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5.苜蓿草的青贮收获与加工工艺过程牧草青贮根据原料的含水率通常分为三类,即高水分青贮,含水率在70%以上;凋萎青贮,含水率在60%-70%;及低水分青贮,含水率在40%-60%。豆科牧草鲜草中粗蛋白质含量较高。当原料的含水率较高时,容易发生霉变或造成养分流失,因此,最好采用低水分青贮。低水分青贮(又称半干青贮)主要是渗透压的作用,由于植株的含水率降低,增加了植物细胞汁液渗透压,从而抑制了酪酸菌等不良微生物的繁衍,阻碍了酸的产生和蛋白质的分解。其结果是:在有机酸形成数量少和pH值较高条件下能稳定青贮质量。  相似文献   

通过对五大连池新期火山熔岩台地白桦、香杨、山杨3个林型的矮曲林45个样本进行14个波长(250、254、260、265、272、280、285、300、340、350、365、400、436和465 nm)土壤溶液吸光度以及土壤有机碳和全氮含量的测定,旨在探讨土壤溶液吸光度对土壤碳氮指标的指示作用以及不同林型对该作用的...  相似文献   

通过1997--2009年的贸易数据对中德两国的木质家具出口贸易进行了比较研究。利用CMS模型测算了拉动两国木质家具出口增长的原因,进而通过显性比较优势指数和贸易结合度指数的测算,实证分析了中德两国各自具有比较优势的产品类型以及双边木质家具贸易的结合程度。结果发现,竞争力效应和一般增长效应分别是拉动中国和德国木质家具出口增长的主要因素,两国分别在不同种类的产品上具有比较优势且两国问的木质家具贸易结合程度不高,具有巨大的合作发展潜力。  相似文献   

River basin planning and management constitute complex decision problems, characterized by many actors and stakeholders with conflicting objectives and values, ranging from the protection of local flora and fauna and the enhancement of the recreational value of the river, to the preservation of the water resources for industrial purposes and human activities. In the light of the aforementioned complexity, specific evaluation methods are needed for supporting decision-making processes in this context. The present paper proposes an evaluation approach based on the combined use of two different evaluation techniques, the Spatial Multicriteria Evaluation and the stakeholders analysis, for supporting the definition of policies and actions for a river basin. In particular, alternative predictive scenarios are generated through the Ordered Weighted Average method in order to explore different solutions. Starting from the Pellice river basin (Italy), the study presents the results of the integrated evaluation approach, focusing on the potentialities of the methodology for supporting the definition of future policies and plans for the area.  相似文献   

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