to move to a neighboring village, town, or city regardless of whether it was closer to Granada or not. The majority of inmigrants to Granada moved from distances greater than 100 miles. Over 70% of the inmigrants were born in towns and villages of more than 2000 population. If a nucleus of 10,000 inhabitants or more are considered urban, then 46% of the rural to rural migrants resided in urban areas prior to moving to Granada. This suggests that a sizable proportion of the migration to Granada is really urban to rural frontier. Studies done in Colombia and Brazil indicate that migrants to rural areas have a lower educational level than migrants to urban areas. Data from El Carmen and Granada gives similar results. 20% of the migrant residents of El Carmen have a primary school education (5 years) compared with only 7% of the inmigrants to Granada. 81% of the migrant residents of El Carmen were in their teens, 20s, and 30s at the time of migration, while only 52% of the inmigrants to Granada were in the same category. Approximately 56% of the inmigrants to Granada were in the occupational categories of farm owner operator and farm renter or laborer as compared to only approximately 40% of the inmigrants to El Carmen. The data indicate that a majority of the shantytown inmigrants come directly from small communities and travel short distances to Bogota. This is consistent with other findings of rural to urban migration. It is hypothesized that the socioeconomic level of migrants in a certain migratory stream is related to the perceived opportunity in the receiving area. 相似文献
经历近二十年的发展,中国的市场环境发生了深刻的变化,绝大多数企业都进入微利竞争时代,现在还用二十年前的税率基数,企业不堪重负。所以,应减轻竞争性行业企业税负。 相似文献
Samuel O Owuor 《Development Southern Africa》2007,24(1):109-122
In the literature on rural–urban linkages in sub-Saharan Africa the focus has so far been predominantly on the urban dwellers contributing to the livelihood of the rural ones, usually through remittances from family members living in the city. Although acknowledged in the last two decades, the reverse flow, i.e. the extent to which town dwellers realise part of their livelihood from rural sources, remains poorly understood. Based on recent research in Nakuru town, Kenya, this paper demonstrates that urban–rural linkages are not only important for the rural households, but are becoming an important element of the livelihood (or survival) strategies of poor urban households. 相似文献