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In the past decade, the Chinese airline industry experienced extraordinary growth in size and profitability. However, no quantitative study has investigated the performance of Chinese airlines in terms of productivity and cost competitiveness. This study investigates the leading Chinese airlines' productivity, yield, cost competitiveness and input prices, and benchmarks them against major airlines around the world. It finds that Chinese airlines' productivity has improved significantly in the past decade but still lags behind that of industry leaders. Chinese carriers enjoyed high yields and low input prices in the domestic market, which led to high profitability in recent years. However, their cost advantage has been diminishing. To sustain long-term growth, Chinese airlines need to adopt the industry's best practices in a timely manner. Both the aviation markets and input markets in China should be further liberalized.  相似文献   

This paper applies the unoriented DEA network methodology to measure US airlines' performance relative to that of peer airlines and identifies the sources of its inefficiency. The analysis of the results suggests that major US airlines are more efficient than national US airlines in spending operating expenses and gaining operating revenue, but there is no significant difference in their service supply and demand efficiencies.  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis is used to examine inter-temporal and peer group airline efficiency. Results for the US for 1985–2006 indicate that airline performance is converging over time. In particular, airlines inter-temporal inefficiency peaked earlier and then converged. Furthermore, using Tobit specifications it is seen that while demand intensity matters less in determining airlines inter-temporal inefficiency, their influence is stronger in determining peer group inefficiency. Block time, a representative of operational factors, tends to negatively impact airlines efficiency by imposing burdens on airline operations. Among the structural cost and revenue factors, fuel cost tends to affect inter-temporal inefficiency more robustly than it does to peer group efficiency. Labor pay tends to reduce inefficiency in case of inter-temporal while increasing peer group inefficiency. The events of September 11th had little or no impact on inter-temporal inefficiency but tended to reduce peer group inefficiency in a significant way. Finally, airlines efficiency tends to be robustly affected by block hours; reducing them increases efficiency.  相似文献   

This study tracked the static efficiency and dynamic productivity changes of 14 US airlines from 2006 to 2015. Moreover, we estimated the principal economic drivers of the environmental variables to increase the US domestic airlines' efficiency using the double bootstrap regression analysis. The major aspects of this study are as follows: First, network legacy carriers have the highest efficiency, whereas low-cost carriers are lowest. Nonetheless, network legacy carriers still have room to improve scale inefficiency. Second, the fluctuations in technical change, rather than in efficiency change, tended to have greater effect on the fluctuation of Malmquist productivity index for US domestic airlines. Third, M&A between US airlines have both positive and negative effects in terms of efficiency and economies of scale. Fourth, cost environmental factors have a negative effect on US airlines' efficiency, while revenue factor is a positive effect. The results of this study may help US airline industry practitioners to understand the US domestic airline environment from an operator's perspective.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a frequency equation to explain the determinants of network airline service levels at their hub airports. Drawing on European data for 2002–2013, we find that network airlines reduce frequencies when the share of low-cost airlines increases both on the route and at the hub airport. On the contrary, frequency choices of network airlines are not affected by competition from low-cost airlines operating in nearby secondary airports. We also find some evidence that mergers in Europe may result in a re-organization of the route structure in favor of the hubs of the larger airline.  相似文献   

This paper develops an application of the analytic hierarchy process to rank the operating cost components of full service and low cost airlines. It takes into account the financial balance sheets and answers to a questionnaire submitted to the managers of selected airlines. The results suggest that the analytic hierarchy process can be appropriately used to obtain the ranking of the costs taking into account different views: financial, management and operative. Rental, office equipment and other supplies costs show the highest importance in the cost ranking, both for full services and low cost airlines. The robustness of the results is tested by Monte Carlo analysis.  相似文献   

Gulf State aviation repeats a national development model previously applied in Southeast Asia. Developing national carriers and airport infrastructure together supports tourism, technology transfer and economic growth. Gulf airports leverage geographic advantage, but greater benefits flow from the absence of curfews or expansion constraints. Comparing Boeing B777-300 unit costs for one-stop journeys between Hong Kong and four European cities via Dubai, Frankfurt, London, and Amsterdam finds that the longer Dubai journey absorbs any cost advantage from through journeys on wide-body aircraft. Configuration impacts unit cost. Emirates configurations match Lufthansa, British Airways and KLM. Qatar Airways and Etihad match less dense Asian carriers. Finally, lower airport charges persist for the Gulf airports despite the introduction of transfer passenger fees in 2016.  相似文献   

Monitoring the carbon emission performance of Chinese airlines helps inform targeted carbon-reduction policies. This paper proposes a global Malmquist carbon emission performance index (GMCPI), which can measure dynamic changes in total factor carbon emissions performance over time using a production frontier framework. The study then applied the proposed index to evaluate carbon emission performance of 12 Chinese airlines from 2007 to 2013; the study also proposed bootstrapping GMCPI to perform statistical inferences on the GMCPI results. The empirical study generated in three meaningful findings. First, the carbon emission performance of the airlines improved by 11.93%, mainly through technological progress. Second, there were carbon emission performance differences among three different airline types; there was also a convergence of carbon emission performance. Third, the most important factor influencing carbon emission performance was the air routes distribution. Chinese airlines should consider improving carbon emission performance further, by establishing an evaluation system, enhancing communication and coordination among different airlines, adjusting the scale of airline development, and optimizing the air routes distribution.  相似文献   

Air Traffic demand in Latin America is expected to double over the next twenty years, yet airline profitability in the region remains highly problematic. The impediments challenging financial prosperity in the continent are numerous and have resulted in prolonged loss-making periods across most Latin American carriers. Breaking with this trend, Copa Airlines has been able to report double-digit net results for several years and recorded 56% of total profits earned by all Latin American carriers in 2016. This research has identified a number of Key Performance Indicators that have underpinned Copa Airlines' financial prosperity through a Product and Organisational Architecture (POA) framework analysis whose results were validated and elaborated upon by the CEO of Copa Airlines. Copa's sustained financial success was attributable to a number of factors. First, its geographical positioning has allowed it to engineer strong connectivity by coupling North and South America through its hub, which is reachable with narrowbodies to nearly all points in the Americas. Second, its low unit cost structure is akin to that of LCCs, operating a single aircraft type with high utilisation. Third, it has a uniquely low market concentration of competitors on its routes and capitalises on this by having a strong schedule with high frequencies together with outstanding punctuality. Fourth, it has a synergistic and fruitful cooperation with its hub airport at Tocumen. Finally it benefits from positive external factors such as a dollarized home economy with high GDP growth, exceptionally low unemployment and inflation rates ring-fenced with security. These pillars can be used as a reference for other Latin based airlines seeking to improve profitability.  相似文献   

Low cost carriers entered the Serbian air travel market after Serbia joined the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) in 2006, prompting the development of healthy competition among airlines and resulting in significant traffic increase at Belgrade Airport. The aim of this paper is to examine the characteristics of passengers traveling on low-cost carriers (LCC) in comparison with those traveling on traditional airlines by using cluster analysis, and to provide practical implications to airport management in tailoring their strategies to meet growing demand. A comprehensive passenger survey was recently conducted at Belgrade Airport on the routes where competition between traditional and LCC carrier exists. The results reveal that emigrants, primarily encouraged by favorable fares, constitute a substantial portion of LCC passengers. Affordable service offered by LCC has also been a positive stimulus for emigrants, who purchase tickets for their friends and relatives to visit them in their host countries. On the other hand, passengers using traditional airlines could be generally classified into two segments, those who fly on business and those who fly for leisure purposes, and each had specific needs when choosing their airline.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the estimation of systematic risks in a sample of airlines by using three time-varying models (i.e. the Schwert and Seguin model, the multivariate GARCH model and the Kalman filter algorithm) as well as the conventional capital asset pricing model. Using both domestic and international market indices, the results show that the Kalman filter algorithm method with the domestic market index as a benchmark appears to be the superior model for capturing systematic risk in the airline industry.  相似文献   

Without sustainable competitive advantage firms have limited economic reasons to exist and will decline. Competitive advantage concerns the factors which provide competitive strength. This paper is based upon the resource-based view which considers firm resources to be heterogeneous and which believes that firms only have a small bundle of core resources irrespective of their overall performance. This research establishes the role of 36 intangible resources for 49 Asian airlines across three business models: network airlines; low-cost subsidiaries from network airlines; and low-cost carriers. It uses the VRIN framework which examines whether resources are valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable. Research participants distribute points between their chosen seven resources according to their perceived role in firm performance. Resources which meet all four requirements of VRIN are considered core competences and sources of sustained advantage. Across all 49 Asian airlines, the top-three most important resources of advantage are slots, brand, and product/service reputation. While these core resources are predictable, they have not previously been proven within the context of airlines, let alone geographically and by airline model. Results show that the core bundle of resources vary for each model, which helps to explain the difference in performance across models, and that some resources which were expected to be high-ranking, such as organisational culture and customer focus, were not.  相似文献   

This paper attempted to analyze the factors influencing the existence and configuration of wave-system structures of large network airlines at hub airports based on the statistical data of daily flight schedules. A bootstrapped binary logistic regression model was used to analyze the relationship between wave-system structure and its influential factors. Further, a partial least squared regression model was employed to uncover the determinants of wave-system structures' configuration. It is found that the interaction effects of two types of flight rates positively determine the existence of a wave-system structure, and the rate of airline's daily flights had the biggest impact on the configurations of wave-system structures.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relative efficiency and productivity of a representative sample of Portuguese hotels by using the directional distance function and the Luenberger productivity indicator. The key advantage of this approach is that both input contraction and output expansion are considered. The model generates hotel efficiency scores, ranking the hotels in the sample. We conclude that both inputs and outputs play a major role in hotel efficiency. Therefore, we suggest an alteration of management procedures in order to enable efficiency to be increased, based on an effective enhanced‐incentive policy and taking into account the small hotel characteristics of the sample. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Airline productivity and efficiency have remained an area of tremendous interest among both academics and industry analysts since the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 was enacted in the United States. This paper provides a bibliometric analysis of airline productivity and efficiency studies during the period from 1979 to 2020. The results show that the Journal of Air Transport Management, Transportation Research Part A, and Transportation Research Part E were the top three outlets preferred for publications in this area during the study period, and productive authors were likely to produce influential works. Research interest in airline productivity and efficiency has spread to encompass more diversified geographical regions over time, and new researchers from a broad range of fields continue to become interested in this field of research. Data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis are shown to be the most popular methods used by researchers, and studies are increasingly attempting to incorporate undesirable outputs, such as carbon emissions, flight delays and accidents, into the measurement and analysis of airline performance. The results from this study can provide guidance for future research issues and directions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine the impact of service quality by adopting AIRQUAL model and price on passengers' loyalty through the linkage of passengers' satisfaction toward low-cost airlines from the perspective of Southeast Asia. With 200 questionnaires analyzed, the results suggest that service quality and price have a positive significant impact on passenger satisfaction, and as a result lead to passengers’ loyalty. Besides, the findings of this research also confirm the mediating role of customer satisfaction between service quality and loyalty, price and loyalty separately, which implies that customer satisfaction is a vital factor for an LCCs to survive in such a highly competitive aviation market.  相似文献   

Responsibility has featured prominently in recent discussions about tourism governance. Nevertheless, research into corporate social responsibility (CSR) among travel and tourism businesses is at a relatively early stage. This paper reports on external stakeholders' perceptions of CSR among low-fares airlines (LFAs) in peripheral regions of the UK in late 2008; that is, during the current global economic downturn. LFAs, their business plans and their ability to contribute towards sustainable development have been the source of much public discourse and media scrutiny in the last decade. This paper does not set out to reopen that debate per se. Rather, it contributes to a deeper understanding of CSR in the tourism sector by arguing for a more nuanced approach to external stakeholders, one which is also informed by primary empirical research from qualitative sources, and which is conceptually informed by the latest thinking from other sectors of economic activity. Important inter-regional variations exist in external stakeholders' perceptions and valorisations of CSR, they are context-specific, and they are not static as their responses to the recent downturn reveal.  相似文献   

Prior studies have examined the value relevance of operating measures in the airline industry. These indicators, however, have been evaluated in isolation. This study adds to the extant literature by investigating the interactive effects of service quality (e.g., on-time arrivals, flight delays, mishandled baggage, and complaints) and aircraft productivity on the firm's future performance as measured by one-quarter-ahead Return on Assets or Return on Sales. Overall, results show that negative factors such as more complaints and more mishandled baggage interact with aircraft productivity to further reduce one-quarter ahead Return on Assets or Return on Sales, with the results of complaints being more pronounced. On the other hand, there is no support for the interaction between on-time arrivals and aircraft productivity.  相似文献   

Recently, low-cost airline (LCA) companies have become more attractive. However, emerging digital technologies have transformed the passengers’ profiles. Digital competency has become a crucial matter to capture digital passenger expectations. Hence, the purpose of the study is to introduce a new digital competency evaluation (DCE) model. The proposed model comprises technology transformation & implementation, and also transformation & adaptation management dimensions, with ten criteria and thirty sub-criteria. Criteria weights are calculated using the IVIF AHP method. The results show that the most significant dimension is transformation and adaptation management. The most digitally competent airline is selected through the IVIF VIKOR method. A case study concerning the LCAs is conducted in Turkey to verify the validity of the proposed model.  相似文献   

This paper analyses airline profitability through an examination of the changes in their productivity growth and the ability to markup prices above costs. A yearly panel data of 22 major airlines over the 1986–1995 period is used. Despite the fact that the European carriers were subjected to a more rapid rise in input prices and a faster decline in airfares than their North American counterparts, they achieved a faster growth in profitability since the early 1990s thanks to their higher productivity growth caused largely by the increased competition in Europe. Although overall profitability of the industry has improved during the 1990s, there are significant variations across airlines because of their differential capabilities to deal with the increasing competition and input prices.  相似文献   

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