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张建军 《保险研究》2011,(8):100-104
保险行业是一个流程导向性的行业,也是一个高度知识密集型的行业。保险公司员工需要在某个专业领域多年的知识积累,包括流程知识、业务领域的技术、复杂问题的应急能力等经验知识,这些都是为了高效地完成工作。而这些类型的知识普遍存在于人们的大脑中,并且具有不稳定易变的特征,所以迫切地需要挖掘这类知识,并进行知识共享。保险公司的运行...  相似文献   

Accounting education reform is being called upon by the profession and business communities in many countries under new business environment with high-tech production, economic globalization and intensified market competition. This study, by applying the factor analysis research method, has empirically-developed 6 latent constructs about the desirable knowledge and skill components that should be emphasized in accounting education in order to meet the challenges stemming from the changing business environment, i.e., business/management skills, business/management knowledge, core accounting knowledge, personal characteristics, general knowledge, and basic techniques. The structural order of, or the interrelationship among, these six dimensions of the knowledge and skill requirements in accounting education is also elaborated based on the analysis of factor loading results. The findings of this study should assist various groups of stakeholder (e.g., accounting practitioners, educators and students) to gain a better understanding of needed changes in accounting education and provide input for redesigning accounting curriculum to promote a smooth progress of accounting education reform in China and other countries.  相似文献   

As educators in the field of risk management and insurance, we see know- ledge of risk management and insurance as a core business function. However, some colleagues and students see insurance as cold-call sales or companies with a lot of money that continue to raise their prices. So we have to find ways to make our public aware of the usefulness of risk management and insurance in the business world and in private life and of the opportunities that having such knowledge presents to all business majors and business people. One method that is beginning to show dramatic improvements in at least our students' perceptions of the field and the major involves industry-sponsored game nights. While not an academic endeavor nor strictly risk management education, we believe the idea provides a useful tool for opening students' eyes to the need for knowledge of risk management and insurance and of the opportunities that are available in the insurance industry and its related fields. This article discusses the history of such an event at Appalachian State Univer- sity, the current status of the North Carolina Surplus Lines Association (NCSLA) event, and the benefits of the event.  相似文献   

知识型企业激励、代理成本与人力资源绩效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识型企业作为特殊的现代企业形式,其激励问题是一个跨越公司治理与管理的全新课题。本文从企业资源观点出发,在一个资源平台上通过代理成本廓清了治理和管理中激励的内在逻辑关系,打破了激励的“两分法”,并以人力资源绩效最大化为导向构建了整合的知识型企业激励体系。  相似文献   

In recent years, the role of information technology has grown in importance. Thus, strategic IS planning is evolving into a key part of a company's strategic business plan. This paper presents the results of a survey on the strategic IS planning practices of Croatian companies. The results of the survey are compared with similar surveys in Slovenia and Singapore. In Croatia, companies' IT is still considered just a tool for automation of present business processes, completely neglecting the challenging role of IT as a competitive resource in the market place. The research findings indicate that the source of this problem comes from lack of knowledge and interest in IT from top management structures of Croatian corporations. Thus, significant efforts must be taken by management to develop a new hybrid manager profile. Certainly, this type of manager must get additional knowledge in strategic business planning and IT management.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the area that is at the intersection of knowledge management and electronic commerce. This area refers to the exchange and trade of explicit and implicit knowledge at an inter‐organizational level. Electronic knowledge marketplaces are currently emerging to address the opportunities and risks found in the purchase and selling of knowledge in the business‐to‐business (B2B) environment, the need for supporting long‐lasting relationships of knowledge exchange and the requirement for facilitating virtual community contexts where knowledge seekers can find suitable knowledge providers and knowledge providers can advertise and sell their available knowledge. The paper describes the business challenges associated with the design of an Internet‐based knowledge marketplace. INKASS, a European IST project, has stimulated this work and has provided real‐life verification on the arguments raised and on the positions adopted herein. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

酒店管理专业是一个操作性很强的专业,不但要做好校内实训教学,还要做好校外酒店实习工作,让学生切实掌握酒店的业务流程和操作技能。毕业实习正是在学生已掌握基础理论知识和基本操作技能的基础上进一步加强其业务操作能力和酒店管理能力,以及处理各种实际问题的能力,使学生在就业前已经基本具备酒店工作人员的各种能力和素质。  相似文献   

This article identifies significant knowledge management issues experienced by North American professional services firms, obtained from a review of the literature and from interviews conducted with senior partners in three of the Big 5 firms. Professional services firms face demanding client needs in a rapidly changing global business envimnment. They must have a talented, diverse professional staff and be able to share and leverage the knowledge of this staff. The critical resource that the firms sell is knowledge. Knowledge management is at the core of this process.  相似文献   

We empirically investigate audit engagement partners’ involvement in business risk disclosure. Specifically, we examine whether the quality of business risk disclosure is influenced by engagement partner tenure and knowledge. We also examine whether the effects of partner tenure and knowledge are similar for Big 4 audit firms and non-Big 4 firms. Since fiscal year 2003, listed companies in Japan have been required to disclose business risk information. Although the business risk information is not audited, auditors concerned about their audit quality may seek to influence clients’ business risk disclosure practices. Giving advice to management on the narrative business risk disclosure can contribute to improving the perceived value of the auditor’s services which can be a competitive advantage. Using a sample of Japanese listed companies from 2003 to 2010, we find that if the engagement partners’ tenure is shorter, a company discloses more business risk information and the disclosure is more detailed. Furthermore, companies with audit partners who have a larger number of client engagements disclose larger amounts of business risk information in more detail. However, the engagement partner effects are mitigated if they belong to a Big 4 firm.  相似文献   

促进特许连锁体系内的知识转移,提高特许连锁体系的知识管理水平是特许连锁企业成功的关键。文章根据组织间知识转移的一般过程,结合社会网络分析观点,分析了影响特许连锁体系内知识转移效果的主要因素。  相似文献   

业务外包时刻存在于企业的生产过程中,特别是随着业务外包中技术和知识含量的提高,外包决策和管理能力已经成为企业核心能力的重要体现和组成部分,所以从核心能力的视角研究业务外包过程具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Evidence-based management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For the most part, managers looking to cure their organizational ills rely on obsolete knowledge they picked up in school, long-standing but never proven traditions, patterns gleaned from experience, methods they happen to be skilled in applying, and information from vendors. They could learn a thing or two from practitioners of evidence-based medicine, a movement that has taken the medical establishment by storm over the past decade. A growing number of physicians are eschewing the usual, flawed resources and are instead identifying, disseminating, and applying research that is soundly conducted and clinically relevant. It's time for managers to do the same. The challenge is, quite simply, to ground decisions in the latest and best knowledge of what actually works. In some ways, that's more difficult to do in business than in medicine. The evidence is weaker in business; almost anyone can (and many people do) claim to be a management expert; and a motley crew of sources--Shakespeare, Billy Graham,Jack Welch, Attila the Hunare used to generate management advice. Still, it makes sense that when managers act on better logic and strong evidence, their companies will beat the competition. Like medicine, management is learned through practice and experience. Yet managers (like doctors) can practice their craft more effectively if they relentlessly seek new knowledge and insight, from both inside and outside their companies, so they can keep updating their assumptions, skills, and knowledge.  相似文献   

How business schools lost their way   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Business schools are facing intense criticism for failing to impart useful skills, failing to prepare leaders, failing to instill norms of ethical behavior--and even failing to lead graduates to good corporate jobs. These criticisms come not just from students, employers, and the media but also from deans of some of America's most prestigious B schools. The root cause oftoday's crisis in management education, assert Warren G. Bennis and James O'Toole, is that business schools have adopted an inappropriate--and ultimately self-defeating--model of academic excellence. Instead of measuring themselves in terms of the competence of their graduates, or by how well their faculty members understand important drivers of business performance, they assess themselves almost solely by the rigor of their scientific research. This scientific model is predicated on the faulty assumption that business is an academic discipline like chemistry or geology when, in fact, business is a profession and business schools are professional schools--or should be. Business school deans may claim that their schools remain focused on practice, but they nevertheless hire and promote research-oriented professors who haven't spent time working in companies and are more comfortable teaching methodology than messy, multidisciplinary issues--the very stuff of management. The authors don't advocate a return to the days when business schools were glorified trade schools. But to regain relevancy, they say, business schools must rediscover the practice of business and find a way to balance the dual mission of educating practitioners and creating knowledge through research.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether auditor-provided tax services affect stock price crash risk: an important consideration for stock investors. Provision of tax services by incumbent auditors could accentuate or attenuate crash risk depending on whether such services give rise to knowledge spillover or impair auditor independence. The study investigates two channels through which tax services might affect crash risk: earnings management in tax expenses and tax avoidance. Also examined is whether the association between tax services and crash risk is moderated by the particular business strategy that organizations pursue. A two-stage model is used to control for the potential endogeneity inherent in the selection of auditors for tax services. Empirical findings reveal that auditor-provided tax services attenuate crash risk by constraining both earnings management in tax expenses and tax avoidance. Further evidence shows that auditor-provided tax services reduce crash risk for firms following innovator business strategies. Taken together, empirical findings reported in this study support knowledge spillover benefits, that is, insights gained from tax services can enhance audit effectiveness.  相似文献   

Introducing T-shaped managers. Knowledge management's next generation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Most companies do a poor job of capitalizing on the wealth of expertise scattered across their organizations. That's because they tend to rely on centralized knowledge-management systems and technologies. But such systems are really only good at distributing explicit knowledge, the kind that can be captured and codified for general use. They're not very good at transferring implicit knowledge, the kind needed to generate new insights and creative ways of tackling business problems or opportunities. The authors suggest another approach, something they call T-shaped management, which requires executives to share knowledge freely across their organization (the horizontal part of the "T"), while remaining fiercely committed to their individual business unit's performance (the vertical part). A few companies are starting to use this approach, and one--BP Amoco--has been especially successful. From BP's experience, the authors have gleaned five ways that T-shaped managers help companies capitalize on their inherent knowledge. They increase efficiency by transferring best practices. They improve the quality of decision making companywide. They grow revenues through shared expertise. They develop new business opportunities through the cross-pollination of ideas. And they make bold strategic moves possible by delivering well-coordinated implementation. All that takes time, and BP's managers have had to learn how to balance that time against the attention they must pay to their own units. The authors suggest, however, that it's worth the effort to find such a balance to more fully realize the immense value of the knowledge lying idle within so many companies.  相似文献   

Myths are tales that combine fact and fiction. Commonly shared business myths help provide the foundation for underlying beliefs about what is important, what matters to the customer, and explain or justify business practices. While myths can be a means to structure information and knowledge, they can also be barrier to innovation in a changing market. The changing demographics in all industrialised markets and the coming retirement of the baby boom generation pose challenges to seven commonly accepted myths among financial planners about who customers are, what they want and the most effective ways to deliver service value. This paper examines these widely held ‘industry beliefs’ and suggests strategies that product developers and planners might consider to improve practice management and to grow new business in an ageing marketplace.  相似文献   

Taxonomies play an increasingly important role in knowledge management of business best practices, providing a basis by which to index, find and communicate knowledge. However, knowledge continues to evolve over time. As a result, taxonomies must also continue to evolve as organizations innovate and change. Reportedly, firms customize best‐practice taxonomies to meet their unique organization needs. Accordingly, we might expect organizations to generate dissimilar best‐practice taxonomies. However, taxonomies must also reflect the state of knowledge in the area being categorized, and thus are likely to be similar in many ways in different organizations. The purpose of this paper is to study how taxonomies change in different organizations and how they stay the same. In order to explain the parallels in organizational taxonomies, the notion of ‘knowledge artefact efficiency’ (or knowledge efficiency) is suggested to capture the concept that new knowledge is rapidly adopted by many organizations in their knowledge management systems. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

企业财务战略管理:一个企业能力理论视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业能力理论已成为研究企业理论与战略管理理论一个热门领域。企业的本质是知识与能力的集合体。财务战略管理作为企业战略管理的职能管理战略应该立足于企业能力现状,即从企业能力现状出发,进行具体的财务战略谋划;另一方面,财务战略管理应服务于企业能力尤其是竞争优势的培养这一企业能力目标。  相似文献   

惠平 《金融论坛》2006,11(7):28-32
随着金融制度改革的深入,国有商业银行信贷业务的利润贡献占比逐步下降,非信贷业务收入占比不断提高。在金融市场变化加剧、市场竞争日益激烈、金融创新层出不穷的新形势下,正确认识银行信贷的一般规律及在未来商业银行经营发展中的地位、作用及发展方向,将直接关系到我国银行业改革与发展的战略和策略。本文通过对国有商业银行信贷管理制度的历史考察,及对不良贷款和信贷发展的认识,运用科学发展观,提出银行信贷在一段相当长的时期内仍是企业融资的主渠道,应逐步实现信贷业务调整,更有效地发挥好信贷在银行经营及社会融资中的主导作用,在发展中实现信贷的新跨越。  相似文献   

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