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现行财务报告是相关利益者的主要信息来源,由于其非财务信息、知识资源信息、现时成本信息等方面的披露尚不完善,无法适应多样化的信息需求。因此,加强对表外信息进行分类,扩充利润表的信息含量,重视财务情况说明书的编制等是提高现行财务报告质量的途径。  相似文献   

从国际比较上看,无论发达国家、新兴工业化国家,还是发展中国家,都存在着大量的中小企业,并且在经济发展中扮演了重要角色.各国尤其是西方发达国家普遍重视规范中小企业财务报告行为工作,研究中小企业财务报告行为特征具有现实意义与理论价值.本文提出了规范我国中小企业财务报告行为的若干构想,希冀以此推动相关课题的进一步研究.  相似文献   

网络财务报告及规范的国际发展动向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前由现代信息技术,特别是网络技术引发的全球信息化浪潮冲击着传统社会生产的每一个角落,网络化、数字化、知识化已成为时代的主旋律。网络时代改变了整个社会经济的生产结构和劳动结构,打破了传统的企业管理模式和会计模式,其中,网络财务报告就是网络时代财务信息用户需求变革与信息技术创新的必然结果。网络财务报告的国际发展现状所谓网络财务报告,就是指企业在  相似文献   

黄秋菊 《会计师》2011,(9):111-112
<正>财务报告是财务会计工作的最终成果,因此它是一个综合性很强的事物,对它的改进应该先分析其存在缺陷的原因,找到它未来应有的模式,在此基础上再考虑改进的具体措施。目前,国内对于财务报告不足的研究较多,认为其主要缺陷有:①重历史成本信息,轻预测性信息;②对无形资产、智力资产等软性资产关注不够:③缺乏对企业应负担社会责任信息的披露;④对企业所面临的风险披露不充分;⑤现有财务报告体系不能适应新经济时代的需要等。国内关于财务报告体系改进的研究,多数都是从财务报告披露信息内容的扩展和披露信息的  相似文献   

在现有的工会财务规章制度中,尚未对工会财务报告有一个明确的定义。一般可以理解为:工会财务报告是反映工会及工会所属单位的财务收支状况和资金管理状况的总结性文件。因此,工会财务报告作为工会会计信息的载体,是研究工会会计改革的重要问题之一。随着经济的不断发展,我国对财务报告的研究正逐步深入,作为预算会计范畴的工会会计,同样需要在理论和实践两个方面发展和完善,以期更为客观、完整、科学地反映工会财务状况,为工会宏观经济管理和全面履行工会职责服务。  相似文献   

政府财务报告研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、政府财务报告目标在会计理论界,会计目标也叫做财务报告目标或财务报表目标。会计目标的研究形成了两个代表性的学派,即受托责任学派和决策有用学派。受托责任观认为,会计的目标就是向资源的提供者报告资源受托管理的情况,以历史的客观信息为主,着眼于财务会计的传统角色,不考虑资源提供者如何理解并利用这些信息去制定什么决策。决策有用观认为,会计信息系统的根本目标就是为信息的使用者提供对他们决策有用的信息,着眼于财务会计的现代角色,强调会计信息系统在提供信息时,应该考虑信息使用者可能的决策需要,信息使用者主要包括现在的和潜在的投资者、信贷者、企业管理当局和政  相似文献   

上世纪90年代开始的美国联邦政府财务报告编制与审计改革是联邦政府加强财务管理的一项重要内容。经过多次改革,形成了以权责发生制为主要会计计量基础的联邦政府财务报告体系,和以审计署的外部审计与监察长办公室的内部审计相结合的联邦政府财务报告审计模式。当前这种财务报告体系与审计模式仍处于发展与完善过程中,需不断改进财务信息质量和强化审计的作用。  相似文献   

This article describes how large UK companies communicate with their institutional shareholders, and investigates how this private disclosure process relates to financial reporting. The article draws from case studies based on interviews with senior executives in 33 UK companies. Four insights into corporate disclosure arise from this case data. Firstly, a private disclosure process to institutional shareholders is outlined. Secondly, the private disclosure activity is recognised as a significant part of a larger corporate decision concerning public versus private voluntary disclosure. Thirdly, a range of factors are identified as encouraging private disclosure. These include the perceived limitations of financial reports (annual reports and interims), both as a disclosure mechanism in their own right and by comparison with private disclosure channels. Finally, despite these limitations, financial reports are recognised as a central component of a larger corporate disclosure system. The article therefore provides a novel insight in the role of financial reports in the larger corporate disclosure process, and ends by exploring new directions for research in financial reporting, including how the wider corporate disclosure system can be reformed in a systematic manner.  相似文献   

Willem Buijink 《Abacus》2006,42(3-4):296-301
In this introductory paper at the Abacus Forum on International Financial Reporting, I contend that it is difficult to argue that financial reporting and disclosure regulation around the world is evidence-based. Anecdotes and references to more systematic research and surveys of research are used to demonstrate this. 'Evidence-based' is a term that I borrow from medicine. There the term stands for basing medical patient care and health policy choices on the 'current best [scientific] evidence'. I contend that financial reporting and disclosure regulation (and perhaps practice as well) are currently not evidence-based in the specific sense of not being based on the current best scientific evidence available about accounting and auditing. Next I discuss possible causes of this state of affairs and look at future possibilities for financial reporting and disclosure regulation to become (more) evidence-based. The discussion ends by providing a link with the papers that follow in this issue.  相似文献   

I review new empirical evidence from the recent financial crisis on the relation between financial reporting and financial stability. I draw the following conclusions: First, there is still no evidence that fair value accounting caused widespread fire sales of asset or contagion. Second, the empirical evidence suggests that accounting and regulation might have contributed to the crisis by allowing several banks to delay actions. Third, even if share prices reacted positively to the relaxation of fair value accounting rules during the crisis, the origin of the problem might be lax rules that allowed banks to run into financial and regulatory problems. Fourth, fair values can be relevant for assets that a bank intends to hold until maturity if that bank strongly relies on short-term financing. Fifth, the recognition of fair values is no substitute for information that allows investors to judge a bank's risk exposure and the validity of reported fair values.  相似文献   

Authoritative accounting pronouncements almost always require more, rather than less, financial reporting disclosures and accountants rarely, if ever, act to overturn the required disclosures. Since the personality literature suggests that desire for more information is linked to an individual's intolerance for ambiguity, this study tested selected hypotheses about the relationship between accountants' intolerance for ambiguity and their desire for financial reporting alternatives. The findings of the study did not disclose a significant relationship between accountants' intolerance for ambiguity and their desire for financial reporting alternatives. However, the results did disclose a relationship between education level and two dependent variables: desire for disclosure and consistency of desired disclosures with generally accepted accounting principles. Therefore, additional research should pay more attention to the effects of demographic information, which may in fact be more informative than many previously tested variables such as personality characteristics.  相似文献   

Motivated by theoretical models in economics which show that there is matching between CEO skill and firm size, we introduce a new measure of director skill which is based on the aggregate size of firms on which the director serves as an independent director. We validate our measure by showing that it is positively associated with director experience, financial expertise, industry expertise and managerial experience. We then examine whether our average measure of skill across board members is positively associated with monitoring quality. Controlling for the endogenous relationships between board composition and financial reporting quality, we find a positive association between our board measure for skill and monitoring quality, and we show that directors have a causal impact on monitoring effort and outcomes. Furthermore, consistent with the enhanced monitoring provided by skilled directors, we document a positive association between the level of and changes in our measure and firm value.  相似文献   

This article provides a comprehensive assessment of private firms’ financing sources and their relation with financial reporting practices. We consider debt financing (bank financing, leasing, and government guarantees), equity financing (family ownership, government ownership, employee ownership, and private-equity financing), and trade credit (supplier credit and factoring). Our primary conclusions are that there is significant heterogeneity in the way in which private companies are financed that is influenced by their specific business contexts, and that this heterogeneity in financing is associated with differential demand for and supply of financial reporting.  相似文献   

There is significant evidence of the practice of creative accounting by large listed corporations. However, little is known about the process by which such schemes are devised and succeed in escaping legal and regulatory sanction. This study examines this process of creative compliance in the case of complex convertible securities issued by U.K. listed companies between 1987 and 1990. There was an active dialectic of creativity in the design of these instruments — a shift from avoidance to rules to avoidance again. The evidence shows how a small group of professionals in finance, law and accountancy cooperated in the development of these instruments. They helped the issuers to manage their financial reporting process in a way in which compliance was assured. Where regulatees are able to command such creative compliance skills and resources, regulators may find themselves facing an uphill struggle.  相似文献   

The determinants of Internet financial reporting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Responding to the widespread adoption of the Internet and the rapidly growing demands for information from stakeholders, corporations around the world are using the Internet for business and financial disclosures. Internet reporting has the benefits of low cost, wider reach, frequency and speed. Despite these benefits Internet reporting varies across companies and across countries. We study Internet financial reporting (IFR), in particular the presentation and content of IFR, of 660 large companies in 22 countries to identify the firm, and environmental determinants of IFR. The study revealed that firm size, listing on US stock exchanges and technology were firm specific determinants of IFR. Given that IFR is not just about the content of disclosure, but also about employing new presentation methods, the environment of disclosure was included in the research. The overarching disclosure environment of a country was found to be an important environmental driver for IFR presentation and less strongly for IFR content. The presentation aspect of IFR was more associated with the identified determinants than the content of IFR, which suggests that Internet presentation technologies were more related to the determinants than the content of the reports on the company Web sites.  相似文献   

当你需要将股票从一个证券公司转到另一个证券公司或者将资金从A银行账户转到B银行账户的时候,你可能会感到非常不方便.此时你是否意识到了这是标准"惹的祸"?  相似文献   

We investigate whether management's cognitions, values and perceptions are associated with fraud for 18 863 firm‐years for Chinese listed firms from 2000 to 2014. Demographic characteristics of the chief financial officer (CFO) are used as proxies for management's cognitions, values and perceptions. We find that fraudulent financial reporting is higher when CFOs are younger, male, and have lower education backgrounds. An analysis of inflated earnings, fictitious assets, material omissions and other material misstatements provide similar results, with the exception that CFOs with higher education levels are associated with more inflated earnings.  相似文献   

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