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市场销售与踢球一样,终端销售就等于临门一脚.如何采取有效的终端策略,对准各类消费者的需求和防线,从不同的角度进行强烈的攻击,从而最终飞起临门一脚,将球送进对方的球门,已经成为各个企业共同关注的热点问题.  相似文献   

案例:A品牌的招商困境 南京某经销商买断了茅台镇一个白酒品牌(此处称为"A品牌"),通过和某科研机构的合作,在生产过程中加入了一种被称之为"AS"的营养物质,从而开发了具有"不上头,保肝护胃"作用的所谓"营养白酒".该公司为此还申请了专利.  相似文献   

我国企业在与跨国公司同台竞技,与虎狼争食的激烈竞争中,用短短几年的时间走过了西方企业上百年市场营销的路子,相当一部分企业的营销水平有了大幅度提升,但仍存在不少问题,当前应亟待解决好“四重四轻”问题。  相似文献   

面对复杂的市场环境,企业在新产品上市,或者是需要尝试某种新的营销策略时,更多地采用样板市场先行的方式,在样板市场的操作中,可以在方案校正、经验积累、模式复制、队伍锻炼等各个方面大有收获.样板市场运作在企业营销策略中所处的地位越来越重要,企业对于样板市场操作质量的要求也越来越高,所以有必要针对样板市场全程运作的诸多环节,总结其中应该规避的种种误区.  相似文献   

近年来,中国企业面临国内市场日趋严重的有效需求不足、通货紧缩的压力;中国加入WTO之后,面对的又是一个相对过剩的国际市场,使这种压力有增无减。如何把企业的生产经营活动的重点转移到市场营销上来,进行经营创新,已成为摆在中国企业面前的重要课题。  相似文献   

渠道变革知与行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
去年的营销市场可谓是风起云涌,变脸换标,提升品牌;花样促销,增进销售,以及如火如荼的价格大战在各行各业轰轰烈烈地轮番上演.当2003年的硝烟散尽,营销人开始寻找4P中最容易被遗忘的武器--渠道.  相似文献   

快速消费品营销渠道的构建方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 从快速消费品的购买特点可以看出,消费者不仅具有明显的品牌观念,而且对消费的便利性要求较高;另外,消费者易形成冲动购买,只有善于沟通,和消费者建立起亲密感,才能成为消费者乐于接受的品牌。所以快速消费品的营销工作,首要的是如何把产品以最快的速度铺到消费者的面前,让消费者见得到,买得到。只有拥有高效的营销渠道才能做到这一点。为此,快速消费品企业在构建营销渠道时,应重视渠道成员的选择、激励和评价。  相似文献   

营销管理到底“管”什么呢?有人说是终端管理.一切营销管理都要围绕终端展开.没有终端销售就没有一切:很多人说.营销管理是管销售团队,所谓管理的重心就是“管”人:也有人说是管理渠道商(经销商.代理商.二批商等).认为经销商是企业生存.发展的根本.中国“地大物博”.没有经销商怎么能很好的辐射控制全国市场呢?!  相似文献   

曾经观看中央电视台<对话>节目,嘉宾是正大集团董事长谢国民. 在访谈中,有人问谢国民先生:"听说当年新希望集团的刘永好先生到上海出差时,看到正大集团的饲料卖得很火,于是看到了这个行业的前景,从而下决心生产饲料的.这几年我们看到,正大集团在饲料产业上显得有些日渐式微,而刘氏兄弟的希望饲料却越卖越好,成为了正大集团在国内的最大的竞争对手……你是否想过把一些业绩不好的饲料企业卖给希望集团……对此你有什么看法?"  相似文献   

有一个来自新疆的沧桑男人,用他沙哑的喉咙把那些人们熟悉的西部民歌用重新编过的乐曲唱了一遍,突然就在一夜之间走红了。就在那一眨眼的工夫,奔驰车里,高级餐厅里,出租车里,甚至连街上那些捡垃圾的都在听他的歌。而且,大家还认为他是有男人味道的、回归生活的,其狂热的程度实在让人瞠目结舌。  相似文献   

一方面中小企业要最大程度地规避市场风险,充分整合各种有利于自身的社会资源,以求得企业与产品最大的生存机会;另一方面通过产品的精耕细作在某些局部区域市场建立自身的宣传网络和资源优势,为以后的市场拓展提供样板示范效应,并进而延伸品牌带来的影响.蓝哥智洋团队曾和客户合作策划实施了诸多品牌推广案例,现总结出低成本营销的五大注意事项:  相似文献   

5000万元人民币,对于众多尚未达到或已经突破的中国中小型白酒企业来说,无疑是一个神秘的数字门槛.年销售额3000万元以内,资金流显得非常紧张,超过3000万元,企业就像过了磨合期的新车开起来可以放开胆子了.3000万元与5000万之间只有2000元万的空间,然而苦苦的努力,老是很难迈过这条线.  相似文献   

美国一家规模较小、经营内容与其他竞争对手雷同的银行,尽管内部人员从上到下工作都很努力,但整体经营情况却很是一般。一次该银行在其汽车贷款业务中,发现了一个因为内部流程改变而产生的一项竞争优势——即以24小时完成现在竞争对手48小时才能完成的汽车贷款手续。  相似文献   

The current tendency to move decision making closer to those concerned with implementing decisions in order to make use of their local market and customer knowledge is timely, particularly in relation to marketing strategy. This tendency is reflected both in the shift away from broad strategic analysis and towards encouraging strategic thinking throughout the organization; and in the emergence of more decentralized strategy development through structural innovations such as Strategic Business Units. For the manager-in-the-middle who has historically had the task of relating the broad corporate strategies to the detail of delivering products and services to the customer, this shift in emphasis creates new stresses, for it is not possible for him to assume, even in the most established consumer goods companies, that the strategic development of such activities can be construed within the traditional marketing mix (4Ps) framework. Under such circumstances, he needs a framework which enables him to take account of the crucial interactions going on within the market's infrastructure itself between customers, competition and channels (3Cs). If the manager-in-the-middle is then to be effective in responding to his increasingly complex responsibilities in relation to such markets, he must also be given the ability to manage the micro-organizational context within which he delivers products and services. This micro-organizational context is crucial because it determines the quality of the relationship that can be sustained with the customer. The higher the quality of the relationship, the tighter the coupling that can be maintained with the local market. Such tight coupling makes the relationship with the customer more defensible against competition. It therefore provides the basis for sustaining and developing the profitability of value-adding products and services so necessary to long term corporate survival.  相似文献   

The concept of a managed market is developed and is seen as especially suitable for complex transactions as an alternative to internal hierarchical organization. It is argued that a number of augmenting processes, namely trust, routinization and mutual adjustment, usually associated with internal organization, can be used to good effect in a market. Hence the paper develops an approach to make-buy decisions through a transactions cost model and exemplifies the augmenting processes in three case studies from branches of the engineering industry.  相似文献   

Abstract Financial account liberalizations since the second half of the 1980s paved the way for the burgeoning literature that investigates foreign exchange market efficiency in emerging markets (EMs) via testing for the uncovered interest parity (UIP) condition. This paper is the first to provide a broad and critical survey on this recent literature. Specifically, we attempt to answer the following questions. First, are the EMs different from the developed economies in the context of the UIP condition? Second, to what extent can these differences contribute to the debate on the UIP literature? Third, what are the empirical challenges specific to the EMs in testing for the UIP condition?  相似文献   

第一种武器:集中本企业"优势兵力" 中小企业在新产品上市的过程中,会面临着诸多领先品牌所带来的竞争压力.在强手如林的市场竞争中,"集中本企业优势兵力"是中小企业在新产品拓展中可以采用的一种有力武器."集中本企业优势兵力"的策略主要有两种:  相似文献   

Interventionist thinkers are now claiming intellectual victory, blaming the free‐market system and its ideology for the current economic collapse. We find this thesis untenable, drawing on the Austrian Business Cycle Theory. Instead, we argue that the roots of our present downturn lie in the monetary system, whose institutional structure is far from any free‐market ideal. Moreover, several government policies have contributed to the problems.  相似文献   

美国著名策略大师戴维尼在其著作<超竞争对抗>中提出:"在超竞争时代,公司或厂商长期成功的实现并不在于保持长期的竞争优势,而在于创造出一连串的短期竞争优势,以使公司始终处于领先一步的市场主导地位."  相似文献   

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