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我国大学科技园孵化器网络服务平台建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学科技园孵化器是一种重要的企业发展工具.随着信息网络技术的崛起和科技型中小企业的快速成长,孵化器的运作模式发生了深刻的变化.大学科技园孵化器基于网络服务平台将孵化器的传统服务支持系统与大学的创新创业资源创造性地融合,开发出了全新的事业.为此从相关概念的内涵出发,构建了该平台的结构模型,明确了该平台的功能模块和构建原则,分析了该平台的运行机制,为该平台的建设提供理论依据.  相似文献   

在我国走新型工业化道路,全面建设小康社会的进程中,高等学校应抓住重要的发展机遇,在大力提升教学、科研水平的同时,办好大学科技园。大学科技园不仅仅是承担大学服务社会职能的平台,而且,大学科技园的建设与发展还有利于促进高校的学科建设与发展。当今世界上许多著名大学,都  相似文献   

供应链物流网络设施选址方法及GIS应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先论述了供应链环境下物流网络设施选址的理论与现实意义,在介绍重心模型原理基础上,以吉林省某乳业集团物流网络设施选址为实例进行了验证应用,并且提出了基于GIS技术的物流设施选址方法及注意事项.该方法对供应链管理环境下的物流网络设施选址问题具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

<正>基于微电网大规模建设应用的背景趋势,从电网企业市场经济和社会责任双重属性出发,依据并网型微电网经济性的核心目标构建综合评价体系和相应的规划模型。对微电网进行单元模块界定及区域合理划分,在区域内评估单元模块或单元模块组合建设微电网的经济性和必要性。据此,提出电网企业开展并网型微电网项目建设的选址规划模型。  相似文献   

虚拟科技因区作为一种新型的产学研合作网络组织形式备受关注.本文从知识网络这一视角出发,分析虚拟科技园区知识网络的构成要素和相互作用关系,构建了虚拟科技园区知识循环创造模型,提出虚拟科技园区建立学习型组织的发展模式,在构建学习型组织的过程中应充分考虑虚拟化运营中合作伙伴文化背景复杂、合作意图差异及缺乏足够的相互信任所引发的学习智障,建立科学健全的基于组织层面和网络层面的学习机制,并以云南省大学科技园为案例进行分析.  相似文献   

为有效促进电动汽车市场化, 本文提出基于改进前景理论的直觉模糊多准则决策分析方法, 并将其应用于电动汽车电池集中充电中心的选址决策。构建电池集中充电中心选址的评价指标体系,建立直觉模糊评价矩阵, 并定义新的记分函数, 据此将直觉模糊评价矩阵转化为实数评价矩阵; 考虑到决策者的非理性行为, 引入改进的前景理论, 构建改进的前景决策矩阵; 建立综合考虑主、客观因素的优化定权模型; 结合改进的前景决策矩阵及准则权重提出基于改进前景理论的直觉模糊多准则决策方法; 基于该方法研究电池集中充电中心的选址问题, 为此类问题提供一种有效的分析方法, 并通过算例对此类问题进行优化决策。  相似文献   

近年来,我国各类化工企业环境污染事件频发,环境风险日益凸显。化工企业的环境风险不仅局限于生产过程,对它的风险需要从规划选址、环评管理、施工建设、生产运营,以致搬迁后,从企业的全生命周期进行分析。本文在全生命周期环境风险分析的基础上,尝试从规划环境管理制度、环评管理制度、环境监理与竣工验收管理制度、生产运营环境管理制度和搬迁后环境管理制度等方面提出了加强化工企业环境管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

从项目管理工作的实际出发,借鉴房地产行业的项目管理成功经验,运用管理学的理论和方法。总结了某小区的项目管理及其开发工作整体运作过程。从前期选址、可行性研究到决策,以及从设计到施.工和竣工验收各个环节,全面分析小区建设项目的管理规划及控制要点。  相似文献   

本刊本期《高新技术及产业发展政策选登》栏目刊出了《高新技术及产业发展政策汇编》^[1]一书中的《河北省科技厅关于印发(关于促进大学科技园发展的若干意见)的通知》^[1],旨在为促进大学科技园发展服务,推进产学研结合,推进加强技术创新,发展高科技,实现产业化。  相似文献   

本文通过对当前城市移动通信基站的设置形式以及在选址和建站中遇到的困难分析,指出了基站建设必须考虑信号覆盖和电磁辐射两个关键点,分析了在城市中无线路经损耗模型及典型基站信号辐射例证。为掌握电信运营商拟建或已建基站的信号覆盖和电磁辐射情况,从基站选址的角度设计了一种基于GIS的选址解决方案,以方便无线电管理部门对电信运营商在基站建设中给予技术指导。  相似文献   

李艳 《工业技术经济》2012,31(3):151-155
结合氯碱化工园区的实际情况,建立了氯碱化工园区循环经济评价指标体系,运用层次分析法(analytical hierarchy process,AHP)确定了指标体系中各指标的权重,运用模糊综合评判(fuzzy com prehensive evaluation,FCE)理论,建立了氯碱化工园区循环经济综合评价模型,并将这一模型应用于某氯碱化工园区循环经济的综合评价。实例表明:模糊综合评价方法可操作性强,可在氯碱化工园区循环经济综合评价中广泛应用。  相似文献   

施工场地布置是施工组织设计的重要组成部分,合理规划施工场地布置是项目施工良好进展的开端。针对传统经验布置在施工场地布置中存在的成本问题,采用系统布置设计(SLP)方法分析施工场地各个设施之间的物流关系和作业单位相互关系,并采用遗传粒子群算法(GAPSO)进行目标函数寻优,提出切实可行的场地布置方案,以加强现场管理系统性和科学性。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of university science parks in fostering interorganizational technology transfers and technological development. We first try to contrast the development of science parks with the theoretical and empirical findings from scholarly work in the area of the management of technology. This theoretical context allows us to interpret and to discuss empirical data collected from Belgian and Dutch science park firms. The data collection mainly focused on the interactions of park-based firms with their external R&D environment. This analysis leads to two important findings: (1) the level of R&D activity at the tenants is rather moderate for most of the parks studied, and (2) the tension between 'regionalism' and 'internationalism' in contemporary R&D management.
In the wake of this second finding, arguments are presented to complement and even to change the focus from the 'miniature' R&D network which might develop on university science parks toward the 'R&D community' network holding together researchers working on a particular, interrelated set of scientific and technological problems wherever they may be located around the globe. Moreover, it is argued that a unified theory on the emergence and the development of new technologies is badly needed. Only if the dynamics underlying the development of a new technology are unravelled and better understood can technology policies, such as the ones involving the creation of science parks, be targeted more effectively.  相似文献   

工业产业聚集已成为工业化发展的趋势,传统工业正逐步向生态工业转换,这种转换势必会带来土地布局的变更,传统工业生产已对区域土地造成较大程度的污染。因而从生态工业区的理念出发,有必要将现有土地污染状况作为改造型生态工业布局规划的基础,该研究以工业区内各取样点的污染物浓度为依托,建立了传统工业区不同功能分区的土壤污染评价、污染物分布特征和传播规律等基础模型,并以此划分出生态工业区不同设施的限制布局分级,来实现传统工业区向生态工业区转换过程中二次污染的最小化,为生态工业区规划布局提供新的思路。  相似文献   

为了解决高速公路出行路径选择问题,基于图论模糊算法,提出了大数据下的智慧诱导技术。首先对高速路网在路径诱导的实时性、线路规划的精准度和算法的适用性方面进行优化;其次通过利用贪心算法和整体寻优算法,对经典路径诱导算法进行研究和比选;最后针对高速路网提出基于大数据动态规划的路径诱导技术,采用大数据、内存计算、图计算和AI结合的方式来实现大数据的动态实时路径诱导。研究结果表明,智慧诱导技术可主动为有不同诉求目标的出行者提供实时最优的方案选择,解决复杂路网下动态路径的合理诱导问题。所提出的方法可实现大数据驱动下的智慧诱导,对进一步提升公路智能化和精细化管理水平具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The paper treats the topic of long range planning in an applied research oriented university unit. The advantages and disadvantages of the relevance of planning in an academic frame are considered, and the need for a formal long-term consideration of the development of an academic research unit is presented. Endogenous and exogenous attributes of future desirable fields of research are determined. The desired attributes are translated into selection criteria and quantitative indicators. A compensatory type methodology for decision-making is applied in order to rank potential areas of research. An example of the application of the proposed methodology for selecting directions of development for an applied chemistry academic unit (Casali Institute of Applied Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) is presented and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Science parks provide an important resource network for new technology‐based firms (NTBFs). To ascertain the 'added value' of a science park location the innovativeness of independent technology‐based science park firms are compared with the levels recorded by a comparable group of firms not located on a park. The hypotheses are empirically tested on the basis of 263 new technology‐based firms in Sweden located both on and off‐park. The survey endeavoured to cover joint‐stock firms located on the nine target science parks (163 firms). The remainder of the NTBFs were drawn from off‐park locations (100 firms). The findings on science parks performance suggest that the parks milieu appear to have a positive impact on their firms growth as measured in terms of sales and jobs. However, there was no evidence of a direct relationship between science park location and profitability. While this research provided several new insights into science parks in Sweden, numerous questions remain.  相似文献   

A research planning diagram notation is introduced. It is based on computer programming flow charts and has a number of advantages over the conventional arrow diagram method. The notation lends itself to a straightforward quantitative analysis which yields probabilistic time and cost information in a form suitable for use in project planning, selection or control. Two current research programmes are examined as illustrations of RPD methods.  相似文献   

The microeconomic theory of the firm encompasses classical marginal analysis and modern operations research techniques. Yet, one finds a paucity of explicit application of microeconomics to corporate planning. In this paper we explore the reasons for the seeming void and develop an economic theory of corporate planning. Our main thesis is that received microeconomic theory focuses on answers, and answers stated in non-operational terms. Nonetheless, economic theory asks questions of central importance to the strategic choices of the firm. These questions arise from economic theory and the fundamental notion of trade-offs. We develop a microeconomic theory of strategic search for corporate planning. The theory is used to develop important questions and efficient search in lieu of chaotic and random search.  相似文献   

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