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杨旸  刘宏博  李想 《旅游学刊》2016,(10):48-58
在全球化和出境旅游日益发展的大背景下,了解国家文化和文化差异对出境旅游的影响越来越重要。文章以日本和中国出境旅游市场为案例,定量研究客源国与目的地国家之间的文化差异对旅游者出境旅游目的地选择的影响。文章数据来源于对日本和中国城市居民的一手数据,包括受访者的过往出境目的地选择和计划前往目的地选择情况。条件Logit模型的估计结果显示,日本居民在过往目的地和计划前往目的地的选择上都显著偏好总体与日本文化差异大的国家。具体而言,他们偏好在“权力距离”和“不确定性避免”维度差异较小,而在“集体主义“”性别气质”和“长远考虑”维度差异较大的目的地。相比而言,中国大陆居民在出境目的地选择上受文化距离的影响较少。  相似文献   

2012年,中国已跃居世界出境旅游市场第一大国地位.中国居民出境旅游消费问题成为社会各界关注的焦点,但鲜有文献关注中国居民出境旅游目的地选择个体差异问题.该研究以西方经典的计划行为理论为基础,创新性地将人口特征变量引入TPB模型,采用全国性大规模调查数据,对TPB模型在中国情境下居民出境旅游目的地选择行为研究的适用性进行检验的基础上,重点对人口特征在行为意向与行为关系中所起的调节作用进行实证检验.结果表明:(1)TPB模型对中国情境下居民出境旅游目的地选择行为问题具有很好的解释力;(2)以年龄、受教育程度和收入为代表的人口特征在旅游目的地选择行为意向与选择行为之间起显著调节作用;(3)居民对旅游目的地态度作为人口特征影响目的地选择意向的中介作用并不显著.研究不仅为中国出境旅游组团社经营出境游产品提供理论依据,而且为旅游目的地国家针对中国市场制定营销策略提供决策参考.  相似文献   

世界旅游组织预测,到2020年我国将成为世界第一大旅游接待国和第四大客源输出国。届时,中国公民出境旅游人数将达1亿人次。在短短不到30年,我国出境旅游目的地国家与地区数量、出境人数、出境旅游消费都呈现规模化增长,特别是中国公民海外旅游消费能力,更使目的地国家刮目相看。2010年,我国出境旅游总体消费涨幅远远大于客源规模涨幅。  相似文献   

世界旅游组织预测,到2020年我国将成为世界第一大旅游接待国和第四大客源输出国。届时,中国公民出境旅游人数将达1亿人次。在短短不到30年,我国出境旅游目的地国家与地区数量、出境人数、出境旅游消费都呈现规模化增长,特别是中国  相似文献   

邵隽 《旅游学刊》2011,26(8):7-8
中国作为出境旅游客源地,具有极强的实力及增长潜力。世界旅游组织预测,2020年中国出境旅游人数将达到1亿人次,成为第一大出境旅游客源国。因而,国外目的地管理组织纷纷对中国旅游市场给予高度重视,针对中国市场特点进行营销。  相似文献   

中国公民出境旅游文明与软实力提升研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一个国家的“软实力”对于提升国际影响力和形象具有举足轻重的作用,提升国家软实力已经成为中华民族伟大复兴征途中必须面对的现实课题。近年中国公民出境旅游已经成为炙手可热的现象,而我国公民在出境旅游中的不文明行为已成为中国提升国家软实力的瓶颈。本文在中国公民出境旅游文明与提升国家软实力机理分析的基础上,通过构建理论模型,探讨了文明的出境旅游行为与中国软实力提升的相关性,提出了基于中国公民出境旅游文明提升国家软实力的对策。  相似文献   

谢婷 《旅游学刊》2011,26(7):7-8
出境旅游市场在中国不断扩大,越来越多的游客将目的地选择扩展到境外。中国旅游研究院发布的出境游研究报告显示,中国公民旅游目的地国家和地区达到140个,正式实施开放的旅游目的地达到110个。  相似文献   

根据微观经济学的需求理论,结合相关研究进展,文章构建了包括基本经济因素(收入和相对价格)、对外开放度、旅游业发展水平、人口统计特征、突发事件等变量在内的出境旅游需求模型,以74个国家/地区1995—2013年的数据为样本,分析了发达经济体和发展中经济体出境旅游需求影响因素的总体特征与异同。结果表明,收入和价格是影响出境旅游需求的决定性因素,对外开放度、旅游业发展水平、人口统计特征及突发事件等其他因素对出境旅游需求同样具有一定的影响。其中,收入、价格以及产业发展水平对发展中经济体出境旅游需求的影响作用相对更大,而对外开放度和人口统计特征(就业水平、年龄结构和受教育水平)对发达经济体出境旅游需求的影响更加显著。  相似文献   

自中国政府开放中国公民出境旅游后,特别是近10年来,随着老百姓生活越来越富裕,中国公民可以前往的旅游目的地国家越来越多。国内组团社越来越成熟,出境产品越来越丰富,出境旅游呈现快速增长的趋势,在旅行社业务中占据越来越重要的地位。以春秋国旅为例,在10年前,出境游部门只有十几位员工,至今成长为拥有了100多名员工的大部门。  相似文献   

中国出境旅游变动趋势分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
杜江  厉新建  秦宇  李宏 《旅游学刊》2002,17(3):44-48
为了把握中国作为新兴的全球旅游业重要出境客源地的发展前景和变动趋势,本文从出境旅游市场发展规模、决策类型和价格影响、目的地偏好、旅游方式、消费能力等方面作了详细的分析,并提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

This paper provides a thorough examination of the Mainland Chinese demand for outbound travel. It analyses the impacts of the Mainland Chinese outbound tourism market according to factors such as policy, economy and socio-political issues. The origins, destination perceptions and organization of Mainland Chinese outbound tourists are also explained, together with the negative impacts of tourism on Mainland Chinese travellers, travel agencies, national image and economic loss. Finally, the marketing policies for Mainland Chinese outbound tourism in travel agencies, government tourism offices and destinations are examined.  相似文献   

江林  李祉辉 《旅游学刊》2005,20(2):9-14
中韩两国历史源远流长,文化相似,地理相邻,两国人民世代交往不断。由于特定时期的政治原因,两国一度中断了联系。但自1992年中韩建交以来,两国之间的经济、文化交流日益频繁。中国已经成为韩国第二大旅游客源国,中国公民赴韩国旅游业已成为我国出境游市场的重要组成部分。本论文旨在通过对中国公民赴韩国出境游市场的现状进行分析,提出当前韩国游市场存在的问题,并从政府旅游部门、旅游企业及韩方相关机构角度提出相关对策建议,以利于促进中国公民赴韩出境游市场的持续、健康、快速发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the top 50 outbound destinations for Chinese tourists from 2002 to 2013. The total number of Chinese tourists traveling to these 50 destinations accounts for 95.38% of outbound travelers from China. We built a dynamic panel data model to measure factors that influence market demand for Chinese outbound tourism. The results show that economic variables such as income, tourism prices, and exchange rates have a significant influence on outbound tourism volume. The effect of bilateral goods trade and leisure time significantly differ between the full sample and the two subsamples, whereas political stability of the destinations and special incidents in China have no significant impact on demand for outbound tourism. Based on these findings, this study proposes strategies to strengthen the management of China’s outbound tourism market.  相似文献   

Many destination marketers have utilized gastronomy as a source of new products and activities to attract tourists. Despite the substantial rise in the Chinese outbound market, very little is known about how Chinese tourists evaluate their travel dining experiences. By using narrative analysis, this study examines attributes that may affect Chinese tourists' evaluation of their travel dining experiences. On-site participant observation and focus group interviews were conducted, respectively, with Mainland Chinese, Taiwanese, and Hong Kong group tourists, while they were on holiday in Australia. A total of 15 attributes were identified, which were classified under the following six categories: tourists' own food culture, the contextual factor of the dining experience, variety and diversity of food, perception of the destination, service encounter, and tour guide's performance. The respective implications of the attributes on travel dining experience are also discussed.  相似文献   

高舜礼 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):42-44
2002年7月1日《中国公民出国旅游管理办法》的实施,将我国出境旅游带入一个历史新阶段,表现出五大发展特点。因此,现阶段出境游发展需要重新认识形势,重新定位市场,重新思考发展策略。在此基础上,对出国游组团社提出了五个建议:珍惜特许经营权;加强自律,规范经营、网络化、品牌化发展;三大旅游市场全面推进;努力争取进行跨国经营。文章分析认为,出境游组团社之间实行互为代理,有利于促进旅行社在营销层次的网络化,推动形成批发与零售的专业化分工体系。  相似文献   

Data provided by tourists always benefit tourism managers and help them offer customized services, products and destinations to future travelers. This research investigates the effect of interests on Iranian outbound tourists, especially their selection of a destination and then, using text and data mining algorithms, it introduces a model to predict tourists' destinations based on their interests and travel backgrounds. In the current study, a dataset of 244,980 travels, consisting of 6661 people, was extracted from social media to discover the relationship between tourists' interests and travel destinations. Hence, it represents a model that is created using data and text mining from travel agencies to design their marketing plans by offering and advertising destinations to travelers with specific interest categories. The model has also shown promising accuracy and interesting results for the future tourist destination data and text analysis.  相似文献   

While African outbound tourism represents 3% of international tourism, the continent is experiencing high economic growth rates, contributing to a fast-growing middle-class and a large potential market for international travel. This article analyses African outbound travel to all other continents from an Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) perspective. Both static and dynamic AIDS are estimated and the resulting elasticities indicate that: (i) African tourism to all continents is a normal good, although Africa and Oceania can be considered luxury destinations; (ii) Asia and North America are the most price elastic destinations, and price increases in these continents will lead to substitution to Europe and Africa; (iii) there is persistence in African arrivals to North and South America.  相似文献   

Destination image plays an important role in how tourists make their travel and purchase decisions. This study examines the perceived image of Taiwan as a travel destination from the perspective of Hong Kong residents. The Hong Kong outbound tourism market is important for Taiwan. Using a self-completed questionnaire, this research examines the destination image of Taiwan among 213 Hong Kong residents. The results indicate that affective image is a stronger predictor of travel intention than cognitive image. Affective image also plays a mediating role in the relationship between cognitive image and behavioral intention. Hence, affective image is an important intangible quality for today’s destinations.  相似文献   

This study aims to build and test a theoretical model of tourist expectation formation and seeks to explore the gender differences regarding how tourists form their expectations toward a travel destination. Survey data were obtained from 774 outbound Chinese tourists to Macao, and structural equation modelling was used to test the model and proposed hypotheses. The results reveal that travel motivation, advertising, and word-of-mouth (WOM) recommendations influence travelers' cognitive image and cognitive image interacts with affective image to form individuals' expectations toward travel destinations. Notably, the impacts of travel motivation and advertising on cognitive image, and of cognitive image on tourist expectations were significantly stronger for males than females, while the effects of WOM on cognitive image and of affective image on tourist expectations were stronger for females than males. Both theoretical and practical implications of these important findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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