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我国IT企业的企业竞争能力主成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张海峰 《商业研究》2005,(11):31-35
IT企业属于知识密集型企业,其产品具有高知识、高附加值的特点。IT企业往往不需要高额的固定资产投资,而其产品的价格、质量、企业竞争能力等要素,很难用通常的办法衡量。因此,对IT企业的研究并不多见。采用统计学中的主成分分析法,对IT企业的企业竞争能力指标进行分析计算,可以得出影响IT企业的企业竞争能力的主要因素,进而得出提高IT企业的企业核心竞争能力的方法。  相似文献   

刘瑛 《商业研究》2002,(4):37-38
网上交易作为一种新的交易方式和交易制度发展迅速 ,大有取代传统经纪业务之势 ,它不仅是券商提供的一项便捷的新型服务 ,它更应是一项增值服务 ,投资者对券商的要求也不仅仅限于代理服务 ,而更注重信息咨询和技术服务 ,券商之间的竞争也从传统的硬件型服务竞争转向智能型服务竞争。券商的核心竞争力也随之发生了变化 ,研究开发能力成为网络时代券商的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a better understanding and to mitigate negative consequences of cultural diversity in multinational IT project teams. Our research explores how culture-specific behaviors impact social capital among team members and how firms can manage the strains. In the existing IS culture literature, culture-specific behaviors are – if at all – traced back to single culture dimensions. In contrast, the approach proposed in this article goes one step further suggesting that it is necessary to combine several culture dimensions to better understand a certain culture-specific behavior and consequently be able to better manage resulting relationship problems in multinational settings. Conducting exploratory case studies in six multinational IT projects, two exemplary cultural behavior patterns (face maintenance in India and post-communism in the Czech Republic) are identified, and management actions to avoid project performance problems are derived. The results contribute to a better understanding and management of the negative impact of culture-specific behaviors in IT project teams and corroborate that research based on culture dimensions, such as those conceptualized by Hofstede or House et al., is valuable for understanding multi-country IS projects. The findings in particular suggest that aggregating these dimensions to cultural behavior patterns improves their explanatory power and consequently the management’s capability to mitigate the negative consequences of cultural diversity.  相似文献   


Recent advances in networking, telecommunications, and the Internet have greatly decreased the problem of information asymmetry for the small investor. Previously, brokerage firms maintained tight control over information thus “encouraging” the investor to partake of their services. The removal of this structural impediment has empowered small investors to take greater control of their personal financial affairs. For those interested in self-directed investing in the growing IT sector, Direct Stock Purchase programs (DSPs), Dividend Reinvestment programs (DRIPs), American Depository Receipts (ADRs), and IT Sector Mutual Funds offer many attractive benefits to shareholders and corporations alike. These investment programs of IT-related firms are examined here.  相似文献   

This study examines the role that a website plays in the development of fan allegiance and as a promotion management tool for a sports team and brand. Research indicates that the combination of sports, media (television in particular), and sponsorships when employed in an integrated manner, can develop consumer connection to brands. This study suggests that the Internet is also an important part of an integration strategy of sports, media, and promotion. By working with a new team in the AIFA indoor football league, the researchers were able to determine what helped make fans allegiant to the team before the franchise's inaugural game. The results show that even before the team played its inaugural home contest, fans had become allegiant to the franchise brand and team by using the team internet site. These results indicate that an internet site can serve as a strong promotional tool in an integrated marketing plan of sports, media, and promotion to move fans toward brand loyalty and toward primary goals of the firm, including increased sales.  相似文献   

迄今为止,英国公司在中国的投资超过其他任何国家,在过去几年中,中国投资英国的公司数目也开始增多。其中之一是方正集团(Founder Group)。今年7月,中国最大的PC制造商宣布,他们将在英国,但不是英格兰,而是在北部边远的苏格兰城市格拉斯哥创建新的欧洲营销总部。制定这一非常举措的原因是,苏格兰具有重要的战略地位。  相似文献   

Diversity in the national background and culture of team members is common in virtual teams. An experimental study, with short term teams, was undertaken to examine the effect of cultural diversity on team effectiveness and to examine if this effect changes depending if the team worked face-to-face (F2F) or virtually. Heterogeneous teams were created that had greater diversity than homogeneous teams of individualism/collectivism values, different languages spoken, country of birth, and nationality. The teams worked on a desert survival task either F2F or virtually (via audioconference and electronic chat tools). The overall results indicated that heterogeneous teams were less satisfied and cohesive and had more conflict than the homogeneous teams, although there were no statistical differences in team performance levels. However, examining just the heterogeneous teams found that the performance of the virtual heterogeneous teams was superior to that of the F2F heterogeneous teams. The results support Carte and Chidambaram's (2004) theory that the reductive capabilities of collaborative technologies are beneficial for newly-formed diverse teams.  相似文献   


One of the most important topics in the marketing literature has been the concept of market orientation. However, questions remain as to the dynamics of how market orientation translates into intermediate capabilities. This study explores relationships among different types of Internet usage, IT market orientation (the extent to which IT is aligned to manage customer and competitor information and internal activities), and strategic flexibility (firm capability to respond to the need for change). Specifically, use of the Internet for communication with relevant stakeholders, owing to its market-sensing potential, should be positively and significantly related to strategic flexibility for SMEs with more IT market-oriented alignment. The market-sensing potential of Internet communication to impact strategic flexibility positively for SMEs is likely to be lost under low IT market-oriented-alignment conditions. In contrast, IT market orientation should not moderate the relationship between Internet use for transactions with relevant stakeholders and strategic flexibility, given that the typical order taking and processing is a static, routine function for SMEs. Results supported hypothesised relationships. By delineating the type of Internet usage and required IT alignment that contribute to leveraging the Internet effectively, findings hold implications for future research by clarifying boundary conditions for Internet effects. Specifying how and when Internet use promotes strategic flexibility, an important enabler of competitive advantage, helps small business owner/managers better utilise their limited resources.  相似文献   

北京开达经济学家咨询中心成立至今已经整整十年了.今天大家欢聚一堂,庆祝开达中心成立十周年.  相似文献   

This study extends prior research on conflict in teams by showing that a team’s chances of appropriately managing one type of conflict depends on what other types of conflicts are co-occurring. We interviewed 44 managers from different industries who had recently participated in a negotiating team, asking about within-team conflicts and how those conflicts were managed. The data showed that task conflict increased the likelihood that teams managed co-occurring procedural conflicts appropriately, but that procedural conflicts decreased the likelihood that teams managed co-occurring task conflicts appropriately. These results explain why some teams fail to realize the theorized benefits of task conflict and why procedural conflict does not always have a deleterious impact on team performance: The co-occurrence of these different types of conflict can alter what strategy a team uses to manage conflicts.  相似文献   

邵亦波 《商界》2009,(3):46-47
一个企业的成功,是很多因素相乘的结果。放眼世界上占住翘楚地位的产品,他们的CEO或创始人都是注重产品,不放权的疯子。  相似文献   

亚洲IT服务市场增长迅速2011年将达559亿美元;时代赢客获6500万风险投资  相似文献   

The issue of leadership in virtual teams is an increasingly important one for many modern organizations, because these teams – typically project-based with a finite lifespan and specific deliverables – are frequently self-managed, having no designated leader within the team (Yukl 1998). While such teams may have increased flexibility in setting goals and achieving them, the virtual context may hinder team members' abilities to coordinate activities and influence others (Manz and Sims 1993). Longitudinal data were collected over the course of a semester from virtual teams, comprised of students from three North American universities. Our results suggest that high performing self-managed virtual teams displayed significantly more leadership behaviors over time compared to their low performing counterparts. Specifically, these teams displayed significantly more concentrated leadership behavior focused on performance (i.e. “Producer” behavior) and shared leadership behavior focused on keeping track of group work (i.e. “Monitor” behavior) than the lower performing teams. Interestingly, these behaviors emerged strongly during the first half of the groups' lifespan, and stayed throughout the life of the groups, but steadily dissipated in strength over time.  相似文献   

4月22日,世界银行集团成员之一国际金融公司(IFC)与中国社会科学院财政与贸易经济研究所在北京共同发布了第一份《中国营商环境报告》。报告表明.中国各地方政府都在积极推进商业规制的改革.以为私营部门的发展提供更便利的营商环境。中国在营商环境改革方面位居全球前10名。  相似文献   

Liu Xinyuan, Molecular Biologist, was born on November 1927 in Hunan Province, China. He has published more than 280 papers and compiled 8 volumes of Liu Xinyuan's collected papers and got more than 30 times different awards, among them, there are many first or second class award, therefore, he was elected as an Academician of Chinese Academy of Science in 1992, as a Foreign Academician of National Academy of Ukraine in 1992,  相似文献   

Liu Xinyuan, Molecular Biologist,was born on November 1927 in Hunan Province, China. He has published more than 280 papers and compiled 8 volumes of Liu Xinyuan‘s collected papers and got more than 30 times different awards, among them, there are many first or second class award,therefore, he was elected as an Academician of Chinese Academy of Science in 1992, as a Foreign Academician of National Academy of Ukraine in 1992, as an Academician of The Third World Academy of Science in 2001. Now he has been laureated three Academicians.……  相似文献   

陈炜  肖敏霞  徐明明 《创业家》2009,(12):68-77
如果没有十年前那一场伟大的互联网泡沫,也许中国不会想到要复制一个纳斯达克。如果那场泡沫不是如此迅速而又残酷地破灭,也许后来百度、盛大、携程、如家、分众这样的公司登陆的  相似文献   

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