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在中国崛起的历史大视野中,自主创新将承担何种战略定位,中国将如何构建开放的自主创新体系,及营造一个创新友好的政策环境?  相似文献   

对拉丁美洲而言,中国作为世界市场主要参与者的崛起至少有四个同等重要的意义:中国是成功的增长范例和有益的政策借鉴;中国是拥有13亿消费者及低成本商品和服务来源的市场;中国是伙伴;中国是拉丁美洲主要市场上的强大竞争者。  相似文献   

人民收入水平提高、消费增长、物价上升,顺差缩小,这三高一低,是国内经济繁荣、国家利益开始减少外流的标志,是一个经济大国向强国转化的标志。  相似文献   

大国的崛起不等于没有泡沫经济.一国越是处在经济发展水平显著上升、国际地位显著提高的阶段,越容易产生泡沫经济.因此,如不注意防范泡沫经济,泡沫的破灭极可能会中断大国崛起的进程.  相似文献   

西方世界历史上最大的繁荣已经在2007年到达了巅峰,在接下来的几十年中,西方国家将会不可避免地老龄化并且放缓其增长步伐,因此,主导21世纪世界经济后起之秀。试问,在这股新兴世界的发展热浪中,又有谁能比中国更有优势成为引领者呢?  相似文献   

邓小平是一位伟人,也是一位驾驭时间的大师。小到完成一项工作,大到制定国家发展战略,他都要有一个时间表,这尤其体现在对整个中国的发展规划上——  相似文献   

乔万尼·阿里吉(Giovanni Arrighi,1937—2009),政治经济学家,社会学家。1998年开始担任约翰霍普金斯大学社会学系教授。  相似文献   

<正>俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫2011年6月20日接受英国《金融时报》采访时特别提到中国,以及中国迅猛发展对俄罗斯带来的影响。梅德韦杰夫表示,俄罗斯应密切关注中国发展,虽然两国国情不同,但俄罗斯可拿中国的发展作为样  相似文献   

滕琳 《新理财》2010,(8):65-67
实施内控,如同是打一场大的战役,要应对来自企业内外部众多的挑战。百度的经验,让我们看到坚持的积极意义。  相似文献   

民营经济的发展能带来根本性的创业、创新动力,给中国经济带来全新的活力。百度、无锡尚德、分众传媒、阿里巴巴、SOHO中国等等这些私营企业的上市,一个又一个像李彦宏、施正荣、江南春、马云、潘石屹这样的三十几岁、四十岁亿万富翁诞生,他们成功背后都有一个、甚至更多的创业故事  相似文献   

中国目前最大的问题是,在外需萎缩后巨大的国内产能没有出路,但由于中国“工业化超前、城市化滞后”的特殊经济结构,使中国可以通过推进城市化进程释放出巨大内需,从而为中国经济继续提供强大的增长动力,而这是其他“金砖国家”所不具备的条件  相似文献   

This paper shows that the choice of a capital structure by a firm affects the bargaining posture of its shareholders vis-a-vis its suppliers of specialized production factors. The pricing of the firm's securities and the choice of a capital structure are analyzed in light of this effect of debt financing.  相似文献   

The staying power of the public corporation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Has the publicly held corporation out-lived its usefulness? In HBR's September-October 1989 issue, Michael C. Jensen of the Harvard Business School said "yes." The institutional shortcomings of the public corporation are so grave, he argued, that it must be considered fatally flawed. He described the emergence of a new form of enterprise-the LBO Association-that releases much of the untapped value and corrects many of the inefficiencies of large public companies. Alfred Rappaport, a professor and consultant who advises large public companies, joins the debate with a rebuttal to Jensen. Rappaport shares many of Jensen's criticisms of current strategic and financial practices among public companies. But he does not believe leveraged buyouts and other going-private transactions can replace the public corporation. This is so, he asserts, for two reasons: LBOs have a limited demand and a limited life. Rappaport argues that the publicly held corporation is worth saving. It is inherently flexible and self-renewing-properties that are fundamental to stability and progress in a market-driven economy and that transitory organizations like LBOs cannot replicate. Rappaport advances a four-point program to overhaul strategic planning, compensation, and governance to maximize shareholder value in public companies: 1. Find the highest valued use for all assets. 2. Limit investment to opportunities with credible potential to create value. 3. Return cash to shareholders when such value-creating investments are not available. 4. Establish incentives for managers and employees to focus on the critical business drivers that create value.  相似文献   

目前,中日韩三国央行行长会议机制已经宣布建立,我国央行与韩国央行签署了规模为1800亿元人民币、38万亿韩元的中韩本币互换协议,这也是次贷危机爆发以来,亚洲新兴市场国家主动应对外部冲击的重要举措。我们知道,到2007年为止,亚洲10加3成员之间已经签署了16份双边货币互换协议,总规模达到800亿美元。  相似文献   

保险企业社会责任探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球企业社会责任理论研究的持续深入以及社会责任实践活动的不断普及,具有典型社会管理职能的商业保险企业,其社会责任的充分发挥显得日趋迫切。本文对国内外学者关于保险企业社会责任的研究成果进行了初步综述,理清了保险企业社会责任的层次,并在此基础上,归纳出了不同生命周期的保险企业社会责任特征及发展侧重点,有助于推动我国商业保险积极承担企业社会责任,加速保险业的发展。  相似文献   

After Disney's Michael Eisner, Miramax's Harvey Weinstein, and Hewlett-Packard's Carly Fiorina fell from their heights of power, the business media quickly proclaimed thatthe reign of abrasive, intimidating leaders was over. However, it's premature to proclaim their extinction. Many great intimidators have done fine for a long time and continue to thrive. Their modus operandi runs counter to a lot of preconceptions about what it takes to be a good leader. They're rough, loud, and in your face. Their tactics include invading others' personal space, staging tantrums, keeping people guessing, and possessing an indisputable command of facts. But make no mistake--great intimidators are not your typical bullies. They're driven by vision, not by sheer ego or malice. Beneath their tough exteriors and sharp edges are some genuine, deep insights into human motivation and organizational behavior. Indeed, these leaders possess political intelligence, which can make the difference between paralysis and successful--if sometimes wrenching--organizational change. Like socially intelligent leaders, politically intelligent leaders are adept at sizing up others, but they notice different things. Those with social intelligence assess people's strengths and figure out how to leverage them; those with political intelligence exploit people's weaknesses and insecurities. Despite all the obvious drawbacks of working under them, great intimidators often attract the best and brightest. And their appeal goes beyond their ability to inspire high performance. Many accomplished professionals who gravitate toward these leaders want to cultivate a little "inner intimidator" of their own. In the author's research, quite a few individuals reported having positive relationships with intimidating leaders. In fact, some described these relationships as profoundly educational and even transformational. So before we throw out all the great intimidators, the author argues, we should stop to consider what we would lose.  相似文献   

As China's economy grows and opens further, the opportunity it presents to multinationals is changing. Foreign companies are moving to country development and new strategic choices. Now, foreign firms can actually go after the Chinese domestic market, and it's worth going after. Improvements in China's infrastructure, workforce, and regulatory environment are making it possible for companies to lower their costs to reap new competitive advantages. Multifaceted and often-shifting risks accompany this shifting opportunity. The reforms required for admission into the WTO will be politically difficult for China to implement, and its progress will be slowed by the scarcity of resources for the country's shaky banking system, the inadequacy of the social safety net, environmental problems, and local governments' cash shortage. China's breathtaking 9% average annual GDP growth rests on an unsteady foundation of overcapitalized state-owned enterprises, which have oversupplied many markets, and fiercely protectionist regional government officials pursuing growth-at-almost-all-costs policies. Frequent changes in regulations, bureaucracies, and reporting relationships will continue to make planning difficult, and, as the SARS epidemic demonstrated, there is always the potential for serious disruptions. But for at least the next ten years, multinationals should be the biggest winners in China. To reap the benefits, a multinational must properly nest its effort into its overall organization, show "one face to China" at the national level but also tailor local strategies, be wary of joint ventures, and mitigate risk, in particular the theft of intellectual property. China is a major opportunity for companies that forthrightly face its complexities. It will remain largely inscrutable--and unprofitable--for the rest.  相似文献   

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