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引言本文研究企业如何把工资和附加福利作为工具来使用以获得他们需要的劳动力供给。我们的分析也提供了在享乐工资体系下存在摩擦的证据。据我们所知,我们的研究是首次使用雇主-雇员联接数据来检验工人流动如何对一般的附加福利范围(包括了若干种的附加福  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to establish a new insight into the potential benefit of fringe benefits used by firms in compensation contracts. We show that fringe benefits have a role to provide incentives and reduce agency costs. In an agency model with moral hazard, we examine the optimal incentive package that involves salary, equity shares, and fringe benefits. Based on the notion that fringe benefits are imperfect substitutes for salary and (weakly) complementary to effort, we show how the optimal package may include an excessive provision of fringe benefits that exceeds the first-best level, and why it involves a distortion towards overconsumption of fringe benefits in terms of the manager's preferences.  相似文献   

This study uses individual level data from the United States to examine the influence of government employment on the provision of five major fringe benefits. Four of the five benefits are more likely to be provided to government workers than to their private sector counterparts. Unlike wage comparisons which typically find substantial overpayment only for federal workers, the findings suggest that past wage differentials underestimate the true compensation advantage enjoyed by government workers.  相似文献   

国际税收竞争导致全球所得税税率不断攀低,这为跨国公司国际避税创造了条件,同时减少了国家的财政收入。我国应进一步完善税法,在吸引外资和提供税收优惠、让渡税收利益中寻找平衡点,既要有利于本国经济发展,又应避免对他国税基造成不当侵害。  相似文献   

市场经济是法治经济,也是信用经济。市场经济条件下,税收秩序需要法律“有形之手”和信用“无形之手”共同维护。税收信用包括税收立法、守法、执法、司法信用和用税信用,涉及人大、税务、法院、财政等多个主体,涵盖经济信用和政治信用。发展我国税收信用,必须从法律保障、文化基础、信用机制和信息渠道等多个方面入手。  相似文献   

与矿业活动有关的各项赋税方案的一揽子财政制度的总和构成了矿业税费金制度,是国家管理、调控、干预矿产资源开发利用的重要手段.资源税是以各种应税自然资源为课税对象、为了调节资源级差收入并体现国有资源有偿使用而征收的税种.资源税在中国矿业税费金制度中应当具备主导功能、杠杆功能、调控功能.但是,资源税与矿产资源补偿费性质歧义容易导致税费重复征收、资源税税率偏低难以客观体现级差地租、资源税课税范围过窄造成非应税资源被掠夺式开发、经济全球化对资源税征收提出新要求等问题,影响了资源税功能的发挥.在分析中国矿业税费金制度、尤其是资源税所面临的主要问题的基础上,提出了资源税在中国矿业税费金制度中功能定位的政策建议.  相似文献   

最优税收理论与我国税制改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对最优税收理论进行系统研究的基础上,将最优税收理论与我国的实际相结合,提出了优化我国税制改革的建议,力图设计出一套比较符合国情的最优税制,从而更好地促进我国的经济发展。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of progressive taxes on labor supply and income distribution in the context of the rank‐order tournament model originally developed by Lazear and Rosen (1981). We show conditions under which a more progressive tax schedule will cause so large general equilibrium effects that the inequality in disposable income will actually increase. We also show that a non‐zero redistributive tax is always optimal if society's welfare function displays inequality aversion; this result always holds, regardless of behavioral responses and general equilibrium effects.  相似文献   

Neutral Property Taxation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A major difficulty in implementing land/site value taxation is imputing the land value of built‐on sites. The literature has focused on two alternatives. The first, residual site value, measures postdevelopment site value as property value less structure value, with structure value measured as depreciated construction costs. Residual site value would be relatively easy to estimate, but a residual site value tax system, which taxes land value before development and residual site value after development at the same rate is distortionary, discouraging density. The second, raw site value, measures postdevelopment site value as “what the land would be worth were there no building on the site (though in fact there is).” Raw site value taxation is neutral (does not distort the timing and density of development), but the estimation of postdevelopment raw site value would be complex so that assessment would likely be less fair and more arbitrary, contentious, and prone to abuse. This paper asks the question: Is it not possible to design a property tax system (taxation of predevelopment land value, postdevelopment structure value, and postdevelopment site value at possibly different rates) that employs the administratively simpler residual definition of postdevelopment site value and achieves neutrality? Under restrictive assumptions and subject to an important qualification, the paper provides an affirmative answer, and characterizes the tax rates that achieve neutrality. It also briefly discusses issues of practical implementation.  相似文献   

This paper considers a Ramsey model of linear capital and labor income taxation in which a benevolent government cannot commit ex-ante to a sequence of policies for the future. In this setup, if the government is forced to keep budget balance in every period, then it may not be able to sustain zero capital taxes in the long run, as shown in Benhabib and Rustichini (J Econ Theory 77:231–259, 1997) and Phelan and Stachetti (Econometrica 69:1491–1518, 2001). However, (Dominguez in J Econ Theory 135:159–170, 2007) shows that if the government is allowed to borrow and lend to households, the optimal capital income tax still converges to zero in the long run, as long as the value of defaulting is independent of the level of government debt. This paper provides a game theoretic setup with government debt where the value of the worst equilibrium only depends on the initial level of capital and can be determined in advance. This implies that under our assumptions the best sustainable equilibrium has zero capital taxes in the long run, even in the absence of government commitment.  相似文献   

钟永圣 《现代财经》2007,27(2):8-14
以往评鉴税收依据的学说都存在一定缺陷。应从考察组织存在的必要性和国家起源入手,建立以国家类型、国家与公民关系和不同的观察视角为要素的分析框架。探究税收产生和存在的原因乃因为它是社会组织弥补运行费用的交易成本最低的方式,是国家作为社会组织的最高形态运行的内在经济逻辑要求。  相似文献   

论税收伦理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最适税收理论运用了福利经济学的工具,在传统的税制设计目标的论述中增加了分析的力度。但是,它拘泥于经济学上的功利主义福利分析方法,仅仅涉及一个人怎样在不同的时间里分配他的满足,而不关心满足的总量怎样在个人之间进行分配;仅仅考虑人的需求,而不考虑环境的需要,助长了税收经济主义的倾向,导致了生态环境的蓄意破坏,税收公平性的失调。税收效率固然重要,但正义和可持续性也必不可少。必须在生态哲学观基础上研究我国的税收制度,才能促使经济、社会和环境的和谐发展。我们的税收命题不仅仅是"取之于民,用之于民",而应该是"取之于民和自然,用之于民和自然"。  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,网络购物已成为人们日常生活用品采购最为便捷的基本方式,因而,网络交易日益受网民的青睐.然而,任何商品的交易都须向国家纳税,由于我国目前征税范围尚未把网络交易纳入其中,致使网络交易征税成为"免税区域".对我国网络交易现状及征税所面临的问题进行探讨.提出网络交易征收的应急对策,以能完善税收管理体系.  相似文献   

本文在分析公益、救济性捐赠的税收政策的基础上,提出了纳税人应充分运用现代税收优惠政策,对其捐赠行为进行税收筹划,使纳税人在完成公益善举的同时,又能减轻税负.  相似文献   

生态建设对国家可持续发展战略具有非常重要的意义.我国目前的粗放型掠夺式增长方式已使生态环境不堪重负。而生态税从经济学的角度为解决我国日益恶化的环境问题提供了思路。本文探讨的重点是如何科学设计生态税,完善我国生态税制。  相似文献   

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